Hello! New Joiner, 6 months of PE

Thanks for the reassurance, lets hope this is the case and that ill be able to bounce back next week. So how could I tell if a micro trauma has occurred?
When the penis retracts or shrinks into the body, creating a slight temporary loss like you experienced. Most of the time, you can't feel the micro traumas. Sometimes you can.

For example could there be a moment where I've made a funny movement while using an ADS stretcher/lengthmaster causing a sharp stretch? Would I be feeling any pain or lingering soreness after use?
You can feel your glans can being yanked, and a sore feelings around the base of the glans or around the tip of the glans because of a sudden high pressure inside the vacuum cup. That occurs during a very high traction around 1500g or force that surges into 2000g or even 2500g.

Looking to continue using both devices with low to moderate intensity. I remember the last time I lost length I started to use LM3 for approx. 4 weeks using newbie routine until I began downward/BTC stretched which brought my length back.
You can simply keep it low around 900g is more than enough.
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Hey just looking to see if you could help me understand some theory. So as previously noted in the older posts, the density of penis cells and tissues may occur due to stresses (whether it be from stretching for a long time or by injury etc.) causing the penis to be hidden deep inside the body and therefore appears to have shortened in size.

Now while the objective is to stretch as hard and as frequently as possible to regain length, there still comes a time where the penis cells are trained and conditioned to strengthen themselves against heavy pulling after stretching for a while. So in my case would it take a much longer time to grow due to being in a more dense state after stretching long term?

Of course we would consider updating PE routines after a while if we see no growth/don't feel any soreness/begin to plateau, but is this still likely to get your penis out of that 'dense' state? Would this be harder to accomplish for a 'hard hainer'? Think I'm just figuring out how to best navigate this and try to get my penis is a more flexible & malleable state as my best tools here are lengthmaster + BTC stretches.

It's also been said that stretching after a period of taking a break from PE may be beneficial for growth? (looking for confirmation as not 100% sure). Reason being it's a way to 'shock' the penis and trigger growth. When I took a week off of PE to recover from a cut on my shaft (and right before shrinkage occurred) I felt a more significant lingering soreness within the inner penis & ligs (more inner penis; figured this area might be the sweet spot). Is this theory correct when trying to prevent the tissues from being restrictive to growth?

Just figuring out how to best approach my PE routines as it just seems to take a long while before I can see any progress. Would the fact that I still have ED be a root cause of PE progress moving at a slow pace? Do you find that people with ED tend to be more hard gainers compared to those who don't have ED? Alternatively, would the rate of growth depend on the current size of the penis? (E.g short length or thick girth)
PE Updates:

- Sadly no growth since my last update. Only difference I've noticed is that I'm able to reach more rotations; I find it easier to get to 1.5 rotations now and have hit 2 full rotations on 2 or 3 occasions.

- Resumed lengthmastering using at the same frequency but im only performing BTC stretches at 60sec holds. Was able to feel more noticeable soreness in the inner penis for the 1st week since my last update, which probably resulted in me being able to go further with the rotations.

- Continued using MOSRED for 2x 10min sessions per day, with more focus on performing basic stretches during this time. Bundles manuals in particular.

- Continued using Phallosan Plus as per normal, laid off tape around foreskin.

- Micro tear around glands seems to be a likely cause of the shrinkage, seems to check out since I've been feeling lingering semsations around the top of the glands for the first 5 days since last update (perhaps this is just a phase of the glands repairing themselves)
Hey just looking to see if you could help me understand some theory. So as previously noted in the older posts, the density of penis cells and tissues may occur due to stresses (whether it be from stretching for a long time or by injury etc.) causing the penis to be hidden deep inside the body and therefore appears to have shortened in size.
That is a yes, and a no. Yes, as tissues reach certain density, the penis can fight you back even harder through the tug back to preserve itself. No, you didn't lose anything. The dense tissues will relax and the sudden gain comes out. It's a physiological phenomenon that works to preserve the penis.

Now while the objective is to stretch as hard and as frequently as possible to regain length, there still comes a time where the penis cells are trained and conditioned to strengthen themselves against heavy pulling after stretching for a while. So in my case would it take a much longer time to grow due to being in a more dense state after stretching long term?
Hard aggressive pulls at the start, but the angles must be strategic. For example, say you pull up, out, and down for 10 minutes, you feel a dull achy feeling during that period, use another 5 minutes to pull it between the legs and to the back at around 110 to 120 degrees. To achieve this position, simply lean back on the chair, rest your chest on the back rest, stick your butt out, and pull. This is the realm of the Length Master for optimal pulling. You may need to make a straight bar mod for this purpose of your arms straight out rather than bending at least 25 degrees.

However, don't stay at the same pulling traction force constantly. Make sure to perform dynamic pulls instead. 2 minutes of aggressive pull, ease out to 1 minute light pull, then 1 minute aggressive pull, then release to a minute moderate pull. This is to prevent the static micro tearing trauma that the body responses to and push the penis to preservation mode.

Of course we would consider updating PE routines after a while if we see no growth/don't feel any soreness/begin to plateau, but is this still likely to get your penis out of that 'dense' state?
This sounds like the plateau state. This is where a new optimization routine comes into play. Mind providing the routines you've used in the past 6 months so we can tweak it? This include any tools you used and the frequency of the routines, days on vs day off.

Would this be harder to accomplish for a 'hard hainer'? Think I'm just figuring out how to best navigate this and try to get my penis is a more flexible & malleable state as my best tools here are lengthmaster + BTC stretches.
The hard gainer is due to too many years of too intense of a workout, saying hanging at high weights. Some brothers take a 6 to 12 months off to allow the tissues to relax and reset. This is the "decon" period. Some even walked away for a few years. But, there are unique methods to work around it. Let me know if the requested info from above first.

It's also been said that stretching after a period of taking a break from PE may be beneficial for growth? (looking for confirmation as not 100% sure). Reason being it's a way to 'shock' the penis and trigger growth. When I took a week off of PE to recover from a cut on my shaft (and right before shrinkage occurred) I felt a more significant lingering soreness within the inner penis & ligs (more inner penis; figured this area might be the sweet spot). Is this theory correct when trying to prevent the tissues from being restrictive to growth?
This is a partial decon state. It places the penis into a rest phase to reset the tissues' trauma. That is why you feel more fatigueness coming back.

