Could vampires exist? Why or why not?



I'm not the most religious person in the world. I'll be the first to admit I'm not even totally sure if I believe in the whole "God vs. Satan" thing either. Not wanting to turn this into a religious debate or "if you dont believe in God you go to hell" type of thread either. But, lets just say you are just a 'spiritual' person...that is, you believe people have 'souls' and there is some sort of an afterlife where these souls go to.

So the story goes.....

The first vampire was actually an evil soul that was so jealous of humans that this evil soul or demon overtook a human body and "posessed" it. This demon was a "blood demon" craved human blood and supposedly gained 'powers' from consuming it. Not totally unplausible. That is if you believe in Angels, Demons, "Demon-posession", ...and take what the Bible says for its word. More than one passage in the Bible mentions "fallen angels" and them taking human form, posesssing human bodies, "laying with the daughters of man" and even bearing human children who became "giants".

So, if you believe in those things....why couldnt there be the possibility for Vampires as well? All we're really talking about is humans posessed by evil spirits with a lust for blood, and with the ability to spread their demon posession through a bite and create more vampires. "Oh but "God" wouldnt let that happen"...right. Why not? "He" has let many other unspeakable things happen all throughout history.

I'd like to see how constructed of a debate we can have here. I want to hear your views. Do you think it's possible for there to be vampires? Can you back up your side with logic? If youre a Christian and you take the Bible for its you select what you do and dont believe in the Bible?
I belive these things were around in some areas more than others.
Alot has changed since.
Who knows what was here?

I do belive in ghosts and stuff like that, I have spent the night in a haunted castle here in the UK and it was spooky.

I wonna goto Romania and take a tour of Vlad ''The Impaler'' Dracul's castlr....the most famous vampire / cannibal ever.
That guy used to eat his enemys, impale them on spears to strike fear into the onlookers..great stuff I say, cant get away with it now cos of all the human rights.

Also still'' have you heard of the New Jersey Devil? apparently its a devil that flys around the woods somewhere in NJ.
People smile and laugh their ass off, but their may be summut in it.
The devil thing was like a 7th son of a 7th son or sumut like that...and its mother said that she didnt want it, that it was the devils child.
When it was born it was not normal and apparently flew into the woods.

Some is probably bullshit, but some is real I think.

Its like the Minoan people [ancient] of Crete [Greek Still' ;) ] they were VERY advanced...the guys here [uk] were in caves and naked when the Minoans lived in luxery at the time.
I have been to the Minoan ruins in Crete....GREAT it was.
Saw the Labrynth where the Minotour was half human half bull...the maze was freaky as fuck....until ones been their its hard to describe.

I have gone of topic to some degree here, but I thought vampires is unusual so I will throw myn in aswell.

Hhowever bare in mind I aint no Christian....I aint religious either.
I know they exist. Maybe not with all the "vampire powers", but there sure are people who love human blood. Interesting thread SWM. I'm not the model Christian, but I am one none the less.
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very interesting. I honestly don't know. I've always wanted to research the bible and see what it says about things like this and aliens, and other "creatures" as well.
I am a Christian and do believe in possed people and in domons and angels also... But I don`t know about vampires..
And Redzulu... Vlad the Impaler wasn`t a vampire.... That`s all bullshit.
He used to impale his enemies, he wes an excellent ruler but not a vampire and didn`t eat his enemies.
The thing was that his father was known al Vlad Dracu [in romanian dracu means the demon] decause he got the Order of the Dragon from the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Because the dragon is the symbol of evil, Vlad the Impaler got popular in the Western Europe as the "son of the Devil". The historics of those times "spiced up" their stories, characterising Vlad the Impaler as a monster that fed with the internal organs of the victims which he impaled and drank their blood. These deformed stories were transmitted and in 1987, a writer named Bram Stoker published the fictional /horror novel "Dracula".
From that moment people started confusing the bloodthirsty vampire from the book and the real sadistic romanian prince.
There is no Dracula, there is Vlad the Impaler.
Just wanted to clear that up. :)

