case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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its just unreal that friday i got head, and it was quite amazing. yet today, im coming unglued from how off it feels, and have zero desire to touch it, or massage,etc. and im not gonna try. really havent had any good night activity whatsoever last couple days either. nor do i feel it in the sheets like i thought i have recently. its not physically cold though...
It's not physically cold is a good sign. That is the blood flow working in your favor. If it's mentally cold, well, that's psychological and emotional. If you feel unglued on how it feels with the penis, go back and think about the moments in life how you feel unglue in general. I know we all have those long moments in life that we all feel extremely unglued, unattached, and not care. Take those moments and build up resistance. You will get back to the previous blow job - feel great moments again.
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i just want the previous walk to the car, and feel something. im sure thats gone or will take years if ever sadly. think ill quit using pump other than occasional circulation as i see fit. thats all i ever intended when i started. i wish id never believed the enlargement crap and left it alone. im stuck in this spot between a working penis and completely junk. which is i think worse than one or the other.
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well. i really cant tell if its worse or improved at this point. its a little different as of lately. i have severe issues doing daily activities still though. as in just walking in clothes. it feels so gone. i feel very little. and it sometimes will shrink due to this. its pretty much a vicks vapor rub kind of feeling on my glans. if i sit /rest awhile it will generally plump up some till im active again. the feeling is just so faint at glans i hardly can feel it.
what has screwed my head up this entire time, is that around the house, ill stay fairly girthy. at night i can feel ok as well. raging erections while sleeping as well. my glans still feels sensitive during this, yet i feel it , and its really decent. i have sex like that, it feels great usually. i just can hardly function in daily activities due to what it makes me feel or miss. i guess theres no chance this will come around any as much time has passed. the cold touching my leg is still gone though.and my size is really plump mostly as prior to injury. it kinda feels like a dead nub though. arousal is a zero all day. kegel ,i feel no connection/movement at all. (exept if i first get a little aroused otherwise)Unless i hug or touch my wife. then it will react. its just really foggy on the glans. yet touching it all over with finger, or clothes, towels, zipper yeilds feeling. although its heightened. especially with my zipper. the feeling is there though. yet its not there. if youre as confused as me, raise your hand.
well. i really cant tell if its worse or improved at this point. its a little different as of lately. i have severe issues doing daily activities still though. as in just walking in clothes. it feels so gone. i feel very little. and it sometimes will shrink due to this. its pretty much a vicks vapor rub kind of feeling on my glans.
This is a commonality during movement. Your blood is diverted elsewhere beside your penis. I know you don't want to keep your penis elongated using a sleeve or a wrap to force the blood to flow, so we'll leave it there.

if i sit /rest awhile it will generally plump up some till im active again.
This is what got all of us thinking over and over and over again. When you sit down and rest, blood pressure normalizes. Is the BP high or low? Is it swing like Tarzan? At the same time, we're visualizing your internal pathology. When you stand up, is it just the BP that fluctuate? Is it a 65° or 80° kink somewhere? Your nerve is sounding off alarm that the blood flow is not coming into the penis. That's the Vick's cooling sensation that we all feel when the penis is cold with the lack of blood flow. I know this feeling because I ride off-road vehicles and bicycles in dead of winter or on very cold days dropping down past 30F. The same sounding of alarms going off in my crotch indicating the penile temp drop down far surpassed the core temp. The Vick's cooling feeling is the exact same feeling I have when my glans is exposed during a wrap while I'm in that cold environment.

the feeling is just so faint at glans i hardly can feel it.
what has screwed my head up this entire time, is that around the house, ill stay fairly girthy. at night i can feel ok as well. raging erections while sleeping as well. my glans still feels sensitive during this, yet i feel it , and its really decent. i have sex like that, it feels great usually. i just can hardly function in daily activities due to what it makes me feel or miss. i guess theres no chance this will come around any as much time has passed. the cold touching my leg is still gone though.and my size is really plump mostly as prior to injury. it kinda feels like a dead nub though. arousal is a zero all day. kegel ,i feel no connection/movement at all. (exept if i first get a little aroused otherwise)Unless i hug or touch my wife. then it will react. its just really foggy on the glans. yet touching it all over with finger, or clothes, towels, zipper yeilds feeling. although its heightened. especially with my zipper. the feeling is there though. yet its not there.
This is exactly it. The swing of of blood flow from one direction to another. We all tossing virtual coins into the betting pot that the blood flow is the main culprit. But where the is the kink? This is where we all draw doodles on the board connecting the areas of suspicions. We tossed to you our diagnosis and all we can do now is to wait for the results.

if youre as confused as me, raise your hand.
i actually have tried to keep it elongated. i tried the 7/8 silisleeve. its just to dang tight. head turns dark in a short time. my pressure is 120/80 ish usually. its good. i dont think its all flow though really. if any of it. i still have wrong feeling issues when hard. its just way way less apparent. the glans itself feels like its recovered from a smashing with a hammer honestly. you say you know the feeling. i highly disagree. lol. this feeling no man should ever have to feel.
i actually have tried to keep it elongated. i tried the 7/8 silisleeve. its just to dang tight. head turns dark in a short time.
Yep. It choked our penises to death as well. The trick is to roll it over a larger diameter tube, mine was a 1.5in stainless steel roller, use a heat gun to soften the sleeve, and allow it to cool down and reform. How, I have a nice soft DuroSleeve and SiliSleeve #5.

my pressure is 120/80 ish usually. its good. i dont think its all flow though really.
120 is still still high, but paired with 80, it's still good.

if any of it. i still have wrong feeling issues when hard. its just way way less apparent. the glans itself feels like its recovered from a smashing with a hammer honestly.
That hammer feeling is the nerve trying to recover from a lack of blood flow to a full flow. Try this. Have your wife lays on your arm for a good 30 to 60 minutes. Your arm will feel like it's under a vise. The moment she comes off your arm, your arm feels like it was slammed by a sledgehammer. As you get more blood flow into the arm, that residual feeling of a sledgehammer is the same feeling you get for your penis.

you say you know the feeling. i highly disagree. lol. this feeling no man should ever have to feel.
I can truly tell you that I have felt the same feeling you have for a few hours during long rides through the trails, being smashed and grinded against the hard single seat. Every rode horses without proper saddles, or cheap trail motorcycles with cheap seats for hours on end that you can't get off to stretch because you were pushed for time? Oh, I know that butt and penis numbing feeling like a hammer constantly slammed into your groin and penis and balls.
Yep. It choked our penises to death as well. The trick is to roll it over a larger diameter tube, mine was a 1.5in stainless steel roller, use a heat gun to soften the sleeve, and allow it to cool down and reform. How, I have a nice soft DuroSleeve and SiliSleeve #5.
oh. ill try that
That hammer feeling is the nerve trying to recover from a lack of blood flow to a full flow. Try this. Have your wife lays on your arm for a good 30 to 60 minutes. Your arm will feel like it's under a vise. The moment she comes off your arm, your arm feels like it was slammed by a sledgehammer. As you get more blood flow into the arm, that residual feeling of a sledgehammer is the same feeling you get for your penis.
i know that feeling. this one just never leaves though.
I can truly tell you that I have felt the same feeling you have for a few hours during long rides through the trails, being smashed and grinded against the hard single seat. Every rode horses without proper saddles, or cheap trail motorcycles with cheap seats for hours on end that you can't get off to stretch because you were pushed for time? Oh, I know that butt and penis numbing feeling like a hammer constantly slammed into your groin and penis and balls.
i also think i know this one. mine is much more terrifying. i just look forward to laying down every evening. its when things try to settle down and give me the illusion that it feels better. no matter what though, anytime i touch my glans, its not what ive felt all my life. yet still feels good to rub it sometimes. . i guess its just screwed up enough to destroy everything i feel. i try to ignore the day time. its just impossible when its totally gone. its pretty pleasing at 7am prior to getting up. once the clothes go on, im not a man anymore
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not a good one
All PE books recorded only the pretty and positive sides of PE. They don't record the possible negative sides to PE being done wrong. Cases like yours take 90% of the PE world because they acted too impulsively. I'm currently assisting 6 other brothers with penile issues because they use other forums' suggestions through too high of aggressive methods and suffered heavily.
there is no greater physical or mental pain. and there is no end. i am only happy through the smiles of my kids and wife. nothing else is of importance to me anymore. nothing
i think at this point all i can do is just wrap it up when i have things to do, and just touch it and use it when it feels sort of ok. its consumed my mind. if i leave it alone ,its no good. if i use it much, its no good. at some point i hope the feelings of everything will come together and seem tolerable. no other choice really. feeling is still there. its just a stunned sensitive one.

