Drug Abuse

Well ive done my fair share of drugs. All in all i had a good time, but there are lows and holes and experiences i wouldnt wish on my worst enemy. When dealing with drugs, you gotta know in yourself if you are doing this as an escape or a discovery. If your trying to escape you'll never find peace in drugs. They will chew you up and spit you out on the pavement like a worthless piece of shit. If you think theres light at the end of the tunnel im telling you now, there isnt. I usually did something to gain a new perspective, to see the world in a new fascinating way. I did it to discover something new, something i never experienced before. Eventually after a night, doing cocking i woke up. I was in a state so far from the world, i couldnt focus. I couldnt feel comfortable, even lying curled up in my bed. I couldnt sleep, i knew this was not discovering anymore, i was running away form my life. I came close recently to doing a line at a club, i would have if i found a dealer, but i didnt and i am so thankful didnt do it. Thats the thing about cocaine it goes so well with alcohol. And once ur drunk ur inhibitions go out the window and you have this craving for that awesomeness it gives you. Its been a long road for me. Ive messed with the following in my time... Alcohole, cigarettes, Marijuana, mushrooms, ecstacy, LSD, speed, poppers, benzenoids, and cocaine.
I just want to say to you all, as incredible as they can make you feel, you will ALWAYS come back to the world, and will have to FACE your life in the morning. I dont recommend touch substances of any kind to anyone. They mess up your life plans, they mess up your goals, your routine. They make your knob shrivel up in the morning.
I realy enjoy living my life now as a VERY moderate drinker, and occasional weed smoker. I enjoy being clear, i enjoy making things happen.

Dont go there, just dont. No matter what. But if you do, enjoy it, relax, let it take its course. Dont fight what your now, and learn something new. Then just move on, you'll be fine. Seek help if you feel like doing it again, immediately, it just might be the move that saves your very, very, very, precious life.

Drugs are not your friend in Penis Enlargement and in life.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, O'Riley, for your honesty. I called it quits (with alcohol) 30 years ago. What a ride it has been without it!!! I'm blessed and grateful beyond belief.
You will have those kind of feelings the day after a hard night of doing line after line. If you can even fall asleep than you are lucky, and chances are it won't last long.. These feelings you were feeling is the feeling from Abusing a Drug. Cocaine isn't good at all and I am glad you stopped because you have the issue of abusing it. THere are people out there who can moderatly use and be fine, you cannot don't pick it up again or you will relapse. If you can don't get in a situation where you will do it thats your best bet, you can't control feelings you can control doing it...
Jareth said:
You will have those kind of feelings the day after a hard night of doing line after line. If you can even fall asleep than you are lucky, and chances are it won't last long.. These feelings you were feeling is the feeling from Abusing a Drug. Cocaine isn't good at all and I am glad you stopped because you have the issue of abusing it. THere are people out there who can moderatly use and be fine, you cannot don't pick it up again or you will relapse. If you can don't get in a situation where you will do it thats your best bet, you can't control feelings you can control doing it...

No i think your wrong, ive never abused any drug, ive only ever experimented. Im saying that once you do a line of coke you always remember how good it is. Im just saying from personal experience, that I feel they really arent worth it.
O'RileyColt said:
No i think your wrong, ive never abused any drug, ive only ever experimented. Im saying that once you do a line of coke you always remember how good it is. Im just saying from personal experience, that I feel they really arent worth it.
I agree with what you are saying, but when you say that you woke up away from reality, couldn't focus, or get comfertable that is the cause of a hard night of partying with cocaine.... Which you said yourself was the cause. I didn't mean you are a "drug abuser" I ment when you do a drug like cocaine that after the first line, its hard not to do another and line after line will keep getting snorted and your "abusing that drug".. Don't tell me you did one line and woke up feeling that way?:( .. Cocaine is a very easy drug to abuse, its not like pot, acid, or schrooms. It keeps calling you after you do that first line, and its hard to say no. Since crashing is so awful!!
Jareth said:
I agree with what you are saying, but when you say that you woke up away from reality, couldn't focus, or get comfertable that is the cause of a hard night of partying with cocaine.... Which you said yourself was the cause. I didn't mean you are a "drug abuser" I ment when you do a drug like cocaine that after the first line, its hard not to do another and line after line will keep getting snorted and your "abusing that drug".. Don't tell me you did one line and woke up feeling that way?:( .. Cocaine is a very easy drug to abuse, its not like pot, acid, or schrooms. It keeps calling you after you do that first line, and its hard to say no. Since crashing is so awful!!

