So I’ve seen several different sources say that for people like myself who have never done any form of male enhancement work to NOT start the pumping with a full erection. Also is that really the best routine for a total newbie? Thank you so much!
What I'm describing in post
#2 is exactly what I did when I started with penis enlargement.
Bathmate pumps was my way into penis enlargement, through these pumps and my obsession to find out the truth I found MOS.
Start slow and increase the intensity and vaccum/pressure progressively.
In the beginning I didn't got a lot of expansion in my
Bathmate Hydromax 5 pump, but as time went on, I saw more and more expansion until one day I had mastered the
Hydromax 5, meaning that I expanded hard into the walls of the pump. I would not have done that if I where using the comfort insert.
You need to remove the comfort insert, even if it's uncomfortable. You can use Vaseline on the rubber to make it more comfortable. Clean your pump with mild liquid hand soap, and warm water afterwards. Rinse through the pump and valve, by filling up the pump with the valve open.
Never remove the valve for cleaning. They are only supposed to be removed if you need to replace it.
I have no video instruction currently about the
Bathmate pumps, but I need to make them in the future.
But I have these photos from the past.
This photo was taken, 2022.12.01 (YEAR.MONTH.DAY)
This photo was taken, 2022.12.21 (YEAR.MONTH.DAY).
Almost at the end of the sticker. I was no near to do this in the first picure at, 2022.12.01 (YEAR.MONTH.DAY).
Not the best photos. But you can clearly see the difference in expansion. Both pictures are taken after I reached full vaccum/pressure.
I hope this will make you trust the process more.
Kind regards.