EDIT. i seemed to have regressed. which is more info. im kinda like i was previously. i seemed to lose a little more feelin yesterday/today. just a limp dead unit.also oversensitive while tryinto work. i used a toothbrush at glans today. i feel it all. might not feel as it should,yet i feel it. no pain. dont feel enough walking around. last night i seemed to have more inner restriction/burn(?) during kegel. especially sitting. today the same.

i dont know what got it all plump last week, yet it was great. i have zero of that this week. at night i have. yet last night it was not near as free. and did not wake up as good either. the week i was plump, my nights were great. i thought it was cause i pumped or the citrulline . apparently not , cause it has all disappeared. i still get that sensation up through my penis while im sitting and kegel. and it all seemed stronger last evening. ive not noticed this during night when wake up aroused.

also to note. yesterday was a rough day. i tried hunting. while there, i sit in a sling that supports around my hips. it seems my feeling in penis changed after 2 hours there. the irritation/ tingle went away it seemed on my walk out. it still didnt feel correct, just different. i dont know what the crap to try here. i just seem to repeat these kegel sensation while im sitting. even though its not right, it feels liek something is tryin to happen. it just doesnt.

i keep going back to the tub last week in my mind, where i had a really plump dick the whole time for zero reason . then i massaged it while warm. then during a very light SSJ, it just kinda all deflated and left. i got all the weird nervy feelings again in the glans right then. seemed like thats when it started going downhill again after that next few days.

maybe cooinidence. but this is driving my body insane.
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All PE books recorded only the pretty and positive sides of PE. They don't record the possible negative sides to PE being done wrong. Cases like yours take 90% of the PE world because they acted too impulsively. I'm currently assisting 6 other brothers with penile issues because they use other forums' suggestions through too high of aggressive methods and suffered heavily.
So true! Injuries are part of pe. Just like growth Injuries need to be both addressed
so, while all that stuff i wrote yesterday is true, i think its just a response to my lack of feeling /stress. i went out last night,and it was terrible. i put it in a glans hood so i couldnt feel irritation. i feel all of nothing. literally no penis at all.i kegel, and its literally feeling of just my rear end contracting. i slept all night. i got my normal erections,etc. when i started to wake,i paid close attention. in bed, i think i have more feeling due to it pointing up ,frenulum touching more cause it still has feeling.
i was still plump, and kegeling felt good still and it moved. as i came into awakening, it just slowly deflates to its smallness, an kegel disappears, as does much of my feeling. i get up and thats all there is . glans feeling is shot. once im up and its pointing down, i hardly feel anythin, which keeps it shrunk . i get close to the wife, and i get a momentary inflation that feels good, yet it just goes right back to dead feeling. so, after 1.5 yrs, i guess its run its course and steadily declined. i reckon it may even get worse,which at this point doesnt really matter, cause it cant make me much worse than i am already.
so, while all that stuff i wrote yesterday is true, i think its just a response to my lack of feeling /stress. i went out last night,and it was terrible. i put it in a glans hood so i couldnt feel irritation. i feel all of nothing. literally no penis at all.i kegel, and its literally feeling of just my rear end contracting.
Do not perform active kegel while you're awake. You may not know this but your body actually performs at least 500 natural kegels a day. This places the entire pelvic floor in distress if you do it forcefully. Stop hurting yourself. Kegel is fine when you're doing the jelqing and pumping routines later when your body is relaxed on a chair or bed. This is not efficient for healing while you're on the run.

i slept all night. i got my normal erections,etc. when i started to wake,i paid close attention. in bed, i think i have more feeling due to it pointing up ,frenulum touching more cause it still has feeling.
i was still plump, and kegeling felt good still and it moved. as i came into awakening, it just slowly deflates to its smallness, an kegel disappears, as does much of my feeling. i get up and thats all there is . glans feeling is shot. once im up and its pointing down, i hardly feel anythin, which keeps it shrunk . i get close to the wife, and i get a momentary inflation that feels good, yet it just goes right back to dead feeling. so, after 1.5 yrs, i guess its run its course and steadily declined. i reckon it may even get worse,which at this point doesnt really matter, cause it cant make me much worse than i am already.
This is my suggestion alone, and it's for you to consider. Before investing in a perfectly optimized system like the SiliStretcher, you can invest in a cheaper system that is not as great as the SiliStretcher for experimental purposes. You can find cheap system like the SiliStretcher on AliExpress, but it will fall apart on you. How do I know? Because I have something similar in the past before buying the SiliStretcher. They are cheap, but being cheap means it falls apart. HOWEVER, it's a great short term experimentation.

Make sure to measure your glans's girth and purchase the vacuum cup according to the size of the glans. Make sure the sleeves fit your girth of the penile shaft right below the base of the glans. What you want is to place the glans under a light vacuum all day long, or for at least 4 hours, while stretching the penis out either to the waist towards the left or the right side of your body. This force elongation protects both the glans and encourages the blood to flow regardless of your movement level. Give this a try. Wrapping or using the sleeves may not be as effective as this, and I'm saving this as an end point to elongation experimentation.
eh. pulling something isnt gonna make it feel anything. for now im stretched this stupid silisleeve to fit. at least i can work without irritation. i need all this crap out of my head forever. one day i will. and this stupid stuff will go away. finding this info is the worst disaese ever. it rots your mind.
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eh. pulling something isnt gonna make it feel anything. for now im stretched this stupid silisleeve to fit. at least i can work without irritation. i need all this crap out of my head forever. one day i will. and this stupid stuff will go away. finding this info is the worst disaese ever. it rots your mind.
As I pray for you and you should pray for yourself. prayers to Jesus works 💪
As I pray for you and you should pray for yourself. prayers to Jesus works 💪
ill never stop. this should never have happend. i pray many times daily. its the only way i can stay sane. i dont know how or why i was led down this destructive path. i try to stay up. i had so much life. its so hard to provide for my family with the pain and mental anguish i go through every day
ok. ive read every day for this entire injury. im still confused how i so easily did this. i keep thinking my glans nerves are shot. and i still do. yet the pelvic issues i feel make me struggle and i stay on the fence with it. im gonna list some facts just to clear my head. to me, when i injured myself, feeling loss should have have happened at time of injury? thats where i struggle a lot. cause it didnt.

