case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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dry with a wet feeling from what i can tell.
Got it. So it's based on blood circulation.

definitely the glans sticky when it occurs
Glans sticking on the the legs. This may be from the glans's surface acting like finger prints when it's shriveling. Any moisture from the thighs transferred to the glans's surface causing it to stick like a clammy finger sticking to the skin surface. Makes sure to observe this. Also, use a bit of either baby powder or magnesium carbonate to see if this sticky phenomenon still happens.

my whole head is spaghetti. for sure. i understand. ive researched a lot on HF though as well. except mine mostly is just really flaccid/limp. shrunk
Hard flaccid doesn't pertain to hard flaccid state, but also shrunken state in a flaccid form. Hard is just an added phenomenon to the constantly shrunken state. If you look at the various dimension of HF, the shrunken penis lack soft volume of the flaccid. The more dense penile tissues you have, the lack of blood increase the hardness of the penile body as a whole. That's why it feels hard and not soft. But in your case, you still have blood flow, not sufficient enough to call it plump, and not lack the blood nor the large amount of of tissues to cause it to be hard. You're literally at the cross road of HF. This is why it's hard to place where you are in the scheme of diagnosis. Most doctors and practioners will throw their hands up in the air and move on.

i hope its not PE, yet i really feel it started this . my glans feeling seems to feel that way too. so. going up to post #648, what are your thoughts there? im extremely out of my head every day with this. i honestly dont really see straight most days anymore. i miss my wife so much it hurts. a lot
PE is merely a contribution to create an earlier onset. But there are many more contributors that we haven't trace back yet. A wife that is understanding will do different things or adapt different ways to accomodate to both of your needs during your healing period. As long as you don't alienate her, she will not do the same thing for you. Worest thing you can do is to push her away from you. This is where you cling onto her even more, drop your pridefulness, and talk to her even more. Why do I know this? Because my wife discusses things like this practically on a daily basis. I also gone through cases of ugly relational issues all around me, from my closest family members, to coworkers, friends, and acquaintances. This is because of male's pride and alienation.

and ive most likely discussed this previously. if i indeed messed nerves up like i feel like i did, could i have went 6 weeks or more without having any numness or loss of feeling? cause that is how it went. i just noticed i was smaller initially, and didnt have any arousal. nor could i kegel and get a mental erection. id still get hard with foreplay, and manually. and super hard at night. it was after that, i started getting sensitive, etc.which pregressively went to numbness, etc
In the case of post #648, we can rule out nerve prolong damages between the glans and the base of the penile body. The dorsal nerve is not the issue as you can feel and sense the entire penis. What I'm more concern in tracing down is the specific side of numbness and discomfort signal. We need to find where the kink is occuring, the misfired location, and where the source of the receptor(s) that cause the numbness. More importantly, it's the blockage of the blood flow that got me the most concern. The loss of blood flow, in combination with the prior nerve kink, causes the numbness. But it was due to the clamping near the base. So, we can start tracing from the base to the pelvic floor. You indicated the anal and pelvic floor lock up and hardness. This is also an indicator something is down there, be a blockage or a kink. We are not certain get. We're slowly tracing back according to your analytical reports from the post.

This is where we are at, as we know for sure you can obtain and maintain an erection through stimulation. The moment your blood pressure level equalizes from laying down, your erection is much stronger than when you're mobile. This is indeed a blockage. When your free testosterone level is elevated in combination with your blood pressure equalization, you have night time erection. This is an indicator that your nominal blood pressure from hormone stimulation (primarily your nitric oxide loading) can actuate the blood flow to bypass any blockage.

We did evaluate the post erection symptoms of numbness and sensitivity, where lack of blood flow to normalize your nerve signal to prevent the misfiring sensation. Pay attention to this example next time you're swimming. When you are in a cold water body, such as a stream, lake, or ocean, or even a cold shower, as your blood subsurface and flow around your internal organs more, your fingers, toes, and skin around your body becomes less warm and more cold. The tips of your fingers and toes become shriveled, hard clammy at times, and numbed. Same for your skin. Same effects where the nerves are concentrated, like your nipples, back of your neck, your scalp, inner thighs, or even at the bottom of your feet. This is what you're feeling for your glans. The same effects due to the lack of blood flow to the specific region of your crotch and penile body. Lack of blood going to that region of the penile body causes the same anomoly as it was described earlier. Now, we need to trace down to the source of this blockage. Is it the artery? Pretty high probability. Is it the vein? The possibility is there as any blockage of the veins can signal an artery constriction to prevent new blood from coming into the penis. Inflammation of the drainage corridors? A bit IF, but when that IF is a YES, it explains a whole lot of commonalities to the HF symptoms.

