Curious? If you had to guess...7,000,000,000 people


Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
If you had to make a guess how many men do you think have become interested in Penis Enlargement to the point of trying it. Out of about 7,000,000,000 people currently on the Earth, maybe half of this number are men (appx. 3.5 Billion) and out of that number there are at least 1 Billion men over the age of 18.

My guess would be at least half of these men. The term "penis enlargement" in Google, being only 1 of many terms covering Penis Enlargement, there are 2,150,000 returns. When all other possible phrases are considered this number would more than double.

What is your opinion? What are your thoughts?
Y'stop and think about it, all throughout history there've been artifacts portraying guys with huge members. These run the gamut from ancient Roman bath house mosaics, to cave paintings in Australia, to Victorian England adult entertainment. Some of 'em up to about 40,000 years old, maybe more.
That's a whole lotta guys through history up to many have yanked their cranks trying to be the BDIJ (Big Dick In Jungle)? That's a tuffie.

I'd be willing to bet that just about every guy who ever existed who wasn't already tripping over his own dick has given Penis Enlargement some kinda try to at least some extent.

I guess the fine point would be just how you define Penis Enlargement.
Soooo...if you use, say, the frustrated guy who tries to tug the pug outta the socket while screaming, "Grow you stubby bastard !" definition then....
My scientific guess would put the number somewhere between: 1) shitloads and, 2) all of us.

As long as a guy has a dick and at least one hand ( or at least one damn good friend ) he's probably tried. And if you believe the Guiness Book folks statement that there've been about 60 Billion people on planet #3 here since man was definably human then that adds up to....



So yeah, shitloads, that's my vote, shitloads, yeah, shitloads. Dat's de ticket.

Final answer: shitloads.

Hope I wasn't too technical, by the way.
I think what's funnier as men, among our peer group we tend to act more confident.. talking about taking it out and bending her over blah blah blah alot of over-exagguration when it comes to the topic of size and sexual performance. Nobody has ever said '' Hey i'm gonna try penis enlargment i want to be more then average '', so everyone seeks refuge in the annymous world of internet webpages :D
Something else to consider:

To my knowledge, in westernized, industrial culture there is no culture or ritual or tradition of Penis Enlargement. Matter of fact, an overwhelming majority of physicians world wide still propagate that the only way to enlarge the penis is by surgery, despite the fact that they give weights or stretchers to compliment the surgery (which they rarely discuss except for with the people who have actually asked the surgeons). Plus, this type of culture is still relatively shy about such topics so it is not something discussed in public too much. So, in such culture the only people to even consider Penis Enlargement are MOST LIKELY to stumble on it online. I suspect that MOST people don't even initially (or ever) fathom that Penis Enlargment can be done in any other way than surgery until somebody breaks that paradigm for them by accident by them stumbling onto the info through the internet or very rare discussion ... so in most cases only by the internet hence the need to consider the total number of internet users world wide. I'd venture to say that there is likely more men on the net than women considering various reasons from adult entertainment, to lifestyle habits, to some things that would be considered sexist like men tending to operate such machinery more than women and the like. But, to be generous we'll say it's 50/50 on the net, for a total of around 509 Million men on the web circa 2005 while keeping in mind what is likely still exponential growth in internet usage though I suspect there will be some slower periods rather than straight hike depending on time frame analized, of course.

So, of 509 Million men on the net, with still so many not being aware of the possibility of Penis Enlargement other than through surgery which many can't afford or refuse to consider for other reasons ... and MANY browse the net while at work or are on the web for work exclusively or are just playing games, watching viral videos etc .... Penis Enlargement is still in it's infancy.

**** ACTUALLY, I'll edit this in out of rememberance for internet censoring. Countries like Iran, China and I suspect MANYothers censor the internet quite aggressively. They detect things like adult entertainment or any word that may be related, like Penis ... and they totally deny access citing religious or political law.
SO, the number is even less. 509 Million men on the net DO NOT have access to this type of info due to censoring. So, you have MUCH LESS than 500 Million who have access to even the word Penis, let alone a site filled with pictures and discussions of all sorts of sexual nature that are found in the Penis Enlargement community.

You have 100k registered members and usually only around 500 active on the forum. You are pretty much the most popular in Penis Enlargement. Let's be generous and say there are 10 more sites like yours out there and then we'd be saying that 1 million people knew about or are involved with Penis Enlargement.

So, maybe it is realistic to say that only around 1 Million people know MAX on the net and I stress max with the probablility of a very noticeable amount less. However, I think the potential has no limit and if we are all still around in 10 years with no nukular (Bushism) warfare or something of mass eradication .... then awareness may reach 100 Million from net browsing by that point.

THEN, if you want to know about TOTAL number of people even off the internet then I'd look into which tribes (likely to be called this and out of the industrial world) still carry on Penis Enlargement as tradition and what their populations are and add that to my internet guess.
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Other figures to consider. Internet users in countried that do not censor such content.