1. the day i "injured" myself, i felt zero reason to expect an issue. felt as good as ever , if not more.
2. at least a couple days or more later, woke up hurt. didnt feel physically wrong. just wasnt plump and aroused as usual.
3. thought i had ed. even watched some mindfulness videos to help. found that foreplay helped a ton. sex was great.
4. during sex or mastur, noticed it felt "puffy" like fluid during erection. this eventually went away.
5. after around 4-5 weeks, had reactions to sex. very shrunk , wet,cold feeling. similar to now yet worse. started getting oversensitive. premature ejac. SUPER sensitive to touch .
. feeling in clothes diminished. if i was mentally aroused at all, it masked this . and still does.
6. had times erection would hurt. a few times ejaculating hurt. all gone now.
7. started excercising. supplements. seemed to start recovering. it was really not though. just covered it up .
8.had decent relief stretching at times around april-june.
9.foggy with timeline ,but had pelvic floor tightness. way improved these days. still an issue.
10. glans sometimes is red/burns with stimulation

so. i can and still do get erections every night. my glans feels everything with my finger. even sheets. although skewed. its not right. last night i woke erect, yet was hard to feel the sheets. hour later same thing, yet seemedto feel more. all day long , struggle to feel much at all. it shrinks due to this. soft feeling. i lose any feeling from a kegel. i just feel the tip touching here/there prickly. and its not good.

heres where me and my mind struggle all day. when i sit down lately, i get a light firey feeling. more of left side of my inner rectum up through my penis. more pronounced during kegel. i had this last night sitting in bed. the more i sit, i can tell. i generally dont feel any of this when i awake hard/kegel. or walking..also the left is where my glans usually stings. hasnt in awhile though.

so, this has extremely screwed me up. i cant function right. i feel my nerves are destroyed. yet it took quite awhile to even notice this effect. and i feel that alone cause my PF to cause issues. or somehow, im just way off , and i need to try something else.

things get very decent if i get my arousal to hang around. i stay girthy, i get plump off and on like old times. it feels really fair compared to otherwise. it just doesnt happen often, nor is it easy to figure out how i can get there enough to matter.its too late for nerves to heal it feels. yet sometimes, ive felt like it tried. seems like sex or something always causes a regression of the weird feelings. its just so hard to know
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ill never stop. this should never have happend. i pray many times daily. its the only way i can stay sane. i dont know how or why i was led down this destructive path. i try to stay up. i had so much life. its so hard to provide for my family with the pain and mental anguish i go through every day
Me too. Prayers are so vital to change. As difficult as your situation is it will get better.
Alright. Let's go down the memory tree. I got your old info and comparing with this current one.

1. the day i "injured" myself, i felt zero reason to expect an issue. felt as good as ever , if not more.
2. at least a couple days or more later, woke up hurt. didnt feel physically wrong. just wasnt plump and aroused as usual.
Hurt as in pains around the left side of the glans or the entire left side of the penis?

3. thought i had ed. even watched some mindfulness videos to help. found that foreplay helped a ton. sex was great.
Did you recall you have any erection issues while attempting to keep the erection up?

4. during sex or mastur, noticed it felt "puffy" like fluid during erection. this eventually went away.
Specifically, where did you feel the puffy fluid collection at? Base? Near and at the glans? The entire penis?

5. after around 4-5 weeks, had reactions to sex. very shrunk , wet,cold feeling. similar to now yet worse. started getting oversensitive. premature ejac. SUPER sensitive to touch .feeling in clothes diminished. if i was mentally aroused at all, it masked this . and still does.
This is based on #4 answer.

6. had times erection would hurt. a few times ejaculating hurt. all gone now.
All gone at this point in time or all gone right after the few bouts of pain into the past, 1.6 years ago?

7. started excercising. supplements. seemed to start recovering. it was really not though. just covered it up .
8.had decent relief stretching at times around april-june.
This is where we also ask for various info during diagnosis.

9.foggy with timeline ,but had pelvic floor tightness. way improved these days. still an issue.
Make sure to recall your best on when the pelvic started to tighten up. This is critical.

10. glans sometimes is red/burns with stimulation
You mentioned this around 3 months after the supposed injury. Still the same answer?

so. i can and still do get erections every night. my glans feels everything with my finger. even sheets. although skewed. its not right. last night i woke erect, yet was hard to feel the sheets. hour later same thing, yet seemedto feel more. all day long , struggle to feel much at all. it shrinks due to this. soft feeling. i lose any feeling from a kegel. i just feel the tip touching here/there prickly. and its not good.

heres where me and my mind struggle all day. when i sit down lately, i get a light firey feeling. more of left side of my inner rectum up through my penis. more pronounced during kegel. i had this last night sitting in bed. the more i sit, i can tell. i generally dont feel any of this when i awake hard/kegel. or walking..also the left is where my glans usually stings. hasnt in awhile though.

so, this has extremely screwed me up. i cant function right. i feel my nerves are destroyed. yet it took quite awhile to even notice this effect. and i feel that alone cause my PF to cause issues. or somehow, im just way off , and i need to try something else.

things get very decent if i get my arousal to hang around. i stay girthy, i get plump off and on like old times. it feels really fair compared to otherwise. it just doesnt happen often, nor is it easy to figure out how i can get there enough to matter.its too late for nerves to heal it feels. yet sometimes, ive felt like it tried. seems like sex or something always causes a regression of the weird feelings. its just so hard to know
This is where multiple symptoms counter the feelings you are experiencing. The are fanthom pains and causes not by the nerve branches at the left side of your penis but the lower portion of the dorsal and perneal nerve branch further away from the glans. A bit more detailed clues are needed.
Alright. Let's go down the memory tree. I got your old info and comparing with this current one.

Hurt as in pains around the left side of the glans or the entire left side of the penis?
had zero pain at all. just felt no arousal and turtled. feeling didnt seem affected.
Did you recall you have any erection issues while attempting to keep the erection up?
once erect, was good. just didnt have the arousal i had previously.
Specifically, where did you feel the puffy fluid collection at? Base? Near and at the glans? The entire penis?
This is based on #4 answer.

All gone at this point in time or all gone right after the few bouts of pain into the past, 1.6 years ago?
gone at this point. happened early on and dissapated w/in 3-4 months id say
This is where we also ask for various info during diagnosis.

Make sure to recall your best on when the pelvic started to tighten up. This is critical.
id say 3-4 months in. hard to say, cause i didnt know what that was then. lol
You mentioned this around 3 months after the supposed injury. Still the same answer?
yes. it is improved from then though.
This is where multiple symptoms counter the feelings you are experiencing. The are fanthom pains and causes not by the nerve branches at the left side of your penis but the lower portion of the dorsal and perneal nerve branch further away from the glans. A bit more detailed clues are needed.
i lightly pumped a few min to test this morn. i dont like it. 5-7. seemed ok, yet i get red. and i can feel tension in that left stinging spot surface a little. its lingering around a little now, with a little cold feeling. i haven had that feeling since ive left it alone lately. night erections last night were really good also. for now ive tried to just normalize the lack of feeling during the day. its all i can do for now. it helps a little. its so hard to mentally adjust that to seem fine. this is 16 months almost to the day as of now
had zero pain at all. just felt no arousal and turtled. feeling didnt seem affected.
Got it. This is the sign of the lack of arousal signals coming into the brain. Two kinds of signals enter your brain during sexual arousal: touch that stimulates the ejaculation signal, and feathering of signals to keep the penis erected until ejaculation. Your signal that lack is the latter.

once erect, was good. just didnt have the arousal i had previously.
This is the same symptom as the above. It's not a nerve blockage, but a signal reduction. It causes by two things: reduction of chemical synapsis in transferring the signals along and entrapment where the signals cannot be relayed to the brain caused by a constriction or restriction (like a hose kink or a reduction of hose size).

