guys I think I am fucked!

Bad news from me. I am experiencig this problem with my right testicle for about 3 months now. The problem is it gets swollen after my workouts and it seems like there is some kind of a tissue (I don't know if it is soft or hard) attached to the lower part of my right testicle. I also have a varicocele on the left testicle. Well I took a few breaks but condition stayed on. It's a real shame because I was really beginning to get in the groove with DLD's Phase 1 routine and was working that snake really well. I don't know I did some searching and saw some probable solutions to my answers. Well it can be a cyst or a spermatocele but I really don't have a clue. Well my major concern is that it can be you know what. Well I don't even want to say the word. It gives me creeps. Well I don't experience any pain in that testicle for now. Well I would love to have a big dick, but health is in the 1st place. So I have to stop. Fuck this shit I am so pissed. I would appreciate any tip from you guys.

ElCap <:(
I have varicocele as well in my left, did you try my balls jelqing? I have noticed that the more ball work I do the more the varicocele gets stretch out and does not get all bundled up and night, it use to be very noticable, a few girls commemeted, but now you can not see it, stretch you balls like I do, do ball jelqing and my testicle heath and DLD's testicle health
If its hard, it might be testicular cancer, and if it is, the sooner you get to a doctor the better. But if it was, id assume it would grow quite some over 3 months.
Yeah you definitely need to see a doctor. If for nothing else, just to make sure it isn't "you know what."
Guys don't scare me more as I am. Well Dagger this condition is actually the same for about 3-4 months. You think cancer would grow much in that time. It's pretty much the same all the time. Well maybe it isn't the worst case scenario.
If it hasn't grown it sounds alot like a testicular or epididymal cyst, but you still must see a doctor for sure especially when it comes to your package.

Good luck man.
thrillah said:
If it hasn't grown it sounds alot like a testicular or epididymal cyst, but you still must see a doctor for sure especially when it comes to your package.

Good luck man.

Thanks thrillah. You have some feedback on that condition. You seem to know something about that. If you have some more info give me a note.

well I'd scare ya into thinking its something horrible, but we haven't heard from scrub ducky anymore after that...

best bet to get it checkdout a professional, of course you don't want to go in their every other week when you got a prob, but don't take stuff you found on the internet as the reason for it.

good luck wit dat
get to the fuckin doctor dont take our WORD for a diagnosis as none of us are trained to give thag advice out .... be safe and book a vist to the Doc' ... its most probably nuthing.
Take a stiff drink of whiskey lol and get ya ass into the clinic.
Thanks for your support guys. Yes RED I know no one here is trained to give an advice like that I just wanted to make sure if anyone had some feedback on that condition or maybe had it hymself. I am gonna pull out my Johnnie Walker. Well doc is it. Doctor Doctor, can't you see I'm burnin' burnin' (Thompson Twins 80's).lol

By the way who is scrub ducky?
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Cheers fallen. I wonder why ducky didn't come back posting after that thread. I hope everything worked uut ok for him. I am gonna get an appontment right away.
I think ducky is a reguler at Pride Penis, another free site like this, I used to admin it until I got demoted, sacked and banned lol
yea PP was awesome a while back (I was a lurker) but then posts slowed to a HALT and i stopped going. cameback, someone hacked the forums and soon after i saw red post for everyone to come here and haven't visited that sight yet
Hehehe Supra, glad you still remember my old badass name lol. Well the things are like this. Yesterday I told the problem to my father who is also a doc, but not urologyst. I asked him if he knows something about it and if he can do some check up and he said like "let the urologyst do it, I wont touch your balls" lol. He is a funny guy. Well he's gonny make me special appointment over the line. Well it's good to have connections. So in a week or two I will have my diagnose for sure.

ElCapitan said:
Hehehe Supra, glad you still remember my old badass name lol. Well the things are like this. Yesterday I told the problem to my father who is also a doc, but not urologyst. I asked him if he knows something about it and if he can do some check up and he said like "let the urologyst do it, I wont touch your balls" lol. He is a funny guy. Well he's gonny make me special appointment over the line. Well it's good to have connections. So in a week or two I will have my diagnose for sure.