Just figuring out how to best approach my PE routines as it just seems to take a long while before I can see any progress. Would the fact that I still have ED be a root cause of PE progress moving at a slow pace? Do you find that people with ED tend to be more hard gainers compared to those who don't have ED? Alternatively, would the rate of growth depend on the current size of the penis? (E.g short length or thick girth)
Those with ED tends to gain length faster than girth. Those with healthy penis without ED gains girth faster than length. This is proven.

- Sadly no growth since my last update. Only difference I've noticed is that I'm able to reach more rotations; I find it easier to get to 1.5 rotations now and have hit 2 full rotations on 2 or 3 occasions.
This is perfect! This is a phase of malleability. Keep at it! DLD coined it as rotary crank. Medical terms is lateral contortion. Keep at it, but always make sure it's equal in both angles and force.

- Resumed lengthmastering using at the same frequency but im only performing BTC stretches at 60sec holds. Was able to feel more noticeable soreness in the inner penis for the 1st week since my last update, which probably resulted in me being able to go further with the rotations.
Yes. BTC is a great approach, but, push through dynamic tension and angles like I described earlier.

- Continued using MOSRED for 2x 10min sessions per day, with more focus on performing basic stretches during this time. Bundles manuals in particular.

- Continued using Phallosan Plus as per normal, laid off tape around foreskin.
If the tape is adhesive base, get the flexible bandage instead, something like Uncle Jim's tape.

- Micro tear around glands seems to be a likely cause of the shrinkage, seems to check out since I've been feeling lingering semsations around the top of the glands for the first 5 days since last update (perhaps this is just a phase of the glands repairing themselves)
Tears as in abrassive cuts on the outside?
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This sounds like the plateau state. This is where a new optimization routine comes into play. Mind providing the routines you've used in the past 6 months so we can tweak it? This include any tools you used and the frequency of the routines, days on vs day off.
If I were to break my PE routine down to the last 6 months:
- 1st month consisted of manual bundles only, stretching in all directions (no equipment, except for Phallosan Plus)
- 2nd month I received my Lengthmaster and used the newbie routine for the whole month
- 3rd month I began to utilize downward stretches (kneeling & seated) and BTC stretches at the mid-shift, which was my most successful month to date, inner penis soreness was more significant during this period
- 4th month took a break from full time PE as I was travelling overseas and was only performing very few manual stretches in limited capacity
- 5th month I resumed by previous routine consisting of downward stretches & BTC stretches, alternating the order of the two stretches every few days, increased the range of rotations from 1 to 1.5. Inner penis soreness was less significant
- 6th month experimented with the duration of stretches by doing close to 5min holds of downward stretches (seated) and BTC stretches, attaching at the penis base

On average, targeting 20min sets twice per day, sometimes 15mins depending on whether my penis feels like I'm risking injury by overdoing PE. Usually fit one session in the afternoon and one in the evening as I work full time. Will use lengthmaster for 3 consecutive days followed by one rest day, then repeat the cycle.
Tears as in abrassive cuts on the outside?
Just speculating that it could be the type of micro tear that you cant see or feel (as previously mentioned), no visible cuts. However glands did feel significantly more limp for the first 2 days after shrinkage occurred
Hard aggressive pulls at the start, but the angles must be strategic. For example, say you pull up, out, and down for 10 minutes, you feel a dull achy feeling during that period, use another 5 minutes to pull it between the legs and to the back at around 110 to 120 degrees.
Do you mean 5mins straight with no breaks? Adding to this, is there generally more of an impact if you hold a stretch for a few minutes straight compared to 30-60sec holds? Or perhaps that just depends on if you're able to feel that dull achy pain?
If I were to break my PE routine down to the last 6 months:
- 1st month consisted of manual bundles only, stretching in all directions (no equipment, except for Phallosan Plus)
- 2nd month I received my Lengthmaster and used the newbie routine for the whole month
- 3rd month I began to utilize downward stretches (kneeling & seated) and BTC stretches at the mid-shift, which was my most successful month to date, inner penis soreness was more significant during this period
- 4th month took a break from full time PE as I was travelling overseas and was only performing very few manual stretches in limited capacity
- 5th month I resumed by previous routine consisting of downward stretches & BTC stretches, alternating the order of the two stretches every few days, increased the range of rotations from 1 to 1.5. Inner penis soreness was less significant
- 6th month experimented with the duration of stretches by doing close to 5min holds of downward stretches (seated) and BTC stretches, attaching at the penis base
Got it. This is the body's fighting back because of the short rest/decon. No worries. Normally, any short rest/decon of 1 or more months requires a light to moderate newbie routine for 2 weeks, and stay at moderate for 2 more weeks. But, conditions arose due to micro tears with moderate traumas. We'll get into it soon.

On average, targeting 20min sets twice per day, sometimes 15mins depending on whether my penis feels like I'm risking injury by overdoing PE. Usually fit one session in the afternoon and one in the evening as I work full time. Will use lengthmaster for 3 consecutive days followed by one rest day, then repeat the cycle.
Let's resume at 25 minutes per session. Meaning, 10 minutes of standard bundled stretches moderate, 10 minutes BTC moderate with rotary cranks (1 rotation only) added during the hold like you're doing, but let's ease up to 1 full rotation only, and 5 minutes of light downward stretches. Not aggressive.

Just speculating that it could be the type of micro tear that you cant see or feel (as previously mentioned), no visible cuts. However glands did feel significantly more limp for the first 2 days after shrinkage occurred
Internal tears can be felt. It does feel like itchy and dull tingling at near the glans. However, any micro tears that you can feel, allow 1 to 2 days of rest while keeping the penis wrapped for elongation. Keep the stretches traction force around 600g, which is standard wrapping. A sleeve can be used for easiness and hygienic.

Do you mean 5mins straight with no breaks? Adding to this, is there generally more of an impact if you hold a stretch for a few minutes straight compared to 30-60sec holds? Or perhaps that just depends on if you're able to feel that dull achy pain?
Yes. However, do dynamic hold. Pull, hold for 30 seconds, ease up 30 seconds, and repeat. This prevents static damages. Static damages is the hanging or extender type at high traction force beyond 4kg for long period. We want to stay far away from it.
Just for my own understanding were there any specific video demonstrations for the above stretches? (e.g dynamic holds in multiple directions). Pretty sure I've seen a number of the video tutorials already its just so I know I'm on the right track when attempting any updated exercises
Just for my own understanding were there any specific video demonstrations for the above stretches? (e.g dynamic holds in multiple directions). Pretty sure I've seen a number of the video tutorials already its just so I know I'm on the right track when attempting any updated exercises
You may have already saw most of the videos, especially SIM's LM3 and hugh-girth videos as you go down:

You also have brother huge-girth videos here as well for the different angles and holds:

Other than these videos, once you start the stretches using the LM3, it becomes intuitive for the pull forward, pull up, pull down, pull sideways, rotary cranks, and many other routines in incorporating them in. There's no other way to use the LM3 once you have it strapped on except the straight forward and intuitive ways. If you need more videos, we'll try to make some more for clarification.
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Just when I thought things couldnt get worse it appears that I've lost size in girth (and hopefully not lose more length). This is actually now getting beyond frustrating and it's hard to stay positive during these times.
All I've done it take the above advice onboard and I've only noticed these changes just an hour ago. Not even a slight tingle down there and this happens out of the blue.