This is the main concern. When the entire penis is retaining fluid, the lymphatic nodes are not working. The veins are not allowing the penis to drain the excess fluid beside the blood volume, and the lymphatic nodes are blocked. So, we got ourselves a new culprit. Keep an eye out on this one. For now, compression massage is the key. Using warm oil, do a few long strokes forward from the base to the glans while going downwards. Hold the base of the glans, pull it straight up, and do long compression strokes from the base of the glans to the base of the penis. This promotes the dislodgment of lymphatic fluid build up along the nodes.

gone at this point. happened early on and dissapated w/in 3-4 months id say
This is truly when the body is desperately trying to compensate. What ever the phantom issues were, the body attempted to reset itself, even when it was detecting injuries. Pushing through allowed the reset, but pushing through too hard causes more internal injuries. It's a double-edge sword.

id say 3-4 months in. hard to say, cause i didnt know what that was then. lol
Keep recalling brother. Whatever little info you can scavenge, we'll compile it. No matter the details, like "Oh, I sucked on a naturally sugar lollipop instead of nutra-sweet version", those tiny details create a larger canvas of info.

yes. it is improved from then though.
This is definitely the body attempted a desperate healing process. Just know it's sending alarm signals all over the place. In medical, we called it "biological fire alarms".
This is the main concern. When the entire penis is retaining fluid, the lymphatic nodes are not working. The veins are not allowing the penis to drain the excess fluid beside the blood volume, and the lymphatic nodes are blocked. So, we got ourselves a new culprit. Keep an eye out on this one. For now, compression massage is the key. Using warm oil, do a few long strokes forward from the base to the glans while going downwards. Hold the base of the glans, pull it straight up, and do long compression strokes from the base of the glans to the base of the penis. This promotes the dislodgment of lymphatic fluid build up along the nodes.
this was early on. over a year ago. that part is good now.
This is definitely the body attempted a desperate healing process. Just know it's sending alarm signals all over the place. In medical, we called it "biological fire alarms".
its alarms alright. after testing pump today, i confirmed i wont do that anymore. it hasnt stung in that spot till today after that. now im suffering that again. glans is tender ,an a little more numb/cool at times. ugh. i feel so close to healing sometimes, yet so far away. at times i can massage it through my clothes, and walk around . will feel pretty decent. then just all goes out the window .just feels like it needs a heating pad. then the burns inside off /on. i mean,obviously the glans has a physical issue. i really dont enjoy jacking off whatsoever due to the redness /burning. yet something else goes on inside too while sitting. it just feels like something is trying to help. perhaps im rushing. wife walked in last evening. i just started going full chub. feels good when that happens, yet glans just feels so tender/pink
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this was early on. over a year ago. that part is good now.
From the statement below, this is still a culprit.

its alarms alright. after testing pump today, i confirmed i wont do that anymore. it hasnt stung in that spot till today after that. now im suffering that again. glans is tender ,an a little more numb/cool at times. ugh. i feel so close to healing sometimes, yet so far away
When you use the pump, don't go up to -7inHg. Stay low. -5 is enough. Touching up to -6 is considered as high. We want healing, not expanding. Your current erection internal pressure is predicting to be around 4inHg. Test me if I'm wrong. When you pump at -5inHg, you'll feel a bit elevated tension along the entire penis. This means you're either at 4inHg or 4.5inhg. Monitor this and report. You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but we have to force blood into the chambers as much as we can without triggering that stinging sensation. The stinging sensation is the scarring tissues being ripped.
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From the statement below, this is still a culprit.
dont think so. its never had fluid like that since a year ago.
When you use the pump, don't go up to -7inHg. Stay low. -5 is enough. Touching up to -6 is considered as high. We want healing, not expanding. Your current erection internal pressure is predicting to be around 4inHg. Test me if I'm wrong. When you pump at -5inHg, you'll feel a bit elevated tension along the entire penis. This means you're either at 4inHg or 4.5inhg. Monitor this and report. You don't have to do it if you don't want to, but we have to force blood into the chambers as much as we can without triggering that stinging sensation. The stinging sensation is the scarring tissues being ripped.
this is what depresses me. i never knew that. i just thought higher was normal cause i saw no results from 5. when i started , i really didnt get a full erection from it till around 8-9. even then, it wasnt "hard". it took 12 to even feel like anything was worth doing... when it feels like it does today and tender, the glans gets a little "tacky" to my leg. i ran a mile on treadmill today, and of course i shrunk to rediculous levels after a few minutes. more than ever pre injury. the sting was very real at that size. very.
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dont think so. its never had fluid like that since a year ago.
Got it. We'll have it logged as fluid build up no longer occuring.

this is what depresses me. i never knew that. i just thought higher was normal cause i saw no results from 5. when i started , i really didnt get a full erection from it till around 8-9. even then, it wasnt "hard". it took 12 to even feel like anything was worth doing... when it feels like it does today and tender, the glans gets a little "tacky" to my leg. i ran a mile on treadmill today, and of course i shrunk to rediculous levels after a few minutes. more than ever pre injury. the sting was very real at that size. very.
This is where most misconceptions about pumping occur. You don't have to be going extremely high in the upper safety limit before you need to get expansion. It's about maintaining a slow and steady pace upwards within he safety limit and work on the erectile quality during pumping. BathMate placed a hard limit and not allow most unit without the hand pumps from going past 9inHg. This is safety concern. Those who went willy nilly past 10inHg in negative pressure without first knowing preconditioning period always, and I mean ALWAYS, ended up in the worst case scenarios. I have to come back and to the brotherhood to iron things out. My reasoning with the other brotherhoods got me flamed and ostracided as if I was an idiot. I lost respect for the other brotherhoods.
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well. im still not sure it caused it. its hurt however it happened. i had used 12 consistently. up to 15 at times. zero issues. did it over 20 yrs ago for a short period then quit. wish i did forever. for whatever reason, i went over 15 for a couple seconds. and for real a couple seconds. when i saw it red at the base, i got out quick. it went away quickly, and felt fine for days. had no thoughts of anything wrong. i actually ordered a bathmate after i got hurt, prior to realizing how hurt i was. i only tried it a couple times . theni got rid of it. i could never get it to really do any thing.

perhaps i should try stretching again. last couple days haev proved sort of ok. tonight has totally changed to where i get that dead sting on glans. and very reduced tingly feeling. all my inner feelings when i kegel sitting down have changed as well. this isnt new though. i just dont know what controls it. very short and compact. no sexuals happening for sure.

