prince Albert said:
You might not be hungry but you are starving your body,going long periods of time without food is a very effective way to slow your metabolism down,protien is a must when dieting.
Your looking pretty lean in that pic,what are your stats?
I had a DEXA scan done, and that said I was 11% bodyfat. My waist is 30", biceps 16", chest 39". Those are the most important measures. I weigh 165 pounds and am 5'8" (1.73m). I can bench press 225 for 6 reps, squat 315 for 6 reps, and curl 100 pounds for 6 reps. I am focusing mostly on bodyweight calesthenics now though, so that is where my recent fat loss and strength are coming from. With bodyweight calesthenics you train many untrained muscles and this brings out real power within.
Don't take
6-7 hours as written in stone. If you can't handle going that long, then first start at 2-3 hours. I never said you MUST go this long without eating (read my first post), but I will say it is very effective, and I have actually gained strength while doing so. I think this three-hour feeding is a FALLACY designed by supplement companies to sell more protein powders and amino acid supplements. There is
some truth to it, but it is way overexaggerated.
When blood glucose drops below a certain point, your body releases growth hormone, which acts to spare glucose for the brain, and it is also anabolic to the muscles and catabolic to fat. Actually, it is the somatomedins (insulin-like growth factors) that are responsible for this, but I am getting off topic. Yes, protein consumption also boosts GH, and for this you may want to eat almost entirely protein if you decide to eat within 6 hours of sleeping. You will sleep MUCH better (and deeper and awake more rested) when you give up eating after dinner. I will stand strongly by this. The better you sleep, the more ENERGY you have the next day, and you can burn more calories via more efficient workouts and higher BathmateR. This is more important than thinking you need to eat to preserve your BathmateR--it isn't
that responsive. For good measure (and to furthur increase my morning energy) I wake up to breathing exercises, some yoga poses, and some standing ab exercises. This awakens me to a whole nutha level! Give this a try: don't eat anything after dinner (only protein if you must--but absolutely nothing within 2 hours of bed) and see how much better you sleep, how much more energy you have throughout the day, and how much more vibrant you are. Give it atleast a couple weeks before you complain about how you are hungry (don't be a wuss
). PM me if you want more clarification.