Yesterday was a solid day using lengthmaster, even there was no major soreness post workout I've pretty much done what was required. Today was mostly resting but was attempting some basic stretches earlier then noticed the change in size.

At this point I'm probably going to consider some kind of procedure whether that be a Pshot or filler. Just hate having to go back and forth for the last 12 months with no real progress, except I'm progressively getting worse.
Just when I thought things couldnt get worse it appears that I've lost size in girth (and hopefully not lose more length). This is actually now getting beyond frustrating and it's hard to stay positive during these times.
All I've done it take the above advice onboard and I've only noticed these changes just an hour ago. Not even a slight tingle down there and this happens out of the blue.

Yesterday was a solid day using lengthmaster, even there was no major soreness post workout I've pretty much done what was required. Today was mostly resting but was attempting some basic stretches earlier then noticed the change in size.

At this point I'm probably going to consider some kind of procedure whether that be a Pshot or filler. Just hate having to go back and forth for the last 12 months with no real progress, except I'm progressively getting worse.
Calm down brother. Your case is similar to brother kriskos.

He was doing things normally, got desperate and got P-shota, and pump, yet, he saw no results. Then sudden, it all came out.

What you don't understand is the penile tissues grow over time. What you think you see and what happens under the skin is two different things. We see what we can measure, but what we don't see is already there hidden beneath the unobservable portions until the body resets itself. When you push the body hard, it will undergo a preservation mode called the "tug back". It's your body defensive mode to prevent injuries from the micro traumas you're causing it to suffer every day. When the body has time to relax for a few weeks to a few months, the body naturally relaxes and releases every repair it accumulated, and sudden, "the gains" come about.

This is a suggestion from a long time PE-er that collect and analyze data for the past 2 long decades, keep going, modify the routines by increasing the intensities safely, and allow the PE is to build and grow how you envision it. If you are trying to fix erectile dysfunction (ED), we can work on it on a different level. But to make it gain length and girth, stick with the routines day and and day out. Don't stop until you want to reset the body.
Currently looking through his thread now.
Just feeling thrown off by the fact that my standard PE routines have been triggering a shrinkage instead of doing the opposite, especially when trying to stretch at a moderate intensity.
Fair enough if the cells are growing and repairing themselves within the penile body, but cant stand the thought of having to expect new growth to appear after months and months, the way my penis now looks makes me feel more uncomfortable.

As my PE routine is mostly based around lengthmaster, is there a possibility that my girth gains have been pulled away by the lengthening exercises? And therefore preparing the penis to expand in length? Or is my penis simply tugging back and resisting even harder?

If I'm honest the idea of the Pshot has been on my mind for the past 3 weeks (filler would seem a bit more of a desparate option), but I've read a few stories about how people PE'ing have mostly benefited with EQ quality (particularly those with ED). There's a PRP clinic in my city offering the Pshot at a reasonably cheap price, so I wonder if this would help to build a better internal vein structure to form stronger erections (as opposed to taking viagra).
Currently looking through his thread now.
Just feeling thrown off by the fact that my standard PE routines have been triggering a shrinkage instead of doing the opposite, especially when trying to stretch at a moderate intensity.
Fair enough if the cells are growing and repairing themselves within the penile body, but cant stand the thought of having to expect new growth to appear after months and months, the way my penis now looks makes me feel more uncomfortable.

As my PE routine is mostly based around lengthmaster, is there a possibility that my girth gains have been pulled away by the lengthening exercises? And therefore preparing the penis to expand in length? Or is my penis simply tugging back and resisting even harder?

If I'm honest the idea of the Pshot has been on my mind for the past 3 weeks (filler would seem a bit more of a desparate option), but I've read a few stories about how people PE'ing have mostly benefited with EQ quality (particularly those with ED). There's a PRP clinic in my city offering the Pshot at a reasonably cheap price, so I wonder if this would help to build a better internal vein structure to form stronger erections (as opposed to taking viagra).
Are you using a wrap or sleeve after training?
As my PE routine is mostly based around lengthmaster, is there a possibility that my girth gains have been pulled away by the lengthening exercises?
Good question. The answer is a partial YES. If you don't allow a bit of time on girth, all tissues are being stretched like a taffy candy and all the tissues are focusing on length. Any normal tissues meant for girth during a full erection, you may see a slight decrease, not much, but a slight decrease. This is why DLD mentioned the exercises meant to induce both length and girth at the same time. An example is erected stretching, DLD Blasters, semi-erected bending, or even SSJ where you see both the push-pull and squeeze at the same instance.

In the Length Master, you can just go straight with length routines to maximize your length gains, but we also mention to do a bit of jelqing to restore the blood flow, wrap at the end of the routine, and keep the penis elongated during wraps. Keeping elongated allows the blood to flow constantly. Wrapping allows you to squeeze in more blood to take advantage of both length and girth expansion while allowing the penis to heal.

And therefore preparing the penis to expand in length?
When you work on length, girth is being diverted through tissues elongation. This means the tissues are reoriented for length growth. All girth work will be diverted to length growth. All natural girth support is pulled to length. Some think they lost girth, but in reality, the tissue structures simply reform to be longer than wider.

Or is my penis simply tugging back and resisting even harder?
The element of the tug back is higher as you increase in intensities. This is why you train the tissues to remain relaxed as much as possible in a flaccid state during healing. The term "anti-turtling" is just that, to prevent the body from going into a natural tug back and force it to relax in a new natural flaccid and lengthy state. This helps with the high intense stretches later for faster results.

