That's a great it and post the video. The best way we can helpThat is 2.25" tube btw. And I have my phone on a stand above me with a ringlight. I've been filming all my sessions so I can review the actual.
Have you tried using Vaseline? With it you will slide more easily inside the cylinder.Couple reasons I shake tube: I want to make sure nothing is getting stuck near bottom of tube. I want to make sure I can feel the impact within tube. Bloodflow. It passes the time. I might try thrusting instead. I almost always pump while standing up.
The best in my opinion. Pain to clean but worth itHave you tried using Vaseline? With it you will slide more easily inside the cylinder.
To remove the Vaseline just use warm water and mild liquid hand soap. The cylinder will keep itself clean enough with this method. You can also have the water trap part attached in order to rinse through the valve up top in the cylinder.
It's from Renpho smart tape measure. It was designed for measuring fitness goals but I thought why not measure a different body part lol. I got it off amazon. Can I link it here?What Is the device for measuring? Name?
I'll look it up,...thanksIt's from Renpho smart tape measure. It was designed for measuring fitness goals but I thought why not measure a different body part lol. I got it off amazon. Can I link it here?
Okay I understand.To be honest, I hate fussing around with all that tape when I am trying to be at 100% erect. With the smart device, you just click a button and the tape retracts until it encompasses the thing you can measuring tautly but not squeezing. I'd say it'd give more consistent measurements. I did compare with standard tape measure and against rigid objects, it seems to be 0.1 inches off. But against soft objects, it is the same. I am guessing they built that in since it is made for measuring waists, thighs, calves, biceps, necks, etc.