
  1. K


    Ok Kong... I will address our recent debate or disagreement on polls here, as to not to hijack someone else's post on an entirely different subject. First, lets get this straight, I only disagreed with Graves ONE statement that "Also, most polls suggest that women by far prefer un-cut penises."...
  2. E

    TV show on Foreskin

    Last Thursday night there was a sex information show on TV, it was about circumcision. A doctor went on about the benefits of Circumcision, he stated that one of the main reasons for Circumcision was to stop penile cancer. He said that it has been shown that men who are circumcised when they...
  3. L

    BIB Hanger How To Video

    Here is the Long awaited Bib Hanger Hanging Tutorial. Thank You SWM for Shooting it. HANGING TUTORIAL VIDEO
  4. K

    ***Very Important New Research*** The Real Key to Maximum Skin Expansion

    Want Your Foreskin Back? Give It A Rest! There is alot of conflicting information on the internet about foreskin restoration. This article is not about whether you should or shouldn't restore your foreskin, or a debate on the benefits of doing so. I am writing this article in light of recent...
  5. K

    Started restoring, too!!!

    Hello Guys! I'm a 27 years old German guy and started restoring 1 week ago. I ordered the TLC Tugger, and I think that things are going fine until today. After 4 days I noticed that I put a bit too much tension on the Tugger and had to put some creme on my shaft skin and circ scar. The skin was...
  6. K

    Flaccid Pic of Kong-- Update

    Note: This penis is a work in progress. My coverage is still pretty minimal and the c-scar is still visible, but at least it's starting to roll over on its own now. Actually, it stays like this quite a bit, so I am going to say that I have partial flaccid coverage now. Ever onwards! PS-- You...
  7. 9

    Penis Enlargement: Through Thick and Thin

    Preferably thick, right? Yes. So lets start. These are basic girth exercises. However, they are too intense to do without a couple months of basic penis enlargement (especially jelqing) under your belt. They should not be done by beginners. Injuring your penis is no fun, so take your time with...
  8. K

    Request for Kong

    Hey man. The wife and I are going to be discussing having kids soon and I am sure to cut or not to cut will come into the discussion as well. Do you have any really good links to shoot me concerning the number of circs that are fucked up every year as well as some pics of a circ being...
  9. G

    Anti-Circumcision Groups Discussion

    One frequent point of interest that is intimately tied up with FR is the affects and necessity of circumcision in the first place. Ever since developing an interest in this topic I have researched on the internet, and as anyone else who has done so will not be shocked to learn, nearly all of...
  10. K

    Interesting Article for Intact and Restoring Males

    Sex in Human Loving Circumcision Why chop a living piece of tissue off a baby boy? Religious beliefs are often the reason, but such traditions overlook the fact that circumcision is an abuse of the boy's right to choose his own destiny. Health reasons? These too have often been cited, but...
  11. S


    This is not meant to be an attack on the credibility of anyone here or FR in general, I just am confused about something and am wondering if maybe there is an explanation. I have viewed Kong's newest pics and he definately seems as big as he claims, I am not about to call that into question...
  12. K

    The First Tenet of Foreskin Restoration

    Okay, I am sure this is going to cause a ruckus, but I think this needs to be put out there and discussed in a civil manner (note to self: be civil!). The reason so many men get hot about FR is the first basic tenet of foreskin restoration itself, which is this: An uncircumcised penis is more...
  13. G

    Another Study: Women Prefer Circumcision

    This one appears to have been conducted by an actual research MD employed by a university. He also does not appear to have a website selling his book on the matter that contains links to erotic stories about foreskin and "fictional explorations" explaining why men without foreskins can't seem...
  14. K

    A Totally Biased Interview With the Wife of a Restoring Man

    I wanted to give you all an idea of what women think about restoration. As there is only one woman I know of that I could interview to get a woman's perspective, I sought my wife's help. Of course, I can only say that this is a biased interview. Before I asked her these questions, I told her...
  15. K

    For Swank: Scholarly and Peer Reviewed research!

    Recent Medical Studies on Circumcision Circumcision Policy Influenced by Psychosocial Factors The debate about the advisability of circumcision in English-speaking countries typically has focused on potential health factors. The position statements of committees from national medical...
  16. K

    Male Subjugation-- Free Yourselves!

    Men, you need to open your eyes and realize something... Sometime in the last 100 years, we have gone from being the dominant sex in our society to the subjugated sex. It happened bit by bit, slowly over time, and none of our forefather's noticed it happening, nor do we see the chains that are...
  17. K

    Things My Wife Told Me Last Night

    Things have been kind of rocky for my wife and I the last few weeks. I won't go into all the details, because some of them are still kind of painful. We came as close to divorce as we ever have in ten years of marriage. I'll just say here that over the holiday, she revealed to me several secrets...
  18. D

    Loose Skin and Hand Position - Stretching

    Hi all, Did my first run through of DLDs beginner routine this morning! Honestly, I wasn't aware my penis could stretch in all those different directions. LOL What I am wondering about concerns loose skin. When flaccid, my penis has fairly loose skin. I am circumcised, but I can grip the...
  19. S

    hate the smell from fr? got somethin for ya

    i got this bodywash its suave and its like melon flavored it is all day protection from odor and its antibacteria so i put this on in the shower in the morning and im perfectly fine all day no smell at all when i take off the tape at the end of the day what u think bout this
  20. DLD

    2 Birds with 1 Stone

    As most of you know I have very little interest in foreskin restoration but I thought it was important to share my gains in this department, even though they came with out trying. My entire life I was very happy with my circumcision, although it was very tight, I still liked the way it looks...
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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