This is why our doodle boards are like a bad plate of spaghetti. Too many diagnosis and not enough tests to rule them out.
oh i know. ive sat here for awhile now. i feel like hell. i got up to pee. i dont really feel much till i get it out. at that point, its hanging decent and appears to have good flow. i still cant feel any differently. yet i can watch the life drain away ,right back to shrink town in my hand. once i stand up its hard to keep anything. i dont seem to feel it anyway though. glans always seems to be on the smaller side since this has set in it seems also. im so hurt , its not funny

yes i can feel entire penis. shaft /frenulum have no issues. glans, however, is wrong. i can feel it, yet its dull i would say. i can feel a shirt draped across it, yet not a light touch of toilet paper. and i dont rememer what its suppsoed to feel like. not this though. it feels good enough i feel sex with the tip fine. yet i walk around and feel hardly anythig, and its really hard to deal with that. ice i dont really feel at all. yet if i touch it with a cold thumb i can tell its cold. just sitting around or walking, i dont ever get any jolts of an erection as i used to. it sucks.a lot. my rear tightens up a lot. i kinda feel like its responding to the lack of feels/oversensitivity in the glans and anxiety. everythig gets super tight after that.

oh and i did not clamp ever.

im scared to death my nerves are fried, cause i started getting a little sensitive after 6 weeks post injury. started having Premature ejac . that has ran its course, and has improved a lot. masturbation still causes it way more than sex. moreso if i initiate it. if i act on a night erection, its not nearly as sensitive to cause pe. what really gets me, is if i do get a moment i feel aroused, and kegeling actually does move things as it should, i tend to seem to feel kinda normal for those moments. you seem like its not nerves though. i hope you can prove that true.
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oh i know. ive sat here for awhile now. i feel like hell. i got up to pee. i dont really feel much till i get it out. at that point, its hanging decent and appears to have good flow. i still cant feel any differently. yet i can watch the life drain away ,right back to shrink town in my hand. once i stand up its hard to keep anything. i dont seem to feel it anyway though. glans always seems to be on the smaller side since this has set in it seems also. im so hurt , its not funny
Yep. When you try to pee, your body engage blood flow to volumize the shaft to ensure the urethra is straighten up to vacate as much of the urine as possible. A trick to maintain this is to do reverse kegel, bearing down on pelvic floor to mimic the same peeing condition to get the blood to flow. Let's start with that. Traing the pelvic floor to relax normally goes against the body normal pelvic floor engagement, such as erection. It's going to be strange for a while during the retraining phases.

yes i can feel entire penis. shaft /frenulum have no issues. glans, however, is wrong. i can feel it, yet its dull i would say. i can feel a shirt draped across it, yet not a light touch of toilet paper. and i dont rememer what its suppsoed to feel like. not this though. it feels good enough i feel sex with the tip fine. yet i walk around and feel hardly anythig, and its really hard to deal with that. ice i dont really feel at all. yet if i touch it with a cold thumb i can tell its cold. just sitting around or walking, i dont ever get any jolts of an erection as i used to. it sucks.a lot. my rear tightens up a lot. i kinda feel like its responding to the lack of feels/oversensitivity in the glans and anxiety. everythig gets super tight after that.
Yep. This is the numbness due to the lack of blood flow. It's the same thing when some one uses a wrap or a cock ring that restricts to much blood flow for too long. That numbness and lack of light sensation. Heavier sensation tends to generate the touch signal that the body reacts to inspite of blood flow as a defense mechanism.

oh and i did not clamp ever.
It's a moniker of the pump event that caused the kink at the base of the penis. The edge of the pump causes the momentary kink, like the sharp edge of the cable clamp, cutting the nerve and blood vessels off from the rest of the penis.

