ive been on 4 different anti depressants over the span of 2-3 years. im currently on effexor. i ran out of medicine and skipped 3 days. on the second day w/o medicine i was getting stronger erections that came quicker that id been getting in recent memory. its been a while since they were that strong. im back on medicine now and on my 1st day back on it i noticed i couldnt even get totally hard. i feel toned down from everything and detatched from my body. i know that anti depressants can effect libido and sex drive. i was wondering if anyone has any imput on this.
Unless you are risk of seriously harming yourself, I would try to find another way of treating your depression, or try to get to the root of it through therapy. Talk to your doctor.

If this is not an option, I would try some l-arginine at 3 grams a day. That should help your erections. If this doesn't help, talk to your doctor about Viagra or order some generic Viagra online.
The way your talking about your depression, and your concern with things other things tends to make me thing think that your depression is not overly severe. I seriously suggest you ditch the pills and either seek a cognitive therapist or a behavioral therapist and if possible try to find a cognitve-behavioral therapist. just my 2 cents.

I'm on lustral (zoloft, sertraline) at the moment. My erections are good as long as I don't choke the chicken too much. On a night after my chicken has been choked my erections wouldn't be as strong so now I'm only doing the chokin' 1 out of 4 days and I'm getting pretty good sessions. I use viagra on the days after the choke.
Do any of you guys notice weaker orgasms on SSRI's? I sure did, and it still hasn't gone back to normal. :(
thanks guys. i am currently seeing a therapist. its going good. but i just get really low w/o medicine. but its been a while since i havent been on it a decent amount of time. im going to try to lower my dosage and see how things go. i dont think i need any kind of viagra because the erection problem isnt that severe. plus im only 21. loss of labido is possible through my medicine. i think i just may be one of the people who it applies to. and i think part of why its so bad right now is because im focusing on it so much.
I hear you man, Im considering going on anti depressants to. Nothing to do with Penis Enlargement.
I got a 10"+ dick, a beautiful little asian girlfriend I love and I still feel crushed by the world all the time.

What the fuck is wrong with humans man? why cant we just eat, fuck and die like every other animal? Id rather have a tiny brain rather than a huge cock any day, conciousness can be torture.
you know during the 3 or 4 or however many years I was severely depressed I never considered myself depressed. I just was. Everything got me down..I didn't want to do anything and on top of it at 14 and 15 and 16* the year I got on meds my erections didn't come very easily or at all. (I took myself off of them at 17 just before I turned 18) I went from wanting to fuck every girl I saw and had pretty moderate success early on my fresHydromaxan year to being so down and suicidal that even if I got a sexual thought in my head my dick could not get hard or my mind would wander and ruin it by defeating thoughts. So, I was fucked up to say the least. I'd say anti depressants have been forced upon the public too fast and I do not think someone should be on them unless it is absoultely needed. There are side effects to plenty of them that are not openly warned about. Doctors I found did not even bother to tell all the common side effects unless I asked and even then I found out moreso from this psychologist I saw by telling him what I was experiencing. It was like, "doctor my head is spinning and I feel like everything is closing in around me...I can't concentrate at all, etc..." "Oh yes you will experience these things." "Thanks for the heads up."

I saw a psychiatrist back then too so man yeah I've come a long fucking way. Do not take them unless you absolutely have to. If you can still consider yourself lucid and stable enough to consider medication a choice then I would not take them. I only got on them because my parents were all set to commit my ass. That should paint a picture if anyone can depict one's self on the internet.lol
ive been on 4 different medications now. effexor is what im on now. its the best one. my doctor is a good one and he hooked me up w/ another doctor who deals soley in monitering your medication. i know i do need it because of all ive been through. and it does tend to keep me more stable and emotionally balanced. im gonna try to possibly lower my dose and see how things go. thanks for all the help and comments guys.