case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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Yep. This is urinary incontinence. My wife and I worked on enough cases like this to recognize this. On top of that, the flagged statements "And some days it’s not a lot or very forceful" and "I never can force the rest out" is a tale-tell sign of prostate related. I'll just leave it there.
Yes. But I’ve been thinking. Wouldn’t that have been seen on the MRI I already had? If the idiots can even think to look.
The vibration sensation is not something new. It's your penis telling you that it has optimal blood pressure. My wife says it all the time that my penis vibrates. Much more so when I was younger. She thought my penis was cybernetic with a built in vibrator. It just means your penis manages to trap great volume of blood in the shaft to create intense pressure. The blood flow is optimal. However, the rest of the statement got a bit concerning, such as "very red", "internal burning upon attempted engorgement", and when you don't want to touch it. There are so many flags that it makes this case unique.
You misunderstood. I used my wife’s vibrator on my penis. I didn’t want to rub it to eliminate the redness as a result of friction. I know the vibration you’re talking about,and I had all kinds of that before this happened. All gone now. I think I’ve felt hints of it maybe 3 or 4 times since 2023.

And also, I just meant I get hard with the wife without even touching it. Not like this morning where I had to basically cum before it would even open the gate. Although….i was standing up. And being in the shower is one of my most horribly smallish moments for some reason
If you have money, you should go all-out dude and do everything in your power to solve this thing. I do not understand why you go this way. Have you considered doing PRP/Shockwave Therapy/ for long time? Like 6 months? Have you considered taking supplements to solve all these issues you are mentioning?
There is solution to your problems, but you must put commitment for this
Oh I’m committed . 18 months with a burning kids penis is not a g just ain’t got much road left here. Everything I do just seems to not matter, except sleep. That’s all I got
If you have money, you should go all-out dude and do everything in your power to solve this thing. I do not understand why you go this way. Have you considered doing PRP/Shockwave Therapy/ for long time? Like 6 months? Have you considered taking supplements to solve all these issues you are mentioning?
i dont have a great amount of money ,no. Problem is, most of problems are nerves. I’d be thrilled if I was wrong here.They can’t and won’t do anything for that. If I can figure something out otherwise I may. But I’ve been enough already to know it’s a lost cause letting those idiots guess at this with no outcome. Not to mention, it makes me highly anxious to deal with any more of them . I’m in talks with a place about prp currently. But I’m just not seeing much evidence that would do squat. I’m sure it would benefit me if I wasn’t broken lol. But I’m in bad shape .i have taken all kinds of supplements. And still do. None of that crap does anything for this ,let alone solve
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The problem you described on your all posts is not only nerve problem in my opinion. It is a multimodal problem that needs a multimodal solution.
The problem you described on your all posts is not only nerve problem in my opinion. It is a multimodal problem that needs a multimodal solution.
I’d agree. But stemmed from nerves was my point. Nerves bad= never getting out of this circle of nonsense I keep trying. I only get marginal improvement yet always back to zero. I’m stuck in excercise hell for not much relief. And only when resting. You should see when I run. It’s flat out ridiculous how small a penis can get. And within seconds . Of course I don’t start with a whole lot now either.