im scared to death my nerves are fried, cause i started getting a little sensitive after 6 weeks post injury. started having Premature ejac . that has ran its course, and has improved a lot. masturbation still causes it way more than sex. moreso if i initiate it. if i act on a night erection, its not nearly as sensitive to cause pe. what really gets me, is if i do get a moment i feel aroused, and kegeling actually does move things as it should, i tend to seem to feel kinda normal for those moments. you seem like its not nerves though. i hope you can prove that true.
Your nerves are not fried. At this moment, we can only assume it's blocked somewhere. The receptors are acting up and we don't know where the sources of the issues yet. But you give us clue on where it may be, which is at the pelvic floor and the surround of the pelvic floor. For now, train with the reverse kegels, not kegels, and massage the entire area that influence the pelvic floor. This can be prostate regions (yeah, not fun for guys since it both inside the anal and outside below the scrotum), the pelvic floor itself (betwen the anal and scrotum), and the deep tissues that causes the lockup (which can be quite a few culprits since the pelvic area is a nexus for the upper and lower bodies).
i hope you are right.
Yep. When you try to pee, your body engage blood flow to volumize the shaft to ensure the urethra is straighten up to vacate as much of the urine as possible. A trick to maintain this is to do reverse kegel, bearing down on pelvic floor to mimic the same peeing condition to get the blood to flow. Let's start with that. Traing the pelvic floor to relax normally goes against the body normal pelvic floor engagement, such as erection. It's going to be strange for a while during the retraining phases.
i have severe issues doing these. i feel nothing , yet i know what its supposed to feel like. i know im doin them, yet i get zero results. i had one day close to a year ago, it all worked. i felt good that day. was horny and had no pain. never got it again like that since
Yep. This is the numbness due to the lack of blood flow. It's the same thing when some one uses a wrap or a cock ring that restricts to much blood flow for too long. That numbness and lack of light sensation. Heavier sensation tends to generate the touch signal that the body reacts to inspite of blood flow as a defense mechanism.
its like this constantly though it seems. during erections not as bad at all, yet its off a tad.
It's a moniker of the pump event that caused the kink at the base of the penis. The edge of the pump causes the momentary kink, like the sharp edge of the cable clamp, cutting the nerve and blood vessels off from the rest of the penis.
ok that makes more sense.
Your nerves are not fried. At this moment, we can only assume it's blocked somewhere. The receptors are acting up and we don't know where the sources of the issues yet. But you give us clue on where it may be, which is at the pelvic floor and the surround of the pelvic floor. For now, train with the reverse kegels, not kegels, and massage the entire area that influence the pelvic floor. This can be prostate regions (yeah, not fun for guys since it both inside the anal and outside below the scrotum), the pelvic floor itself (betwen the anal and scrotum), and the deep tissues that causes the lockup (which can be quite a few culprits since the pelvic area is a nexus for the upper and lower bodies).
ok im humoring that. but even if my glans feels this screwed up , and gets sensitive after masturbating? ill massage it all and try . ill stick a shoe up my rear if it helps figure this out. ive already tried all i could in there with a therawand a couple times with zero luck.

im really having a hard time keeping up with whether my feeling has improved or gotten worse. it really seems the last couple months everything sensation wise, has gotten duller. i remember last fall (1-3 months in), i had some really strong sex. and it felt good and i felt huge. now, this fall, it is really diminished in all areas really.thats what confuses me on the nerve deal. it really feels that bad, yet after i got hurt, just thought i had ed. i even bought one of those ed mindfulness classes to try. then started excercising. etc. i wouldnt have done that had i had feeling issues. and for a while, it really kicked me up a notch...for awhile. and then i started seeing how serious this is the more it went.
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ok im humoring that. but even if my glans feels this screwed up , and gets sensitive after masturbating? ill massage it all and try . ill stick a shoe up my rear if it helps figure this out. ive already tried all i could in there with a therawand a couple times with zero luck.
This is where we'll try to trace the source of the problem. Since there's no specialist in your area that deals with PE, it'll be a hit and miss for diagnosis. Still, don't give up the search for a good urologist or a doctor with PE practition of somekind. A referral of a referral to a referral is a good connection to a specialist.

Sensivitity after any sexual stimulation is very normal. Ask any brother here. After I ejaculate, my glans are so freakishly sensitive that if my wife gives me oral, I would deny her. Same thing with hher after she reached her strings of orgasms and climaxes. If I massage her clit or suck on it, she would scream. What you're feeling is an intensified version of it. Your nerve is actually becoming hyper sensitive due to the loss of effective blood circulation, just like that example of the hand, feet, and skin lacking blood flow. In reality, your nerve is working possibly better than before. The missing component is the blood flow.

