CAS8X6;329491 said:
I don't have the privacy for hanging so I was wondering if I purchased this system and used the medium duty during the day (I sit at a desk all day) and then use the Heavy Duty one after if this would work. I also would Jelq for avg. 30 min/day.

Or if it should be the other way around.

Anybody have good gains using this product?

I suggest using either the VIMAX or Lazy Ass Stretches for a desk job. Remember that manual stretching will greatly increase your length gains so try to get a 20-30 minute stretching session in too. Your best bet for length increase is using all of these components in your routine.
Big Thier;329525 said:

My only question is this, since you love the tase of pussy as I do myself, did you even touch your cock while eating her out? There have been times that I had problems getting an erection with a girl, but if I eat her out and get all into it while stroking my dick I then have no problem with the erection. If I dont jack while eating then it is a problem.
Big Thier;329556 said:
thanks man, ill try that, but i also need viagra

Homie your 18, you dont need viagra, I'm 32 never had to dose the shit. Work on your mental for real, at 18 you just need to relax and let what happens happens. Even if you gotta stroke your cock in front of a girl then do it.

Also, from my experience if I was not really attracted to the girl It could be difficult to maintain an erection before putting it in and while having it in, are you really sure you really are attracted to this girl and not just a horn dog?
i know i don't NEED it to get an erection lol, and before last weekend i never thought i'd want to use that shit... but i get so ANXIOUS and STRESSED man for real... and condoms dont bother me
ho and yeah my girlfriend is SO SEXY
Dude have her start on you with some oral action and then go down on her. Just lay back and relax and it will rise to the occassion. Once you are past that first part then you will calm down and be fine. When you are nervous you will need more than your tongue in her pussy. You need some direct stimulation to get the ball rolling and then you can get your mind off of you and your dick and onto her and her pussy and all will take care of itself after that. This all is of course providing that you do not have a physical problem.
I remember this used to happen to me, I was convinced I needed Viagra not because I really needed it but because I would get performance anxiety and felt like I wanted the extra boost. Now I tried ordering some of that generic stuff off of the internet and it was a bit hit or miss, while it did definitely gave me mega boners I would also be left with throbbing headaches and my vision would mess up for a while with everything having this weird blue/purple tint to it (not to mention it took almost 2 months for me to get my order). As for my anxiety issues they weren't only in the bedroom, I am naturally very prone to anxiety and I don't know if you are the same or it's just this situation in particular, but whether the case may be I agree with crazyed and it is mental, the sooner you realize it the sooner you will surpass it. Look try and calm down, talk with her, tell her about your performance anxiety, if she's a nice person she'll understand, I noticed that if I just jump right into things kissing and tearing clothes off wildly I am almost guaranteed not to be ready, on the other hand if I take it slow, try some dirty talking or just talking about sex in general beforehand to get the mood right, or just cuddle and watch a movie and slowly get into things then my dick never fails.

One more thing, don't worry so much about pleasing her, enjoy yourself first.
Big Thier;329496 said:
Ok, last night i was with my new girlfriend (it was our first time together) and i started eating her out (goddamn i love the taste of pussy), but then nothing happenned! i was horny and all but it just wouldn't get up. i was really stressed too, which is probably the reason why i couldn't get it up. i felt so ashamed and she told me "why don't you have an erection" and she didn't talk to me the whole night and was pissed today. so now what the fuck can i do? i'm thinking about getting viagra, i hate the idea but damn i have no choice. and i'm 18, have no problem getting an erection when i jackoff to adult entertainment, and it's strange because sometimes i get an erection from just kissing her, and yesterday i was licking her pussy and i couldn't get one. and it was 3:00 AM so i was really tired, may be that played a role in it as well. please help, thanks.

btw, i think i "suffer" from performance anxiety, the stress and stuff got me not being able to get it up, and it's really messing with me, i wanna get viagra but i need a prescription, is there an alternative to it or something? i need it FAST. thanks



GET Viagra!

Viagra is awesome.

See if you can find old posts by me, I was 10000X worse than you man, trust me.. viagra will fix it. :) 100mg

BTW I use generic viagra from india, 18$ for 10 pills. I also have a SHITLOAD of levitra.. like over 60pills I think.. LOL

Cialis sucks though don't bother with it its weak.. Levitra is good but right now viagra is my GO-TO drug of choice.
Last edited:
velimirovich;330480 said:


GET Viagra!

