
  1. H

    Bathmate with cock ring right after

    Hello! So as i have been using the Bathmate for a while now as a beginner i have come to notice that when i release it after like 4minutes my penis goes back to flaccid real quick, like when air leaves a balloon. But right at this moment the penis is encorged with much more blood in it's flaccid...
  2. P

    Can a grower change to a shower?

    Can it be done? The wraps, silicone anti turtle tube etc can a grower become a shower permanently?c or is it just what you're born with. Also do you showers turtle?
  3. 8

    Routine help please.

    Hey guys, I've been a long-time (on/off) PE'r with some success spread out over the course of years. I'm not teetering on 8" BPEL. Some of you may be familiar with my chemical PE experience as I had some success there. After that I had to basically stop PE for unrelated reasons. Anyway, I have...
  4. K

    My routine (just to make sure I´m on the right track to gains)

    Hi. I´ve been doing PE actively every day since mid January now and I figure its time for me to post my routine and get some opinions on it to see if I´m doing what I should. Starting measurments are BPEL: 7" BPFL: 7.79" MEG: 5.3. Goal is BPEL:8.5" MEG: 6" Towel raises 10 min bundled...
  5. E

    Some input on my ongoing project...

    Hi there I'm working on a small PE project, which involves a lot of stats(from past workouts) to create as much information as possible for my self, but also those who read it. It sounds a little strange right now, but it will make sense when its done. I'll be done by June 1st. Think of if as...
  6. T

    How come my bathmate won't work?

    So I started a new routine Dld length blaster Tunica strerch 3x30 sec each way straight out Mandingo stretch down 5 min erect stretch It's a fun workout But my bathmate use to give me huge gains and they'd last and carry to the next day. Now I get gains but not as much and they fade away by...
  7. C

    Burst blood vessel ?

    Hi guys My name is Cat and I am a beginner. I have aquestion. I got a "black spot" again on my shaft again. By "black spot" I mean - I jelqued quite a lot ( i know I should not since I am a beginner) and a a small blood vessel burst. I had this happening last year when I dabbled in PE...
  8. M

    Im Back, Went to the Doc- Diagnosed Peyronie's

    Hey guys, I left for about 3 weeks due too my injury. I thought it was Thrombosis but I just went to the Doctor and he said there was Calcification on the top of my Penis. He diagnosed it as peyronie's plaque, he said there is nothing I can do. I good and well know that there is a solution and...
  9. I

    Current Routine \ Anything New Coming Out?

  10. C

    Newbie gains and soreness dilemma

    Hi Champs My name is Cat and I am a PE newbie Ive been pe`ing for about 3 weeks now - only jelqs between 100 and 200 a day. Worked really well for me. In the first few days I could feel the skin/tissue at the base of the penis becoming adapted to jelqing. Everything was fine. However...
  11. I

    Large and over extended flaccid injury

    Hello everybody . I'm not sure where to post this, I'm a bit loss on this website . Well anyway , here my problem . A few months ago (4) I decided to jelq for the first time . I warned up for 10 minutes then started doing the streching . I skimmed through the instructions and watched...
  12. B


    Hey all , How many Jelqs is good for a beginner, Am I correct in thinking 100 to 150.
  13. M

    Reinventing The Newbie Wheel

    Nothing too crazy but I'm going to try out this new routine where I'll just be taking things that already work and try to make them better. I have been doing a lot of work with "pulses" instead of holding stretches, I think the intensity is way more powerful and it definitely shortens the...
  14. N

    I gained!

    Although I started very slow, and to be honest, not believing it would happen for me, I am 3 months in and I GAINED!!! I have measured 3 times today with different measuring devices (tape measure, Ruler, and a different tape measure) because I still am not sure I believe it. I feel like a...
  15. T

    I will be 8x6! Watch me grow!

    The last routine i did was was the 1 inch in 12 weeks routine found a little success I did not complete it but now I'm very motivated to get to 8x6 . Any advice I plan on starting with as soon as I order my legnthmaster and something to stretch all day in.
  16. H

    Bathmate ordered!

    Hello! So i recently ordered a bathmate and i hope i will be able to give it positive feedback. The things i will do with the device is bathmate hardcore stretches for length & work my way up to the 5x5x3 routine. But i have recently started to doubt the Slow Squash Jelqs. I don't get any...
  17. P

    Reverse kegels

    what now everyones ignoring me ??? lol
  18. G

    Another Quick Question

    I've talked to this guy over the net who was also into pe and had made very impressive gains. Since I don't like Jelqing his routine sounded amazing to me. He basically stretched & hung everyday hanging of course for 10 hrs a week, which is what I've been doing for the past month. Have y'all...
  19. J

    Penis issues before and after Jelqing...

    Hey Everyone, So I have some interesting "penis" situations and behaviors, some that I've had my whole life and some that are more recent. I would like to see if anyone else has had these. The big ones I'm trying to fix/deal with are the first 3, but I've almost never met anyone that had Issue...
  20. P

    Full capacity erection, need advice how to get it!

    Hello boys, I have issue with my erection, it aint soft, but it ain't rock hard either, no matter how much kegels I do, and how much I'm consistent with them, is there any universal solution for this problem, or I'm the only one who has this kind of problem, when I'm not squeezing my pc muscle...
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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