Hey guys,
Just wanted to tell you the extraordinary results I got from the extender. I also like looking at the details on Penis Enlargement... what makes our penis respond the best, etc.
My main thing is I used the sizegenetics a lot. I took frequent short breaks, but strapped right back in...
I wanted to share you with you guys my impressions of the Bathmate two months in. After a lot of experimentation, its become clear (for me anyway) that short sets are the way to go for maximum internal expansion and minimal fluid retention. I've tried the longer 20 to 30 minute sets with very...
Frequent masturbation and ejaculation stimulate *1 acetylcholine & *2 parasympathetic nervous functions excessively, resulting in the over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin.
Abundant and unusually amount of these hormones and...
I posted this a while back as a blog entry here on MOS. It was just a short ‘teaser’ post with the rest of the post linked to my clamping forum. I took down my forum after a few months though because I just did not feel like keeping up with it.
Hand strength and better girth workouts.
My girlfriend who lives in another state came to visit me for about 2 weeks.. I havent seen her since october (Ive been Penis Enlargementing since Nov).. By the 3rd day, she started bringing up how "good Ive been hitting it"... She said the first few days were amazing but she thought "maybe it...
I'll detail my experience with the SizeGenetics (SG) Extender here similar to my Bathmate thread. Let's start with ordering
Ordering was easy after following the link from MOS for the awesome discount. Shipping by UPS (which turns out they use DHL) and paid $185.25USD. Shipping is from the UK...
My measurements are (estimates not to sure how to write each little line)
6.25-6.5 L
5.5-5.75 G
The larger number is when im hard as a rock which isnt much but with Penis Enlargement seems to be getting better =) !!!! ( im a newbie)
Anyway on with the question, I want to buy a Bathmate in...
Well all I can say is I'm so glad I found this forum!!! You guys really seem to be the guru's of Penis Enlargement.
I'm in my first week of DLD's beginner routine and am able to do all 3 sets of the stretching exercises. However I find I can only do about 150 jelq's, my arm's tire out at about...
I notice some guys take supplements with great results and others see none. Vitamin C is essential for absorbtion. I was thinking guys who don't see results lack vitamin C?
I made this a blog entry a while back, but I doubt many men actually saw this. The subject of hand strength and better girth workouts. Think about it. If you are a girth trainer, you need a strong grip. Especially with exercises like the ''Uli'' squeeze and ''horse'' squeezes which require a...
Yo Team!
I work in a hospital and chat to many nurses thru out the day.
Most of the time im doing labour/delivery type jobs so my exchanges with the ladies is very civil and polite.
However, on a couple of occassions I have overheard some saucy chatting going on amongst them and ive dropped...
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kOZN-mdaxKs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The All New SizeGenetics Extender with The Brand New 16 Way Comfort System!
I only endorses the very...
<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kOZN-mdaxKs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The All New SizeGenetics Extender with The Brand New 16 Way Comfort System!
I only endorses the very...
Hello admin/dld/MOS superhuman,
I know this is the wrong section but I couldn't really find one dedicated to technical problems. Beforehand, I have tried contacting admin@mattersofsize.com and supportmos@gmail.com but there was no response. Even sent DLD a PM, though after realizing he must be...
So I figured it was important to get a Journal going other than the personal one that I am keeping. It's not a daily journal, I just use it as a template to motivate myself to do it.
I started back up in mid-January, following a PA stretch routine. I will list my journal contents here below for...
do you guys think having low testosterone can hinder gains. i went to the doctor and had my levels checked and they are low. im debating on wheather or not i should start treatment. do any of you have experience with low t. I was shocked my T was so low, i have a good diet, sleep eight hours a...
This is a topic I've shared about in the past, under my other SN ''stillwantmore''. Long story, nother day. Anyway, the point of this thread is to throw this out there. The penis is in fact just a small bundle of skin, veins, a small artery or two, and some other tissues. Bottom line? A...
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