Yeah, i totally agree. Thats what im saying, i just started doing a little cocaine, and i just did it more and more. I woke up one day and was like fuck man, your doing so often. It is hard to say no when you know how perfect it is. Thats why i say its not worth doing.
The Devil gives us the good first and the evil later.
I've done coke, speed, MDMA, ecstasy and weed. The only one I've actually enjoyed was ecstasy, all the others were not that good. The only one I've ever had really bad effects from (which may surprise some) is weed, and I will not touch that stuff again. I would urge those who think of weed as relatively harmless to reconsider. While I believe in trying most things at least once, I would strongly recommend not doing any drug on a regular basis.
If I smoke the ganja it usually makes me shy, can't say the right things even when I am with a girl. Thats why I cut that shit out. My killer is the beer.
doublelongdaddy said:
The Devil gives us the good first and the evil later.

After the laugther then come the tears...

Finding I'm drinking a lot more since coming to Chile. Beer, as well as other alcohol is cheap. At every social gathering you're offered drinks, birthdays you get drinks, dinners they drink lots of wine, etc. Just realized how much and how often I was drinking, good thing too as I could see myself becoming an alcoholic down here and ruining my education.
I think everything is fine in moderation, not saying that its a good thing to use blow once in awhile but if you are able to do it in moderation and not abuse it than you still got your head on straight. Im not to experienced in cocaine, ive only done a line and it just kinda woke me up a bit and made my gums numb. But i know a lot of people caught up in it and its taking over their lives. But I also know people that can use it whenever they want basically. I've heard people say that marijuana isnt addicting but I couldn't disagree more, I smoked weed for nearly 4 years straight almost everyday. I remember waking up every morning and my first thought would be, "how am i going to get weed today?" I needed it to get through the day. I was also drinking excesively, at least 4 or 5 times a week i would down a 15 pack of bud and this was at 14 years old, I started drinking when I was 12. By the time I was 16 I could drink a 26er of Jack Daniels to my face...I would be good n drunk but not sick. This continued until I was 18 and I finally hooked up with one of my closest female friends. She was hard into ecstacy, doing it 3 or 4 times a week for 2 years straight since she was 14. When we started dating we helped eachother kick our habits, after about a month she kicked smoking cigs, and dropped ex, tho she said she missed it. Myself, I quit cigs, smoke dope the odd time, usually with her, and drink maybe once or twice a month and I feel great. My new hobbie now is self improvement, from Penis Enlargementing, to bodybuilding, eating healthy, and expanding the mind(intelectually NOT w/drug use).

So overall I definitly hear where your coming from colt, and It's good to get the message out, but I believe everything happens for a reason and you gotta learn from it. If anyone is in a situation now where they feel absorbed into drugs, and wanting to get out, the best thing to do is just stay focused, set a goal to quit, look for other hobbies and never give up. Cold Turkey is the only way to go in my opinion, I've told myself so many times i will just cut back, but it never works out that way, you get a taste and you want more.
But once you got control its a great feeling, its nice to smoke the odd joint kick back and relax, (im sure Colt knows what im talkin about rofl) then carry on the next day like any other.
Well thats my message to everyone, it can be easier to quit than you think, just look for things to better your life and well being. (ex.Penis Enlargement) IF You cant fully quit then moderation is key.

You guys want me to tell you the sneakiest, creepiest, and probably meaniest demon of them all? Be glad to. PAINPILLS. I shit you not. This has to be one of the worst drugs ever to surface. When I say painpills, I am referring to Hydrocodne (vicodin, lorcet, lortab, etc) and Oxycodone (percocet, oxycontin). I'll explain why.

What I mean about these drugs being sneaky and creapy is due to the fact that they give you a headbanging high. You could give me a Hydrocdone 10 or two and I could conquer the world. No one could out talk me, out negotiate me, I was always on top. Had fun doing it. You could take these pills and go to school, go to work, handle any social meeting no matter how big or small with ease and making yourself the life of the party. The whole time, no one knows. They do not cause you to act messed up or loopy. No, you can act just fine, I would say if your feeling 80% that day, your going to feel 200% after these little fuckers. Oh, and how easy these little things are to take. Simply pop one in the morning and go. Two-three hours later pop another one. You have a sustained high all day long, the pills are small and easy to ingest, and NO ONE knows. This makes you develop a love for these things. You don't get addicted at first. You think you can quit any minute. Then you find yourself doing them everyday. Then one day you wake up and for some "weird" reason you feel awful, not quite like yourself. You can't figure out what is wrong with you. So you take a pill, BAM!!! all better. These little things sneak up on you, congratutalions your addicted.