If I'm honest the idea of the Pshot has been on my mind for the past 3 weeks (filler would seem a bit more of a desparate option), but I've read a few stories about how people PE'ing have mostly benefited with EQ quality (particularly those with ED). There's a PRP clinic in my city offering the Pshot at a reasonably cheap price, so I wonder if this would help to build a better internal vein structure to form stronger erections (as opposed to taking viagra).
That is correct. P-shots give you temporary gains and erection quality, but the body detects that it doesn't need to do too much work, it readapta to be lazier. If you work hard to make the blood flow and the erection to be stronger as the body tries hard to keep up with your routines, your erection quality becomes stronger as a benefit.

P-shot, in all honesty, can get your penis larger very quickly. I do mean really quickly with pumping routines. However, it's painful, it does set your pumping time way back due to the pain, and it can be a challenge to manage the shots every 2 to 3 weeks to keep the filled constant at optimal. We have all the tools here for plasma extraction too, and I can do it myself. But, the pain that can set you back because you might hit a nerve or blood vessels, then causing the injury to manifest into something else during healing time, I'll take the slower approach.
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Hey all, think its about time to update you all on my PE progress. Long story short, I decided go ahead with the Pshot after all.
It's been a week since my first round of shots and have noticed positive changes already. No gains in length have occurred (not at this point anyway) but I pretty much put on girth again immediately which I'm happy to see (even after the penis swells down after the injections). So yes you're correct in saying that the Pshot can get your penis large pretty quickly, therefore there is a strong likelihood of getting instant gains (girth-wise at least).
After waking up on the 2nd day post-treatment, that's when I noticed a slight improvement in my EQ. I'm able to achieve a quicker and slightly stronger erection. Penis feels more firm when erect and you actually feel a tad hornier as a result. Looking to go for a second round of shots soon so will provide another follow-up.
Shots also included peptides as a growth hormone. Although I'm not overly familiar with peptides I've read that it gives positive benefits in terms of collagen production and tissue repair. As for my PE routines, I've taken a small break from Lengthmaster in preparation for the Pshot and also during post-procedure healing. Have now healed and have resumed basic stretching, ADS stretching and wrapping for elongation, rather than rushing into more intense stretches, but looking to resume lengthmastering soon when it feels right.
I'll probably share a separate post about my full Pshot experience and the entire process so I can document every step of the way, making sure I note down any significant changes in conjunction with PE routines. Will also make note of any recommendations by my PE doctor (probably the first no-BS doctor I've visited which I'm stoked about).

Sidenote, not sure why or how my username changed from kppaaaaa to kk-Finisher-bb lol
Hey just a quick question for my own understanding, when using a traction device (whether it be an extender or lengthmaster) is it correct that when using a higher traction force the penis tends to fight back harder on any growth? Think I read this somewhere in a thread but just figuring out how this would apply to my current routine. For one, growth in length tends to be a bit slower in my case but also after I use the lengthmaster for example my penis feels as though it will shrink back rather than staying elongated for a bit post-workout (at that point I would use my ADS stretcher or penis wrap right after).

I guess I'm just figuring out which level of intensity would be ideal in my case, especially when I'm trying to achieve a decent amount of penis soreness (inner penis/ligs) which would indicate if my penis is healing/growing at all. Goal here is to get the penis tissues to expand rather than resist the stretches. I have started using Lengthmaster again for the past week, and normally start out with straight BTC pulls (to target the best position for inner penis stretch) before doing bundled BTC stretches. Initially my penis was getting those lingering sensations around the shaft, head etc. now not so much so wonder if this is a new repair cycle happening. I'm also curious as to whether I should start using Phallosan Forte along with Phallosan Plus. My understanding of Plus was that there would be a greater pulling force compared to Forte, however the Plus only forces the penis in an upward direction. Therefore, is there any need to use the Forte for long periods of stretches in left/right directions? Or would manual bundles suffice? (I have been manually stretching left to right already)

Side note: Effects of the Pshot appears to have stayed relatively the same 2 weeks after, still kept my new girth and penis feels solid when erect. Scheduled to go for my second round of shots soon.

Also... random but I couldn't help but notice the upper/left side of my scrotum has stretched out a bit. Haven't really done any specific scrotum/testicle stretches in a while (although I should start doing them again) but I often do basic stretches at the start of my daily PE beginning with a downward stretch (if anything). I mean it's certainly beneficial for penis growth but I'm open to making improvements in that area.
Upward stretching is fairly useless due to the tunica will always prevent lig stretches. I think you are in a growing cycle. I really believe in bundled stretches are most powerful. I think ads stretches are more of a healing in an elongated state for healing while elongated.
Hey just a quick question for my own understanding, when using a traction device (whether it be an extender or lengthmaster) is it correct that when using a higher traction force the penis tends to fight back harder on any growth?
Yes it does fight back harder if your traction force/tension is higher than it can handle. No, if you strategically approach using a dynamic tension method, going light to moderate, moderate to light, moderate to a very short heavy, heavy back to light, light back to moderate tension. Your body is a living machine. It will yield and adapt to stressed environment, but at a very short period at time. Constant stresses will force it to fight back hard to preserve itself, and prevent any growth from occurring.

Think I read this somewhere in a thread but just figuring out how this would apply to my current routine. For one, growth in length tends to be a bit slower in my case but also after I use the lengthmaster for example my penis feels as though it will shrink back rather than staying elongated for a bit post-workout (at that point I would use my ADS stretcher or penis wrap right after).
This is very common when you have too much stress applied beyond the penile capacity. If that's the case, try the method our brother @trustr1 has observed. 2 days on, 2 days off or even 3 days off. Make sure to keep the penis wrapped/sleeved during rest days.

I guess I'm just figuring out which level of intensity would be ideal in my case, especially when I'm trying to achieve a decent amount of penis soreness (inner penis/ligs) which would indicate if my penis is healing/growing at all. Goal here is to get the penis tissues to expand rather than resist the stretches. I have started using Lengthmaster again for the past week, and normally start out with straight BTC pulls (to target the best position for inner penis stretch) before doing bundled BTC stretches. Initially my penis was getting those lingering sensations around the shaft, head etc. now not so much so wonder if this is a new repair cycle happening. I'm also curious as to whether I should start using Phallosan Forte along with Phallosan Plus. My understanding of Plus was that there would be a greater pulling force compared to Forte, however the Plus only forces the penis in an upward direction. Therefore, is there any need to use the Forte for long periods of stretches in left/right directions? Or would manual bundles suffice? (I have been manually stretching left to right already)
When you implement the Forte, make sure not to exceed 1.1kg at any given time. Under traction past 1.1kg for too long, your penis will force itself into a turtling retreat. If that's the case, ease up to 800g or 900g of traction force. Stay far below the green area of the Forte marker.

