case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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on it. pack says once a day.
What is the weight for each package? Limit to 4g max a day at the moment.

well, its postive for a really long time then. lol. if i get to where theres some engorement, and i squeeze it, the glans will fill up, and it just seems way darker than it should . not red or purple exactly. in the middle id say. ill check again. i swear every two weeks it feels different slightly. 2 weeks ago, it felt like cold air on it when i walked. now it doesnt. today it almost felt clammy sitting and glans feels tacky on my left side stinging spot. sticks to my leg here and there.
Darker red towards purple, or pinkish toward red?
What is the weight for each package? Limit to 4g max a day at the moment.
it said 3g
Darker red towards purple, or pinkish toward red?
kinda a mixture at times i think.
my feeling has defiitely degraded at glans. i was hard/horny most of night. i feel pretty decently the sheets like that. when its over though , i dont feel near as much of it. go real flaccid. i get up, and lose all size/density. using hand, i feel it all ,and will come back. just feels softer. get up again. all gone. combo of feeling loss and less than normal flaccid size= feeling of no dick. very depressing. yet i can still feel cold fingers on it, or even the sheets that are cold where i havent laid

my erections feel stronger, larger, harder, etc, when i either wake up with them, or get them while half asleep mentally. if i wake up and try to manually get one, it happens, yet it seems labored, doesnt seem as hard. and i seem to want to get off before im even totally hard.
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it said 3g
Got it. If you want to save money, buy the bulk and measure it out on your own. It's 1/3 the price of the single serving packages. Being off by 0.5g each time is not going to kill you. Once your body adapts to the loading, 4g to 5g will be your new baseline of intake.

kinda a mixture at times i think.
my feeling has defiitely degraded at glans. i was hard/horny most of night. i feel pretty decently the sheets like that. when its over though , i dont feel near as much of it. go real flaccid. i get up, and lose all size/density. using hand, i feel it all ,and will come back. just feels softer. get up again. all gone. combo of feeling loss and less than normal flaccid size= feeling of no dick. very depressing. yet i can still feel cold fingers on it, or even the sheets that are cold where i havent laid
Mixture of color is not a good consistent blood flow color. That means there's a slow flow or restrictive flow somewhere in one of the veins and one of the arteries.

my erections feel stronger, larger, harder, etc, when i either wake up with them, or get them while half asleep mentally. if i wake up and try to manually get one, it happens, yet it seems labored, doesnt seem as hard. and i seem to want to get off before im even totally hard.
This is definitely muscle related. When you try to engage it using forceful muscle manipulation, the muscles over tighten and causes everything to be labored as you put it. This is a great observational insight. Looks like you are going towards a good direction as your erection is becoming a lot stronger. Now we know a trick and a step going forward to get this resolved.
i hope. sadly , the lost feeling has me pretty down. its hard to function without feeling . its only really decent on physical contact, which has made me really confused this whole time. only time my erection is strong is when im asleep it seems. i can get really hard manually , yet its useless, cause im ready to finish way earlier than that. and erection jsut seems darker and puffier. and irritated from glans irritation
Now, when you say physical contact, you mean just touching the penis or stimulation to arousal?

Erection tends to be strong at night when all muscles are relaxed. The brothers I'm helping and myself included get pretty hard night erections. At times, it gotten so hard that I had to wake up and forcefully pee to bring the erection down. Thank goodness that my wife is understanding and let me finish inside her when peeing doesn't help with a quicky.

As you described it, when your glans is sensitive, you tend to finish up pretty quick. After 14 hours of PE ADS wearing under high mobility, my glans can get pretty sensitive just like how you feel at this point in time. Just being intimate for a few minutes makes me blow my load.

We just need to follow through the plan in monitoring everything, be testosterone level throughout the day, temperature influence (but you indicated it wasn't working), and promoting blood flow to strengthen the blood vessels.