and fyi, all my feeling issues or lack of are the total glans. it seems completely contained to that. everything i touch there has feeling. yet it all has the same off feeling. the rest of the penis feels as always . i did touch glans today with cold hands, and i can tell its cold easily. can hardly feel a thing walking though. not even the shaft. thats the worst part to deal with.
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ive tried to normalize what i feel these days, cause, it doesnt seem to feel like its progressing into anything positive. every day quality of life while working is around a 1-2 out of 10. it flat out sucks. i dont feel much , and what i do feel is worse than that. it also makes it feel (and sometimes it is) half the size it should . if i can keep my head straight, i have lately had a good size and flow. it still doesnt feel good. its a step up from dead /shrinkage though. stressful/muscular work is super hard on me. instantly shrinks, feels dead, cold, etc. once im done i go sit down awhile. things come around some. then i get the kegel pains/restriction.
every night /morning i usually feel good/hard. i actually had sex yesterday morn. did not get off. i stay hard as long as i want . which really screws with my head. its was never like that my whole life.
after that, i was plump all day/ night. have all week mostly actually. im not saying i felt a whole lot, yet i can tell, and it feels pretty ok sometimes.
last night my nuts got to hurting ,all the way up my insides. thought it was since i hardly get off anymore. not sure. felt really rough . seemed to haev to pee all dang night . it went away though . this morning wife rolled over, and it was on again. i got off finally, cause i needed to. whole day after was dead sting/burny. . feels like im slowly reprogramming myself to this whole routine. although it whole heartedly sucks like no other, none of it sends me into shock anymore cause its all getting more familiar than id like.
i guess im starting to worry a little more that it will get worse and worse as time goes on. or that sex will make it get worse. it sure doesnt feel that way while im doing it though. this has screwed my head up highly though. i have the most high functioning , highly non functioning messed up penis ever .
This is us, collectively as a team, medical and PE mentors, we're all seeing the same thing at this point. We can doubtfully say it's the nerve from the base of the penis to the glans. We even presented the case to the neurologist that dealt with similar cases, and he flagged that it's not the nerve endings in the penis. We all agreed the source of the issue is between the base of the penis, or slightly behind the ligaments, to the pelvic floor. Most of us all in synch as we tossed our virtual coins directly into the pot called labeled "prostate". Prostate doesn't mean the prostate itself, but everything linking to the prostate. Bells, whistles, and even early warning info lighting up. The only short is the vital charts and prior medical evaluation history charts.
shew. i cant see how its not the way the glans physically looks and feels with my finger. i also get how it looks from your end and why you could say that. i also can even see how it could have both issues. what exactly could it be thats not prostate itself?
It's exactly what you've touched on. The closest comparison is, if your arms got numbed, your legs got weak, your head feels dizzy all the time, is it actually the arms, legs, or head the main cause? Or is it the heart and interrelated pathways that lead to the arms, legs, and head?

If your case, the pelvic floor sounds the biggest alarm, without the blood work results for the past few years, or going back even when you have similar issues and ignored it, it's literally a painted line markers on the road that led to this point in time. What finally triggered it all is the flash injury during the momentary high pressure pressing on the nerve and blood vessels, the body reacted violently in flagging a trouble that occurred and attempted to compensated like a massive biological computer. It sacrificed the penis to protect the rest of the system. However, with the compensation already occurred, what was injured still have not resolved. The best analogy is a car with its cracked engine block welded and resurfaced doesn't mean the performance would be 100% like before. The crack and fissures are still there, the computer works hard to compensate, but you notice a lack of power and odd pings are still coming from the engine even years down the line.

With that precursor aside, let's revolve the cases around the prostate. You've done research on prostatitis, which is an infection of the prostate. We've discussed that prostatitis doesn't have to have an infected element. It can literally go the other way around. A tight pelvic floor causes the prostate to be tighten, triggered the anomaly with the prostate, squeezing the prostate, causing pain from the base of pelvic floor to the tip of the penis. What also provided major clues are the painful peeing at times radiating near and around the pelvic floor regions, specific region of the numbness along the penile shaft (the glans), and the coloration of the glans. This also associated to pre-stages of prostate cancer, malignant or active, at a level where quick evaluation cannot see but constant monitoring and test works do show. A few best cases would be males with asymptomatic or low symptomatic with their prostates remain undetected for years on end even with close monitoring but show up as stage 2 out of the blue. As your medical professionals on such cases and they can pull up hundreds of cases. In otherwords, protatitis can be non-bacterial which is can either easily be treated with mere medication, like antibiotics, alpha-adrenergic blockers, NSAIDs, muscle relaxers, or standard holistic approaches we've discussed. If you have competent doctors, ask them about prostatodynia (another name for protatitis), CPPS, chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, and I highly double chronic genitourinary pain since you're good so far but you never know. In India, China, Korea, or part of the world that tend to have unique patients that are quite mobile and highly susceptible to injuries, these symptoms and issues came up quite often. Japan is so far the leader in performing STIM monitoring using a medical underwear for this. China is copying the same approach. Ever see a red light therapy underwear and seat pad directly dealt with pelvic floor? Something to think about.
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this may be a thing .at least partially. forgot to mention my colon scan was clean. it seems hard to follow lately. things seem to change so slowly i dont notice. i do seem to urinate more frequently, and last night i seemed to do it twice in 30 min which is unheard of. sometimes i do notice a slight post urination burn. if i cut the pee off with my fingers midstream, it will sting quite a lot. thats not new however. sitting down still makes a kegel pressure sting. yet its different lately. its not a certain spot like previously, yet a whole calmer soothing burn thats deeper and not localized. it feels better than other things i feel. today i have lost my size /feeling again. standing is horrible.
i also have a new thing in the last 2 days. inside of my left foot will suddenly get warm/hot feeling. has happened 4 times. once sitting in bed, other times in a chair. foot kinda got a very light pins /needles once or twice.
im getting a little aroused at times, even though my dick doesnt really show it. . its weird. although weird things /feelins happen while sitting, they are worlds better than what i feel standing. always has .
this may be a thing .at least partially. forgot to mention my colon scan was clean. it seems hard to follow lately. things seem to change so slowly i dont notice.
This is always the case. We don't notice the small things until it piled up out of the blue. Great that you noticed the smaller changes. Keep observing and logging. Report your finding. Little things like this add up like flood later. Thank God that the colon scan was clean. One less nightmare to deal with.

i do seem to urinate more frequently, and last night i seemed to do it twice in 30 min which is unheard of.
More frequent urination means something reduced the amount of urine stream vacating. A sign.

sometimes i do notice a slight post urination burn.
Do you remember where? Tips of the urethra? Somewhere inside (be specific)? At the bottom of the penis near the scrotum? The pelvic flood?

if i cut the pee off with my fingers midstream, it will sting quite a lot. thats not new however.
This is critical. It will change moment by moment, day by day. Make a notice where each time. If something changes, let us know immediately.

sitting down still makes a kegel pressure sting. yet its different lately. its not a certain spot like previously, yet a whole calmer soothing burn thats deeper and not localized.
Deep as in one spot or deep as it radiates? One spot means like a spot directly near your anus. Or it radiates where it stings one spot, and that sensation starts to radiate outwards to as wide as your butt cheeks, pubic areas, and all the way to the penis.

it feels better than other things i feel. today i have lost my size /feeling again. standing is horrible.
i also have a new thing in the last 2 days. inside of my left foot will suddenly get warm/hot feeling. has happened 4 times. once sitting in bed, other times in a chair. foot kinda got a very light pins /needles once or twice.
Got it. Looks like we were right on our last diagnosis. Pin and needle feelings connected to sciatica nerve bundles, which is the pereneal nerves. This matches perfectly for multiple phantom symptoms you're feeling. If you like, look up hernaited disc (if you ever suffered one), spinal stenosis, and acute sciatica for your reading pleasure. This is where our thought coins are mostly tossed into.

im getting a little aroused at times, even though my dick doesnt really show it. . its weird. although weird things /feelins happen while sitting, they are worlds better than what i feel standing. always has .
Stimulation of the nerves when it's relaxed is quite common. It's like a crazy surge of sensation that you can't even comprehend. The sensation comes in bouts of weirdness, to the point where you can't even control it. You may even get sudden massive precum discharges. We got plenty of cases of these, especially in women. My wife actually suffered a few bouts of these, where her pants and shorts (she doesn't like wearing panties) soaked with her pre-cum thick discharges after feeling pelvic and leg numbness. It happens often after she sits for too long on long trips, or when she has to perform major paperwork loads.

