If NO blood escapes then your dick will explode. Be on the lookout for that. You'll know by the sound and the mess.sawyer said:i think a device would be beter plus it evenly works the penis and no blood escapes
They are canning tongs plus some cushioned rollers. Otherwise, pay $100 for them. Few people make them because they're easy to build.sawyer said:i jus wana know if thers a cheap buy of them anywer,,im not inot makin me own
Use your hands. No need for a device. With your hands you can control everything, and you get better results.hello been looking for a jelq device and carnt find one any were in the uk one place charges 45 quid i think thats a bit steep for a metal bar and 2 rollers anyone know were they can get a cheaper one
Like throwing money into the moneyJelq device is useless