Do keep us in the loop for the recent test result.
touching and stimulating as well. i just cant feel a whole lot in clothes walking around. i can drag a towel across it and feel that pretty well. showerhead is not as good feeling as it should . nor is underwear, frenulum is fine however.

it just seems to have changed into this state a long time ago and this is the new way it stays. its not my dick at all. i dont think the feeling has changed all that much from awhile ago. yet it just stays dormant all day now. which gives me even less to feel. it literally just feels like a different dick. no girth. no density.short. head is same size as shaft. it used to come out of it sometimes. not anymore.
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touching and stimulating as well. i just cant feel a whole lot in clothes walking around. i can drag a towel across it and feel that pretty well. showerhead is not as good feeling as it should . nor is underwear, frenulum is fine however.
If you haven't noticed, this is one major step forward compared to what you've described a few weeks, or even a few months ago. Before, you can't even feel the strides of the towels. Now, with that in mind, do the same thing for the bed sheets in the morning. Compare the sensation before you fully wake up, any time during the night, and just before you got to bed each day. This is a training your brain to detect a higher level of touch through brain plasticity while you're going through the healing phases. We can't do much until we know why you're clogged up somewhere in there, not letting your blood flow freely.

it just seems to have changed into this state a long time ago and this is the new way it stays. its not my dick at all. i dont think the feeling has changed all that much from awhile ago. yet it just stays dormant all day now. which gives me even less to feel. it literally just feels like a different dick. no girth. no density.short. head is same size as shaft. it used to come out of it sometimes. not anymore.
What we perceive as a big change takes time. But when the body changes little by little, we don't see it. We rush to see major changes all at once. Any injury recovery doesn't work that way, unless you have a supernatural power to heal you completely. That supernatural power only works if you put your efforts into getting the power to initiate. Can't sit on our asses all day and have miracles blessed us like it's free meals from heaven.
If you haven't noticed, this is one major step forward compared to what you've described a few weeks, or even a few months ago. Before, you can't even feel the strides of the towels. Now, with that in mind, do the same thing for the bed sheets in the morning. Compare the sensation before you fully wake up, any time during the night, and just before you got to bed each day. This is a training your brain to detect a higher level of touch through brain plasticity while you're going through the healing phases. We can't do much until we know why you're clogged up somewhere in there, not letting your blood flow freely.

What we perceive as a big change takes time. But when the body changes little by little, we don't see it. We rush to see major changes all at once. Any injury recovery doesn't work that way, unless you have a supernatural power to heal you completely. That supernatural power only works if you put your efforts into getting the power to initiate. Can't sit on our asses all day and have miracles blessed us like it's free meals from heaven.

well. honestly , i have a hard time noticing. cause im a mental train wreck. i try my hardest to put my pants on to do what i used to do, yet it just isnt there. then it crashes me to get through the day. im confused whether im even clogged up at all due to the nocturnal events. or that my nerves are so altered, it just shuts my flow function down. it just almost feels worse standing still, then if i have it out touching it.
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im still on the fence to jelq or anything. i just dont see what it can even help . massage perhaps. i cringe thinking of it. yet as i sit here, and kegel, i can slightly feel it move, and its the most lifeless short thing ive ever felt in my pants. feeling it with my hand is the same result. i may not have good feeling, yet i can feel when its deflated, or when it has normal size. it just aint.
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If you want to explorer massage, best thing to do is to explore the gua sha world, or tunica scraping, like we discusssed earlier. If there is nerve non responsiveness, it will help. Since we're focusing on blood circulation, it will help.
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interesting week...did nt notice effect of cittruline. until today perhaps. not sure. i started other stuff as well experimenting. i gave in. i cant jelq for fear, so i tried pump at 7-8 in. then ssj between. 8 has never swelled my junk up that much and that easy ever. ive doene that last couple days after warm up and some stretching. i havent stayed that large in a long time. really felt as good as i have in a year. not perfect, yet no pain or sting. and ive had good size/engorgement. even had sex early wed. for 30 min. (no ejac) it didnt hurt me to do that.

thursday, i woke up to wife wanting play, yet she was too sore. so i jacked off over her for 10 min . (no ejac). usually my hand will end up hurting me afterwards. it felt great, and never seemed to hurt all day. in fact, that night i came in from cold, to get in the tub. i was still fat, engorged. i soaked to warm up. wanted to rest from pump to not get ahead of things. theni just stretched , and did a couple min of ssj. i stayed good size the whoel itme. until all the sudden it just kinda lost girth. then my glans felt like it has lately. sensitive,etc. got it plump again. it just wasnt the same after that, so i quit.

