Anybody try Maca?

Anybody try Maca, the Peruvian root that supposedly increases testosterone and libido? I tried it for a few days but it gave me headaches, fuzzy headiness, and aches from time to time. Maybe it was too much for me, even though I only took about 1 gram per day. When I stopped taking it yesterday, the symptoms went away. Anyone else have this reaction?
stay away from that shit . I took one pill and my heart was beating out of my chest ... want energy?? drink a strong ice coffee , that maca shit is bad news
I think it's excellent!!!I take 4 pills every night before contains alot of goodness........not just for giving you good wood.
worfking said:
stay away from that shit . I took one pill and my heart was beating out of my chest ... want energy?? drink a strong ice coffee , that maca shit is bad news
Did yours come in an herbal blend?? If it contained any trace of yohimbe, that could be your problem...I don't think maca contains any stimulants.
Just as a supplement it's pretty good! It has a total of 18 amino acids........including 7 of the 9 essential amino acids.Also contains 2 of the 3 essential fatty acids (oleic and linoleic) if you want something thats good for your penis and also good for building muscle and good health.......then this would be a good one to add to your diet.
goldmember said:
Did yours come in an herbal blend?? If it contained any trace of yohimbe, that could be your problem...I don't think maca contains any stimulants.

I went to gnc and i bought it in pill form , I know you know your shit , but most of these pills will do nothing for the average joe , except speed up your heart rate
worfking said:
most of these pills will do nothing for the average joe
I agree. Most of the pills are overhyped, and some are even toxic. Others are actually pretty nutritous though. Maca is one of those that I wouldn't discourage someone from trying if they want to try it.
goldmember said:
I agree. Most of the pills are overhyped, and some are even toxic. Others are actually pretty nutritous though. Maca is one of those that I wouldn't discourage someone from trying if they want to try it.

The problem with pills is you need to try them out , and after that scare i had with MACA ill think twice to try anything again