

Warmup: did bundled stretching in the shower using the heat of water and a microfiber cloth to assist. Pull, turn, pull, turn. Using both hands, one near base as anchor to maintain the turns. Turn until I feel a deep stretch, then apply torque through both hands until the stretch is even across shaft, then pull outward as well. Hold each for 30 seconds count. Alternate side. Did for 10 mins. I noticed after I did a couple iterations that I started to get semi-erect which required additional rest between stretches. Interesting.

I did Squashes in shower as well. I took the same microfiber cloth and rolled it up. Then I wrapped it around base in a U-shape and used the tension to assist my grip. I did SSJ by doing ~5sec squashes toward glans. It seemed to work but I was unsure about not *sliding* up the shaft since the cloth was anchored in one spot. But I was still moving blood. Later on, I tried using the cloth to do isolated compressions and clock bends, which definitely works well. I think I might need to do the squashes with just my hand and some lube or else I’m not really sliding.

Pumping: I honestly had some EQ issues. Which I don’t chalk up to fatigue actually. I think I was just unfocused and thinking about other things. Once I got my mind right, EQ improved substantially. Unfortunately, this took a bit as I was in my head. I used the 2.25” for the 1st and 3rd pumps with the mitysleeve with the middle removed. I did not feel the sensitive spot, however, I did have an issue with the pump sucking the skin into chamber and bringing balls close to tube which started to feel the pressure. I think I let too much skin get into tube at beginning and too much coconut oil. I will make sure to wipe off scrotum before going in. Pressure: I got up to 7Hg which I felt like caused a change. The expansion seemed to be greater and even by bedtime, it felt thicker. The only downside to 7Hg was that I felt like I was getting close to orgasm lol. Why do I have a feeling when I try 8Hg, I might just bust a nut lol. I do want to be patient but I don’t think I’ve had any discoloration or spots from pumping, so I’m probably not pushing myself. I’ll resolve myself to resist the temptation and stay a 7Hg for a couple weeks and see what that does.

Good day. I won’t go into great details unless I did something different..

Warmup: bundled stretches in shower using cloth assist

I completed a full 5x5x3 without significant EQ problems..

Note: I am finding that using coconut oil with a full rub in for a few minutes then toweling it off works best for me. Gives just the right about of grip and smoothness.

Pumps: Went up to 7Hg again. I was feeling good expansion. I couldn’t resist measuring using string and mark it off against ruler. I was measuring just a little over 6 inches MSEG. This measurement persisted to bedtime, which was surprising. Base EG was 6.75. So increase of 0.5 inch MSEG and .75 inch BEG. Could be that 7Hg is my point for growth. Or maybe doing the bundles helped me break through. Going to stick at 7Hg for a while.

After/recovery: cockring for 2 hrs off and on. Used redlight for 20 mins at close range. A lot of heat pad.

Still taking more time than I want.. I am still out of work though so I want to optimize things before I get back. Doing a lot of interviews.
It is so good you are anchoring you hand against the extreme base. I did this my whole career
Interesting. It's the next day and my MSFG is exactly 5.5 inches. And I did it very carefully to pull string taut and perpendicular without squeezing and used tweezers to pick the exact point of overlap and measure against ruler. I'm actually a bit confused although certainly not disappointed. Because it doesn't really look bigger than I remember. I would think if there was any swelling, it would've gone down by now. Is this stuff actually working permanently lmao
The down side of seeing ourselves as bigger it is tough at first but eventually you will see. Your best bet is to depend on your measurements.
Wish I had had bundled stretches in my routine from the beginning. They just felt weird to me until I started draping in a cloth first. I actually find it difficult to not be semi-erect after a few alternations. And the base looks superfat. Unlike doing length stretches, my EQ after bundles is actually very good.
Confused again. I had measured flaccid midshaft girth earlier in the day at 5.5 inches. I just finished a full session and after the first pump, fresh out of the tube and restoring to full erection, I measured MSEG at 5.5 inches. How? Now, to be sure, I did still expand to 6.125 MSEG after the 3rd pump using 7Hg. But how does this make sense unless there was some fluid retention that finally went down right before I pumped?

session was same as 4/30. Expansion was roughly the same. Only difference was that I did a 30mins cardio a few hours earlier. Previous day pump was off day for workouts.