Side note: Effects of the Pshot appears to have stayed relatively the same 2 weeks after, still kept my new girth and penis feels solid when erect. Scheduled to go for my second round of shots soon.
Got it. I'll keep this in our records of your success! Congrats.

Also... random but I couldn't help but notice the upper/left side of my scrotum has stretched out a bit. Haven't really done any specific scrotum/testicle stretches in a while (although I should start doing them again) but I often do basic stretches at the start of my daily PE beginning with a downward stretch (if anything). I mean it's certainly beneficial for penis growth but I'm open to making improvements in that area.
What caused the stretches to the scrotum skin is because of the Forte, in combination with the Length Master. The Length Master causes the skin to have a high traction loading, and the Forte kept is stretched afterward. If you want to maximize that stretches, add balls and ligs stretch into the mix for an additional 5 minutes exercise into your routine. You'll have a pretty long stretched set of ball soon enough. Balls and Ligs stretch exercise is in the Resources and Programs:
Yes it does fight back harder if your traction force/tension is higher than it can handle. No, if you strategically approach using a dynamic tension method, going light to moderate, moderate to light, moderate to a very short heavy, heavy back to light, light back to moderate tension. Your body is a living machine. It will yield and adapt to stressed environment, but at a very short period at time. Constant stresses will force it to fight back hard to preserve itself, and prevent any growth from occurring.

This is very common when you have too much stress applied beyond the penile capacity. If that's the case, try the method our brother @trustr1 has observed. 2 days on, 2 days off or even 3 days off. Make sure to keep the penis wrapped/sleeved during rest days.

When you implement the Forte, make sure not to exceed 1.1kg at any given time. Under traction past 1.1kg for too long, your penis will force itself into a turtling retreat. If that's the case, ease up to 800g or 900g of traction force. Stay far below the green area of the Forte marker.

Got it. I'll keep this in our records of your success! Congrats.

What caused the stretches to the scrotum skin is because of the Forte, in combination with the LengthMaster. The LengthMaster causes the skin to have a high traction loading, and the Forte kept is stretched afterward. If you want to maximize that stretches, add balls and ligs stretch into the mix for an additional 5 minutes exercise into your routine. You'll have a pretty long stretched set of ball soon enough. Balls and Ligs stretch exercise is in the Resources and Programs:
Every brother needs to do the ball and lig stretch. Such a secret to gaining length and the elimination of turkey neck
Upward stretching is fairly useless due to the tunica will always prevent lig stretches. I think you are in a growing cycle. I really believe in bundled stretches are most powerful. I think ads stretches are more of a healing in an elongated state for healing while elongated.
Ok interesting points. Seems I've been using the Phallosan Plus for several months now where the penis has been left stretched in an upward facing direction. Maybe this is a likely cause of gains slowing down, so perhaps I should avoid this for now and aim for lower stretches? Additionally, I've aimed for higher intensity by strapping myself into the Plus then eventually moving up one step by adding more gold bars, therefore is this method a bit overkill unless I move from light-> moderate -> light tension (as mentioned above)?
As for the Forte, I'm able to stretch from left to right but wonder if I'm able to manoeuvre a downward stretch if this is deemed most effective? (otherwise I may have to consider the silistretcher to accomplish this)
When you implement the Forte, make sure not to exceed 1.1kg at any given time. Under traction past 1.1kg for too long, your penis will force itself into a turtling retreat. If that's the case, ease up to 800g or 900g of traction force. Stay far below the green area of the Forte marker.
Sorry for the confusion but does 1.1kg equate to the red zone? I've mainly targeted the yellow-red zones for longer periods as there is lower intensity with the green zones. Perhaps I'd have to strategically adjust the levels of tension when I'm strapped in.
Ok interesting points. Seems I've been using the Phallosan Plus for several months now where the penis has been left stretched in an upward facing direction. Maybe this is a likely cause of gains slowing down, so perhaps I should avoid this for now and aim for lower stretches? Additionally, I've aimed for higher intensity by strapping myself into the Plus then eventually moving up one step by adding more gold bars, therefore is this method a bit overkill unless I move from light-> moderate -> light tension (as mentioned above)?
As for the Forte, I'm able to stretch from left to right but wonder if I'm able to manoeuvre a downward stretch if this is deemed most effective? (otherwise I may have to consider the silistretcher to accomplish this)
At times, you have to be imaginative and find a way to pull it downwards. Take a few photos on how you strap on the Forte with the existing straps, and we'll figure out a way for the downward using a rig method.

Sorry for the confusion but does 1.1kg equate to the red zone? I've mainly targeted the yellow-red zones for longer periods as there is lower intensity with the green zones. Perhaps I'd have to strategically adjust the levels of tension when I'm strapped in.
If the 1.1kg is in the red zone, it's the final point in telling you not to go past it due to additional movements that can cause the red to exceed into the "No no" zone. Staying in the yellow zone allows the stretching to go into the red during excessive movements. As long as you don't staying past the red zone for too long, you are fine. If the red is 1.1kg, stay in the zone without going past it.
**Please help**

So I just had my second round of PRP shots last weekend. Would anyone know if PRP shots have caused shrinkage before? Felt ok on the day shots were given but two days later i feel like Ive lost about 0.25 inches in length. I doubt this is a normal thing that happens but I dont understand how my first treatment was successful but the second round made things worse.

I'm really worried for myself now as its really fucking with my mental health. I feel like any direction I go with in PE (whether its stretching, shots, or taking a break) its just going to do more damage than good. I'm the smallest ive ever been and i cant take this anymore. The advice is that penis size will bounce back after some kind of trauma but its never been the case with me. Once i go small it just stays there. Idk if theres any other advice to help get me out of this, trying my best to not resort to getting an implant.

Sorry if this sounds too dramatic just needed to rant and get some reassurance.

Havent Lengthmastered in a week, have only had time for RED light therapy and penis wrapping.
Shots include a growth hormone (think its HGH)
Will call my doctor this week and see what his feedback is
**Please help**

So I just had my second round of PRP shots last weekend. Would anyone know if PRP shots have caused shrinkage before?
Yes, this has been reported by brothers taking P-shots. The shrinkage is caused by the body reaction to penetration that may have pierced a nerve ending. It will take around 70 to 95 hours for the nerve ending to recover. Sometimes a bit longer. This allows the area where the nerve ending being pierced to recover and receives signals to relax the muscle tissues rather than placing the tissues into reactive preservation mode, thinking there are extensive damages.