Unless I’m wrong and Prostatitis is causing this glans inflammation, and lack of feeling. It’s super bad when I’m beyond
Iimp. Which is my new day to day life. Some days I think maybe that’s the case. But the way it came on is just weird. Had no feeling loss or pain. Just turtled feeling. Took a good month or 6 week to start getting over sensitive ,which eventually started heading toward stinging, and feeling loss. I don’t get so much stinging anymore. But the top of the glans rubbing my clothes and just a tickle here and there is majorly unsettling. But seems to be only really bothersome when I’m at my new normal smallness. The times I have my package back(rare), it’s not bad at all
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I am not a doctor but hear my thoughts based on personal experiences, personal PE problems and similar cases to a very small degree.
In your posts, you stayed fibrin, and based on your symptoms someone could say you are suffering from peyronies.
Peyronies can be fixed by stretching the penis for quite some time(bundled literal stretches). Adding Serapeptase to this exercise, the fibrin will be lost.
You have stated that your penis is cold. For me, that means absence of blood there. The cases must be 2. Either blood clots or N.O absence. The problem here (based on what I read) is that you take L Citrulline but you might not see results. This might have to do with the dose. For example, for your case, Taking less than 6gr of Citrulline wont work. I would highly suggest pycnogenol (200mg daily) with Centellicum Gotu Kola (500mg daily) for N.O + antioxidant capacity. I would also add to this combo a cream called "Weleda sport" because it helps with inflamation.
Now, having N.O with antixiodants help, but your nerves wont get propper attention unless you get NAC in a sustain form >600mg daily, ALA > 1800mg daily, A very good quality B-complex (or at least B12 in high amounts), Vitamin E and Curcumin (Curcubrain 400mg x2)
Lastly, because you are 40, there arent any growth factors for your body to generate new content. If you can afford, go for Deer Antler Spray with more than 300.000NG growth factors.
To all the above, adding daily PE exercises like very relaxed and prolonged stretches + prolonged pumping at ~3,4hg will do the trick.
If you do this for 6 months, there is no reason you can recover from your problem.
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I am not a doctor but hear my thoughts based on personal experiences, personal PE problems and similar cases to a very small degree.
In your posts, you stayed fibrin, and based on your symptoms someone could say you are suffering from peyronies.
Peyronies can be fixed by stretching the penis for quite some time(bundled literal stretches). Adding Serapeptase to this exercise, the fibrin will be lost.
Not sure what you mean here by fibrin?
You have stated that your penis is cold. For me, that means absence of blood there. The cases must be 2. Either blood clots or N.O absence. The problem here (based on what I read) is that you take L Citrulline but you might not see results. This might have to do with the dose. For example, for your case, Taking less than 6gr of Citrulline wont work. I would highly suggest pycnogenol (200mg daily) with Centellicum Gotu Kola (500mg daily) for N.O + antioxidant capacity. I would also add to this combo a cream called "Weleda sport" because it helps with inflamation.
Yes. My dose has only been about 3g. That’s all I thought I should take. I have no idea. I don’t know anything about the other stuff. If I’m sitting down awhile it’s not bad. It’s when I’m up and going it generally gets cold. And small. My gut says from nerve damage and the odd feelings I almost cant stand some days. On one hand I can feel enough to say I don’t think this should affect my penis size during day,or libido. Yet on the other, it sure seems to,and feels absolutely terrible unless I’m relaxing in bed.the best way to describe it is an exclamation point right on my glans. I can touch it and feel it,but it’s just bright and tender feeling, especially after any touching.

Now, having N.O with antixiodants help, but your nerves wont get propper attention unless you get NAC in a sustain form >600mg daily, ALA > 1800mg daily, A very good quality B-complex (or at least B12 in high amounts), Vitamin E and Curcumin (Curcubrain 400mg x2)
Lastly, because you are 40, there arent any growth factors for your body to generate new content. If you can afford, go for Deer Antler Spray with more than 300.000NG growth factors.
I don’t know bout any of that either. Other than b12,which I take.and alpha lipoid acid.

To all the above, adding daily PE exercises like very relaxed and prolonged stretches + prolonged pumping at ~3,4hg will do the trick.
If you do this for 6 months, there is no reason you can recover from your problem.
4 won’t even get blood into Me. Even at 6 I’m borderline enough to even get a half erection. I tried all that 2 months ago. It just seemed to elevate glans inflamation even more. Tissue just doesn’t feel so good at all right now after just vibrating up an erection this morning. But getting them at night doesn’t seem to irritate. I don’t get any of it anymore. At all. It’s so far gone ,I don’t know where I’m at anymore. Now it just makes me want to pee and burn, and somehow, that may as well be my new sex life.
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Not sure what you mean here by fibrin?

Yes. My dose has only been about 3g. That’s all I thought I should take. I have no idea. I don’t know anything about the other stuff. If I’m sitting down awhile it’s not bad. It’s when I’m up and going it generally gets cold. And small. My gut says from nerve damage and the odd feelings I almost cant stand some days. On one hand I can feel enough to say I don’t think this should affect my penis size during day,or libido. Yet on the other, it sure seems to,and feels absolutely terrible unless I’m relaxing in bed.the best way to describe it is an exclamation point right on my glans. I can touch it and feel it,but it’s just bright and tender feeling, especially after any touching.

I don’t know bout any of that either. Other than b12,which I take.and alpha lipoid acid.