5/2 will be day off.
Measured MS flaccid girth this morning at 5.625 inches so still some extra from last nights pumping. Curious to see how long it will last since today is an off day.

Attaching pics from yesterday pump. Can see getting expansion primarily in base and probably a lot of skin. Using mitysleeve so length measurement isn't completely accurate, plus I am slightly curved downward. In pic with my hand around tube, I am actively pulling tube away from body.


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That is 2.25" tube btw. And I have my phone on a stand above me with a ringlight. I've been filming all my sessions so I can review the actual.
That is 2.25" tube btw. And I have my phone on a stand above me with a ringlight. I've been filming all my sessions so I can review the actual.
That's a great it and post the video. The best way we can help
Alright, let's try it out. Attached is just the 3rd 5 min pump from yesterday. If you have any observations or pointers, it will be appreciated.

Btw, measured flaccid MS girth again at 730pm and down to 5 3/8 from 5 5/8 in morning. There must be some swelling from my pump yesterday. Trying to study this. I was pretty sure the baseline was 5".


Remember that when pumping, the elongated length doesn't stay constant. It changes over time due to expansion. What you get as elongation one moment doesn't mean you get it in the next. Your girth and length constantly change as one compensates the other during the healing and growth phases. It's very common in pumping.

It either appears to be a constant air leak or you're doing dynamic pressure changes. I prefer that dynamic over static pressure even though it is not intentional. If you can, do a dynamic pressure drop down to 3inHg and back up. It sounds odd, and it will cause you to also lose internal pressure, but you are actually assisting your brain and body to reaction sudden pressure rise and fall. It reprograms the body to deal with various deviant of suddenly tensions and also in works on establishing stronger EQ. However it will take a bit of work to maintain constant erectile stages doing this. Try at least one full pressure drop to 3inHg for 60 seconds before bring it back to the upper pressure. If you can do it once, do it a twice, and so on. I tend to add this into my second set when I do 10x5x3. Working up to 15x5x3 in the upper 12inHg now. The dynamic pressure is nuts.

You shaking the tube, which is a good stimulus to get the blood flowing in the penile body. If I must stand, or even laying around, do pelvic thrusts to engage imaginary sexual activities. I'm not sure about others, but it helps to stimulate me.
Thanks for suggestions! I am unsure about any true leaks but shaking tube can let a little out until I've plugged up the bottom of tube. I often do a hard kegel as I press against body which for some reason lowers pressure down like 1Hg so I pump it back up to where I want.

Couple reasons I shake tube: I want to make sure nothing is getting stuck near bottom of tube. I want to make sure I can feel the impact within tube. Bloodflow. It passes the time. I might try thrusting instead. I almost always pump while standing up.
Couple reasons I shake tube: I want to make sure nothing is getting stuck near bottom of tube. I want to make sure I can feel the impact within tube. Bloodflow. It passes the time. I might try thrusting instead. I almost always pump while standing up.
Have you tried using Vaseline? With it you will slide more easily inside the cylinder.

To remove the Vaseline just use warm water and mild liquid hand soap. The cylinder will keep itself clean enough with this method. You can also have the water trap part attached in order to rinse through the valve up top in the cylinder.
I use coconut oil for a few minutes while I do some basic jelqs, downward, c-jelqs to get it absorbed into skin then I wipe it off. For me this gives a smooth feeling to skin that slides just enough for SSJ but I still can move the foreskin with hand. Also, not so slippery that the ballskin is excessively pulling into the tube and making my balls feel squeezed.
Have you tried using Vaseline? With it you will slide more easily inside the cylinder.

