just noticed when i ejaculate ( at 100 % erection ) that i feel a ridgid line on the underneath of my dick and on the left side, i think its a scar.. i got scar tissue on there, anyone know how to remove this. is this possible to remove or should i go see a doctor. i dont think its peyronies or...
i have noticed that im getting really soft erections, i dont know if this is normal im only 19. i was with a girl today and when we tried intercourse it was almost impossible but i did manage to get it in somewhat. ive also noticed that i felt like ejaculating in the first minute. my penis is...
Hey I was looking at ordering a membership. I started doing the basic workout but I think I'm doing a more extreme one because I'm doing a lot more stretching and jelqing due to following an earlier routine in your blog. I should probably slow down because day 2 of jelqing drew some blood...
I've done this circumcision 2 years ago when I was still in Pakistan. Now I'm 24. I've immigrated to Canada, my scar just doesn't cure. The dick functions well. But scar makes my dick looks ugly, especially when it's not erected. The bulging pink scar with dark foreskin.
Can I get a plastic...
Hi, my penis points towards the right a little, i'd say by about 25 degrees. It is not crooked because the shaft is perfectly straight, so it must have to do with the way my penis comes out of the pelvic area, the exit point. Is it possible to fix it so that it points straight out?
My best...
Hi, I just started Penis Enlargement about a week ago and I just noticed when erect my penis now bends to the right. It has always been perfectly straight.
I am assuming I have unintentionally done more stretches to the right, or perhaps used more force for the ones to the right.
Is this...
To be sure, all penis enlargement exercises carries a degree of risk.
However, some forms carry more risk than others.
What do you guys consider the riskiest forms of Penis Enlargement to be?
Personally, I think it's hanging by far.
Hanging may be a great way to gain length, but it can be...
You have no idea who I am or what I do. Your silly post on cellular growth and division was based on complete ignorance. Don't get an ego because you believe people are finally noticing you because you have gotten a response to you "sudden" involvement. I did not repost in the cell thread...
Hey dudes.
Basically I wanted to start a thread to get people's opinions on how growth occurs in the penis.
I was talking to some people in the thread about the guy who says he grew 2 inches in 2 months from 300 jelqs per week (or something like that). All I can go on is my own personal...
Hello, I'm a newbie to actually doing any Penis Enlargement, but I have been doing some reading and I must say I am very impressed with your website, DLD!
I am more interested in improving my girth over length, and it seems to me from the posts I have read (particularly on posts by DLD) that...
no feeling or sensation. can get hard @ times but not throbbing also seems very bent to one side it just happened all of a sudden one night about a month ago i awoke and it was non existent :O. I am 23 sexually active and have loved to masturbate id say nearly every day since about 12 years old...
Hi! Since it's not a 'problem' or 'disease' (I guess) I'm posting it here.
My dick, looking from the side, looks like this -> )
I want it to look like this -> l
Is there any way to change this (jelqing down?:()?
Any of you guys have similar dicks?
Thank you all :)
Hi! Since it's not a 'problem' or 'disease' (I guess) I'm posting it here.
My dick, looking from the side, looks like this -> )
I want it to look like this -> l
Is there any way to change this (jelqing down?:()?
Any of you guys have similar dicks?
Thanks you all :)
Does Penis Enlargement increase chances of getting Peyronies? As u know a well respected ex-Penis Enlargementr has been diagnosed so I have been reading up on it and all I can find is theories that scar tissue/injuries are believed to be the possible cause of it. Each tissue deformation we do...
The other week a little bit of blood came out of my dick while doing an exercise so I decided to take about 2 weeks off for it to heal.
what I'm wondering about is scar tissue, I've heard posters talking before about scar tissue building up from certain exercises and preventing further gains...
When you stretch, at a high tension and you get this burning feeling, that is good right?? Or is it a big no-no?
I have sometimes stretched and it would hurt for a few seconds, and off course I dropped the stretches afterwards, but is it possible to have permanent damage if you feel any pain...
Hey, everybody. Let me introduce myself. I'm 24 years old, and somewhat "blessed" when it comes to looks and physique. I know about many girls that really adore the way I look how my body is, even though I don't train with weigths and don't even eat that healthy. Being somewhat afraid to show...
What is your opinion?
We are thinking of doing a convention in Miami on Penis Enlargement. The actual event will be billed as something that would cause men little embarrassment or insecurity to show up. I would love to talk to an audience of men and let them know exactly what is real and...
massive cock
small penis
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