Extra stuff in ballsack

I was wonering if anyone has this also, or could explain to me what this is...
I have a bunch of extra lumpy shit in my sack...On and around my left testicle in particular.It started out as a little lump on my left testy when i was like 12, that was 6 years ago, then it grew into pretty much what it is right now at 14 and i was just looking at my sack right now and my left testicle is bigger and hanging lower than the right testy.
When I was 13, 14 15 I was all scared it was cancer but the doctors never said anything while checking them,although i never pointed the lumps out to the doc.They dont hurt or anything either.

Can someone give me an idea as to wtf is goin on?
I don't have this, but if I were you I would go to the doctor ASAP and get it checked. It's better to be safe than sorry, right? Please find out ASAP and let us know. Keep us all posted, and I hope everything turns out okay for you.
omg go see a doctor about that RIGHT NOW I'm not one to get people worried about stuff, but that could b cancer, in the first sign of a lump you should get in checked out, good luck man, go see a doctor, and hope I'm wrong.
scrub, i have the same thing that u were talking about. i dunno what it is tho...been like that as long as i can remember tho so i dont worry bout it really.
Most likely it's nothing, but if you ever have doubts about your sexual health....especially with your equipment down there...you should go see a doctor. Last thing you want to do is pass it off because some stranger on an internet forum told you it was nothing (what do they know about YOUR body anyway?) and then 10 years later when you and your wife want children...you find out you are infertile because of a neglected testicle problem.

I would go get it checked out. If nothing else just for the peace of mind....and besides you may learn something from the doctor about your body you didnt know about before ;)
noone else is believing me that its cancer? they used to tell us to always be aware of lumps, especially down there, and for girls, on there chest
I believe that it is possible that it could be cancerous, but I didn't want to throw out the "C" word for fear of scaring him. Cancer is a very, very frightening thing to have to face--especially when it is afflicting the very thing that makes you a man, you know?
I wouldn't want to scare him, but what's going to get him to the doctor, a gentle, "oh its probably nothing, but you can get it checked out if you REALLY want to"? especially since its not bothering him at all
I made an appointment for the 30th of this month.

Yamz-How old are you?

And i appreciate all your support ppl,it is probably nothing because im not dead yet after all this time but maybe its another problem and can potentially turn cancerous.And SWM is right...i dont wanna write it off as nothing and run the risk of being infertile...i definatley want kids.

I will keep you guys posted

I'm just glad you'll get it checked out, who here had the story about a friends bump on a leg? or something, over the internet they said it would go away, but some time later a real doctor found out it was cancerous. I don't want to sound like a jerk or nothing, but with something like your health don't take anyone's advice unless they personnally checked it out and have some good degree in whatever doctors get, you don't want to risk it
It's worth getting checked out but don't worry too much. It's not uncommon to get a little soft fiberous growth around the testes. I had similar once and thought the worst. The doc just put it down to a bit of fatty tissue on one of the tubes ... it's gone now. He basically told me that it's pea sized hard lumps you should worry about.

Do get it checked ... but don't worry yourself into an early grave ... The big C at your age is very very rare indeed!

I would say its nuthing.
I have more lumpy shit around my left scrotum area, feels very wormy their and is larger than the right SLIGHT, and its NORMAL for the left ball sack to hang lower anyway man.
If theirs an actual lump coming out the sack than it could be the dreaded '''C''' but you dont say this, it sounds Like what I have...I have it on the left sack around the balls and the scrotum...get a mild ache in it now and again, not much at all really.
I aint arsed about it tobe honest, if I got summut than hard fucking luck, I'll have ma bollocks chopped off rofl
Sounds like it could be a varicocele, but I'm not a medical person so don't quote me. A buddy of mine had one a few months ago and it's basically like a varicose vein on your testicle. Not really a big deal usually but there is a chance that testicle could become impotent. I think the other would still function though. The operation they do to fix it is fairly minor, basically just make a slit above your pubic bone and pull that vein out. But I guarantee that after the operation your balls will swell up HUGE (I mean almost tennis ball size, seriously this is how big my friend's balls were after). That was the best part about it haha. But you have to wear a testicle support for a couple of weeks so you don't hurt yourself haha. No big deal though, it's a very safe easy surgery.

If that even is the problem haha.

YES this condition is what I mentioned somewhere???? ages back but couldnt get the name right.

You risk a varicocele if you hang too much/too long of ya balls and also if ya constrict to hard around the balls...if ANY of you feel a pain around the scrotum area during ball work, kinda like that if ya balls have been kicked than stop.

If ya keep at it than over time the varicocele, will develop and like Cyclops says it can lead to impotanvy, I have mentioned this in Supras Ball hanging thread but couldnt remember the damn medical name....I NEARLY got one of these this is why I advise ya silly bastards ;) tobe careful.

But dont panic with common sense they will be fine, look at supra he swings many pounds of his meatballs 24/7 :blahblah:
Scrub Ducky said:
I was wonering if anyone has this also, or could explain to me what this is...
I have a bunch of extra lumpy shit in my sack...On and around my left testicle in particular.It started out as a little lump on my left testy when i was like 12, that was 6 years ago, then it grew into pretty much what it is right now at 14 and i was just looking at my sack right now and my left testicle is bigger and hanging lower than the right testy.
When I was 13, 14 15 I was all scared it was cancer but the doctors never said anything while checking them,although i never pointed the lumps out to the doc.They dont hurt or anything either.

Can someone give me an idea as to wtf is goin on?

This could be one of several types of cysts that occur on the testes, epididymus, or epithelial tissue (skin).

I can't be sure which it is, but I know it isn't the skin one... I had one of those one time and it was like a hard pea right under the scrotal skin. If you have one of the other two they are recommended to be removed. It could also be cancerous so I'd have it checked immediately by a professional.
Luckily the pain is gone for now.I haven't been doing my routine the last months.I have to reschedule my personal activities again and "start all over".besides I have been ill 🤒 🤧 the last few days.Things will never work out as we plan.Actually I don't plan that much.. maybe that's the reason I haven't reached my goal,lack of planning 😵‍💫
Luckily the pain is gone for now.I haven't been doing my routine the last months.I have to reschedule my personal activities again and "start all over".besides I have been ill 🤒 🤧 the last few days.Things will never work out as we plan.Actually I don't plan that much.. maybe that's the reason I haven't reached my goal,lack of planning 😵‍💫
I'm happy the pain is gone. But have you been to a doctor?

Keeping a handwriting log book helps me, then I can't bullshit myself. There is always documentation of what I have been doing.
Because I know I can't keep everything in my head. I also keep a digital copy of this in my logbook here at MOS.
I believe this can help you as well. Having a program structure and rules are very important for me as well.

I even need to set a timer on how long time I can spend being online at MOS, otherwise I will get stuck here and my other goals in life will suffer.