The massage want is just vibrating. What you want is ultrasonic or soundwave for deeper penetration without the traumas. When we use massage guns and massage wands, we're using oscillating contact pressure waves. When the ultrasonic or soundwave, it's still pressure waves, but it lacks the hard hitting oscillation waves that cause constant micro traumas.

Examples of at home soundwave therapy is the Phoenix, Oceanus, Softwave, and many more. I can't tell you how effective these devices are compared to the one in the clinics using adjustable focused waves, but they do work in general. Consult with your local urologists and doctors before venturing.
oh theyre hypersensitive alright. lol. i feel more normal the first 30 min after sex ,ejac or not. after that though. im in dead feeling hell again. its so unsettling to not feel anything except a coolness or a tingle or just a dead numb. that makes it hard to think its anything except a nerve. i wasnt like this for at least the first 6 weeks. we had sex a lot then . sometimes i had to do a lot of foreplay, but man it felt good all the time, during, and even after. then everything started going downhill with sensitivity and only sometimes, i could get that good feeling .
The strangest thing is the post event of that faithful day. 6 weeks of normalcy even after that injury. But right after, something moved. Some got dislodged, or something got hindered. It's like a piece of plague, skin, or anomoly moved from the base of the penis, up the glans, down and out of the veins, and lodged itself somewhere near the pelvic floor during its travel. Your arteries and veins is connected at the pelvic floor based on the anatomical pathways. So something is lodged or wedged itself way deep down inside, causing havocs all over the place. We just need to find out what it is way back there, and while we probe for the sources, we need to find a temporary solution for your unique symptoms. So, keep on with your massages, be the wand, manually, or whatever you can to stimulate that blood flow. If and when time allows, take a timed hot bath. The reason why countries around the world love their hot spas and bath is to promote blood flow to the lower extremities. Try a slighter hotter than warm, close to bearable hot bath. Go for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or even 15 minutes. See if there's a positive response to the hot bath as well. If there is positive response, we know right away there's a crazy blockage on either your artery or vein, or both. We can refocus our efforts at the location upon discovery.
i actually had one last night . i then stretched. i really dont think its related, but burning started later again after that. but i dont know. that still just doesnt explain my glans feeling so damaged all the time . thats really what seems to cause everything, and it never goes away it seems. it just teases me here and there
The support and advice is unreal in this thread. The brotherhood will never give up until you are fully healed. Again I pray for you and your recovery.
Try to take only the bath and do reverse kegel routine while you're in the bath. This is to pump blood thorugh the immersed portions. See if there's any positive results within 2 to 3 hours. Next day, a bath again, but rather than stretching, massage instead. Stretching force micro traumas along the penile body which you don't want. Just massage from the pelvic floor to the base of the penile shaft. See if there's any new positive outcome in 4 to 6 hours.
im gonna do that today. i just came in from the morning tasks. ive felt meh all morn. usual for me these days . ok i guess. anytime i kegel at all, i always feel this knot in my butthole. i feel nothing on the penis end(only while sitting can i ever get that to respond, minimal at that) while walking i feel the tip touching my clothes.i touch my pants and push it into my leg, and i feel coldness. feels really short. and im always scared its cause i cant feel anything. yet when i got it out to pee. well. yeah, its pretty short. turned white when i squeezed the head. shaft was even thinner.
im riding this out. but this is so discouraging. i reckon id feel a little more if there was life in it. i sure dont know what to do to fix that just yet though. i know if i run, it flat drains everything out of it now, and i dont get why. it used to not do this at all. i thought for awhile, it just does this cause the nerves have packed up sexuality and left, and turned off the faucet. since my sensory issues are definitily skewed. but im not real sure anymore
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im gonna do that today. i just came in from the morning tasks. ive felt meh all morn. usual for me these days . ok i guess. anytime i kegel at all, i always feel this knot in my butthole. i feel nothing on the penis end(only while sitting can i ever get that to respond, minimal at that) while walking i feel the tip touching my clothes.i touch my pants and push it into my leg, and i feel coldness. feels really short. and im always scared its cause i cant feel anything. yet when i got it out to pee. well. yeah, its pretty short. turned white when i squeezed the head. shaft was even thinner.
Turn white. Good observation. This does chime in the agreements of the lack of blood flow. We got confirmation.