Anyway, come to Romania, you`ll like it.
unlike angels and ghosts who can hide their appearance, vampires are in human form....they have been around for centuries...and depending on their feeding habits they should have infected fairly large populations. if thats the case,then they should be "spotted" in areas other than remote villages in Romania. Ive been to many clubs in the New York City and have seen the Gothic underground.. a few of those people look strange but i doubt they were dracu. if they exist they must all be in hiding and their numbers must be very small,possibly near extinction.
Look at my name, i turn into a human-eating-PitBull when the dark hits the bell. ;)

Nah, but yeah think there is people who like blood more then anything else, human

or animalic...

But what am i saying in sweden we have a food called Blodpudding=Blood Pudding, made of pig blood, and other things.

We are definalty not the only ones in the entire universe. To think that we that is selfish and not practical.
I'm also a firm believer that there are countless civilizations out there that are far more advanced than us, and I also like to entertain the possibility that they've already been here. I can't make a claim that this is the truth, but I will go as far as to say that the signs certainly point in that direction (I've researched this topic quite thoroughly). Perhaps we are some sort of genetic engineering project of theirs... who knows?

As far as vampires are concerned, I believe that actual undead vampires are a myth, but I do believe that some people may be prone to have cravings for human blood. There are even more disturbing forms of lunacy out there, you know.

Oh yeah, and I've also always been fascinated with the legend of Vlad the Impaler and his homeland, Transylvania. I'd be cool to visit there someday.. and breathe the raw, bloody air!!! :O
Originally posted by johnny77
unlike angels and ghosts who can hide their appearance, vampires are in human form....they have been around for centuries...and depending on their feeding habits they should have infected fairly large populations. if thats the case,then they should be "spotted" in areas other than remote villages in Romania. Ive been to many clubs in the New York City and have seen the Gothic underground.. a few of those people look strange but i doubt they were dracu. if they exist they must all be in hiding and their numbers must be very small,possibly near extinction.

According to the Bible, angels have taken human form. Both angels and "fallen angels".
vampires, to the extent of how they portray them in media no way, but in a sense, peple could be somewhat possessed, and be something like a vampire
Vlad Dracul was an evil tyrant from what I have learned about him.
That guy was SICK.
I have read books, seen documentaries on him, they do say he eate human flesh - who knows if he did, nor you or I as we were not their.
His castle is haunted, and when anyone goes near his necklace with the dragon on, they go all funny.
The guy was a nut.
I know all about Bram stoker, and he used Vlad in his story, well based on him.
I know theirs alot of HYPenis Enlargement about that part of Romania [I can not spell it] but I LOVE IT, I really feel that this guy was a maniac who eate some of his enemys.
He even eate the rats in his prison cell near death according to the sources.

I would love to go to that part of Romania, hear the wolves howl and fuck around the place at night with some whores :blahblah:
It depends on what you mean when ou refer to the word "vampire." If you mean someone who is empowered by darkness, bursts into flames when exposed to sunlight, and all of that other folklore, than no I don't believe in vampires. If you're merely referring to vampiric tendencies and a lust for blood, then yes I believe there are "vampires." There are some very, very strange people in this world, many of whom have an unhealthy fascination with human blood for inexplicable reasons.

My personal beliefs about the whole "possession" occurences mentioned in the bible and in other past literature is essentially this: the people of eras long since past weren't nearly as technologically advanced as we are (obviously). They couldn't have possibly understood the world even a fraction as well as we do (and even with all of our technology there are still countless things in this world that are beyond our comprehension). What they viewed as a person being possessed by a demonic spirit I refute as nothing more then a mental imbalance. It doesn't stand to reason that mental conditions such as schizophrenia and bi-polarity are new afflictions. I believe they've been around for as long as man has walked the Earth, but past civilizations, being unable to comprehend the scientific ongoings of the brain, came to the conclusion that persons who were suddenly afflicted with a disease the likes of schizophrenia as being possessed.