4 won’t even get blood into Me. Even at 6 I’m borderline enough to even get a half erection. I tried all that 2 months ago. It just seemed to elevate glans inflamation even more. Tissue just doesn’t feel so good at all right now after just vibrating up an erection this morning. But getting them at night doesn’t seem to irritate. I don’t get any of it anymore. At all. It’s so far gone ,I don’t know where I’m at anymore. Now it just makes me want to pee and burn, and somehow, that may as well be my new sex life.
Things will get better as we continue to find reasons for your issues. We got your back, don't back down...we got you
Thank you sir. Well I gotta say. I’m quite confused. I’m not sure I’ll ever feel much in my clothes again,but I’ll take what I can get I guess. But hear this. So yesterday I mentioned vibrating myself to try to get an erection as a test up above. Which it did not happen until I was right at the edge. Then I had to edge while it looked like a transformer coming to life and was painful,Peyronie looking, very beet red. All bad. Rest of the day was burning, felt horrible. So last night all night I didn’t sleep well. Half mental, half hurting. I wake up this morning with no libido or size at all as most mornings.

Wife rolls over and rubs her hand down my chest. I’m instantly getting aroused. She continues and everything comes right into play. After about a minute it all goes away. But that’s normal for me my whole life. Then I mess around with her for a minute,everything is back. We had good sex for 20 min at least. Then I finally back away in case I’m irritating things. I’m not gonna say my glans feels right today ,but what a total difference from yesterday,and it makes no sense. Yeah, my glans feels terrible all day no matter what, but doing that this morning was a fairly effortless erection. Yesterday, it was like filling blood through the eye of a needle . And burned like it too.and the rest of the day. I don’t get it. Peed 4 times last night as well, and every time wasn’t even worth getting out of bed for. But I couldn’t sleep till I did.

Thinking back this whole year,it has kinda been like this. If I’m just in the moment whether during the night, or just with her and get aroused unplanned, it comes natural, and there’s no funky hourglass crap,or hurting. But if I intentionally try to manually get an erection it just kinda half hearted erects slightly, then makes me want to get off quickly, then I get all the hourglass and pain, bent filling nonsense. And when it does fill, it isn’t right at all, and really red and not exactly hard. But more like dense and compact. I will say after sex this morning, my glans, although filled and mostly normal, did not inflate more when I kegeled as it should. I’ve had that off and on in my night erections many times. And it comes and goes. Sometimes from one erection too the next.
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Well it sounds like you had good sex and you should see these small changes as progress. Prayers seem to be working also. I will continue to pray for you non stop until all issues are resolved. I truly appreciate your efforts and being open to us. We will win!
We already see signs everywhere from this point forward. It's becoming predictable and the cure will just be as unpredictable as the symptoms. Get a clearance from your doctors first before we go into a whole suite of eastern medical approach through holistic concoctions.
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Im no doctor but it dose sound like you may have damaged or at least aggravated the suspension ligament inflamming the dorsal nerve that runs via said ligament to the glans. The burning and tingling (like hitting your funny bone?) sounds like a nerve issue and the shriveling up could be a torn suspension ligament.

P.SI havent been through other post so i apologize if someone has already said the same.
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You have not seen a urologist?
Yes. I’ve seen many.which is why I’m not going back unless I have really good reason of something I figure out.they are highly incompetent. So I’ve been to several doctors. I just don’t consider them at all. They have all basically either said I’m fine, or they have no idea what to even do. My favorite was when he said to get an mri so we could check nerves. I took his word even though it didn’t appear in researching that it would even show that. After he said he didn’t see anything on it,I questioned about the nerves . He said , oh mri can’t see that really. This is why i gave up on them,. That ,and they’ve drug this out way beyond any time frame or fix anything if it were even possible. With 4-5 months between appointments, it very quickly destroyed any timeframe to help anything.

