Fruit is good. I think fruit should make up a large part of our diets. Our teeth are shaped very similarly to a chimp's teeth, and as we know, tooth shape determines what kind of food we should eat. So I think fruit really is a big part of our natural diet. I'm reading up some about this, and starting a new diet. I load up on fruit first thing in the morning, and since it digests quickly (more evidence that we should eat lots of it; it's very easy on the digesive tract) I snack on it until lunch. Lunch is some meat or fish and maybe some eggs, with some sort of raw green leafy vegetable (I'm using spinach for now). Passibly snack on some more fruit if you get hungry before dinner, and then for dinner eat a larger version of lunch. If need be you can snack on more fruit if you get hungry. Before bed have some vegetable juice. Fruit smoothies are great for snacking also during the day. Yum!
Oh yes, and I think there is a reason that people naturally like fruit. Notice not everyone likes meat. Not everyone likes seafood. Not everyone likes veggies. But I have yet to meet anyone that didn't like fruit. Maybe they didn't like kiwi or mango, but I don't know anyone that dislikes fruit in general. I think this is because we are built to eat lots of fruit.