Yes I have them. I don't really see it as an issue. It's more of a cosmetic thing. I never had any complaints and women seem to love sucking on the meat stick. It's really up to you. I've thought about it too. Then I thought how expensive it probably would be. Either way when your deep inside a woman your not going to think about those spots and neither is she lol. Trust me bro you can make it.
Something I do realize is that these spots are really glands in a sort so the more friction is put on, the more Swelling. I try shower with warm to mildly hot water(below my waistline ) and do sort of an Indian burn roll on my member to massage it. Also when doing any manual PE I make sure the oil or Vaseline is warmed up pretty good. I do this by rubbing my hands together really hard for a couple seconds lol.
Also be careful shaving against the grain(if these glands are near the base) they tend to swell up this way too.
As far as surgery, just imagine a whole bunch of tiny scars. I'd rather have the glands, I'm sure women's vagina feel just about every thing on the penis and makes it that much better for them.
Good Luck!