
  1. G

    New surge of optimism/confidence

    Recently got into PE and I always would measure NBPEL (5.7") and referring to it as my true length which I never even considered measuring myself Bone pressed. Today I measured BPEL at 6.75"!!! My big goal was atleast 6.5" but I now realize I'm already longer than that..a huge ego...
  2. B

    Need tips on stretching!!

    Hi, started my routine a couple of days ago. Trying to keep length and girth workouts separate. I've been doing length work in the morning but seem to get a constant erection when I'm doing my stretches. Obviously this is hindering how far I can stretch my penis even if at all. Girth work the...
  3. the boss!

    Fluid retention?

    Is there any fluid retention thread? Or info I should know? Not always, I try not to get to the point of fluid retention, but sometimes I get there. Is it good? bad? neutral? I really don't mind having it unless is gonna delay or hold me from gains.
  4. N

    How to become shower?

    Hello guys. I am definitely grower. Sometimes he can get so little because of turtling that I wonder how can he grow back while erected. I want to get nice flacid length so even before sex I would look fine. Are there any exercises for this or does it only work with pills?
  5. S

    My penis is in the process of getting bigger!

    Hi, how are ya? And happy thanksgiving. My name's sammy from Morocco and my parents wanted from to marry but I have gotten some issues and my parents thought I am a gay (I don't have any problems with gays am open-minded). So that my family hates me for avoiding marriage for a long time, but my...
  6. F

    Any routine you'd recommend for someone restarting besides SRT?

    I want to start my new routine this week and took a look at the SRT routine. I don't have all the bells and whistles required for that and not interested in getting them as all PE equipment is expensive because of the demand for it, not what it's worth. Any what I do have is the bathmate x40, an...
  7. Tearitup

    Favorite lube for jelqing

    Just wondering what you guys use to lube up for jelqing? I usually jelq in the shower and use olive oil but that's a little messy for out of the shower. What do you guys like to use? I also had a tiny bit of lavender, tea tree, niacin.
  8. B

    Slow Squash Jelqs on beginner routine?

    I have been currently running the beginner routine for a month now and have gained .25 in length by working everyday. I lost the gains by taking a couple days off. I am slowly adding sets and reps to stretches and jelqs overtime. I am wondering if i can replace the regular jelqs with SSJs for...
  9. B

    Performing SSJ's

    I am currently running the beginner routine and within the first few weeks i have gained.25 in length. After not being able to workout for two days i lost the gains. I am still jelqing slowly adding the set of stretches+ jelqs over time. I read about the SSJ's and noticed that people had great...
  10. smitty2590

    Best lotion for penis

    Hey guys I know this has been asked before but I was having trouble locating the thread. I currently use coca butter religiously, and my skin looks and feels amazing on my penis but I know there was something recommended that was more towards helping with healing or something. Also not that it's...
  11. orgasmic19

    Morning Exercise?

    Hey, guys I usually do my 30 minutes of stretches and jelqing at night. This pretty much sums up my whole routine. I am at the point where I want to add at least one light manual exercise for the morning to help promote blood flow. Any suggestions? I was thinking something like Ulis or...
  12. N

    Will this penis pump straighten my dick?

    Hi so my dick curves upward since I was a teen & i'd like to straighten it out 100%. I know the only proven way to straighten the dick is by using a penis extender but I'd like to buy this penis pump so it'll hopefully straighten my dick here it is Tool Shed Toys. It's got a narrow cylinder (1.5...
  13. Castiel

    is there anybody that pumped for years?

    Hoh many years? Are gains permanent? how many inches did you earn? what is your routine? THANKS

    Keeping Up With Rocky

    I have something to propose to those of you with active journals or those of you who have not started a journal but want to.(And yeah the name is inspired on my favorite tv show "Keeping up with the Kardashians") After seeing there's so many people in the routines and progress section kicking...
  15. A

    What's Worse For Stretch Marks? Jelq or BM?

    Bathmate or Jelqing? Which will be better for girth and which is worse for stretch marks?
  16. the boss!

    2 Major Issues I dealed with when I started. (That no one is talking about.)

    My PE journey dates Way back like 4-5 years ago, I was a kid so I was insecured I read and read and read.. checked progress pics, but never really took action. At much older age I started Jelqing and kegeling. But never consistently Lets skip to 2016! on and off as always until 2 months...
  17. eugine8plz

    Help! Fluid retention!

    Just started using the PMP and one day I didn't notice but it started to slip of a little bit when i was using it and now on the bottom left side of my glans there is a little hard bump. I don't think that it is a thrombosis vein because it is way too small but I do believe that it is either a...
  18. orgasmic19

    Can masturbation help EQ?

    Do you guys think masturbation will hinder or hurt PE gains in the long run? Personally I have been masturbating like crazy for the past two weeks. It seems when I stop masturbation my night and morning woods vanish without a trace. But every time I get off my EQ is back in action the next...
  19. L

    Bathmate Question

    My size is currently 8 x 5.5 and I have the bathmate X30. I'm not interested in length at all but in the bathmate i max out the length and get a mark on my head(like a semicircle) after every session. Is this in any way going to inhibit girth progress? My routine is 5x5x3 except instead of ssj...
  20. Castiel

    About pumps...

    which is the best...air pump or bathmate?
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