Anyone on here have any experience using DHT cream?
I have some concerns about it and I want to know if anyone can help claryfing them:
1. I have a concern with the potential for hair loss. Anyone experience this? If so, can it be countered or reversed?
2. Ive read that it affects how the...
Hi guys,
I have been using the Bathmate for 3 months now (along with manual excercises) and I've become extremely sensitive to sexual stimulations e consequently very fast in reaching the orgasm ( minute). The feeling that I have (having sex) is that there is too much pressure inside...
Let me start by saying that I got the idea to take an Epsom Salt bath because I was getting some irritated skin on the bottom side of my shaft from the Bathmate gator. Then I decided to kill two birds with one stone (and save water) and add a tablespoon or so of ES before filling the Bathmate...
I actually looked at a woman's blood test results, several pages, no STD's or HIV aspects, and then had a great time without a condom.
A few minutes later I began scary total penis rot.
Penis envy here? Yes, guys can just slather on any anti-fungal including herbal/natural like tea tree oil...
i keep going off track and i think alot of it is down to not logging any progress, so im gonna be making this my log. im also going to include some of my lifting and weight progress just so its all in one thread. this will hopefully give me more motivation to get bigger in every way!
Hello all,
I've been Penis Enlargement'ing on and off since 2004. I got my start in enlargement via my obsession with 'pumping' to increase the size of my penis. Little did I know, that was not the real way to permanent growth. Since I had a fear of my parents finding out if I had purchased a...
Hey everyone, I am completely new to pe and this site. I have not done a single exercise before. I am married and have sex almost every night. I am curious is it better to do the training before or after sex.
About me and my goals. I am active duty military and currently on a training rotation...
I have been experimenting over the past 18 months in SRT heavily and when I spend so much time with something my mind finds even more unique ways to apply science to penis enlargement to make the fastest gains we can. Much of my contributions to penis enlargement has been the creation of penis...
Hello everyone- I'm having trouble gaining length cause I have an extremely sensitive penis and stretching irritates my glans. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you very much
So we are all working very hard to make our penis bigger but a lot of men may not understand just how important it is to make it stronger in the same process. Much focus goes into enlarging the penis while some may neglect the...
Hey guys, I have hair growing all the way up my shaft to the head of my penis. I suspect its from a overly tight circumsicism and from Penis Enlargement.
It's extremely annoying when trying to Penis Enlargement and it's not particular pleasant during sex. I used to have a daily shave but it...
Hey fellas. The snake man checking in. Decided to join mistake and petersouth in creating a daily Penis Enlargement training log for my chemical protocol. Heres my current weekly routine. Still looking into what type of ADS i want to use in between sessions.
Current stats before Protocal...
Hi, I'm a 20 year old male and here's my situation. When I was young I went through a rough patch and my escape was through masturbation. I was overly aggressive due to my anger in life at the time and I have come to regret this due to the scarring that occurred on the left and underside of my...
Hey there,
I've introduced myself in the newbies forum a while back, but I'll make a quick recap.
I learned about Penis Enlargement years ago and started a dedicated routine back in early 2009. I managed to go from:
3/13/09 - BPenis EnlargementL - 7.2" NBEL - 6.7" EG - 5.0"
To currently...
Guys I want to hear your views on numbness
It seems something many of you are familiar with it, but haven't seen it discussed at length, no pun intended.
I have been using a stretcher, a good one, for 3 months with GOOD results with includes small size gains and amazing EQ. I was very glad I...
i've got pain in the frenulum on my penis (if thats what its called, on the underside of the penis joining the head). it feels uncomfortable pulling the foreskin all the way back, which is why i dont want to get erect and stretch it more. im thinking maybe its a micro tear. can anyone shed some...
Hey guys, I just wanted to ask if some of you have discolouration this bad and how you prevented or cured it.
I think I got this a couple of months ago due to my jelqing and squeezes. I'm doing my best to get rid of it because I'm really really hating this discolouration. I got the Monkey...
Hi, I'm Mike Shlort.
I started Penis Enlargement on September 26th, 2011. My starting stats were around 6.6"NBPx5.4"EG. I did DLDs newbie routine that consisted of BTC, SD, SO, and SU manual stretches, 25-50 A-Stretch's with Kegeling (DLD Blasters), 300-600 Jelqs and a testicle massage and...
Okay guys bio time!!! 1/2 inch in 2 months so far. Mind, belief, Intense... that's all it takes and Im firm believer on it.
First post and not going to be the last.
I found this site years ago i mean like 6 plus years ago.. i did Penis Enlargement back than maybe for 2 to 3 months and saw...
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