got hard while sleeping as i always do. woke up, worked. felt so so. came in for lunch. undressed. i was pretty fat. yet hourglassed a lot. showed wife. then i realized i had to crap . this happens like that a lot. after that, it went away. wife got in shower. i did too. i was really fat. also horny. i had to keep from kegeling to keep it down. it stayed really dense the whole time. after that. we had sex of course. this time i got off. i was pretty sensitive this go round. rest of the day, ive kinda went to square on again. sting came back. feelings kinda faded. cant feel as good. etc. size for most part, is still decent yet not near what it was. kinda feel tightpain again at times. gonna leave pump alone tonight. it feels like it did some good . yet not real sure what happened in tub to destroy it.....yet right now it either stings or has the dead missing feeling i hadnt really felt for a couple days
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Sounds like it's on a sporatic recovery mode. My suggestion is to remain at 5 and 6inHg rather than 7 and 8inHg. Why? You haven't pumped in a while. Too much too soon can cause over inflation and deflation. Take it easy and up the level slowly.

However, it appears multiple things are lining up. Thermal influences, natural nitric oxide loading to move the blood, which pushes the free testosterone to work in your favor causing horniness. You ventured with the SSJ which pushes for more blood, and you also forced the blood vessels to expand even further. However, once again, go slowly.

As you can see, once you start PE, you don't stop because of some issues. You continue to use PE to recover, but strategically.
noted. and yeah. i dont really want to do it, yet if it helps ill do anything. ssj is very easy at this point. it seemed less harmful to glans. i havent felt that good all year. i didnt get attached, cause i didnt expect it to last
got up this am, size was all good as it should. had to poop after around 30 min. lost it all. shrunk . gotta work this out over time . got those weird feelings when i kegel now again.
just tried it again. i get full size and all eventually. just seems a lot redder than it used to. has been awhile. not sure if this will stimulate any healing or not. i never seem to get "hard" in pump though. seems i used to. its just really fat and expanded. afterwards, i have that light inner burn when i kegel. glans tissue seems puffy and red as well. didnt do ssj today . just massaged the shaft a little. sometimes, i feel like im getting somehwhere, yet i just dont. hard to say. everything in the tip just feels so "new" or tender is the only way i can explain it.

so. its obvious it all still works. its not right. yet im thankful. its still very mind screwing. my nocturnal erections have stayed solid since l citrullin. not improved, or worse. they have also seemed not as dead feeling or burny on glans. seems improved feeling wise. i for sure feel rougher today after all that with the sex, etc. my feeling is down. slightly burny again. always more noticable while walking. way worse than a few days ago prior to stimulation. inner sting is there too. have to lay off the touching a while again. glans just seems overdone. looks like fresh tissue
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got up this am, size was all good as it should. had to poop after around 30 min. lost it all. shrunk . gotta work this out over time . got those weird feelings when i kegel now again.
Yep. This is definitely the muscles and blood constriction at the pelvic floor, on either or both pereneal and dorsal veins and nerves.

just tried it again. i get full size and all eventually. just seems a lot redder than it used to. has been awhile. not sure if this will stimulate any healing or not.
First few steps brother. Once again, don't be zealous. Ease in.

i never seem to get "hard" in pump though. seems i used to. its just really fat and expanded. afterwards, i have that light inner burn when i kegel. glans tissue seems puffy and red as well. didnt do ssj today . just massaged the shaft a little. sometimes, i feel like im getting somehwhere, yet i just dont. hard to say. everything in the tip just feels so "new" or tender is the only way i can explain it.
Tenderness is blood rushes and new expansion from many months of no expansion. This also addressing the higher expansion that you haven't been getting the proper expansion throughout the months. It's like flexing your weakened muscles and trying to look buff, but your muscles are not constantly exercised like they used to. Redness is the sign of stresses and stretches. This is both good and no so good. Ease in.

so. its obvious it all still works. its not right. yet im thankful. its still very mind screwing. my nocturnal erections have stayed solid since l citrullin. not improved, or worse. they have also seemed not as dead feeling or burny on glans. seems improved feeling wise. i for sure feel rougher today after all that with the sex, etc. my feeling is down. slightly burny again. always more noticable while walking. way worse than a few days ago prior to stimulation. inner sting is there too. have to lay off the touching a while again. glans just seems overdone. looks like fresh tissue
Keep staying the course. Adding new exercise or avenues of PE little at a time. SSJ is good. Ease in and increase the intensities VERY SLOWLY! Don't go from light to hard in a week. Spread it out throughout the months. Increase 0.5inHg in negative pressure every 4 to 6 weeks. Do not go higher than that level. Since you have good outcome at 6 to 7inHg, stay there. Don't go up past that. All you need to do is stay in that pressure zone and practice getting full erection. Nothing more, nothing less. Total erection exercises. Don't hold the kegel repetitions past 5 seconds. Slowly engage kegel over the course of 5 seconds, gentle, then light, then light-moderate. Do not engage your kegel and and fast. This is one way to screw up your blood vessels and nerves by over engaging your muscles.

