Trust the statisticks?
Acording to statisticks im suposed to be in the hig end girth wize, yet ewery where i turn it seems to be a loot of guys with MUTCH biger girth. This make me wonder if the statiticis are wrong.
Why i suspect the statisticks are wrong:
Wery few peple i se online is under 5,5 in girth
There isent detailed information of how they measured girth in their resarch
the measured not a lot of many menn
real life:
I hawe at least 7 friends who claim to be bigger than awrage, i se no reson why they should lie about this. 2 of these friends hawe girls that would confrim their statment.
I hawent got that mutch feed back from girls that i been with keeping in mind that acordingly to the staticis im in the 5% top. Some stated that im thick, only OMG responces i got is from a girl who saw a picture of it with a credid card for comparison.
Explenations why i can get a false image conserning size ewen if the statisticks are true:
People dont like showing off if they are awerege/ under awrage. Im sligtely abowe awrage in length but i dont go around telling people about it , since there is a loot of truly loong guys out there . The same could be conserning girth
It conects a loot of people, Even if girths of 8 or 7 inches are incredebyly rare a loot of them will show up on online. If 10's of million menn are online there will be a loot of dudes with inzane sizes even if statics shows that only 0,01% poses those cind of members.
Real life
People exaggerate
The difrence betven 5 inces and 5,5 and 5,9 inches migth be har to se with out messaruing. add that some girls are wider and some are less sensitive when they are drunk. this can explain that i hawent goten that mutch feed back
girth it's not like length where you wil be hiting the cervichs and infliting a clear difrent feeling than shorter guys.
Discus :
Acording to statisticks im suposed to be in the hig end girth wize, yet ewery where i turn it seems to be a loot of guys with MUTCH biger girth. This make me wonder if the statiticis are wrong.
Why i suspect the statisticks are wrong:
Wery few peple i se online is under 5,5 in girth
There isent detailed information of how they measured girth in their resarch
the measured not a lot of many menn
real life:
I hawe at least 7 friends who claim to be bigger than awrage, i se no reson why they should lie about this. 2 of these friends hawe girls that would confrim their statment.
I hawent got that mutch feed back from girls that i been with keeping in mind that acordingly to the staticis im in the 5% top. Some stated that im thick, only OMG responces i got is from a girl who saw a picture of it with a credid card for comparison.
Explenations why i can get a false image conserning size ewen if the statisticks are true:
People dont like showing off if they are awerege/ under awrage. Im sligtely abowe awrage in length but i dont go around telling people about it , since there is a loot of truly loong guys out there . The same could be conserning girth
It conects a loot of people, Even if girths of 8 or 7 inches are incredebyly rare a loot of them will show up on online. If 10's of million menn are online there will be a loot of dudes with inzane sizes even if statics shows that only 0,01% poses those cind of members.
Real life
People exaggerate
The difrence betven 5 inces and 5,5 and 5,9 inches migth be har to se with out messaruing. add that some girls are wider and some are less sensitive when they are drunk. this can explain that i hawent goten that mutch feed back
girth it's not like length where you wil be hiting the cervichs and infliting a clear difrent feeling than shorter guys.
Discus :