I’m still really confused what to even try. my glans just stays so horribly shrunken all day. The more active I am, the worse it is. This coincides with the feeling. The whole glans just seems white when I squeeze it today. Feels very dead and unresponsive and numb. It just seems like the lack of feeling is causing all the other nonsense. Needing to urinate, etc. I really don’t heave a clue how I feel sex as good as I do when it happens . When my wife touched me yesterday, I’ll be honest, it felt a little distant, but I DID feel all of it and it was arousing. Just not like it should be. But when I’m shrunk up in my pants, it’s just like it’s not even there. There’s not really any way to get it back either. I kegel and flex,I feel nothing. Blood flow is gone. I have to lay down a good while before anything will respond. And even then, the feeling is not right. It’s not ever been right. It’s super mind challenging to feel with my fingers and drag my shirt over it ,etc and feel sensation. It just feels like it should heal .Yet walk around , and be horribly shrunk and not feel my underwear at All.
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Sheesh. Today is rough. I realize how bad I feel when I go out and try to work or do anything physical. I get no circulation whatsoever. Never thought a person could feel this small. My feeling is off and all, but I sure can tell the difference between normal circulation and this. I guess my nervous system is just contracting everything . Came in to crap and it’s downright embarrassing to look at. After a poop, it’s so wrinkled and pathetic ,I don’t even understand. Peeing sitting down is absolutely way more difficult to finish than standing up. And standing up is even bad most times. Anxiety has always had shrinkage eff3ct,as I’m sure most people get. But this is flat out stupid. But yet, through this all, I used to have times I’d be chubby and horny right through this glans irritation/numbness. Feelings seem just as similar now as then,so it makes me wonder why it shrinks me so so bad now, yet my feeling is no different? Nervous system is all kinds of screwed up from this crap.
Okay, time to get you into the game of holistic medicines. Approach this at your own risks:
  • Huan Shao Zhuang Yang Pian, or known as trademark Youngain: this focuses on kidney and liver to get your blood cleansed and flow properly.
  • Te Xiao Zao Ren An Mian Pian, or known as trademark Sleepeace: this works in combo with Youngain.
  • Read up on @Vishald0810 herbal blend under Discoloration, Hyperpigmentation, Hypopigmentation and known solutions discussion. Funny enough, Patanjali Divya Kayakalp and Kayakalp taila (pills and oil) helps with blood thinning and blood flow support beyond the normal claims.
  • Strong Man Bao, Qiang Li Nan Bao: it's a blood refortification to stimulate blood into the groin region.
  • Wu Zi Yan Zong Pian, or known as Fertifruits: just be careful on this one. It can get you very hot and bothered at night as the herbal mixes do reeve up your blood circulation. Morning time usage is recommended.
  • Baidyanath Manmath Ras: similar to Qiang Li Nan Bao, with extra boost to internal healing as well.
  • Tattva ashwagandha: testosterone base booster
  • Manmatha Ras: both testosterone booster and internal blood enhancer
  • Kapiva Shilajit: one brother mentioned earlier about it. Yes, it's internal healing assistant and body stabilizer.
  • Ayurvedic Safed Musali: this does work in reconstituting the blood vessels and stimulation of the nerves.
This is just a short list. A very short list. Refocus your search on eastern holistic medicine on blood and nerve combination. There is no "one good combo". This is where the trial testing begins for you.
I’ll look around. Although I’m not usually “hard”flaccid,I Been reading some more on that. It looks pretty grim and confirms my gut here. Quote:

Although not fully understood, the general consensus is that hard flaccid syndrome is caused by elevated sympathetic nervous system activity, or tone, in the penis following a peripheral nerve injury. This heightened activity leads to an excessive release of norepinephrine in the erectile smooth muscle tissue, causing relentless smooth muscle contraction, which produces the "hard flaccid" state, or the persistent firmness and semi-rigidity of the flaccid penis that is characteristic of the condition.<a href="Hard flaccid syndrome - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></a> The temporary resolution of the "hard flaccid" state through intracavernous injections of phentolamine, an α-adrenergic antagonist, supports this claim.<a href="Hard flaccid syndrome - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></a> HFS resembles a condition called complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in its presentation, as both are thought to arise from an isolated injury that triggers a pathological shift in nervous system activity, amplifying pain signals and symptoms beyond that of the original trauma.

So it releases norepinephrine .:

The general function of norepinephrine is to mobilize the brain and body for action. Norepinephrine release is lowest during sleep, rises during wakefulness, and reaches much higher levels during situations of stress or danger, in the so-called fight-or-flight response. In the brain, norepinephrine increases arousal and alertness, promotes vigilance, enhances formation and retrieval of memory, and focuses attention; it also increases restlessness and anxiety. In the rest of the body, norepinephrine increases heart rateand blood pressure, triggers the release of glucose from energy stores, increases blood flow to skeletal muscle, reduces blood flow to the gastrointestinal system, and inhibits voiding of the bladder and gastrointestinal motility.

So that’s pretty much my life in a nutshell. Shrinking being a response to nerve injury . Which is what reluctantly is in the back of my brain this whole time. This kinda feels like I’m screwed no matter what I do unles this nerve heals. Which is highly unlikely at this point.
I’ll look around. Although I’m not usually “hard”flaccid,I Been reading some more on that.
No, you're not at the point of hard flaccid syndrome or hard flaccid state. Yours is a bit more to the side of the cases of HFS.

