Started my injections today. First injection I estimated 7.5mcg as a good titration starting point. Estimation was excellent. It's been exactly 1 hour since injection and my erection is about 50% now, down from about 75%. It will be gone fairly soon. Tomorrow I'm going to shoot up with 10mcg and...
Well..i have curve, don't like it all, without it my penis would look at least 0,8-1 cm bigger. Wanna know what you guys think about that, if you have curve, did you maybe find some ways to fix it..If you consider it's a gift why? Opinions, suggestions, solutions..
You can read more on Peyronie’s disease here, dealing with scar tissue. I'm a bit worried lets face it, we dont know much about side effects. What do you think DLD? have you experienced any loss of erection. I can imagine with your immense gains it must be hard to push all that blood in...
Im on deconditioning break, when i start back in a months time, is it best to take it slow with the stretches not pulling like to try and rip my dick off? Because i have read that if you stretch intensly it causes the cells in the penis to harden and the penis tissues become harder to...
Hey DLD, just wondering, Would i be able to use the 10minute workout if i have peyroines, maybe just add some peyroine excercises as well? I also wanted to ask, Wouldnt the DLD isolated compression squeeze work for peyroines? i can compress my curve and do da circles? Or Can i subsitute it with...
Hey its DK here, I just want to say thanks DLD for helping me fix my peyroines curve. Thanks for everything you have done for the Penis Enlargement community. I have gained more self confidence because of Penis Enlargement. Where would i be widout ur work. Thanks AGAIN! rofl
I tried doing secure order, took me to a blank-page, couldn't find a place to order in Canada, also the testimonial of the dude who fixed his penis crook(bend) took me to a blank page, anyone have a link? :p
DLD, and all the Penis Enlargement members here: I have done some very important thinking and testing and unless we stretch the septum we will never get length of penis gain. I discussed this on another thread/post some time ago but nothing comes from it but here are my thoughts. When doing...
I was wondering if there were any exercises to take the cure out of my penis. It would be a little bigger without the curve. I'm new, so tell me how to post pics and I will.
Its been a LONG time since I have posted anything here, and felt it was time to.
Here is a snippet of my journal entry for today.
The shrinkage of my penis from its larger "built" state, is very real, and will happen to you all as well.
Its been over two years since ive done any pe'ing, but...
I have read a ton of studies on Priapism (prolonged erections) I started to think about self imposed erections for a long amount of time. Perhaps taking viagra and keeping stimulation going for a few hours. Maybe even a clamp to hold the erection longer would be in order. There just seems to...
First of all congrats to all the people on here that i have read about that have had great success in correcting thier curvature... It is a comforting thing to know that you are not alone in this... Thanks to you all!
I have a few questions for German Stallion. I can not seem to PM him. so if...
Hey Guys,
Several years ago (probably 6 years ago) I used a penis pump for the first time. Not knowing much about pumping I applied too much pressure. My penis got extremely big, once I released the valve I took my penis out of the pump. I started getting blisters on my penis and it was sore...
Ok, I'm three weeks in and am definitely beginning to see improvements in my flaccid hang, but have noticed my cock is starting to lean a little to the left when soft and there is the beginning of a curve when I'm hard. I've heard about peyronies disease - is it possible to develop it from doing...
Hey everybody,
My boy is 11, soon to turn 12. Genes being what they are, I'm guessing he'll end up with what I started with--a penis slightly longer than average, but somewhat less wide than I would want.
My question is, would you ever consider having a father-to-son chat with your boy...
My penis has a "natural" (not Peyronies) curve to the left. I have been doing erect bends against the curve for around a month now for 10 minutes a day, applying quite a bit of pressure. So far, I have not noticed even a slight change in the bend. I'm planning on stepping up the intensity of my...
Crazyeds Pump Guide
Being a pumper myself, I would like give everyone who is here or will be here, that is interested in pumping to have the basics of pumping laid out for them. Pumping is a large part of my routine, and has been for close to a year now.
The things you will need...
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