As we said many times, God's blessing for healing by you acting. If you don't act, you don't get healed.
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im trying my hardest,. my red glans is very hard to deal with. . ill keep at it. not sure i can ever get it to heal or feel better. it seemed to help. until it didnt. relaxing feels so helpful. i have too much to do to do that as much as i have to now. i gotta get past this somehow though.
well, everything i thought i made progress on has seemed to vanish after getting up this morning. last night at sleep time i felt decent and had erections all night as usual. around when i got up feelings started fading again. felt smaller. i look and im not, yet i dont feel it in clothes again. left glans spot feels dead/cold. my physical cold glans is gone however. this is a nervy cold. it isnt cold touching my leg anymore. feeling glans through my pants just feels num and dead again. i can arouse it if i want to, yet thats the only way i can really feel it well. if that. so discouraging
Got it. The surround tissues is trying to force the nerve branches to go deeper after reawaken the tissues with sufficient blood flow. Going from clammy cold to just a cold feeling, this is a massive step forward. This means the dorsal the latter major nerve is receiving solid neuro signals.
more stimulation /light pump i guess? doesnt feel like a step forward. yet nothing does when you feel half dead all the time
More light stimulation to get the nerve branches registered, light jelqs and SSJ for more blood flow, and light pumping to increase blood retention to open up the blood vessels. Remember, stay low on pressures.

Whenever you can and have, put on that silicone cushioned donut. Protect that dorsal nerve and artery.
gotcha. i just finished another pump session. after 3-4 min im stopping to massage,etc. glans just gets so red. kinda puffy , feels amazing to stroke. although a cold sensation at first. can finish anytime. just wish it could level out someday so i can get to where i started and not feel all this crap ever again
That is the way to go. Slowly work your way up to more intense trading and only do this when your ready
so far, you could say im progressing at times. the most important part doesnt improve much, which is walking around in clothes. and my feeling of such. for the last week or so i havent had any shrinkage most of the time. and the physical coldness has disappeared. my night time is the greatest time of all. i stay either hard, or very plump all night for the most part. even when i wake. i just dont think ill ever get my day to day feeling again. i dont know.

i got head this morning. have refrained a long time for fear of what i wont feel. yet i felt it all, and it was great. which led to 20 min of pretty good sex. its super confusing to understand how i cant feel with clothes on. im adjusting cause i have to . the greatest i feel is with sweat pants at night when i relax. most of the prickly tingly deadness is masked somehow like that. i guess ill roll on with time and hope to improve. not real sure. glans still continues to have that really pink hue. whole thing seems to swell more in pump than it ever did. not sure what that means. even at the meatus expands. its never done that. especially not at 6-7 in. i couldnt ever even get it to a real erection prior to injury until 10-12. everything is pretty weird these days after going through all this.
i got a 3 pk of cock rings to get a good size. the largest one is still pretty dang tight to wear after pumping for any lenth of time i think . ill see. i also got a 7/8 sili sleeve to try for irritation. it seems ok for off and on use. i wish id got the 1". its fairly constricting. even the 1" will be a chore to get on i think. ive got to condition my mind to the feelings. im getting there. im in decent shape at night and around the house.
shouldnt have even said anything. i really thought i was getting somewhere. had a rough evening unrelated to this ,which skyrocketed my anxiety. i feel like everything i thought i gained is gone.. its fired my nerves up in glans again. i feel like crap all over again. guess what im doing doesnt really help at all. sure seemed to all last week .. wasting my time trying i guess.
Don't worry. We all hit mental and emotion road blocks and all hell breaks loose in PE. Don't consider it as a failure, but an observational gain. Try to remain calm and come out of it with finesse instead. You're not wasting any time. You're simply learning from failures.
Don't worry. We all hit mental and emotion road blocks and all hell breaks loose in PE. Don't consider it as a failure, but an observational gain. Try to remain calm and come out of it with finesse instead. You're not wasting any time. You're simply learning from failures.
Excellent post
Don't worry. We all hit mental and emotion road blocks and all hell breaks loose in PE. Don't consider it as a failure, but an observational gain. Try to remain calm and come out of it with finesse instead. You're not wasting any time. You're simply learning from failures.
ive learned from this failure for sure. it jsut doesnt feel like ive helped a thing. i just want to work without a foreign feeling in my pants. thats all. i just dont understand how somehting seemingly simple seems to have permanetely ruined me.
Have you ever suffer a broken leg or arm, lost a digit, or failed to recognize something as a simple mistake and the problem is occuring daily? Be a penis, a digit, a fogged mins, or an ego that cannot be controlled, your daily life suffers because of that issue. Either you cope around the issues while adapting and find a solution, or simply live in woes and constantly remind yourself of the short comings.