It looks pretty grim and confirms my gut here. Quote:

Although not fully understood, the general consensus is that hard flaccid syndrome is caused by elevated sympathetic nervous system activity, or tone, in the penis following a peripheral nerve injury. This heightened activity leads to an excessive release of norepinephrine in the erectile smooth muscle tissue, causing relentless smooth muscle contraction, which produces the "hard flaccid" state, or the persistent firmness and semi-rigidity of the flaccid penis that is characteristic of the condition.<a href="Hard flaccid syndrome - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></a> The temporary resolution of the "hard flaccid" state through intracavernous injections of phentolamine, an α-adrenergic antagonist, supports this claim.<a href="Hard flaccid syndrome - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></a> HFS resembles a condition called complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in its presentation, as both are thought to arise from an isolated injury that triggers a pathological shift in nervous system activity, amplifying pain signals and symptoms beyond that of the original trauma.
These symptoms describe a whole host of many other issues for both males and females. It's like describing ADD and ADHD that overlap with PTSD symptoms.

So it releases norepinephrine .:

The general function of norepinephrine is to mobilize the brain and body for action. Norepinephrine release is lowest during sleep, rises during wakefulness, and reaches much higher levels during situations of stress or danger, in the so-called fight-or-flight response. In the brain, norepinephrine increases arousal and alertness, promotes vigilance, enhances formation and retrieval of memory, and focuses attention; it also increases restlessness and anxiety. In the rest of the body, norepinephrine increases heart rateand blood pressure, triggers the release of glucose from energy stores, increases blood flow to skeletal muscle, reduces blood flow to the gastrointestinal system, and inhibits voiding of the bladder and gastrointestinal motility.
Yours is actually a mix. Your descriptions in other posts indicated you're all over the place, which doesn't do a predictive analysis to fully say it's Norepinephrine , or commonly known as noradrenaline. Your symptoms took responses in both day and night.

So that’s pretty much my life in a nutshell. Shrinking being a response to nerve injury . Which is what reluctantly is in the back of my brain this whole time. This kinda feels like I’m screwed no matter what I do unles this nerve heals. Which is highly unlikely at this point.
Nerve injury is merely a precursor. There are more than just nerve. It's one of the probable cause, but it takes more than nerve damages to cause all these symptom to manifests. Unless you lose over 1cm of the nerve segment for the dorsal branch, the nerve damage is merely an excuse for the time being. A kink, maybe. A scar on the nerve, maybe. A full damage, unlikely.
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Dude I had all these problems and I have taken all pills in the world. If you search my posts in this forum you will find out.
I had extremly high sympathetic nervous system and took all drugs. The problem with the drugs is that they fix what you see, not the root cause, not the symptome. They are created for us by companies for a "forever usage".
Drugs can have immediate effect on this problem but once you stop the drugs, problem comes up.
@oldandlively gave you a list of medications that take much time to solve (maybe 1 year) but the problem is solved for ever.
I took for my sympathetic nervous system Glutathione, Nac, EPA/DHA in high dose, Ubiquinol, B complex, 2 types of Magnesium (1 for morning 1 for night), ashwagandgha shoden, and all N.O boosters (which are better than cialis/viagra which they recocmend) and in 8 months my life suddenly changed.
You have to trust the process and get out of this thing but hey, if you are up for a medication I highly reccomend you an antidepressant because you need to calm down this thing.
The solution is there in front of you and for some reason you cant accept it.
Dude I had all these problems and I have taken all pills in the world. If you search my posts in this forum you will find out.
I had extremly high sympathetic nervous system and took all drugs. The problem with the drugs is that they fix what you see, not the root cause, not the symptome. They are created for us by companies for a "forever usage".
Drugs can have immediate effect on this problem but once you stop the drugs, problem comes up.
@oldandlively gave you a list of medications that take much time to solve (maybe 1 year) but the problem is solved for ever.
I took for my sympathetic nervous system Glutathione, Nac, EPA/DHA in high dose, Ubiquinol, B complex, 2 types of Magnesium (1 for morning 1 for night), ashwagandgha shoden, and all N.O boosters (which are better than cialis/viagra which they recocmend) and in 8 months my life suddenly changed.
You have to trust the process and get out of this thing but hey, if you are up for a medication I highly reccomend you an antidepressant because you need to calm down this thing.
The solution is there in front of you and for some reason you cant accept it.
Bear with me. I’ve become quite dumb over the last year with this . What is the solution in front of me? lol. I really don’t think you had what I do. Did your whole glans feel very compromised ? Light feeling of even having a penis totally gone in clothes. My feeling is all there with my finger,but it’s wrong, and dulled and tender feeling. Only during arousal does it get better. I can actually live with that part ok, but in reality , it’s still wrong. Glans tissue itself just isn’t normal texture. Hard to explain, but true, just doesn’t seem I can escape all the shrinkage ,without getting rid of the neuropathy of the glans.