im riding this out. but this is so discouraging. i reckon id feel a little more if there was life in it. i sure dont know what to do to fix that just yet though. i know if i run, it flat drains everything out of it now, and i dont get why. it used to not do this at all. i thought for awhile, it just does this cause the nerves have packed up sexuality and left, and turned off the faucet. since my sensory issues are definitily skewed. but im not real sure anymore
If you can still have erections, no matter how strange the sessions may be, come and go sporadically, it means there is still a strong hope to get it all back. For most men with similar cases, they don't even have what you have. They can't even get an erection no matter the methods. We found the approach methods. Now we need to see which approach can be optimized. This is where your keen observation comes into play. You may be one of the successful stories noted in the short list of medical cases. Don't be surprised if someone from the medical publications or a PhD researcher contacts you for your cooperation.
theres a strong will and hope. along with much pain and agony. i think id trade erections for days full of normal relaxed dick that didnt lose feeling, shrink, and give off weird tingles all day. cause erections are pretty useless at this point.

the more this goes, the more it feels like my tight internal kegel sensations are connected to my shrinking and dead feeling coldness
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I am glad you have such strong will and hope. This will definitely add to your healing. If you feel kegels are causing issues I would temporarily stop doing them. We need to turn every stone to helping you heal.
I am glad you have such strong will and hope. This will definitely add to your healing. If you feel kegels are causing issues I would temporarily stop doing them. We need to turn every stone to helping you heal.
theyre not causing issues. i just dont get any feeling/pressure from them unless im already hard.
theyre not causing issues. i just dont get any feeling/pressure from them unless im already hard.
Ok. Then I would say continue with that until your able to do when soft. Kegels are so powerful and can truly help you in your healing.
i do. thats part of the reason this sucks so much. since the morning i woke up like this, its taken my kegel feeling in my dick away totally. i used to feel strong flow when i was horny, getting hard while id kegel. it was almost a vibration. ive only recreated that feeling 3 or 4 times in the last year, and it was hardly even noticable. now all i feel is a weird sensation that does nothing. and i dont get horny at all. ever. just mentally.
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I talked to a few of those who are deeply involved in pathology and endocrinology for their takes on this. Keep reporting in whatever you can. I have a report sheet for them to check as we go.

The vibration is a common phenomenon when your penile blood pressure is at optimal point. I get those too. But to go from a "used to" to "3 or 4 times in the last year", mind elaborate on this? Is the 3 or 4 times after the injury or before the injury. The greater the details, the better.
after injury. i still got them at first for a couple weeks. i felt one time early on a restriction or gurgling when i kegeled getting hard. it was an eerie feeling i feel was the end. after that, i dont feel any rush. i just get hard if that makes sense
So, that eerie feeling was right after the injury or before the injury? And did you feel any similar anywhere in prior years. Take your time to think back.
after. couple weeks .. never prior. today has me near bottom. glans on left side stinging. takes my feeling away. all i feel is scratchy tingling when tip touches my underwear. this is so rough
This is something from a friend of mine. He had similar issues in the past but not as severe. What he did was using a skin tight fitting wrap. Nowaday, it's the silicone sleeve, thin layered version. Before I suggest this, I tested on myself for the past month. If you have something similar to a 2lbs elastic band such as the TheraBand, gently wrap it around the base of the glans to cover over it like a hood. This allows heat retention. I also use a thin version of the silicone sleeve rather than the thick SiliSleev #5. What I've done is to keep my penis elongated with 1/3 of the penis wrapped up in TheraBand, testing for warmth retention for your case. I don't suggest something until I tested it out myself. What I discovered is the heat retention is higher than the normal penile exposure to clothing, or sitting under the clothing. Since there's a light compressional contact with the skin at all time, it helps to suppress the tingly/irritation feeling when the signal is sending the numbness/coldness sensation back to the brain. Give this a try. It may not work 100% for you, but it does promote constant blood flow for me. Every 20 to 40 minutes or so, this elongation and warm wraqpping method causes me to have boners, and I forced it hard to keep it from coming up while I'm out in public. Something to think about for now.
You should swith to boxer shorts so it does not rub so much.
You should swith to boxer shorts so it does not rub so much.
i do. i cant wear them at all now. im currently wearing some spandex type pants i cut off. works more than any yet still crap. i have a manhood sleeve that works great. except i fully cannot tell whatsoever i have a penis or where its even located. i can only mentally deal with that 3 or 4 hours. this is almost hopeless some days. i cant win. i have no comfortable moments ever.the only thing i found to work in the past was to put a tube sock overit and wear boxer briefs to keep it there. decent,yet most pathetic way to live life ever. when you have what i have, you just dont care anymore, cause theres no fixing it.

