Human Growth Hormone, has anyone tried the real stuff..the stuff that comes in say 5 kits and each kit costing merely 500 dollars? I hear it will make your dick bigger and if I were to get on any kind of hormone builder or testosterone booster, it would be this
It causes all tissues of the body to grow, mostly muscular and connective tissues but it can also increase bone density and the size of other organs which is dangerous. Prolonged use, over 6 months I think, is really bad for you and can make you become among other things a diabetic. I don't think it would be worth it. I don't see why everyone wants results so fast, just work hard and stay dedicated, its cheaper and better for you.
I've run HGH for years at a time and for the money spent... it's not what you think it to be. HGH does very little in terms of building tissues unless you're taking ultra mega doses for long periods of time and by that i mean at least a year at a time. What you read about it causing diabetes is utter crap. Results from HGH is slow coming and not very noticable for the first six months.

If you are under 40 years of age, don't waste your time or money as it won't do a whole lot for you. Men that are over 40 will prolly see more results from it since at that age, your natty gh levels have declined enough that exogenous use of it makes alot of sense.
GH promotes protein synthesis and the use of fats for fuel, which conserves stores of glucose and lowers body fat levels. Most of these effects are coordinated indirectly by IGF's (somatomedins) which stimulate blood amino acid uptake and incorporation into cellular proteins throughout the tissues of the body. IGF also stimulates the uptake of sulfur into cartilage matrix (chrnodroitin sulfate).

GH mobilization of fats to the cells for fuel increases blood levels of fatty acids, decreases the rate of glucose uptake and metabolism, and encourages the liver to activate glycogen breakdown and release of glucose into the blood. The rise in blood glucose is the diabetogenic effect because the body spares glucose and the high blood levels of glucose is typical of diabetes mellitus. Normally when blood glucose levels rise, hyperglycemic hormones are not released but when hyperglycemia becomes excessive, the person begins to feel nauseated wheich activates the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) in the form of the flight-or-fight response. The consequence is the body activates all the reactions that normally occur in the hypoglycemic (fasting) state to make glucose available (gycogenolysis, lipolysis, and gluconeogenesis). Thus the already high blood glucose levels rise even higher.

This will eventually burn out the beta cells of the pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans) that produce insulin leading to an even more dramatic insulin and blood glucose imbalance.

The rise of fatty acids can lead to ketoacidosis which can result in hyperventilation of the respiratory system to raise the blood's pH level (lowering blood levels of CO2 content) and if left untreated can disrupt heart activity of oxygen transport and can lead to death and coma.

Studies have proven that while GH increases muscle mass it does not increase muscle strength in athletes or the elderly. Plus it has the possibility to result in acromegaly (enlarged extremities like hands, feet, and face).
That all sounds great from a theoretical standpoint but from an experience and reality perspective... it's all crap.

I know so many guys (bodybuilders and non-bodybuilders) that are on GH, myself included and most get bloodwood done on a regular basis and i have to say that i know of no one or heard of anyone that's ever experienced any of the sides described in your post.

There is no documentation of anyone that has every been hospitalized or seriously injured from the use of GH. Everything we consume have "possible" side effects... that doesn't mean that the the masses will experience these sides. Look at professional bodybuilders, they take massive amounts of insulin, IGF, and GH (upwards of 10x more than what the average guy uses) in addition to steroids and i haven't seen one that has suffered from acromegaly. In fact, all the people that i've read who suffered from acromegaly weren't bobybuilders or casual users of gh. So to respond to your post... yes what you posted are possible side effects but the reality is that gh is probably one of the safest hormone to take for wellness.
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Yeah your right the rate of these side effects are incredibly low. I'm just saying I wouldn't take it in super high doses for long. The big thing for me is that it doesn't increase muscle strength at all. Its all for looks and I could see how it could result in carpal tunnel syndrome, though those incidences could be from poor lifting form. How long you been lifting sikkdog? I'm trying to get into the personal trainer industry before I start nursing school. Hormone thereapy and steroids aren't my [words=]forte[/words]. I've always been a natural guy but thats just what I like.

I've been going for pure strength lately. Does anyone have any advice? I'm always happy to learn something new.
I've been training hard for several years now but have been pretty consistent of almost 10 years. My goals have changed alot since i first started...

On side that you just touched on that is very common with gh use is carpal tunnel... i experienced that when i first started gh and it can get real bad. Lowering doses and increasing very slowly helps alot but eventually once your body gets used to the gh, it isn't as bad. And you're right that it won't help with strength much if at all. It is really best for guy over 40 in low doses to help with body composition and for wellness.