"total number of internet users" usa - Google Search

United States — Internet Users: 205,326,680 (2005)
According to

EU - Internet users: 247 million (2006)

UK - Internet users: 37.6 million (2005)

Canada - Internet users: 21.9 million (2005)

Australia - Internet users: 14.664 million (2006)

I'm pretty sure they aren't censoring this stuff.
Russia prob has free access as well.

Russia - Internet users: 23.7 million (2005)

Prob Panama - Internet users: 300,000 (2005)

Prob Spain - Internet users: 19.205 million (2006)

Prob Venezuela - Internet users: 3.04 million (2005)

Prob Virgin Islands - Internet users: 30,000 (2002)

And on. Surely some more. Think about which ones are not part of the EU that I already quoted and others.
Here's a list of coutries:
Damn, I screwed up a bit.

EU includes UK, Spain, which I listed as separate.
Keep in mind some of (not all?) the Virgin Islands are US territory so they may be included in the USA figure.
In Mexico, Estados Unidos is abbreviated: HOME.
But, aside from that, I'm stickin' with: shitloads.
Hope I didn't confuse anybody with my: Math !
Hope I didn't confuse anybody with my: Math !

I am all math and I agree with your posts, I felt to liberal with my thoughts to post as you did. I kind of played it safe.
WEll DLD if we take the quadrant factor pie divided by hasHydromax plus we get the

duel multimplication of factor one 7,000,000,000 times the birth rate minus

the birth rate of girls and death rates of men and women 3 plus to the factor

of x pie over simulation duadrant zero plus 9 years of the solar age.

so, that would calculate to about 5 percent of the total population of the earth minus the amzon rain forest and indigenous people who have never heard of pe, but may still do it.

Hence the ratio of these to the methods of pe charted equdisicaelly to the minus theory of mattias 2001 rotates our ration of land value commercial quadrant of population to land value to sea volume,

which means land mass which is only 30 percent of the world has now therefore 30 percent of the male population into pe, so thats 15 percent of the whole of 7,000,000,000.

I hope i didnt confuse anyone but the calculation is quiet simple really. Which more than i can say about the calculus formulae.
doublelongdaddy said:
If you had to make a guess how many men do you think have become interested in Penis Enlargement to the point of trying it. Out of about 7,000,000,000 people currently on the Earth, maybe half of this number are men (appx. 3.5 Billion) and out of that number there are at least 1 Billion men over the age of 18.

My guess would be at least half of these men. The term "penis enlargement" in Google, being only 1 of many terms covering Penis Enlargement, there are 2,150,000 returns. When all other possible phrases are considered this number would more than double.

What is your opinion? What are your thoughts?

Now if these men joined your pay site, You would be filthy rich my friend.
If these men all did Penis Enlargementing I would have to say the average size penis charts would have to be updated also. The average now being 7.25 instead of 5.5 or 6.25. I would suspect that male babies would be born with an average of a 3.5 inch dick from the new gene structures of the father Penis Enlargementing before getting a woman pregnant. I would think that if that generation of child then Penis Enlargemented to be above average of 7.25 and increased it to 8 and this continues thru another generation. Men will eventually be to big for women and will be only able to masterbate. Cause you are not going to fit a 16by10 in any woman without killing her. All birth would have to be done by C section from the childs now average penis size being 8.5 by 6. The human race is over and the only ones getting any action are the small average ones now being 9 by 6.5. everyone else is masterbating.rofl
I say a good 100,000+ a month become interested in penis enlargement and would say a very small percentage stick to it (I'm guessing 5%-10% which is a total guess could be way off). Go here Keyword Selector Tool and type in penis enelargement you'll see how many searches a month the term gets and also related terms. I would guess a lot of people just looking for the term 'penis enlargement' are also looking for a quick solution since 'penis enlargement pills' is the second most popular search so I'm sure a lot of these people fail in enlarging their penis.
groc said:
(I'm guessing 5%-10% which is a total guess could be way off)

I take this back I actually think the percent number is much lower, I would say out of those 100,000+ guys maybe about 5%-10% might invest in some type of Penis Enlargement (i'm guessing this might be the usual convertion rate for sites that sell Penis Enlargement products) and out of those guys that invest in Penis Enlargement I'm guessing maybe only 20% stick to it and see results so out of 100,000+ people searching for Penis Enlargement a month only 1%-2% of those people succeed with it. So 1000-2000 new men a month are successfully enlarging their penis?
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doublelongdaddy said:
I am all math and I agree with your posts, I felt to liberal with my thoughts to post as you did. I kind of played it safe.

Hey DLD, thanks for the vote o'confidence...I lost "playin' it safe" years ago....along with too damn many brain cells.
Although that does help, from time to time.