Felt ok on the day shots were given but two days later i feel like Ive lost about 0.25 inches in length. I doubt this is a normal thing that happens but I dont understand how my first treatment was successful but the second round made things worse.
First treatment, the penetration zones were perfectly aligned, not hitting any of the nerve endings. This one, well, it didn't go so well. No worries. Be hitting a vein or hitting a nerve, that will heal very soon. Just don't exercise during this period of healing. Allow things to heal. Keep things wrapped up loosely for another 2 days before starting up the PE.

I'm really worried for myself now as its really fucking with my mental health. I feel like any direction I go with in PE (whether its stretching, shots, or taking a break) its just going to do more damage than good. I'm the smallest ive ever been and i cant take this anymore. The advice is that penis size will bounce back after some kind of trauma but its never been the case with me. Once i go small it just stays there. Idk if theres any other advice to help get me out of this, trying my best to not resort to getting an implant.
Stay far away from implants. Stay far away from PMMA. Stay far far far away from surgery. PMMA may lead to surgery that further mess things up.

Sorry if this sounds too dramatic just needed to rant and get some reassurance.
No, you're being a realist and an alarmist. That's perfectly normal. Something goes wrong, press that fire alarm bell. You're fine as you are when it comes to being alarmed.

Havent Lengthmastered in a week, have only had time for RED light therapy and penis wrapping.
Shots include a growth hormone (think its HGH)
Will call my doctor this week and see what his feedback is
HGH should be taken advantage. HGH only stays in the body for so long. The half life for HGH to remain in your system is around 30 minutes or less. So, within a day, it pretty much leaves the system. Those who wants continuous growth of something using HGH must inject it daily. I had a few acquaintances in the past use HGH to induce their entire body growth or certain limb therapy. Pretty effective, but very expensive. I'm surprised they added into the cocktail for the injection.
Yes, this has been reported by brothers taking P-shots. The shrinkage is caused by the body reaction to penetration that may have pierced a nerve ending. It will take around 70 to 95 hours for the nerve ending to recover. Sometimes a bit longer. This allows the area where the nerve ending being pierced to recover and receives signals to relax the muscle tissues rather than placing the tissues into reactive preservation mode, thinking there are extensive damages.

First treatment, the penetration zones were perfectly aligned, not hitting any of the nerve endings. This one, well, it didn't go so well. No worries. Be hitting a vein or hitting a nerve, that will heal very soon. Just don't exercise during this period of healing. Allow things to heal. Keep things wrapped up loosely for another 2 days before starting up the PE.

Stay far away from implants. Stay far away from PMMA. Stay far far far away from surgery. PMMA may lead to surgery that further mess things up.

No, you're being a realist and an alarmist. That's perfectly normal. Something goes wrong, press that fire alarm bell. You're fine as you are when it comes to being alarmed.

HGH should be taken advantage. HGH only stays in the body for so long. The half life for HGH to remain in your system is around 30 minutes or less. So, within a day, it pretty much leaves the system. Those who wants continuous growth of something using HGH must inject it daily. I had a few acquaintances in the past use HGH to induce their entire body growth or certain limb therapy. Pretty effective, but very expensive. I'm surprised they added into the cocktail for the injection.
Damn you are smart!
Oh well just lost a tad girth now..
Really hope this turns out to be a quick recovery, wonder if anyone else here had any similar stories where they shrunk due to injury then recovered quickly afterwards and put size on fast.
I will say ive committed to wrapping for most of the day, securing 12+ hours today while at my job (key is to get a fresh sleeve but ensuring it fits comfortably and not tight). Then I noticed the changes afterwards...
Hopefully no more shrinking from now on. Focusing on penis wraps then will reutilize my Phallosan Forte and Phallosan Plus (in a downward direction this time).
Welcome back! Happy to see things back up and running. There's been a lot of changes since my last update and have welcomed the new year with new gains and newer challenges.

Long story short, I have regained a total of 1 inch in the space of 1 month, which really exceeded my expectations. Since my last update in December I have stopped PRP and mostly used wrapping for elongation as my main routine along with mild stretches during the morning, only pulling in a downward direction. I realised the importance of keeping stretched throughout the whole day and can manage to stay wrapped for an average of 12-15hrs per day, only removing during showering & sleep.

The following week, I resumed Lengthmaster work. My routine consists of 30 sec straight BTC pulls ×3-4 sets, followed by bundled BTC stretches the whole way through (easing my way from 1 full rotation to 1.5).
After my workout, I strap myself into my extender for only a few hours (only in a downward direction), but at a moderate level of stretch. Have used the same routines to this date, however the difference is that I've truly been able to feel an inner stretch during & post workout, unlike when I was using similar routines approx. 6 months ago. No workout has ever felt like a wasted workout. I mean not much changed routine-wise but it's like my penis has gone through a fresh start since my last losses in size. Perhaps it's due to my penis feeling less dense after losing girth, I guess it supports that theory about tougher penis cells being resistant to change in length (to reference previous posts).

Back to my routines, lost additional girth in my second week. One week after that, 0.5 inches in length were regained, I'm able to tell the difference in length when I try on my sleeves. Continued the same routines while keeping the same level of intensity and one week later another half inch was gained. Grateful to be closer to my length goal, however this has created a new obstacle for my penis.

Upon gaining in length, I've simultaneously gone further down in girth. My length gains appear to have dug into my natural girth size and I'm skinnier than usual. Natural glans size also went down. Yes I did find this pretty alarming (even noticing how I fit differently in my extender), but now I've realised that I have to introduce girth training going forward.

So yeah currently looking to put some girth back on so it's back to an acceptable size, but especially must do so without going backwards in length!

At this rate, pumping would be the most viable option as my Bathmate gave me my first girth gains last year. However looking at upgrading to a new pump (potentially Mityvac) to keep my penis safe as it includes a hand pump & gauge. It would also be great to make progress in EQ as penis feels more limp, just worried that the loss in girth would deteriorate EQ in the future.

Overall, I guess one of the key takeaways is that solely focusing on length can cause a sacrifice in girth and vice versa, it seems like that theory about the length vs girth ratio has proven itself again.

Another thing I've learned about PE is the importance of keeping intensity at a low-moderate level as going into stretches hard and fast can force the penis into a resistant state, hence more turtling.