To remove the Vaseline just use warm water and mild liquid hand soap. The cylinder will keep itself clean enough with this method. You can also have the water trap part attached in order to rinse through the valve up top in the cylinder.
The best in my opinion. Pain to clean but worth it
5/3 session
warmup: heat pad 10mins. bundled stretching 10 mins. basic, c-jelq, jelq with bend, downward jelqs for 3-5 mins to work in coconut oil then towel off.
5x5x3 5Hg, 6Hg, 7Hg. Expressive stretching. Note: I bought a bluetooth device that measures circumference of things. It's basically a soft tape measure that you can loop around something and it can retract to pull taut and gives measurement on digital display and on phone app where you can label and save. Makes girth measurements very fast. I used it to get measurements throughout the pumping process. start 5.75” mseg. After 1st pump 5.94" 2nd 6.06" 3rd 6.14". After depth/width 6.25". cockring on 6.3" Can see how much expansion I was getting.
depth/width: 5 mins ICS and 5 mins clock bends
at least 1 hr cockring and heat pad. Then heat pad and red light for 30mins.

I did not film anything or take pictures. I decided I'll only do that on weekends. I don't like to feel like I am making a whole production of things. I also kept my viewing material simple
What Is the device for measuring? Name?
It's from Renpho smart tape measure. It was designed for measuring fitness goals but I thought why not measure a different body part lol. I got it off amazon. Can I link it here?
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It's from Renpho smart tape measure. It was designed for measuring fitness goals but I thought why not measure a different body part lol. I got it off amazon. Can I link it here?
I'll look it up,...thanks
I bought a cheap measuring device similar to this one. Why is not manual (not digital) measuring tape enough?
Some things can be over-engineered?

Can you get more accurate messurments with it? Like you can with a digital callipers?

I'm only asking questions.
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To be honest, I hate fussing around with all that tape when I am trying to be at 100% erect. With the smart device, you just click a button and the tape retracts until it encompasses the thing you can measuring tautly but not squeezing. I'd say it'd give more consistent measurements. I did compare with standard tape measure and against rigid objects, it seems to be 0.1 inches off. But against soft objects, it is the same. I am guessing they built that in since it is made for measuring waists, thighs, calves, biceps, necks, etc.
@DSD80 do us a favor and create a routine and progress log in the member forum.

Call it your own routine and progress post, including your pre-PE journey info, baseline measurements, routines, and standard personal info (age range, physical fitness type, or even dietary). I'm seeing a crazy trend in your growths. You may be in the top 20% of the explosive growth that triggered a human growth hormone expression by the body. It's not rare, but it may help other brothers to trigger the same expression of HGH for explosive growths. You may hit a golden goose without knowing.
Sure thing. I feel like I am just now getting into a set routine. Hopefully I haven't said or misrepresented anything to make you think I am a speed grower.

I think it should be considered a few things:
1) I have Ehlers-danlos hypermobility so my collagen is more elastic. What this means in regards to PE, remains to me seen.
2) I was a chronic masturbator for much of my life until March 2023 when I lost my job and had surgery. I reassessed my behaviors. I am fairly confident that I got 0.5 inch length and 0.25 inch girth just from that.
Nope. Hyper elastic or not, the latter day measures will tell you the growth rate. If we can mimick the conditions that can trigger with or with out Ehlers-danlos, the body will respond the same way. It's about finding ways to trick the body for effective and efficient methods. This is what we've been searching the golden paths for. We scoured for data daily. The source we discovered from will get the full benefits.
To be honest, I hate fussing around with all that tape when I am trying to be at 100% erect. With the smart device, you just click a button and the tape retracts until it encompasses the thing you can measuring tautly but not squeezing. I'd say it'd give more consistent measurements. I did compare with standard tape measure and against rigid objects, it seems to be 0.1 inches off. But against soft objects, it is the same. I am guessing they built that in since it is made for measuring waists, thighs, calves, biceps, necks, etc.
Okay I understand.
To expensive for me. But if it's works it works.
There are these as well:
Bought for $2.3, and the tape will retract around objects like the expensive one you mentioned.

As long as it's working it's good.

I also recommend to use a plastic callipers in order to measure the diameter on the mid-shaft.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...