However, that prostate is still ringing at the forefront of our minds.
More frequent urination means something reduced the amount of urine stream vacating. A sign.
i feel like prostate perhaps myself
Do you remember where? Tips of the urethra? Somewhere inside (be specific)? At the bottom of the penis near the scrotum? The pelvic flood?
tip and inner penis
This is critical. It will change moment by moment, day by day. Make a notice where each time. If something changes, let us know immediately.
this has happened for a very long time. even pre injury
Deep as in one spot or deep as it radiates? One spot means like a spot directly near your anus. Or it radiates where it stings one spot, and that sensation starts to radiate outwards to as wide as your butt cheeks, pubic areas, and all the way to the penis.
more of a whole area. from penis to anus
Got it. Looks like we were right on our last diagnosis. Pin and needle feelings connected to sciatica nerve bundles, which is the pereneal nerves. This matches perfectly for multiple phantom symptoms you're feeling. If you like, look up hernaited disc (if you ever suffered one), spinal stenosis, and acute sciatica for your reading pleasure. This is where our thought coins are mostly tossed into.

Stimulation of the nerves when it's relaxed is quite common. It's like a crazy surge of sensation that you can't even comprehend. The sensation comes in bouts of weirdness, to the point where you can't even control it. You may even get sudden massive precum discharges. We got plenty of cases of these, especially in women. My wife actually suffered a few bouts of these, where her pants and shorts (she doesn't like wearing panties) soaked with her pre-cum thick discharges after feeling pelvic and leg numbness. It happens often after she sits for too long on long trips, or when she has to perform major paperwork loads.

However, that prostate is still ringing at the forefront of our minds.
i would love to have precum happen. i actually have had very small amounts lately . nothing like normal though. prostatitis seems possible as well to me. however , everything ive read says theres no cure . only managing it. which is no farther than i am now
even when urination seems somewhat normal, at the end it kind of just falls off. the last seems to die off, and kegeling pretty much does nothing to release the last of it. drips a lot usually. my kegels are pathetic
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i feel like prostate perhaps myself
Perhalfs. I rather have a specific zone like the prostate rather than the sciatica. Sciatica is worst if you compare the two.

tip and inner penis
This is where the confusion for all of us. If it's sciatica, it shouldn't just be the burning pain at the tip and the length of the urethra along the penile body. There's literally something else. Something else that may not be in the text books and the cases recorded. You might be the first case.

this has happened for a very long time. even pre injury
At this point, I can only have my hand*slap*forehead moment.

more of a whole area. from penis to anus
Wish you were closer brother, or you're close with one of the physicians. At least, a discussion can be elaborated between the brains. This is both prostate and sciatica. We have to start breaking down with localized tests. Can you talk to the physicians you're assigned with if you're under health insurance? If you're not, we have to find a different route. We have to make sure your prostate is fully ruled out before we refocus on sciatic nerves. Sciatic nerves are not to ignore at all. I have too many close friends, families, and acquaintances suffer this nerve bundle nightmares.

i would love to have precum happen. i actually have had very small amounts lately . nothing like normal though. prostatitis seems possible as well to me. however , everything ive read says theres no cure . only managing it. which is no farther than i am now
Don't fret. It's not about the cure. It's about the workaround. There are solutions to work around not only to manage, but to also restrengthen the body to deal with the issue. Just like PE, you overcome the hindrances by reprogramming the body, starting with the brain.

even when urination seems somewhat normal, at the end it kind of just falls off. the last seems to die off, and kegeling pretty much does nothing to release the last of it. drips a lot usually. my kegels are pathetic
This brings about so many conflicts. Good stream of urination is a great sign still, but the "meeehhh" at the end means your urethra, or the drainage path, is squeezed. This is a sign of enlarged prostate. Kegel will not do anything. Reverse kegel will provide reliefs. Post-dripping is due to weak pelvic floor muscles assisting with the push of urine to vacate the tighter drainage path. Try reverse kegel to optimize new level of positive pressure generation to relax the muscles while engaging the core muscles. Kegel will simply cuts off the stream by forcing the pelvic muscles to work harder with less benefits.
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This is where the confusion for all of us. If it's sciatica, it shouldn't just be the burning pain at the tip and the length of the urethra along the penile body. There's literally something else. Something else that may not be in the text books and the cases recorded. You might be the first case.
great. im thrilled.. and the other thing is nerve damage. which has caused all the other nonsense
At this point, I can only have my hand*slap*forehead moment.

Wish you were closer brother, or you're close with one of the physicians. At least, a discussion can be elaborated between the brains. This is both prostate and sciatica. We have to start breaking down with localized tests. Can you talk to the physicians you're assigned with if you're under health insurance? If you're not, we have to find a different route. We have to make sure your prostate is fully ruled out before we refocus on sciatic nerves. Sciatic nerves are not to ignore at all. I have too many close friends, families, and acquaintances suffer this nerve bundle nightmares.
sounds like either way is a dead end to fix really.
Don't fret. It's not about the cure. It's about the workaround. There are solutions to work around not only to manage, but to also restrengthen the body to deal with the issue. Just like PE, you overcome the hindrances by reprogramming the body, starting with the brain.
thats all ive done lately. extremely hard to make myself something else that hurts all the time
This brings about so many conflicts. Good stream of urination is a great sign still, but the "meeehhh" at the end means your urethra, or the drainage path, is squeezed. This is a sign of enlarged prostate. Kegel will not do anything. Reverse kegel will provide reliefs. Post-dripping is due to weak pelvic floor muscles assisting with the push of urine to vacate the tighter drainage path. Try reverse kegel to optimize new level of positive pressure generation to relax the muscles while engaging the core muscles. Kegel will simply cuts off the stream by forcing the pelvic muscles to work harder with less benefits.
ive always kegeled at the end and worked fine. reverse kegel never does anything . i try it all the time. and when i say kegel doesnt help, what i mean is to reverse kegel first, then expel with kegel. its just very lacking

i tried to jack off shortly this morning to see if it still hurts when i get to the edge of orgasm . it still does. only does this with my hand. i feel pressure/pain of cum welling up deep inside. i assume this is prostate related also. although, none of this really matters i guess, since i still cant feel my glans right,nor will fixiing it help that . i never jack off period anymore,due to it only taking 20 seconds, and its just not pleasing to do now.
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I had to take a break from here,to clear my head. I’m still battling, it hurts. I’m not sure where I’m at these days. I keep trying to understand and document,but it’s rough. I’ll just update how things are these days. It’s a tad different maybe.

I seem to have lost any size or libido during the day. Occasionally I can get a brief erection if my wife is involved. That’s it. Somehow that always works temporarily. I still have sex usually when I wake up but not always. Maybe once a week or two. Have recently stopped getting off for awhile . I think that wasn’t helping. But not sure. I still get erections EVERY night. And have random plumpness I wake up to between them. But right about the time I wake up, everything is gone back to the shrunk town. A lot. But even still ,some days my wife as rolled over and it can change. But it’s horrible.

