Yeah I have a [words=]FL[/words] too. I got the vagina one in mocha and I picked the super tight version.
I like it a lot...the only problem I had was once I kind of under-lubed it and chafed my dick really bad...I had red "slash" near the head and it took a few days to heal. That was my fault though, not the toy's.
ANd it really doesn't recquire much work at all. Here's what I do: I bought a bucket at target, so I keep the insert, the case and the two caps in the bucket at all times. WhenI want to use it, I put on some adult entertainment, get the bucket and take out the case and caps and set them on the table. Then I go and fill the bucket up with very hot water and then come back and whack off by hand while watching the adult entertainment...then when I'm "warmed up" and the [words=]FL[/words] insert is warmed up, I lube it then my dick, and then got ot town with it...the warmth provided by the hot water is essential though, IMO.
It feels kind of like a sticky silicone mass when it's cold and unlubed...but warmed up, lubed up and wet, it feels great. Also, it takes a little practice with it before it feels REALLY good....but once you get it, the orgasms are incredible. I've had a few that left me sweating and twitching like crazy.
I think it's good because of this: Using the hand is great..."by hand" masturbation is like "pulling" your orgams out of feels great and it's a release, but it doesn't quite feel like an orgams achieved during actual intercourse...and I don't mean just because a hand isn't the same texture, tissue, etc etc as a pussy.
When you fuck a [words=]FL[/words], it feels more like an orgasm you have during actual're PUSHING the orgasm out as compared ot pulling it by hand...also, with the [words=]FL[/words], the majority of your dick has contact with the walls of the [words=]FL[/words] at all times whereas with by hand, your entire dick is NOT in makes a difference.