These pills love to win. Once you begin to try and kick the habit, you better kick hard because they put up one hell of a fight. People have bad hangovers, people feel like shit coming off coke, hell people wig out coming down off heroin, but a day later everyone's just fine. You may have to mentally fight those drugs I just named, but these pills beat the shit out of you. When you leave them behind, they fuck you up. Usually after about 24hours of taking your last pill comes the fight. You first notice your eyes staying teary. Then your nose starts running profusely. This goes on for about 4 good hours. Then comes the worst cramps you will ever imagine followed by diarhea. And I mean about 4 days worth of this diarhea I am referring to. I am talking about being on the toilet probably every hour. Not exagerating. You can't go anywhere because your constantly shitting. Then you get hit with extreme fatique. You can't hardly move, but yet you can't stay still either. Your legs constantly move when going through withdrawals. Then you get the worst joint pain you could ever imagine, elbows, knees, upper and lower back. I am talking about extreme bone aches. Then your skin stays clammy and hot and very sweaty. You can't eat a thing, you will throw it up. You have the headache worse than 10 hangovers. And this goes on for 4 straight days. After that it is still there, it just starts declining. Oh and did I mention that you can't sleep? LOL, no, you will not be sleeping through this, your going to fill every little minute of this. But you are so tired you cannot move. So imagine that. This is what I mean by this drug being the meanest.

The thing with this drug is, it's afforadable and very easy to obtain. This is one of the reasons it is so hard to get off. Yes it is a prescription drug, and yes it can be pricey on the streets if you don't know the right people. But this drug is so easy to obtain and affordable. And the amount you get can last you a whole month. It's to EASY to get and its right in front of you. Even those who don't do it are starring it in its face right now and thats all i'll say.

So imagine a drug that good. So easy to take, no one knows your high, you feel like a million bucks and are extremely head strong, its easy to get and cheap, and the amount you get last you for a whole month. Not like coke and weed where you burn and snort all day then have to worry about buying more or finding a new dealer because yours is all out. No, not with this drug. It is convienent and it lasts.

The people that are mainly abusing this drug are middle class and high class people. Actors, realitors, car dealers, etc etc. The thing about this drug is you never asked to get hooked. I remember when i first started I was given 2 whole 10mg hydrocodone tablets. I had no idea what they would do to me so I broke one in half and took the half. I had already had about 8 beers that night. After about 10 minutes I developed the best high I ever had while drinking. For the first year of taking these things I would only take halfs. I would buy some once every 3 months, usually about 10. That would last forever. Than I got up to taking a whole tablet, I liked that even better than the halves. At the time I also only drank with them. I would never take them sober. So I did good my first year. Then I met a new connection. He had pills coming from everywhere. I still would only buy 10 at a time, but I found myself doing it once a month now. Then one day he got a good deal on 50 10mg percocets. I bought them. That was the begining of my addiction right there. I started taking these sober. I would take one in the morning, then I would take 3 at night throughout the night, usually from about 6-12 at night. After I finished those, I discovered the first signs of withdrawal, didn't know it at the time though. I had really bad diarhea and had trouble sleeping. The next day I was fine.

Now, about a year after doing this, I found the ultimate pill source, the one I mentioned earlier that you are starring at right now, yep that one. I ordered 120 this time and only paid about a $1 per pill for 10mg. This was suppose to last a month. I went through them in 3 weeks. My mentality was I had more so why not take more. I did this for about a whole year. I built myself up to 12 pills a day. I have went through withdrawals probably 15 times. I am talking about really bad withdrawals like the ones described above.

See when you are withdrawing you don't ever want to touch another one of these things again beileve it or not. You would think you would be craving the drug. But no, you hate what its doing to you so bad that you make vows to yourself declaring you'll never take another one of these again. But here's the shitty part. After you come clean and its taken about a week, your feeling awesome again, almost like you've never ever touched a drug, then your mental withdrawing starts to cave in. Yep, you start telling yourself your clean now and the new high is going to be so awesome and that this time you won't withdrawal like before, you'll just moderately take them. So then your ordering more. Then when that batch is gone, welcome to withdrawals again.

Stay away from pain pills. If you have never done them, do not start. I started with only a half. Some people can take pain pills and never touched one again. Some people hate them. Some people like myself love them. You wil never know which one you are until you have taken them. Its really not worth finding out.
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