maybe it was the sugar from the apple i ate today. or cooincidence. once i started feeling it, it just got worse throughout the day, mostly after my anxiety started kicking in. which either way, just points to nerves. i just dont think theyll ever smooth out enough to live very long. i have no life whatsoever. i try hard, yet its almost impossible to keep it together.

im not sure how this started out so mild and has progressed to total crap slowly over the year.
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Hm. For natural sugar, try it again. If the sugar is the playing factor, try coconut sugar and persimmons (dehydrated and fresh). Keep observing and logging any unique changes, be coincidental or partial.
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either way. i think this is my new routine . all day and night sucks with occasional erection at night. totally destroyed glans feelings that eat at my soul. super small penis most hours of the day and night with no feeling. doesnt appear possible it will regain true feeling cause it hasnt yet.

yet somehow someway, i see my wife this morning and still yet have pretty decent sex. i can deal with that feeling forever. it lacks a little feeling yet not enough to cause any issues. yet. after sex, and my old normal chubbiness wears off, its back to hell forever again. no arousal at all.. it used to keep me fired up all day. all that part of me is gone now for whatever reason. if it was still connected to me mentally or physically in an any way other that when actively in sex, the pain and lack of feelings wouldnt be so bad.
A lack of blood flow volume after sex. Two fronts: the endocrinologist would say the lack of hormone concentration to keep the sexual stimulation going, while the pathologist say something is hindering the blood flow. Both may flag the first common treatment for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) after two to three initial tests. First test is early morning blood work up while the hormone levels are high. Second is right after sex. Third is mid day. Some will recommend the fourth around near the end of the day. Relevant data is critical to determine where you are. You may want to discuss with the doctors for the method of approach first. Without this specific info, it will be a big guessing game going forward.
not sure. this lack of feeling and irritation touching my clothes these last couple days has me feeling just like i did 9 months ago when i started this thread. which is not setting well with me considering i know i had times where i feel i had a dick since then. i had to wrap it up in toilet paper to quit the pains. im kinda mildy onfire again today after all that. just no feeling at all, except touching clothes irritation, which kinda feels like sharp pricks . feels like all that makes it stay shrunk possibly to me. i see a hot girl or anything sexual at all that "should" make me jump in the pants, i feel nothing. not even when i try. last night was horrible . total limp all night. till 7 am. half asleep, yet it just manages a full hard on while im already awake. then, after its over, back to major limp. i dont have the feeling i should in bed either, yet i dont ever get those sharp sensitive tiles either. something with wearing pants just does it. sweats dont seem to make it do that either. either way it feels dead half the time while its like that
This case mirrors exactly like the TRT cases where the rise and fall of testosterone based on the body generation. The cases, unlike yours, are from males in their 50s and 60s. There is a unique case where a male in his 20s actually suffered a temporary loss of testosterone due to an accident, but after a few months, it rebounded back up. Unfortunately, cases don't get the final reports from the patients and they just get buried as incomplete.
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thing is, im plenty aroused mentally. it jsut dont happen down there. nor does it feel like mine either. but im sure that has suffered as well. i was pondering yesterday getting a home test to just see whats up now
It takes two components to get things rolling down there. If you are getting a home test, make sure to cover all phases of the day. When you feel that invigorating urge, take one. Same for the after, then the mid day around 2pm, and again late in the evening around 8pm when the body so at the lowest.
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might be a problem. i dont have urges anymore. it just happens. lol. i really, really, have no idea how i can get any erection after what i feel all day. it just aint right. ive had to get rid of my old thought process. i have no dick now unless im actively using it. its not online during the day for communication or arousing
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will do. wont have any urges today. total irritation today along with shrinkage, cold glans, and no feeling limpness. i always thought letting it irritate and rub would desensitize the nerve irritation. there were times months ago i thought i had. apparently that did not happen. apparently sex yesterday was not very helpful to glans. i feel everything on glans yet its physically smaller than it should be and burns at the left spot corona. and none of the feelings are correct. i dont think theres a way out here . ive waited and tried a lot of things,yet still reappears. why on earth did i fall for this nonsense?