I’ve done zero pe and hope to stay that way. My new thing is peeing. A lot. A week ago I went 21 times in 24 hrs. Some days more or less. A lot of times,there’s no force. At the end I almost never can finish with any force. Trying to squirt it out I feel no force at all. It generally burns somewhat .sometimes before,during, and after, or any combo it feels like. My penis is super small and deflated almost all day. Touches my leg very cold at times. When I sit,not always, but usually I’ll get that same burn internal when I Kegel. Always had that though. When I finish peeing,it feels as if more is coming generally.takes awhile to get there and just dribbles. Sometimes, I’ll pee 3 times in an hour. And there’s actually pee every time. When all this is goin on, my junk is very small and useless . But you can guarantee I’ll wake up hard at 5 am of decent normal size.

So my glans is still about the same feeling wise. It’s all there. But yet it’s dulled. But i feel fine during sex, etc. I know it’s causing issues, but doesn’t seem it should cause this much shrinkage when I’m not even touching it, like while sleeping.

So this morning, I’m just totally flaccid, but mentally horny. Pee a couple times, and quite a burn going. I decide to put a vibrator on my junk to just see if blood will flow at all and stimulate without rubbing. I don’t masturbate at all. It’s too much inflammation. So I feel it everywhere ,although a bit odd. It feels very pleasurable though. Eventually I get to where I feel orgasm will come soon,I’m completely limp at this point. Right about when I feel it, then is when I start to get hard. And it burns. It all gets pretty red while inflating. Hourglassses decently in the center. I don’t ever get off. I just edge it to see if it will get hard. It got almost there, but it was very restrictive,and glans was very red and whole deal just burns while cum was trying to run out everywhere. It’s about the most sickening painful thing too ever watch. It’s done this before though similarly.

What boggles my mind, is that if I lay in bed in morning and she touches me, I just get hard. With none of that nonsense at all. Or during night erections. They aren’t like that either. And I’m quite hard,without any of that red burning crap. I peed after doing that, and I’m back too the most pitiful shrunken junk ever. And peeing burned like no other as well .

Mornings like this my glans seems to have a burning sensitivity to it more than others. I just can’t win here. Use it,don’t use it. It’s both bad,and leads nowhere.
I had to take a break from here,to clear my head. I’m still battling, it hurts. I’m not sure where I’m at these days. I keep trying to understand and document,but it’s rough. I’ll just update how things are these days. It’s a tad different maybe.
Take as much time from here as you need to. No need to report in. As long as you document, it's fine. You don't have to report to your doctor all the time. As long as your doctor gets a full report from you from visit to visit, that's the most important thing.

I seem to have lost any size or libido during the day. Occasionally I can get a brief erection if my wife is involved. That’s it. Somehow that always works temporarily. I still have sex usually when I wake up but not always. Maybe once a week or two. Have recently stopped getting off for awhile . I think that wasn’t helping. But not sure. I still get erections EVERY night. And have random plumpness I wake up to between them. But right about the time I wake up, everything is gone back to the shrunk town. A lot. But even still ,some days my wife as rolled over and it can change. But it’s horrible.
Good to jog this down too during your lull. Psychological logging creates a unique hidden pattern that reveals the connection between your mind and your body. What most medical professional don't practice is synching the emotional and psychological issues to the physical ailments. They focus way too much on the directive symptoms.

I’ve done zero pe and hope to stay that way. My new thing is peeing. A lot. A week ago I went 21 times in 24 hrs. Some days more or less. A lot of times,there’s no force. At the end I almost never can finish with any force. Trying to squirt it out I feel no force at all. It generally burns somewhat .sometimes before,during, and after, or any combo it feels like. My penis is super small and deflated almost all day. Touches my leg very cold at times. When I sit,not always, but usually I’ll get that same burn internal when I Kegel. Always had that though. When I finish peeing,it feels as if more is coming generally.takes awhile to get there and just dribbles. Sometimes, I’ll pee 3 times in an hour. And there’s actually pee every time. When all this is goin on, my junk is very small and useless . But you can guarantee I’ll wake up hard at 5 am of decent normal size.
Okay, this is alarming. VERY ALARMING. An adult human body detention capacity is average 500mL across the board. 21 times. Either you drank 5 gallons of water, had too much bowel movement that stimulated the bladder, or had diuretic components in your foods, drinks, or medication. I have to ask, did you have the urge to pee, as if you can't even hold it in? This is a whole new different condition. If so, this is urinary incontinence. Guess what? It relates to pelvic floor and hidden prostate issues. Doctors may also flag it to be part of a psychological/emotional issue, but that's only 5% of the time.

So my glans is still about the same feeling wise. It’s all there. But yet it’s dulled. But i feel fine during sex, etc. I know it’s causing issues, but doesn’t seem it should cause this much shrinkage when I’m not even touching it, like while sleeping.

So this morning, I’m just totally flaccid, but mentally horny. Pee a couple times, and quite a burn going. I decide to put a vibrator on my junk to just see if blood will flow at all and stimulate without rubbing. I don’t masturbate at all. It’s too much inflammation. So I feel it everywhere ,although a bit odd. It feels very pleasurable though. Eventually I get to where I feel orgasm will come soon,I’m completely limp at this point. Right about when I feel it, then is when I start to get hard. And it burns. It all gets pretty red while inflating. Hourglassses decently in the center. I don’t ever get off. I just edge it to see if it will get hard. It got almost there, but it was very restrictive,and glans was very red and whole deal just burns while cum was trying to run out everywhere. It’s about the most sickening painful thing too ever watch. It’s done this before though similarly.

What boggles my mind, is that if I lay in bed in morning and she touches me, I just get hard. With none of that nonsense at all. Or during night erections. They aren’t like that either. And I’m quite hard,without any of that red burning crap. I peed after doing that, and I’m back too the most pitiful shrunken junk ever. And peeing burned like no other as well .

Mornings like this my glans seems to have a burning sensitivity to it more than others. I just can’t win here. Use it,don’t use it. It’s both bad,and leads nowhere.
Okay, I'm seeing keywords and phrases that are new to the old discussions so far: "hourglassses", "I don’t ever get off", "it was very restrictive", "run out everywhere". Let's discuss this to bring it into the logs:
  • Hourglasses: mind explaining this one? Which portion of the shaft is causing the pinching that creates the hourglass shape. AND, has this hourglass shape changed throughout the shaft, such as the pinching shape moved up and down throughout the past year?
  • I don’t ever get off: This is mentioned a few times that you tried to get to the point of ejaculation, but when you phrased in this report, it sounds like you can never ejaculate. But it contradict the last point on my list.
  • It was very restrictive: are you talking about the penis feeling tight? Or are you talking about when you ejaculate?
  • Run out everywhere: I'm assuming that this is your semen leaking out and not firing out like a shot. Am I right?
Take as much time from here as you need to. No need to report in. As long as you document, it's fine. You don't have to report to your doctor all the time. As long as your doctor gets a full report from you from visit to visit, that's the most important thing.

Good to jog this down too during your lull. Psychological logging creates a unique hidden pattern that reveals the connection between your mind and your body. What most medical professional don't practice is synching the emotional and psychological issues to the physical ailments. They focus way too much on the directive symptoms.