Viagra is awesome.

See if you can find old posts by me, I was 10000X worse than you man, trust me.. viagra will fix it. :) 100mg

BTW I use generic viagra from india, 18$ for 10 pills. I also have a SHITLOAD of levitra.. like over 60pills I think.. LOL

Cialis sucks though don't bother with it its weak.. Levitra is good but right now viagra is my GO-TO drug of choice.

just out of curiosity how old are you? Alos aren't you afraid of becoming dependent on it?
Dude, go see your family doc and tell him about your performace anxiety and ask him if you could have a few pills so you can take them and get over your anxiety. He will probably prescribe you some viagra. Use it once or twice to get your confidence back, and then you won't have as much anxiety anymore, and realise that you won't need it anymore. That's what i did. I went thru the same period when i was 20 or so, and inexperienced. It worked for me. good luck
Best Advice of all was to enjoy yourself first,

better than that you should be really mad at her for her lack of understanding.
Really show her and tell her that it is definetly not ok for her to be mad at your
for not gettin it up when you was stressed, cos of being tired and late AND eating her out.

God damn , you was giving her oral pleasure so what the fuck she is complainin about. Make that clear that u will not accept such lack of empathy bull shit behaviour from her or anyone anytime ever at all. Just be dead serious about it, say it affected you on a much deeper than sex, "human" level and geniuinly hurt your feelings.

If you don't do this, she will continue to have the sexual power in your relationship and you will continue to have the totally unnessasary urge to please her first despite of your own needs and your own sexuality.

I mean: YOU ARE THE MAN DON'T BEHAVE LIKE A WUSSY. You already ate her out ( wich she should be more than grateful for and not complaining and acting pissed of) , so what if you as a man who is feeling tired decides to call it quits , turn around and sleep.

The sooner your realize how and why woman even at young age manipulate the living fuck out of any man and how to counteract those manipulations - the sonner you will become agrown up self-confident self-secure-in-any-situation- kind of man.

Its not that women are evil in general or your girlfriend is especially mean or bad. Its SIMPLY completely natural for them a unconciuos biological drive for the female to test and test , and retest (in neverending loops) if her partner is the best MALE for her (as in best father for her children).

The manifestation of this in your/the real world is/was her lack of understanding stupid bitchy behaviour. Deal with it in a manly way. Be a man about it - its extremly important for your future relationship.
If you can handle any situation (even a scenario like this) being cool about it and secure and NOT shit your pants and do anything possible to again please her and teach her the wrong lesson as in : YOU HAVE ALL THE POWER OVER ME.

Don't give away your power , my friend - Only you can know what is best for you , no one else will.

Ok 2nd solution (If you are to young to understand why what I said above make a lot of sense) :

By that viagra throw in 50 mg 1hour before sex and fuck the crap outta her...
don't worry about people here sayin: do you want to become dependent on it.
You probably will become dependant on it - but hey you depend on so so sos so many things like the right food , water , sport, healthy environment , parents , friends (YOUR GIRLFRIEND rofl ^^ ) so who cares about one more or less dependency...if it gets the job done for ?? Besides if viagra is well tolerated and you can deal with the sideeffects its pretty good for your your heart and cleaning your arteries..improoving circulation everywhere...

But its up to you to decide - the better solution is definetly to reeducate your girlfriend so that HER and YOUR life will improove through better communication and understanding for each other than JUST YOU throwing in pills in order to pretending to be good enough for her - where is your self respect ??? Probably 7 Billions People on this planet half of dem female -
who told you, what make you think , this girl is THE ONE AND ONLY , thats bullshit, there are thousands alike , worse and mcuh much much better...


Best Advice of all was to enjoy yourself first,

better than that you should be really mad at her for her lack of understanding.
Really show her and tell her that it is definetly not ok for her to be mad at your
for not gettin it up when you was stressed, cos of being tired and late AND eating her out.

God damn , you was giving her oral pleasure so what the fuck she is complainin about. Make that clear that u will not accept such lack of empathy bull shit behaviour from her or anyone anytime ever at all. Just be dead serious about it, say it affected you on a much deeper than sex, "human" level and geniuinly hurt your feelings.