i just cant figure out why i had periods of improving feeling in the past, yet im right here again. possibly worse. my glans hypersensitivity just seems to have came on full force. doesnt feel right hard any more either. in the past it wasnt noticeable erect. ive noticed today when im sitting, i sometimes get that burn sensation right up to the glans when i kegel. what a freaking nightmare.
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Looking forward to the tests you will be doing. I have great hope that you will soon find the issue and eliminate them.
im afraid my issue is nerve damage. nothing else explains this numb,burning glans nonsense after using it. i keep wanting to explore it as something else, yet it just doesnt seem like anything else could make it on fire like this.
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this is absolutely nervous system related. ive had good nights here lately. wake up hard. wake up all other hours chubby , responsive. feels good. etc. i still have glans overexcitedness though. i get up though, and things start their downward side. retraction. loss of feelings. once i get going or do physical things at all, its kinda over. very flaccid, shrunk. or the feeling of. things just go cold./num. its kinda similar to how a noise gets so loud, you quit hearing it. kegels dont happen anymore. then anxiety will make it worse of course. rectum tightens up, etc. if i relax sitting, i get a little response again.

this just feels like its gonna have to re familiarize itself all over again for years to ever come out of it. thats all that will make it go away. either the nerves will chill out, or theyll just keep repeating this crap forever. thats just my gut feel to dealing with this.
As you rest, your system relaxes. Your hormone levels elevate. Your brain sends optimization signals all over the body to repair, replace, and rebuild.

You describe exactly how the body is supposed to perform. If it's a nerve issue, the signal to the penis won't even activate. Your penis will be in the same condition regardless of the state of the body.

However, we are not ruling out anything at all. The most critical clue is the lock up or the tightness of the pelvic region, specifically, the rectum muscles or the pubococcygeus and puborectalis muscles. These muscle groups responsible for blood flow for the major arteries, the pudental nerve that branches to the dorsal nerve (your penis), and these muscle are affected by the kegel and reverse kegel exercises. What is going on in that region is a complex networking of craziness.

If you say it's nerve issues, you score a 20 points out of 100. It's more complex than just, "it's the nerves." It's multi-cascading, like Dominos. We now know where the engagement lies. When the tightness around the anus don't engage, your penis is plump. When that engagement of tightness occur, the penis shrinks like a raisin. This confirms the issues at the pelvic region.
as you said, its more complex than that. i think all those things indeed happen at times. yet they are happening due to the damage in the glans. it does shrink a lot while im active ,yet sometimes, its more that i cant feel what i should feel. and instead a oversensitive feeling thats hard to even describe. thing is, even at my best rest and feeling, my glans is still all kinds of wrong. which makes everything else in chaos.

my dick actually doesnt really activate. all day long. only time it comes close, is if im completely not moving, which doesnt irritate the nerves. which is most likely why it is more friendly when im in bed or in less irritating clothes. i dont feel that rough in pants till after the first hour, then its completely off the map the rest of the day till night.
Keep the info flowing. This provides smaller narrow windows to evaluate rather than the larger scope of info to deal with. The critical info is the 1 hour after movement within clothing, or rather, movement overall. Is it wrong to assume that? There's a big difference between total movement time before shrinkage versus specific amount of time after clothing is worn. There's also a massive distinction of when the cloth is worn without glans's protection vs with glans's protection. Do you see the minutae of info that become keys to unlock the hidden info?
just seems like no matter how much flows, it still isnt my dick. its confused me for a long time since i actually have feeling, and moreso when full,but since its still damaged, it just keeps a looping cycle going. it just feels like the little feeling i have left after destroying it gets overstimulated into a dead zone all day ,especially while walking, etc. i know rubbing my glans on my zipper is more pronounced feeling than it has ever before this accident. things felt awesome when i got up this morn. dick wasnt hard, yet huge as it usually was when i woke. and super fat. now that day is half past, i just feel restricted pain sensation through it when i kegel, and walking around glans just feels sensitive yet num. i can actually reach down and feel things in glans through pants, yet things feel far from correct. thats what shrinks things perhaps at times.