Aside from pumping, I'm still looking to continue my length routines as there doesn't appear to be any signs of plateau in length. Of course this probably means that the gains will come a bit slower but at this rate trying my best to avoid any losses. Keen to see what else I can gain during this time.
Welcome back! Happy to see things back up and running. There's been a lot of changes since my last update and have welcomed the new year with new gains and newer challenges.
Yes we are very happy with the new forum. It took a long time but we are doing everything to perfect it.

Long story short, I have regained a total of 1 inch in the space of 1 month, which really exceeded my expectations. Since my last update in December I have stopped PRP and mostly used wrapping for elongation as my main routine along with mild stretches during the morning, only pulling in a downward direction. I realised the importance of keeping stretched throughout the whole day and can manage to stay wrapped for an average of 12-15hrs per day, only removing during showering & sleep.

That sounds just right. An inch in a month is nothing but amazing. Also glad you sticking with downward stretching as the only way to make upward stretching possible is using your lengthmaster.

The following week, I resumed Lengthmaster work. My routine consists of 30 sec straight BTC pulls ×3-4 sets, followed by bundled BTC stretches the whole way through (easing my way from 1 full rotation to 1.5).
After my workout, I strap myself into my extender for only a few hours (only in a downward direction), but at a moderate level of stretch. Have used the same routines to this date, however the difference is that I've truly been able to feel an inner stretch during & post workout, unlike when I was using similar routines approx. 6 months ago. No workout has ever felt like a wasted workout. I mean not much changed routine-wise but it's like my penis has gone through a fresh start since my last losses in size. Perhaps it's due to my penis feeling less dense after losing girth, I guess it supports that theory about tougher penis cells being resistant to change in length (to reference previous posts).

Back to my routines, lost additional girth in my second week. One week after that, 0.5 inches in length were regained, I'm able to tell the difference in length when I try on my sleeves. Continued the same routines while keeping the same level of intensity and one week later another half inch was gained. Grateful to be closer to my length goal, however this has created a new obstacle for my penis.

What is your girth workout?

Upon gaining in length, I've simultaneously gone further down in girth. My length gains appear to have dug into my natural girth size and I'm skinnier than usual. Natural glans size also went down. Yes I did find this pretty alarming (even noticing how I fit differently in my extender), but now I've realised that I have to introduce girth training going forward.
You may want to try an exclusive training of length first until you reach your goal and then tackle girth...or the other way around.

So yeah currently looking to put some girth back on so it's back to an acceptable size, but especially must do so without going backwards in length!
This is the reason I said you should do exclusive training. Some men benefit from such a program.
At this rate, pumping would be the most viable option as my Bathmate gave me my first girth gains last year. However looking at upgrading to a new pump (potentially Mityvac) to keep my penis safe as it includes a hand pump & gauge. It would also be great to make progress in EQ as penis feels more limp, just worried that the loss in girth would deteriorate EQ in the future.
Pumping plus using the Slow Squash Jelq will be best. 5 minutes of pumping and 5 minutes of SSJ and repeat 3 times is the best routine for adding girth. The MityVac is a great pump wet or dry.

Overall, I guess one of the key takeaways is that solely focusing on length can cause a sacrifice in girth and vice versa, it seems like that theory about the length vs girth ratio has proven itself again.

For some men it is exactly what they need. Consider it and see where it takes you.

Another thing I've learned about PE is the importance of keeping intensity at a low-moderate level as going into stretches hard and fast can force the penis into a resistant state, hence more turtling.

At some point you will need more intensity if you follow the SRT workout. Also if gains have stalled in SRT you simply increase intensity until you start growth.

Aside from pumping, I'm still looking to continue my length routines as there doesn't appear to be any signs of plateau in length. Of course this probably means that the gains will come a bit slower but at this rate trying my best to avoid any losses. Keen to see what else I can gain during this time.
If you don't have it I suggest the Lengthmaster to aid you in length. Stretches by hand can never be as strong as LengthMaster stretching.

Good luck and Jesus bless you.

What is your girth workout?
Don't have a girth workout at this time, I remember using my Bathmate some time early last year but I've only been prioritising Lengthmaster for all my PE routines. Have not attempted jelqs before either.

You may want to try an exclusive training of length first until you reach your goal and then tackle girth...or the other way around.
So are you suggesting that I hold off from pumping or any other girth exercises until at least after I meet my length goal? Not sure if this would be detrimental to my existing girth as I'm trying to avoid any further shrinkage.
Don't have a girth workout at this time, I remember using my Bathmate some time early last year but I've only been prioritising Lengthmaster for all my PE routines. Have not attempted jelqs before either.

So are you suggesting that I hold off from pumping or any other girth exercises until at least after I meet my length goal? Not sure if this would be detrimental to my existing girth as I'm trying to avoid any further shrinkage.
Not at all. Breaking up length and girth is done by about 25 percent of men. Some just do better concentrating on one over the other.
Hey looking for any advice on how to restructure my PE routines to incorporate girth work alongside length. I've been looking at some video tutorials and have noticed a few manual girth exercises that I'm considering trying out. In particular; 1. slow squash jelq, 2. c-jelq, 3. Head expansion (yes I've realised the importance of regrowing my glans back to a decent, mushroom size).

As I'm balancing my PE routines with work and other commitments I'm aiming to be as time-efficient as I can, while trying to gain fast. Here is how my routine currently looks:
Start of the morning consists of 10min exposure to MOSRED. Used to do a second session in the evening but stuck to one as I was testing to see if overexposure to Red Light Therapy causes any skin irritations (haven't had too many of those episodes though).

During those 10mins, I'll leave my penis exposed for about 3-4 mins before using the remainder of time stretching downwards for 25-30sec intervals, followed by downward bundles using the same time for each stretch. After I finish, I'll wrap myself up for elongation and go about the rest of my day. Wraps play a major part of my routine as I keep elongated for approx. 12hrs, sometimes up to 15.

During the day, I'll fit in two 20min Lengthmaster sessions. Usually one during the morning/afternoon or afternoon/evening depending on my schedule. Stretching consists of straight downward pulls for the first 3-4mins, then I'll jump into BTC bundles for the majority of the workout, alternating from left to right with 1-1.5 rotations and 30sec intervals. Each pull is used with moderate strength before easing into a stronger intensity. Generally feel a stretch in the skin but I'm able to feel a solid pull in my penis, sometimes experiencing that deep inner penis burn when the intensity is just right. Between my two sessions, I'll use my extender to keep myself elongated (or just sticking to my penis wraps if I'm out and about). For Lengthmaster, I go 3 days on then 1 day off to rest, then repeat.