If you don't do this, she will continue to have the sexual power in your relationship and you will continue to have the totally unnessasary urge to please her first despite of your own needs and your own sexuality.

I mean: YOU ARE THE MAN DON'T BEHAVE LIKE A WUSSY. You already ate her out ( wich she should be more than grateful for and not complaining and acting pissed of) , so what if you as a man who is feeling tired decides to call it quits , turn around and sleep.

The sooner your realize how and why woman even at young age manipulate the living fuck out of any man and how to counteract those manipulations - the sonner you will become agrown up self-confident self-secure-in-any-situation- kind of man.

Its not that women are evil in general or your girlfriend is especially mean or bad. Its SIMPLY completely natural for them a unconciuos biological drive for the female to test and test , and retest (in neverending loops) if her partner is the best MALE for her (as in best father for her children).

The manifestation of this in your/the real world is/was her lack of understanding stupid bitchy behaviour. Deal with it in a manly way. Be a man about it - its extremly important for your future relationship.
If you can handle any situation (even a scenario like this) being cool about it and secure and NOT shit your pants and do anything possible to again please her and teach her the wrong lesson as in : YOU HAVE ALL THE POWER OVER ME.

Don't give away your power , my friend - Only you can know what is best for you , no one else will.

Ok 2nd solution (If you are to young to understand why what I said above make a lot of sense) :

By that viagra throw in 50 mg 1hour before sex and fuck the crap outta her...
don't worry about people here sayin: do you want to become dependent on it.
You probably will become dependant on it - but hey you depend on so so sos so many things like the right food , water , sport, healthy environment , parents , friends (YOUR GIRLFRIEND rofl ^^ ) so who cares about one more or less dependency...if it gets the job done for ?? Besides if viagra is well tolerated and you can deal with the sideeffects its pretty good for your your heart and cleaning your arteries..improoving circulation everywhere...

But its up to you to decide - the better solution is definetly to reeducate your girlfriend so that HER and YOUR life will improove through better communication and understanding for each other than JUST YOU throwing in pills in order to pretending to be good enough for her - where is your self respect ??? Probably 7 Billions People on this planet half of dem female -
who told you, what make you think , this girl is THE ONE AND ONLY , thats bullshit, there are thousands alike , worse and mcuh much much better...


ok, i tried again and i couldn't get hard, then i took a 50 mg viagra pill but it didn't do nothing wtf? and i was SO STRESSED because of it i could feel the blood pulsing through my veins i don't know what to do it's fucking with me...
The doctor prescribes 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 ;) I love it and it works every time. Viagra will not always help if you are suffering from performance anxiety. Stop stressing, I know it's easy to say but you can. I had the same thing at your age.
Whats happening to you is :

Performance anxiety / Stress / Thinking / Manifesting the Problem/ conditioning yourself to have fear and stress when having sex --->
vicious that u succecfully combined sex with fear
and repeated that scenario a couple of times --->you became psychologically impotent. congrats. Instead of rooting out the basis of this problem u looking for symptom cures (viagra).WRONG IDEA. Well you problem is rooted so deep (because u give ur girlfriend and sex with her the highest value in your life) that you create life threatening scenarios instead of a chilled out atmosphere for sex. When u do that, YOur body will release tons of adrenaline ( life is threatened) and your dick shrivels up. We are all limbic creatures. When in fear/stress you are supposed to fight or flee but not be fucking. Fucking is for later when u came back with fruits or meat and are in a SECURE Penis EnlargementACUFUL situation.Anyways-->

To reverse this :

Recondition yourself by (AGAIN) combining sex with ENJOYING sex, enjoying the atmosphere, NOT THINKING but feeling, enjoying her body and so on,
repeat this a couple of times until u condition yourself to be normal again.
Get it on with her but with the goal NOT to have penetration sex but lustfull petting, caressing, chekin each others bodys out, and so if you should produce a boner while playing around not worrieng too much bout anything - this is the time where u should stick it in and keep going at it hehehe and if ur dick softens up again while sex (mainly because u start thinking and fearing again) simply go back to petting...

I know the only part that sounds hard is not easy because it requires YOU to be OPenis EnlargementN with HER about YOUR PROBLEM !!!! But thats what people are there for, to help each other out and not be used by each other.