actually just checked the zipper feeling currently. very weird. i cant feel the zipper nearly as good as i did on most other times i do it. glans is definitely very much over stimulated at the moment it seems. and all kind of small and just generally hurt feeling. im off today, so ive literally hardly done anything. yet still like this. i find it stupid amazing to see the difference in it from right before i woke up today till now . its laughable on all sides. size, fatness, general feelings, etc. felt healthy like it should. then, now, feels very unhealthy and broken. glans looks like ive jacked off 5 times today already. literally havent touched it. really dont anymore. that enjoyment is not there anymore. and its almost as if peeing has a little burn to it during this phase.
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Keep the info flowing. This provides smaller narrow windows to evaluate rather than the larger scope of info to deal with. The critical info is the 1 hour after movement within clothing, or rather, movement overall. Is it wrong to assume that? There's a big difference between total movement time before shrinkage versus specific amount of time after clothing is worn. There's also a massive distinction of when the cloth is worn without glans's protection vs with glans's protection. Do you see the minutae of info that become keys to unlock the hidden info?
yeah. not much use to dig anymore. nerves are fried. theyve always been fried since doing these retarded excercises. i woke up last night hard,kinda horny again. i rubbed it for a minute, and luckily it still feels good. yet the glans is screwed. as soon as i stop, it feels like i jacked off with vicks vapor rub. the rest of night was very uneventful. glans is just spent, and tender,and sensitive. i rode the year out for what it was worth. but its just not ever gonna go anywhere. i gotta get some underwear made to let me pretend it doesnt hurt all day. i live in the worst environment daily from this now , and im stuck here. i have no choice though. is what it is. jelqing is garbage . it was entirely too easy to destroy this. now i can never feel my dick all day every day or get horny from it. just a woody every night i can rarely do anything with. tired of pretending its "deep inside" or whatever. its flat out nerve destruction
It sounds like you're ending the case and leave it as is. Let us know what you want to do. We can end here or keep the case open.
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doesnt matter. im quite frustrated with life. ive had great night /morn erections all week. very plump out of the sack even. daytime is all kinds of crap still though. i just cant get over how much it stings, and feels like nothing is there. glans just feel so destroyed at times. tthe shower is the worst of times. it turtles and stings so bad. its just hard to even walk around now. i dont even really understand how it got this rough over a year.
i guess. doesnt matter cause im kinda over it for now. this doesn ever improve. it just repeats fail over and over. nothing else to do except wake up every day , and repeat the last. its all gone for now. spend 2-3 hours a night hard as a rock waking me up. then rest of the time, shrunk, num, and burning. doesnt make a lick of sense , and ive done what i could do for a year. gues its just this way now.
this has ruined my nerve endings, which feels responsible for the constant shriveled smaler state it stays in. only chance i have is that over years, my nerves arent so sensitive. the feeling im sure is lost forever. so keep on yanking on your junk. its not hard to get your own version of a useless one for yourself. you have no idea what youre dealing with.
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and after last night, im in serious pain again. had a full night of erections,mostly on my back. woke up early. inspected it a little, touched the glans to check feeling. felt good enough i started engorging. just used my finger at diferent spots at glans. i could kegel and it would swell up as it should. didnt do anything further. might have been 2 min max. went to sleep again. stayed very short whole time. went to town .came home. holy crap. im on fire now. whole glans is inflamed terrible. i put some cream on it, and i feel it all doing it, as soon as i quit touching it , its just on fire. and horrificaly small. just not sure how that can be anything except nerves. nor can i think of anything worth doing with it to stop the pain. i hardly did anything at all to it today
and after last night, im in serious pain again. had a full night of erections,mostly on my back. woke up early. inspected it a little, touched the glans to check feeling. felt good enough i started engorging. just used my finger at diferent spots at glans. i could kegel and it would swell up as it should. didnt do anything further. might have been 2 min max. went to sleep again. stayed very short whole time. went to town .came home. holy crap. im on fire now. whole glans is inflamed terrible. i put some cream on it, and i feel it all doing it, as soon as i quit touching it , its just on fire. and horrificaly small. just not sure how that can be anything except nerves. nor can i think of anything worth doing with it to stop the pain. i hardly did anything at all to it today
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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