
  1. I

    hair growing on shaft?

    so i got hair growing on the shaft of my dick, it makes my dick look wierd. am i the only one with this bullshit? is there any way i can get rid of it? i pluck the lil fuckers but they always grow back.
  2. P

    Premature ejaculation advice

    Hey guys, I've been suffering from really bad pe recently, I have a sensitive head and the excitement just gets too much =( These preventative measures are what I have gathered so far: Edging Stop start Reverse kegel when about to come Reverse kegel + normal kegel excercises Counting during...
  3. K

    Newbie technique question

    Hi guys, I recently joined the site and started on DLD's newbie routine. My question regards stretching: I'm uncircumcised so my foreskin covers the entire head of the penis; when I stretch, I make the 'ok' grip just below the penis head and then pull towards the left, right, or center for each...
  4. S

    PE as a solution to impotence

    Sup folks, I remember that one of the first things I read about Penis Enlargement on this site is that the exercises could help with getting strong upward pointing erections. I see plenty of this throughout the forums, but I also see people talking about veinous backflow and increased impotence...
  5. L

    Cure For Premature Ejaculation Thread

    OK guys sorry, this isn't me posting information about how to cure premature ejaculation but rather me asking for advice. I know there are various thread talking about premature ejaculation cures but I thought I'd try to start the ultimate thread with lots of opinions and results sharing. The...
  6. B

    problems with foreskin driving me crazy...

    i know a lot of people have it too tight but i think mine is the other way around...whenever i get hard the foreskin stays up...so i pull it down but it goes back up when i let go....sometimes i can get it to stay down for a little while but it just goes back up over the head...how do i get it...
  7. V

    Under penis hole splitting open a bit

    Well.. I've been bleeding a bit the day last few days a little while stretching.. Seems it's coming from the inside, but now I believe I have located the source.. I think it's the slit under the penis hole that is tearing up (each time I bled, it was probably that) and now it is noticably...
  8. B

    a tad confused????

    stretching!!! right i always thought you grab your penis just below the head and pull in the directions you choice, but i have just read on a previous thread that for un-circumstised penis you have to pull the foreskin back and then stretch, if not then its pointless. but i have just tried it...
  9. C

    Why I began PE.

    Since I was a young man in his early teens I always wanted a bigger Penis. I saw a few large hangers in the locker room and felt insecure. At that time I never really noticed that the majority of the guys in there were smaller than me. When I saw a big one that is what stuck in my mind. Why...
  10. DLD


    I am not sure if you are like me but whenever I see an uncircumcised penis, one with a curve to left or right or one with a poor erection angle (ie: is at 6:00 when hard) have always made the penis appear much larger to me. Do you guys feel the same? Are there things you believe make it look...
  11. M

    Foreskin Frustration

    Hey all, first off I'm not sure if this is the apprpriate place to post this thread, but I wasn't sure. I posted the same thread in FR just incase. Please remove this thread if you think it should be here. So, not been a member very long, but I have been following the forums and have started...
  12. B

    Restarting PE after an year - Help appreciated

    First of all, good evening =] I used to Penis Enlargement and participate on this forum for about an year ago and not gaining girth eventually led me to stop. By the way... it's good to see that some familiar faces are still around. :) Well, the fact is that I really want to restart and I'm...
  13. R

    Keeping foreskin back

    I'm trying to keep my foreskin back all day. At the moment I'm using one of my gf's hairbands, but it's not a great method. So I was hoping you guys have some good ideas?
  14. A

    Uncircumcised Stretching Dillemma

    Being uncircumcised, I find that when I'm stretching either: A) I pull the foreskin back and grip below the glans, in which case my grip will simply slide along with the foreskin, or B) I pull the foreskin forward and grip below the glans, in which case majority of the stretch is in the skin...
  15. C

    Lengthening reducing foreskin?

    Just wondering, is there anybody who has done extensive Penis Enlargement in regards to length and was also uncircumcised? If so, did the stretching reduce your amount of foreskin? Or did it simply all stretch together and appear no different? (while penis length overall was greater) Any...
  16. S

    Uncut Sensitive Head

    Ok guys so heres my story: I've started getting handjobs (finally) from my gf and I'm uncut so she usually does this by pulling the foreskin over the head and back down and it feels great and I can last pretty long. Howeveer, the other day she pullled my foreskin back with one hand and lubed...
  17. R

    penis enlargement questions and answers

    It does exactly what it says on the tin .... ask reds thread LMAO The meaning and thought behind this is very simple. So ... why post this thread. Its YOUR CHANCE to ASK ME a question directly about Penis Enlargement. I will do my BEST to answer it honestly and with the best of my knowledge and...
  18. B

    'Motivational' thread: for those who aren't gaining

    So today after a few posts and threads here and there at MoS I felt this comfort that made me want to start a thread and talk a little. :) This is to everybody that are not gaining and a personal compliment to DLD. :) I don't know exacly how to start, so, here we go (I bet this is going to be...
  19. S

    Your Size Visually Plotted Against The Averages

    This website may have been linked here before, but I thought it was pretty entertaining: http://www.mraverage.com/sizer.php The website also has some good information on averages, female preference, and a cool calculator program that automatically translates your stats into volume, width...
  20. A

    Any good ADS for uncut guys?

    Hi, well im uncut, but would like to get a stretcher, i looked into the SS but apparently it doesn't work well for guys who are uncut. what can i use to keep me streched under clothes for a few hours a day?
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    Guest Sam hi has joined the room.
  • S (Guest) Sam hi:
    How's everyone
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
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  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
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    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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