Have you gotten word yet on this? It has been 2 weeks and I am wondering what the news was.
Well I gotta admit guys that I didn't go to the doc. I am on a long break now and the condition is as it was, maybe it is getting a little better. I am almost 100% certain that it is not a cancer. I have done some searching on google and I came up with the theory that it may be the condition called sperm granuloma. Anyone knows something about it?
Sounds like a cyst to me, i have one on my left testicle. Not sure if mien swells up but i cant say as Ive looked but i went to the doctor and he said i can have it removed if i like but it wont cause any harm. I suggest you pay him a visit.
ElCapitan said:
Well I gotta admit guys that I didn't go to the doc. I am on a long break now and the condition is as it was, maybe it is getting a little better. I am almost 100% certain that it is not a cancer. I have done some searching on google and I came up with the theory that it may be the condition called sperm granuloma. Anyone knows something about it?

I don't know Cap, I would visit the urologist just for peace of mind.
When I had some problems with my left nut I went to the doc and was told not to worry. Still had on and off pain in left nut over a week. I went to the hospital and ended up staying there for 4 days.
I had torsion of the testices, were the ball twists and cut blood flow.>:(
Now both nuts are prevented from twisting by a stich.
Dont fuck with your nuts, if you think something is wrong see a doc and if your not happy with answer see another doc.

Remember you only get 2.rofl
For the record it took me about 5 years to get to the doctor after I had noticed something on my right vas def. By that time I had pretty self diagnosed myself with a cyst but I finally got the balls to go to the doctor and got an ultrasound done.

I recommend that if you find something that you don't put it off like me. It used to play on my mind a lot and that in itself must have not been healthy.
wonder1 said:
For the record it took me about 5 years to get to the doctor after I had noticed something on my right vas def. By that time I had pretty self diagnosed myself with a cyst but I finally got the balls to go to the doctor and got an ultrasound done.

I recommend that if you find something that you don't put it off like me. It used to play on my mind a lot and that in itself must have not been healthy.

Damn, that's rough. How'd it all pan out though? You're still okay even though you waited, right?
yes :) thanks for asking, it is just a cyst which I still have. It doesn't get in the way at all. There may be some that aren't that lucky though.
Hey ElCapitan,

This may be of comfort to you.

For several years now I have the same thing that you are talking about.

It's almost like having a third testicle.

A few years back i noticed on my right testicle a lump of some kind.

I went to the urologist and said it was a cyst. He drained out the cyst and said that it might come back, sure enough it did. He did howvever state that often times the cyst will come back, just to check and make sure that it doesn't grow as it could end up being cancer. It's staying the same size and it's been a few years.

To be on the safe side go to your local urologist and have him/her check. I'm sure you'll be OK but I can understand your worry as I've been thorugh it. Just keep checking every now and then to make sure it doesn't grow.

Good Luck!

i know oh too well why you do not want to go to a doctor cap.

you're scared.

i know the words "go see a doctor" seem so easy and simple, but for someone in your shoes, it is the most scary and daunting thing in the entire world right now. you try to play it down by convincing yourself it's not cancer, and that you have read xxx number of articles on google about this and that, but at the end of the day, its still on your mind.

how do i know this? because i also went through it. around 3 years ago, i began to notice a small lump inside under my left testicle. i told myself ok don't panic, just go see your doctor and they will deal with it. but i was afriad. i put it off for a few days, a few days became a few weeks, and here i am 3 years later.

during the last 3 years i went through many phases. i went from being convinced i would lose my left testicle and actually began feeling like my left testicle felt different to my healthy right testicle, in effect preparing myself for the possibility of one day losign it. and indeed i did believe that i would lose it and began contemplating a life with just one testicle. the worst was towards the end of the 3 years, i actually prepared myself for the news of cancer (not knowing that if it was cancer, i would have already been dead).

its so stupid how we torture ourselves when we could just gather the courage and go to the doctor and end the not knowing.

anyway in the end, i said i fuck this. i am not going to live my life in fear. if i die from this then so be it but i want to fucking know what it is. so one day in the car i just told my parents (who are doctors), i said i wanna tell you guys something. around 3 years ago i noticed a lump in my nut. i havent told anyone about it until now.

they did there best to downplay it and not make it a big deal to calm me down. they cancelled all their appointments that day and we went on an adenvture of blood tests and ultra sounds and so on. results were aparent the same was not cancer, obviously, because had it been cancer, and i had kept qiete for 3 years, it would have killed me. it was a epididymal cyst, or epididimitis or something, i forgot the correct name. the doctors said it is completely harmless, and there is not even any need to remove it.

since that day i have never thought about it again.

i hope you have gone to your doctor and are not going through what i went through.

good luck.

ps: i am peing like a rabbit on heat, so if you get the all clear, it's all engines go mate.