I’m more angry than depressed these days. I have to stay calm or I’ll be laid up in bed like I was a year ago. Mentally I’m best I can probably be given the circumstances. I work,but I have to take it easy.
No, you're not at the point of hard flaccid syndrome or hard flaccid state. Yours is a bit more to the side of the cases of HFS.
Maybe not. But it sure seems related.
Yours is actually a mix. Your descriptions in other posts indicated you're all over the place, which doesn't do a predictive analysis to fully say it's Norepinephrine , or commonly known as noradrenaline. Your symptoms took responses in both day and night.
Yes. I feel bad at night too .mainly lately .
Nerve injury is merely a precursor. There are more than just nerve. It's one of the probable cause, but it takes more than nerve damages to cause all these symptom to manifests. Unless you lose over 1cm of the nerve segment for the dorsal branch, the nerve damage is merely an excuse for the time being. A kink, maybe. A scar on the nerve, maybe. A full damage, unlikely.
My glans is the only detail that always seems to be there no matter when. It feels like a bunch of the sensory ending stuff on the glans got wiped out,and /or damaged.especially on the left side where the sting used to happen frequently a year ago.
Bear with me. I’ve become quite dumb over the last year with this . What is the solution in front of me? lol. I really don’t think you had what I do. Did your whole glans feel very compromised ? Light feeling of even having a penis totally gone in clothes. My feeling is all there with my finger,but it’s wrong, and dulled and tender feeling. Only during arousal does it get better. I can actually live with that part ok, but in reality , it’s still wrong. Glans tissue itself just isn’t normal texture. Hard to explain, but true, just doesn’t seem I can escape all the shrinkage ,without getting rid of the neuropathy of the glans.

I’m more angry than depressed these days. I have to stay calm or I’ll be laid up in bed like I was a year ago. Mentally I’m best I can probably be given the circumstances. I work,but I have to take it easy.
As brother @kriskros said, don't put things off anymore and take one step forward. Doesn't matter which step as long as you take one step forward. If the doctors did offer you a solution, make your own solution. You've been researching on the matters. If you don't get a clear answer, just deem the situation as you fell into a mud pit and you are sinking. Remain calm, and look for alternative solutions.