Grow stronger each day brother. Don't let little inconveniences slow you down or allow them remind you of what you missed. You are not missing anything. You simply have new walls to break down and conquer.
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oh im stronger. and legs and arms heal. this doesnt heal much if any so far. this is by far the farthest thing from a little inconvenience there ever was. id rather have complete impotency than this. and i have to allow it to remind me . thats the issue. it cant be ignored. i feel it every step i take. only while resting i can get relief. yet i cant live like a lazy person. although i have to some . and i assure you, i am missing a lot. as is my family. over these idiotic excercises that killed my penis in seconds .

i thought i had anxiety prior to this. let me tell you, this injury jsut compounded that,and made that look like a walk in the park.
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while its hit my mind. what could cause me to lose all the precum i used to have? this seemed to go away after i was injured . even today when i get aroused i get nothing. not until actual ejaculation is coming. thats not precum though. ive never understood what would make that stop along with all the other issues i got.
Precum is a combination of excitement and excess of semenic fluid buildup. It's must have a combination, and not just one or the other. When you're stressed or your anxiety starts to rise, corisol load will hinder the production of semenic fluid because of the reduction of fluid (due to stress releasing the fluid retention in your prostate) and your excitement level fluctuate too much.

I know we revisited the medical testing subject over and over again, but do check everything, be prostate, polyps, or hormone level at every moment of the day during the several phases of your rest vs stress phases. Normally for me, at this point in time, all data should have been collected at least twice. For those who live near me, I would have been on their butts so hard with uninvited visits, text messages, and phone calls that they deem me as a nuisance. And yes, I have done this with those who have similar issues.
well. i seem to have plenty at the time i let it out. previous to getting hurt, id shoot 2-3ft. im lucky to hit 6 inches now. id say hormones are ok. im mentally excited all the time. my units issues are nerve that got crushed in jelqing. was fine in feeling dept previous to that day. i just dont ever feel right there at all . ever. i can only mask it at times. other times not. i think manually exciting it sometimes helps a short time. only due to the stimulating having a numbing effect for a short time. even then it doesnt feel right. never has since that day. it has just changed ever so often. almost unnoticed. id go to a doctor again,except its already cost me thousands for literally nothing. they are not interested unless its a normal issue solved with pills . and theres not enough time at the doc to even describe what im even feeling. im still trying to describe it almost 1.5 yrs later. going to them gave me more anxiety than i already have , cause i know its pointless. theres nothing they can even do. im just massaging and stimulating in a off the wall chance it can help me feel what im supposed to feel when im not touching it again
Unless you are paying everything out of pocket cost for health care without insurance, then yes, it will be very expensive. But blood workup, standard scans (x-ray, ultrasound, and not the costly MRI and CT), elevated general doctors to forwarded specialists, the cost should not be in the thousands.

For a pressure that can discharge from 2 to 3 ft to 6in now, it's definitely not nerve related as a whole. Nerve is responsible for muscle contraction and relaxation, but if you're able to fire 6in still, it's pathology, urology, and muscularly. If it's nerve as a main issue, you can't even fire off at all, or worst yet, you can't even get it up, period.