As of recent, I've allocated a bit of time training girth using my Bathmate (noticed I'm slowly growing in length when inside the chamber). Hard to get yourself erect on command when you have ED but sometimes i have to use my imagination to get hard inside the chamber. Same thing, 3 days on, 1 day off. I've only ever pumped in the shower. I'll aim for 3 sets of 2-3min pumping sessions, sometimes 2 sets if certain areas of my penis/veins feel unusual or uncomfortable, and don't want to risk overworking my penis.
Lastly, before I go to bed I'll apply Vitamin E liquid on my shaft to heal the skin.

Supplements include 2000 IU Vitamin D + additional K2 (currently live in a sunny climate). Also take Maca Root capsules, I also take Vitamin B12 & Zinc periodically. Before bedtime I'll sometimes take a Magnesium tablet. Before my PE routines, I'll add a serving of Citrulline Malate + HMB powder into my water bottle.

That's all I can put together from memory. I don't feel like my Length routine is nearing a plateau but wondering if there's anything I can improve on to be one step ahead.

As for girth, figuring out how I can best tie in all these girth exercise between pumping and manuals, in the hopes of boosting girth & EQ. Also looking to incorporate deep tissue massage for penis care (reducing veins). I have one of those small heat bags that you can microwave and use as a compress, but can also invest in some massage oils too. Keen to hear your suggestions!
Hey looking for any advice on how to restructure my PE routines to incorporate girth work alongside length. I've been looking at some video tutorials and have noticed a few manual girth exercises that I'm considering trying out. In particular; 1. slow squash jelq, 2. c-jelq, 3. Head expansion (yes I've realised the importance of regrowing my glans back to a decent, mushroom size).

Heheheheheh..a glans man being coverted. Told you brother. Glans makes the squish-squish get better.

As I'm balancing my PE routines with work and other commitments I'm aiming to be as time-efficient as I can, while trying to gain fast. Here is how my routine currently looks:
Start of the morning consists of 10min exposure to MOSRED. Used to do a second session in the evening but stuck to one as I was testing to see if overexposure to Red Light Therapy causes any skin irritations (haven't had too many of those episodes though).

Do be careful. You can apply heat using a rice sock or the warm water thermal bag instead if you need longer warming period.

During those 10mins, I'll leave my penis exposed for about 3-4 mins before using the remainder of time stretching downwards for 25-30sec intervals, followed by downward bundles using the same time for each stretch. After I finish, I'll wrap myself up for elongation and go about the rest of my day. Wraps play a major part of my routine as I keep elongated for approx. 12hrs, sometimes up to 15.

Yes! and Yes! Preach it brother!

During the day, I'll fit in two 20min Lengthmaster sessions. Usually one during the morning/afternoon or afternoon/evening depending on my schedule. Stretching consists of straight downward pulls for the first 3-4mins, then I'll jump into BTC bundles for the majority of the workout, alternating from left to right with 1-1.5 rotations and 30sec intervals. Each pull is used with moderate strength before easing into a stronger intensity. Generally feel a stretch in the skin but I'm able to feel a solid pull in my penis, sometimes experiencing that deep inner penis burn when the intensity is just right. Between my two sessions, I'll use my extender to keep myself elongated (or just sticking to my penis wraps if I'm out and about). For Lengthmaster, I go 3 days on then 1 day off to rest, then repeat.
Now you're talking! If you need to boost it to the 4th day for that extra stress loading, try it for a week to compare. You may shift your growth into a rarere nonimal growth phase.

As of recent, I've allocated a bit of time training girth using my Bathmate (noticed I'm slowly growing in length when inside the chamber). Hard to get yourself erect on command when you have ED but sometimes i have to use my imagination to get hard inside the chamber. Same thing, 3 days on, 1 day off. I've only ever pumped in the shower. I'll aim for 3 sets of 2-3min pumping sessions, sometimes 2 sets if certain areas of my penis/veins feel unusual or uncomfortable, and don't want to risk overworking my penis.
Lastly, before I go to bed I'll apply Vitamin E liquid on my shaft to heal the skin.

If you have a problematic ED, work on the ED over the length or girth gain. These two are bonus factors. Pumping is to get your blood to flow optimally first. Once ED is resolved at 80% or even 90%, where you can get an erection on command, you'll refocus on everything else. 5x5x3 is to promote ED health over girth, where girth is an extra bonus as a result.

Supplements include 2000 IU Vitamin D + additional K2 (currently live in a sunny climate). Also take Maca Root capsules, I also take Vitamin B12 & Zinc periodically. Before bedtime I'll sometimes take a Magnesium tablet. Before my PE routines, I'll add a serving of Citrulline Malate + HMB powder into my water bottle.

Vit D? D2? D3? D3 is more effective over D2. Magnesium is a great muscle relaxer. Don't starve yourself from other essential vitamins and minerals as well. Do an overall assessment of what you may be missing as well. Dietary iodine is a very critical one.

That's all I can put together from memory. I don't feel like my Length routine is nearing a plateau but wondering if there's anything I can improve on to be one step ahead.

This is just me, but I create a table/list of the current vitamins and minerals I use. I also do a dietary intake list and rest phases. Our brother @Haursen is awesome at this before the business of life got to him. I put the daily values next to each. If there's a change, I modify it. This tracking can be done monthly, and not needed for daily. Weekly is prefered as it allows a shorter period of evaluation with greater data compilation for your needs. Daily is phenomenal but there shouldn't be any drastic change beside dietary intakes, stress, and rest phases. Why a weird thing to do? It's a historical health tracking and provide trend analysis if I suddenly hit a growth spurt or growth interference. I can back-track where things went wrong and perform immediate changes. If you need help on this, let me know.

As for girth, figuring out how I can best tie in all these girth exercise between pumping and manuals, in the hopes of boosting girth & EQ. Also looking to incorporate deep tissue massage for penis care (reducing veins). I have one of those small heat bags that you can microwave and use as a compress, but can also invest in some massage oils too. Keen to hear your suggestions!

Massage oil can be as simple as liquid Vit E, jojoba oil, castor oil, coconut oil, argon oil, or combo of quite a bit like this:

Deep tissue massage is actually used since the ancient days by kings and emperors to increase their virility by their maids, mistresses and wives. PE came a long, long, long way. Back then, they don't have effective worldwide materials like today. Today, we have everything via the internet, from ordering to how to use. Take advantage of it. We'll assist with the formulation if you need it. This where you must discover your own combo since it may not be effective for others, and others' combos may not be effective for you.
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