He have his. We gave ours. You can pick yours that you think you can move forward with. A solution of not doing anything but bitching is not a solution.
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Man I agree. This is just hard to swallow with no way through it seems. I’m waiting to see what he means solution is in front of me. Cause I don’t see it yet. lol. I did try doubling lcitulinne last couple days, but I didn’t seem to get any effect of blood flow from it yet.
What you think about no way out, you have dozens if no hundreds of way out. We think too much on the plane of one dimensions. We think there is only point A to point B. But if you look at two and three dimensions, you see hundreds to thousands of way. Our body sits on a four dimensional plane. We can't see it. There are multitudes of ways. We can't comprehend it all, so we stick to an easy one dimensional approach. Think outside of the one dimensional solution. At least go to two dimensional.
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Heh. Well ,I’m still in big time pain and trouble over a really dumb day I had 18 months ago . I gotta get back there somehow ,someway. I just have a hard time seeing magic happening with pills,etc. this is too severe. I keep thinking back. I thought I was jelqing wrong and read into it more. Somehow I got out of that I was doing it too lightly . Well, that was instant death . Never felt a thing.
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There is no magical pills. There are solutions. It can be as simple as not doing anything and waiting for years, or you can push forward by using natural remedies, or even pharmaceuticals, on top of physical therapy (such as PE or semi-PE). This is your choice. We throw so many paths at you and it feels like you're a wall made of thick slick glass that nothing sticks. You have to break out of the funk and move forward. A quarter step, a half step, or even a full step. Pick one. We deal with so many patients from the veteran side that all we do is slap them up and down the alleys until they recognize their stubbornness, then they accept the solutions no matter how strange they are. You're stuck in that area.
I know man. I hate it . I’m trying not to. I’m just naturally a glass half empty person anyway. But this has devastated me. I literally can’t function right all day every day over the dumbest thing ever. All of this therapy and other crap just doesn’t fix anything and only seems in my head to be a very temporary blood flow change. Right back until I either get physical or think about it. It just seems so endless and pointless when the nerve problem is stuck and not going anywhere. I literally just took a pee, and I’m all contracted.glans sensitive again. Huge vein down the side of my junk. So horrible from how dense I used to be. The feeling is just so compromised. That’s why I can’t see the solution. The feeling is so far gone.
It's all depending on what "glass half empty" mentality you're using. I use "half glass empty, but half can be filled with something else" mentality. If you ask my wife and those around me, when I was injured, be one legs, both legs, leg and arm, warms and leg, I always found a way to get around things for months on end. I was injured for 27 months, and it was nothing short of pure madness on my part. Skull broken, clavicle damaged, rib cage fractures, internal damages, all been there. When I look back on all the injuries, 27 months was nothing. But I didn't just sit around for 27 months. That would have turned into a 5 years of not getting myself healed up. I did everything I could, be physical therapy, alternative medicines, and even combined safely with western medicines. I took all opportunity to heal and to learn.
Yeah. I get it. I try my best not to sit around. I’ve been pretty active las few months. But that’s my problem.this issue is so so much worse being active. And I mean just walking. What I do is manual labor. It makes this shrink and feel 30 degrees . So sitting around helps. Just not my brain. It’s one thing to lose all this feeling with pain. But to have it strip your entire package away with it, that’s just wrong. Being around people is almost mentally impossible . You have no idea.
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Oh, trust me, I can get where you are coming from. My family is not the healthiest nor the physically fit family. We all have a few screws loose. As the head of the household, I have to deal with them all. Everyone's problems seem to be my problems for some reason. So, yes, I know exactly where you are coming from. Sitting next to individuals without a care in the world while I have dozens and dozens, I don't sit well either. On top of that, my physical and emotional bodies are not at 100% either. So, I have my own craps to deal with. We all have our own issues to deal with. It's about breaking out of the metal funk and into the mental fortitude to push forward, regardless of where you are, and in what kind of storms you're facing. Forge ahead.
Well. This seems to have aspects of hard flaccid attached to me. The way it constricts and blood vessels pop out. It does things I didn’t know was possible to it ever. I have that hard flaccid dct coarse I bought awhile back just to have the stretches available. I’ve not got totally into it yet. I’m just so wore out and all that stuff is very tiring. And in my head,no matter how much I relax things, this no feeling/irritation is always there to put me right back to square one. Ugh.
If you believe it's HFS, our brothers that suffered a bit (reported as far back as 2012) can give you clues on it. HFS is something that exist, cannot be truly diagnose as it is overlapping with so many other symptoms and key issues, and the symptoms are individual specifics. They may have similar correlation on symptoms, but at the end of the day, the symptoms are deviated to the point where we can't seem to get a uniform consistency to actually put our fingers on the root causes. We suspected multiple root causes, and taking specific medications (herbal and pharmaceutical), some of the root causes were taken care of.
Yeah. Now that this much time has went on, it makes sense. Stretches did help at first. They just slowly degraded,and now I’m here. I think the shrinkage or HF is just a response to the damage in my glans. I really don’t think much I do can fix anything cause it’s just gonna keep the same loop going when I feel all the tingles, or get stressed. Which is very very easy to do. The instant extreme shrinkage when I poop seems indicative of that as well. It’s never been this serious before . Just seriously researching the last few days again has been more hell than normal as well
This is why we keep on talking about logging. But logging down the issues is not enough to deal with the root causes of the symptoms. Now, get of the proverbial shitting chair, pick a path, and start walking on the path of treatment. Try herbal remedies known to work for the last few thousand years, or select the pharmaceutical versions that have been created in the past 4 decades. If you plan on taking a combo, make sure they don't clash.
Strongly suggest a visit to the urologist. Maybe some testosterone testing and also resting from any pumping. I had similar issues when I was pumping a lot and I think I over pumped and damaged some nerves and maybe some vessels. I did shockwave therapy and that seemed to help a lot. TRT has helped with the Libido.
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Strongly suggest a visit to the urologist. Maybe some testosterone testing and also resting from any pumping. I had similar issues when I was pumping a lot and I think I over pumped and damaged some nerves and maybe some vessels. I did shockwave therapy and that seemed to help a lot. TRT has helped with the Libido.
Been there. Done that. Might as well have went to the dentist. Im kinda looking at buying that phoenix shockwave. I don’t think it will help, but it doesn’t really matter at this point to try I guess.
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Been there. Done that. Might as well have went to the dentist. Im kinda looking at buying that phoenix shockwave. I don’t think it will help, but it doesn’t really matter at this point to try I guess.
Be sure to verify that it's a targeted or focused shockwave machine vs radial. The research doesn't support radial shockwave as being effective.
Working on it. I’m pondering prp shot,but my gut says that is a huge gimmick .especially this far out.
Well, don't dismiss the PRP yet. My wife uses PRP for her pain control and beauty with her medical friends and coworkers. So, PRP does have its role in the scheme of things. We do have medical equipment to extract blood and centrifuge the blood to obtain the plasma-rich content as well. Imagine where all the money went in this household.