Okay, this is alarming. VERY ALARMING. An adult human body detention capacity is average 500mL across the board. 21 times. Either you drank 5 gallons of water, had too much bowel movement that stimulated the bladder, or had diuretic components in your foods, drinks, or medication. I have to ask, did you have the urge to pee, as if you can't even hold it in? This is a whole new different condition. If so, this is urinary incontinence. Guess what? It relates to pelvic floor and hidden prostate issues. Doctors may also flag it to be part of a psychological/emotional issue, but that's only 5% of the time.
I didn’t drink anything more than normal. I get the urge to pee. But not like I can’t wait if I had to.
Okay, I'm seeing keywords and phrases that are new to the old discussions so far: "hourglassses", "I don’t ever get off", "it was very restrictive", "run out everywhere". Let's discuss this to bring it into the logs:
  • Hourglasses: mind explaining this one? Which portion of the shaft is causing the pinching that creates the hourglass shape. AND, has this hourglass shape changed throughout the shaft, such as the pinching shape moved up and down throughout the past year?
  • I don’t ever get off: This is mentioned a few times that you tried to get to the point of ejaculation, but when you phrased in this report, it sounds like you can never ejaculate. But it contradict the last point on my list.
  • It was very restrictive: are you talking about the penis feeling tight? Or are you talking about when you ejaculate?
  • Run out everywhere: I'm assuming that this is your semen leaking out and not firing out like a shot. Am I right?

It’s the very middle below the glans. When I’m super constricted it shows up. Or this morning when I did that. It went away after close to erection. Is never like that when getting erect naturally or at night. Always at same spot.
And I mean I don’t allow my self to get off sometimes. It can happen anytime I want very easily at times.

And by restrictive, yes, I mean the penis filling seems tight.
Running out everywhere just means I was at the point of cumming, but I stopped. So I wasn’t actually getting off, but a lot leaked out anyway.

I keep trying pelvic floor stuff but nothing gives any relief there whatsoever. At this burning when I pee is the weirdest sense of relaxation I have.
I didn’t drink anything more than normal. I get the urge to pee. But not like I can’t wait if I had to.
This is still alarming. The body only triggers the urge to pee when the sphincter, or we like to compare it as a floodgate, is suffering something.

It’s the very middle below the glans. When I’m super constricted it shows up. Or this morning when I did that. It went away after close to erection. Is never like that when getting erect naturally or at night. Always at same spot.
Same spot, every time, but not always. Got it. It's a centralized constriction. This is definitely a repeated scenario of fascial band constriction. Think of it like a muscle band that doesn't know when to relax or when to tighten, or something triggered it to remain tighten/relaxed while the rest of the penis does something else. Is it nerve? Partial. We're suspecting something else, like a clogged vein or artery.

And I mean I don’t allow my self to get off sometimes. It can happen anytime I want very easily at times.
Got it. You discussed about you're able to ejaculate too fast and too soon. I can see the message.

And by restrictive, yes, I mean the penis filling seems tight.
Got it. Tight sensation along the penile shaft. I have this feeling as well during my decon period to relax my tissues. Around the 6th week, it feels constrictive as well. I'm correlating this to your penile behavior as tissue resetting.

Running out everywhere just means I was at the point of cumming, but I stopped. So I wasn’t actually getting off, but a lot leaked out anyway.
Got it. This is definitely the floodgate dilemma. The capacity to hold back (pelvic floor) and tighten up (prostate) to prevent the leakage of the semen.

I keep trying pelvic floor stuff but nothing gives any relief there whatsoever. At this burning when I pee is the weirdest sense of relaxation I have.
Pelvic floor is just one of the many parts of your excretion system. Burning when you pee, do make notes of this as you report to your medical professional. A relaxation feeling while you pee is part of dysuria, BUT, your body is trying to remove something it senses could be bad for you. That's the feeling of relaxation. You may want to discuss about dysuria to the medical personnel as well. It's one of those strange feelings.
peeing is weird. I can feel the burn coming up through my penis as the urine comes. I pee at least 2 times overnight,up to 3. And that’s after going right before I lay down. When I get up I used have full stream. Now I just pee. And some days it’s not a lot or very forceful. And finishing is rather slow and dribble. I never can force the rest out. Kegel isn’t there most times. Just like for my penis. I’ve went 5 times this morning from 8-12.

The erection with the vibrator bothers me. I did that to eliminate friction as a cause. But the head still got very red , and internal burning upon attempted engorgement. I don’t get that. Since just doing hardly anything with my wife makes it engorged fairly easily compared to this. Same thing at night. And I don’t even touch it.
I’m not seeing an edit button now. But also to note. L citruline hasn’t really had much effect that I can notice. I can take it or not. And I can’t tell a difference. I thought the first week may have boosted my libido, but I think that was just coincidence. I tried viagra once a few days ago just for another test. I did get a somewhat plumpness out of it the first hour,so It was there. Just not sure I can ever come out of this. Since this peeing fiasco started, I just stay limp and cold mostly. That fatness hasn’t came back in a long time. I feel pretty good even with my wrong feeling like that. Without that, I just have a useless noodle it feel like. It’s literally like a light switch has shut off all desire until I actively hug or touch my wife. It just gets worse and worse.
peeing is weird. I can feel the burn coming up through my penis as the urine comes. I pee at least 2 times overnight,up to 3. And that’s after going right before I lay down. When I get up I used have full stream. Now I just pee. And some days it’s not a lot or very forceful. And finishing is rather slow and dribble. I never can force the rest out. Kegel isn’t there most times. Just like for my penis. I’ve went 5 times this morning from 8-12.
Yep. This is urinary incontinence. My wife and I worked on enough cases like this to recognize this. On top of that, the flagged statements "And some days it’s not a lot or very forceful" and "I never can force the rest out" is a tale-tell sign of prostate related. I'll just leave it there.

The erection with the vibrator bothers me. I did that to eliminate friction as a cause. But the head still got very red , and internal burning upon attempted engorgement. I don’t get that. Since just doing hardly anything with my wife makes it engorged fairly easily compared to this. Same thing at night. And I don’t even touch it.
The vibration sensation is not something new. It's your penis telling you that it has optimal blood pressure. My wife says it all the time that my penis vibrates. Much more so when I was younger. She thought my penis was cybernetic with a built in vibrator. It just means your penis manages to trap great volume of blood in the shaft to create intense pressure. The blood flow is optimal. However, the rest of the statement got a bit concerning, such as "very red", "internal burning upon attempted engorgement", and when you don't want to touch it. There are so many flags that it makes this case unique.
I’m not seeing an edit button now.
The forum has a weird "default" value for editing. It only allows you to edit the post after a certain amount of time. I'll try to change that.

But also to note. L citruline hasn’t really had much effect that I can notice. I can take it or not. And I can’t tell a difference. I thought the first week may have boosted my libido, but I think that was just coincidence. I tried viagra once a few days ago just for another test. I did get a somewhat plumpness out of it the first hour,so It was there.
You can remove it and observe it. Try to let your body have 3 to 4 week of reset without l-critulline, and restart it for a week to see. Never rule it out completely.

Just not sure I can ever come out of this. Since this peeing fiasco started, I just stay limp and cold mostly. That fatness hasn’t came back in a long time. I feel pretty good even with my wrong feeling like that. Without that, I just have a useless noodle it feel like. It’s literally like a light switch has shut off all desire until I actively hug or touch my wife. It just gets worse and worse.
This is something to discuss with the medical professionals who already have your medical records on file. They can do a further analysis that we cannot since it may require blood works and medication testing. We don't want to suggest specific herbal remedies without having a clear path first.
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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