I could be totally wrong here, but I believe this is the most logical and rational explanation for the whole "possession" fiasco. I, much like stillwantmore and many others frequenting the board, don't necessarily embrace the entire heaven vs. hell ordeal that religion tries to force feed us.
Ok, interesting points/ideas on the vampire subject.

So what about Angels being cast down to earth or leaving heaven by their own free will and taking human flesh and blood and taking human "wives" and bearing their children? These 'Half Angel in-carnate/half human' beings? Opinions?
Originally posted by stillwantmore
Ok, interesting points/ideas on the vampire subject.

So what about Angels being cast down to earth or leaving heaven by their own free will and taking human flesh and blood and taking human "wives" and bearing their children? These 'Half Angel in-carnate/half human' beings? Opinions?

I don`t think God would cast down Angels on Earth or be let out of Heaven. I believe they would go to Hell, not on Earth. Pretty similar, anyway :)
Angels don`t have bodies ... they are pure spiritual, so I think it`s impossible.
Pretty wild ideas, man!
Originally posted by Omul_Paianjen
I don`t think God would cast down Angels on Earth or be let out of Heaven. I believe they would go to Hell, not on Earth. Pretty similar, anyway :)
Angels don`t have bodies ... they are pure spiritual, so I think it`s impossible.
Pretty wild ideas, man!

LOL, sorry dude but you've obviously never looked through a Bible.

Couple Quotes:

"7And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him" (Rev. 12:7–9, NIV).

There are other quotes from verses mentioning Angels coming down to earth to observe "all that He has created....and taking wives.....and bearing them children" could they do that in non human form?
I don`t think God would cast down Angels on Earth or be let out of Heaven. I believe they would go to Hell, not on Earth. Pretty similar, anyway

Continuing with what SWM said, look up the Nephilim. Those are the fallen angels spoken of in Genisis who had sex with human women and produced giants. This was one of the main catalysts for the Flood.
"Oh but "God" wouldnt let that happen"...right. Why not? "He" has let many other unspeakable things happen all throughout history.

Just to touch on this point, the reason that God does not usually intercede in bad conduct while it's ongoing is that he's benevolent enough to allow us free will (Calvinists will take slight issue with that, though). Free will isn't just about allowing us to do what we want, but also facing the consequences of our actions.

As for demonic possession instigating vampirism, it's feasible. I'm not sure about transference of a demon or demons through a bite, however. If a person is susceptible to a demon to begin with, I doubt a demon will wait for the target to be bitten in order to take advantage.

It should be known that I'm hardly an expert in demonology, though.
Lilith was the first wife of Adam and made at the same time. She was a real cunt and wanted not to serve the man, so she was cast out and coverted with demons and other hellspawn and is sipposedly the mother of vampires and succubusses(sp?). That is according to the Jewish traditions

The Hebrew Scriptures to the New testament are messy. God is all spiteful, but takes his prozac and is okay in the sequal. Demons in the Jewish tradition were like prision guard for the damned. they got no respect. Satan was like prosecuter in Hell for a modern legal analogy. Then the Christians come around and make him like an evil opposite borrowing from Zorasterism (sp?) which I think was stolen/borrowed off pre Islamic gods like Ahura Mazda. Mazda was this great guy and his shadow was his ecil half.
I want to further elaborate on my views of heaven and hell... I really have no idea if there is a heaven or hell, and more then likely will never know until the time comes that I pass on to whatever lies beyond this life (if anything). That being said:

If there is indeed a heaven and a hell, I believe that we are actually in hell right now. I don't think of hell as being an Alcatraz for evil spirits, I look at it as being a proving ground. I believe that the purpose of hell (again, if it does exist) is for people to prove themselves worthy of entering the "great kingdom of God." That is my explanation for why there are good people in the world, and why there are "evil" people in the world. Those who follow the side of good I view as being more enlightened then those who give into the insidious desires for carnage that sometimes flow through all of us.

I hope I explained that halfway decent. It's kind of a hard thing to put into words, but I did the best I could.