Been there. Done that. Might as well have went to the dentist. Im kinda looking at buying that phoenix shockwave. I don’t think it will help, but it doesn’t really matter at this point to try I guess.
Currently, one of the brothers purchased that specific unit for PE usages as well. I'm very curious about the home model vs the clinical model for PE as well. Radial (cheaper alternative) vs focused (very expensive piece of equipment).
Well, don't dismiss the PRP yet. My wife uses PRP for her pain control and beauty with her medical friends and coworkers. So, PRP does have its role in the scheme of things. We do have medical equipment to extract blood and centrifuge the blood to obtain the plasma-rich content as well. Imagine where all the money went in this household.

Currently, one of the brothers purchased that specific unit for PE usages as well. I'm very curious about the home model vs the clinical model for PE as well. Radial (cheaper alternative) vs focused (very expensive piece of equipment).
So phoenix is radial then ?

Never mind, yes it is .

Waiting on a call to talk about prp and shockwave. Sad I’ll probably do it,and I have about 2% faith in any of it.
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Might go check this consultation out, since they offer test,and prostate check as well. Seems like every time this burning pee is prevalent, my glans is almost moist and cold on my leg as well. Balanitis shows everything I search, but I know that’s not it
Waiting on a call to talk about prp and shockwave. Sad I’ll probably do it,and I have about 2% faith in any of it.
Before you use anything, you have to understand what it's used for and how it's used. Don't just stick a gun on your dick, pull the trigger, and pray for miracles. Make sure to truly understand everything there is to radial LIST devices before spending a good chunk of money on it.

According to the other brother, if you ask for a discount price as you are using it for PE testing, they'll give you a nice steep discount overall. That's a massive saving on a $700+ unit.
Might go check this consultation out, since they offer test,and prostate check as well. Seems like every time this burning pee is prevalent, my glans is almost moist and cold on my leg as well. Balanitis shows everything I search, but I know that’s not it
You know what balanitis based on your research right?

The most noticeable issue is the smell due to skin infection, something like yeast infection. Of course, there are subsurface cases, possibly yours, that don't generate the bad smell. However, your case is an oddball that doesn't meet every checkboxes in the lists of common ailment diagnosis. If we can find resolution to you case, you'll be one of the first to crack medical bafflement.
Yeah. There’s no smell. That doesn’t give me high hopes.
Lotta thinking today. Lotta feelings of peeing. During these days, my glans looks inflamed. Seems almost wet ,or tacky. And sensitive,yet feels cold/damp on leg.
Yep. This is not blanitis, or could be. It could be viral, it could subdermal bacterial infection, or it could be a combo with something.

But the key points are what you've identified. "Lots of peeing", "glans looks inflammed", "wet, or tacky" sensation", "sensitive". It's practically scream blood flow, prostate, and a touch on the nerve going as high up as the sciatic region. You think we have fires to put out? You got infernoes all over the place.
Yup. I may as well wrap it up and forget about it until I go to bed. Lol. It’s tough to describe the glans as it is currently. Feeling is gone of course as usual . It’s not actually wet, but definitely not dry whatsoever. Clammy I guess you could say.And tender. Overesensitive burny sensation when I rub it through pants,that goes with the pee burn feeling I get.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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