does pe cause nerve damage to the penis head

just wondering if manual stretches cause severe nerve damage
that can lead to permanant damage causing impotance
and can any vets out there tell me if they lost any sesitivity and
how much did they lose
I have been consistantly Penis Enlargement-ing for 3 yrs and I have not loss any sensitivity to my head.

I have overworked my unit from time to time but rest always brings vigor back.

Just follow common sense (pain is bad) and proper technique and you should be fine.

Never lost any sensitivity, in fact, I am more sensitive than ever. I suppose that if you pressed yourself beyond common sense and worked it till you hurt, you might. GS
true i guess if u put your self in the pain area bad things can happen
but how do u know when your using enuff force i pull till my unit is tight and then try to
pull a little bit beyond that but some times my shit gets raw is it better to use dlds grip
he uses his thumb and his pointer finger and grabs right behind his glans i use my
thumb pointer and middle finger to grab behind the glans i wonder if that might be the