D-Aspartic Acid for Increased Test + Leutinizing Hormone (with clinical study)

Hey guys,

I train 3 times a week, mostly Powerlifting, and i experimented with a supplement recently which really boosted my libido and my erection quality.

Its called D-Aspartic Acid, and the study below found significant evidence that in rats and humans, there were noticable increases in Testosterone and Leutinizing Hormone (produced in the testes i believe), so it can have beneficial effects for both strength and also erection quality.


Try it, the only bad thing is that it tastes like pure vomit, honestly, haha.

Yah its gross. You. An cover up the taste by mixing it into something fruit flavored like a pre workout drink or bcaa powder. Don't mix into a chocolate protein shake it will make it foul. 3grams is the normal dose.
Hey guys quick update on this.

It has definitely increased my testosterone levels and i have seen a direct physical response, both in strength but also sadly back acne.... its pretty out of control so i've been off the DAA for around 10 days now and its going down.

Golden rule: Cycle this stuff on and off every 12 days for best results