I talked to one of the patients that had a sudden reduction of semenic fluid reduction from constantly dripping to practically nothing at all over the course of weeks. He had his prostate examined and tested. He was overly anxious was you are now. The first test, it was inclusive because it was too early. Second and third examination, it was discovered oddities going from aymptomic prostatitis, suddenly elevated to acute, follows by chronic, and within months, it went straight to benign protatic hyperplasia. He was only 37, which is not rare but not common until in the latter years of mid 40s and 50s that male suffer this more frequently. And no, he didn't have UTI or signs of UTI, which made things even more bizarre.

Just something to think about.
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i have thought of prostatitis many times as a partial issue, yet going to them for that seems a lost cause as well from what ive researched. lol . i thought i could deal with this as long as i could still have sex at first. as time went on, i noticed that wasnt my real issue with things at all. its mainly the way i feel as i try to do day to day stuff. its horrid. id trade that warm comfort feeling i dont have for sex anyday.
Why is it a loss cause? Bad medical procedure or the local hospital/clinic just don't care?

If the insurance received such info where the clinic or hospital does a poor job or just don't care, there will be hell to pay all the way up the chain. The insurance may issue a new medical location that can be further out. However, ignore health monitoring is a violation of human health and can be fined pretty high up there.
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No. There is a procedure that they can go through to document and monitor the situation. As I mentioned, it escallated for the 37 year old patient pretty fast in the course of a few month for ignored diagnosis. Of course, this is your call. We can only offer you insights and precautionary tale-tell signs of more servere symptoms and causes that can snow ball out of control very fast.
Do watch out for it. The worst is the hidden signs that have no observable or sensing symptoms. What you're describing each time is the rise and fall of those symptoms. Just worrying for you brother.
and once again , its put me on my knees. everything has come full circle again after last night. pumping is not gonna help it seems. felt rough all night. lost all control over it ,and feeling. same dead sting is here again. of course this has depleted any arousal, or plumpness i ever had. i cant even understand how i got it to feel what it did the last week or 2. at least it was good at night. now thats all gone too again. zero life . didnt feel much at all while sleeping. this is rough. doesnt even feel good to touch. i hate to say it, i need a heart attack to end this . seems like the only way to end this suffering
Two steps forward, and then two steps back. Don't be discouraged. You know what you've done was working. Time to reset. Anxiety and life issues threw curve balls at you, and that resulted in PE fiasco. Bring yourself back to normalcy with your emotion and mindset, and reset your routines from the start again.
im not sure it worked. i dont know . i just know this feeling makes me want to run off a cliff. i can never rid my self of this feeling. its a endless cycle of trying to stay horny to mask what it really feels like i think. which i can only do so much. how on earth did i end up like this...
Keep at it. Until you know it doesn't work, find a new method. The process was working well but then you got stressed over something beside PE. That reset your efforts. That's fine. Reset, rinse, and repeat. Until you exhausted the routine and know it does not have any effects any more, we'll come up with the next level. However, DO NOT ignore the medical evaluation on that prostate. My wife's father caught it early with tale-tell signs and he managed to overcome it. Being egotistical and finding excuses will simply place yourself into the final stages of your worst case scenario that you're proclaiming all this time, which is death. I pray you do not ever come close to that. Your families will be devastated like ours. We lost too many close families and friends because they kept on ignoring the signs.
man im closer than ive ever felt like . my glans is just all kinds of wrong. i cant stand to let it hang. and i cant stand how it feels wrapped up. theres no way out of that it seems. prostate doesnt have much to do with that . i still have decent size as of yet mostly, my feeling is just all kinds of missing or wrong. i got stressed actually due to this injury since constantly thinking of it caused me to fail at something i used to thrive at. that just compounded everything even worse. i already felt rough previous to that. its just worse now. which means my nerves are most likely just what they are now. its unreal to feel like this all day. it cant go on like this unless im bedridden. and thats worse than trying to live. i cant do anything except keep trying. its just not getting me anywhere.

ive read of fasting lately. i know thats just mostly hopes and dreams though . God either has to intervene soon or take me on . ive learned my lesson a long time ago. i cant function like this much longer. it just hurts so much . mostly knowing what im gonna put my kids through. all for silliness
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Unless we can rule out everything, never excuse anything. You got a light constant headache, do you rule out possible embolism in your brain? When you have pains in the knee, do you rule out possible cartilage tearing and worn out? Don't rule anything out unless you know it for a fact. Your body is a complex organic machine. One thing goes down, it's worst than a vehicle having a broken component.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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