
  1. U

    New member new routine - progress thread

    New member here, been PEing very consistently for 4 years, tried many routines, and devices but have not gained for quite sometime. After joining here, reading up, and discussing with the resident OGs, I started the following workout. Shooting for 5 days a week Rice bag warm up Length: 4 sets...
  2. 9

    Working out in sleeves?

    Has anyone ever worked out in sleeves and which one is best for that if so? Can they be washed without losing their elasticity and durability? Can powder be used to assist with sweat if you do physical activity and if so, what kind of powder is recommended?
  3. E

    Healing of penis tears

    Ok i overdone it on the penis extending -overdone it with the tension(skin tear is at the base part) and it hurts like damnn but not the makes me winch feel. Any ointment or healing protocol for this? Also i just knew that i can workout while wearing a penis extender at low tension. Feels good tho
  4. 9


    Can and should they be done everyday for the most effective results? Pros and cons? Personal experiences preferred please.
  5. F

    What is the limit ?

    We all know that with the 3D we can gain a lot from PE But how much ? This is my question : Let's say someone is 2-3 years in PE and is now pretty much not going any further... For the normal guy how many inches could he get from those years of training ? 1,5 - 2 - 3 inches ??? I know that...
  6. G

    Sex before PE affecting quality of exercises

    Hi Lately, I've noted that I'm truly struggling with basic exercises whilst doing my daily routine. I've been having sex prior to doing my PE and it leaves my penis in a somewhat exhausted state. Stretching is almost excruciating and using Bathmate is uncomfortable. Could this be a phase that...
  7. DLD

    Exclusive 5x5x3 MityVac/SSJ girth workout ? MONSTER GIRTH!

    EXCLUSIVE SRT 5x5x3 MityVac/SSJ day girth workout ? MONSTER GIRTH! There are many portions to the SRT routine which deal with both length and girth but I’m often asked for a good girth exclusive SRT work out. So here is a SRT exclusive girth routine. 5 Minutes of Bundled Stretches using the...
  8. DLD

    DLD’s 10-Minute Workout

    DLD’s 10-Minute Workout I designed this routine for the guy who wants to PE but does not have the luxury of time. I packed a daily routine into 10 minute. The beauty of the routine is the ability to do it almost anywhere without suspicion. It requires no lube so there is no clean up. It is also...
  9. Darkmoon

    Updated my 5 day routine workout. Tell me what you think or what i need to change or keep

    Workout 1 Day 1 ligs 5 min kegels Worm up 5 min 6 min bundled stretch 10 min btc stretch 10 min manual hanging stretch 10 min straight out left &right stretch 10 min pipe v stretch 5 sets of 1 min ulies Wear sizegenetics till next workout Day 2 tunica 5 min kegels Worm up 5 min 6 min...
  10. F

    My lil'routine (will update every month or two until goal reached)

    So the last month I gained around a quarter a inch in both lenght and girth I've been doing the basics : Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds Straight Down to the...
  11. A

    Guide for beginners? I've never done this.

    Is there a guide or tutorial to doing this?
  12. B

    doubt about the bundled

    dld in srt you say we should do 5 to 10 minutes of bundled before the exercises, should i hold 10 minutes the bundled? or should I split and in how many split second bundled?
  13. U

    Is it possible to plateau from the Jelq exercise?

    So I've been doing very intense erect Jelqs for at least a few months already, pretty much every morning I gained a bit of length and especially girth But now it feels like my inner penile tissue is already used to the very high intensity and I don't feel that slight burning expansion much if...
  14. T

    I can’t gain girth for the life of me.

    So for the last 5 months I’ve been so busy with everything I can’t dedicate hour on hour to PE. My routine has been 5 min tunica stretch each way and than 15-20 min in the bath are. During my one month off I was doing your bath mate sessions every day. I didn’t see a little little bit of a...
  15. J

    EQ after PE session good or bad?

    Hi, im new to matters of size but not new to PE or other forums.:cool: I have been doing PE for over 6 months but my experience doesnt seem to match others and i havent made any gains at all. My question is for all the veterans or individuals that have success with JELQing and have made gains. I...
  16. P

    Stalled Gains for Last 7 months

    Hey, gents, new on the site but I've been PEing for a few weeks shy of a year and have gotten a lot of good information here from everyone's posts. For anyone willing to extend their insight/experience, I have a question regarding stalled gains. I started PE in August 2017 with a newbie...
  17. B

    Bobby's Progress Log

    Hi I'm Bobby from Bulgaria. I'm Practice PE from 1.5 years. Just register here. My routine is Hanging and extending. 27/07/2018 Hanging 3*20 min 4 kg Extender - 3 hr
  18. D

    Am I measuring bpel correctly?

    Hi y'all. I have been doing the newbie routine for 2 months. Now, my routine is 4 hours of extender stretches, 3 x 10 minutes of clamping, and jelqing when I get a chance. I am trying to figure our my exact bpel to track my gains. I heard that I am not supposed to measure right at the bottom, so...
  19. M

    Length routine help needed!

    Hi guys :) I need people with experience in gaining length to chime in and advise me as to what is the best routine to follow/do including how many days per week,time for routine,how many sets and so on
  20. T

    9 year progress recap

    Hi all, Just wanted to share my experience with PE, my first stat input was in 2011, which makes me a legit 9yr PE-er. As you can see my chart there are no any serious gains (which makes me pissed off :D ). First couple of measures are basically not valid as I was standardizing my way of...
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
      Akteon1 @ Akteon1: I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?