supra slammers

  1. S

    My biggest problems

    My biggest problem with Penis Enlargement is that I don't ever get a chance to do it. My girlfriend (nope- I haven't broken up with her, at least not yet for those who have read about her before) is constantly around me and I have done the jelqs with her around and she's even watched a few...
  2. F

    what´s the best head size exercise?

    I´ve read a lot about head size and how it really makes the penis looks bigger, also women seem to respond very positive to head size (first impression feeling). I´ve also seen more and more pe guys measuring head size as one of their measurements. So what do you recommend as the best head size...
  3. M

    Condom Pumping and Increased Tube Pressure

    I experiemented today with a very short, and I mean short set, of condom pumping with pretty intense pressure at around 15 hg. It felt really good, as I felt a deep stretch in the tunica and also at the base. I can't say if it's good or bad, but I've read that condom pumping can help with fluid...
  4. T

    Ok to come after doing Supra slammers?

    Is there any effect if you come after doing your slammers, or should you hold it in? I usually do them b4 bed and I don't wanna end up w/ blue balls in the morning or something rofl
  5. T

    20-25 minutes jelqing enough?

    I spend about 10 minutes of medium-hard jelquing followed by 10-15 minutes of SSJ's and supra slammers. I do stretching a different time of the day. Is this enough of a girth workout or should I be doing a lot more? I really need to increase my girth and I don't know if this is enough.
  6. C

    Is it realistic to gain 0,75" in girth in a year?

    This week I started my attempt to gain 0,75" in girth. I do 60 minutes of Uli Squeezes in the morning and 30 minutes of the same in the evening. Everyday. I have done girth-work before, about two years ago and gained 1/3" in a couple of months only with Ulis (30 min./5 days a week). So I'd be...
  7. N

    How much have you gained in girth ?

    what exercise did you use ? And how long did it take ?
  8. T

    girth evening

    What's the best way to even out out girth? My base girth is almost a whole inch bigger than girth right before the head. I figure SQJ's and supra slammers would work good, but they haven't seemed to really help. Any others that are good and focus only on the top half of the dick? Also, is...
  9. 7

    repost of disappointing gains/reduced sensitivity worry

    I originally posted this in the routines section a couple weeks ago by mistake. Thanks Pandora for the one response there... any other takers on this...???<:( I am somewhat irritated by my lack of lasting gains, and I am also worried I may have reduced my ability to get and maintain an...
  10. B

    Decondition your Schlong

    Wow, so after about a year of non stop p.e., I took a month off totally. Nothing but basically kegels here and there. I have resumed a few weeks ago..and already have gained around .15 of an inch in length. Some gains in girth as well but its hard to measure. I am currently around 9.40 or so...
  11. B

    Need Help and Advice on Routine!!! Need Brainstorming from all members

    Is it best if i cycle my length routine from my girth routine. Im doing phase one routine except using bundled stretches and doing pulses with each set and some footlong stretches. And after that i do supra slammers(5-15). Is that bad. Length is way more important to me right now then girth. I...
  12. T

    One more wife question...

    Do any of you know a site similar to this one for women? I want to talk about lots of things realted to sex, but don't feel right asking here. It's good to get a mans perspective, but I don't want ya'll to get sick of my "woman questions" and kick me off.
  13. T

    Can I still gain?

    I havent mesuared in awhile but last time I checked I was 7.75X 5.5 NBP. My routine as about an hour of streaching and 10 Supra Slammers. Well I m going threw somethings right now and I wont have that much time to Penis Enlargement. I just want to make shoure I dont loose any gains. But at the...
  14. S

    another slammer "mishap"

    :( :( :( O.K. so I have done a few supra slammers and was having some success but think I just wasted a 40 minute workout last time, by busting all over the place. I know in some discussions on this type of exercise that some seepage is expected towards the end (had this happen on second last...
  15. C

    What is a Reverse Kegel

    Im pretty sure im doing the normal kegel right, i can feel my pc muscle clamp down and my penis will bounce up, but i cant hold it, or at least i dont think i can. it seems to release very quickly. ive been reading the forums and keep seeing the term reverse kegel. what is it and how is it done?
  16. S

    Spiderling's Webslinger - GIRTH GIRTH GIIIRTH!

    Spider here, You can read a more in-depth spiel below if you like, but if you're just browsing, here's the short version - I clamp and dry jelq, and am looking for girth gains. If you have any ideas for me I'd love to hear them. I'm a fairly experienced Penis Enlargementer, but took a hiatus...
  17. S

    Molten Hydro Clamp

    Cool name huh? Just wanted to get some thoughts on this one before I try it out. Can't take full credit for it though- some came from DLD's foot stretching in the tub insanely-hard-2-do blasters ;) and my introduction into clamping through Reds amazing guide. Now a few times after a...
  18. D

    How BIG do you wanna get?

    and how big do you think youre gonna reach??? personally Im aiming for 11"-13" Length and 8"-9" I think with my starting size, MOS and this other Penis Enlargement thing me and my friend are working on It will be very possible (with a 100-270% increase in penis size ) dunno where the fuck that...
  19. S

    Breaking the Ice

    Well after lurking for so long and answering so many pm's and such I figured I would let you guys know what is going on with my life. I made it back from Afghan...Alive. There was a rumor going around that I died, lol. But im still here. As for now it seems like I am just returing but only...
  20. V

    Gaing while NOT PE'ing?

    Hey everyone, I just started this thread to discuss the merit of the following statement: "you gain on the days you rest" Now as we all know that is true with bodybuilding, and nobody gains mass in the gym. you're however supposed to work your ass off at the gym and sweat, but you get your...
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    How's everyone
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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