
  1. I

    A Funny Thing Happend While PEing...

  2. B

    Keeping Up With Rocky II CONTEST

    For those who weren't fortunate enough to witness the previous contest, showcasing the baddest motherfuckers on this forum go here: www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/88906-keeping-up-with-rocky.html Its been a while since Ive been in these forums, Ive been pleasantly surprised...
  3. W

    Newbie question about stretching

    Hi guys, i have a small problem when i stretch that i need to deal with every time. So when i start my stretches my penis is 100% flaccid but after i do like ~30 sec SD stretches either to the left or right or just SD or even SO my penis get's little bigger. That means it's no longer in flaccid...
  4. B

    lube for jelqing

    what is everyone using for lube when they do jelqing.
  5. C

    Does the gravity...

    naturally stretch the penis and balls? what do u think about guys?
  6. B

    Predicted Results From This New Routine

    Hey guys, I know that everyone grows at different paces, but this is the routine I will begin in about a week and I want to know how fast you think I will grow. I am currently about 7.5 BPEL x 5.75 EG. Morning 20 Minutes of Jelqing 10 Minutes of SSJ Evening 1 Hour of as intense as possible...
  7. L

    August 2017 Prize Giveaway….Get Involved and Win Big Time! Over $5,000 in Prizes!

    Congratulations to eugine8plz for winning the June top quality poster of the month! & Congratulations to stillwantmore2 for winning the July top quality poster of the month! eugine8plz & stillwantmore2 please pm me your full name, mailing address, email address and prize of choice! Here are...
  8. T

    Long Read. Suffered ED at young age from PE but Fighting back for size! Not all bad!

    Hi guys. I would like to tell my story. Many years ago, about 10, I found out about PE. I had a normal penis and was a healthy, spry, 18 year old horny teen. One day, I read about jelqing and I quickly sort of jumped right in. An hour later, I was erect jelqing, my eyes could not believe the...
  9. F

    Follow the Flop!!

    Welcome to my progress thread. Im very new to this so no doubt ill be making a few mistakes or most likely be doing a few things wrong so im hoping you experts with the long shlongs can give me some advice. For us minis i hope i can encourage you all to grow grow grow!! Starting stats: BPEL...
  10. B

    can penis grow just with devices?

    hey, can the penis grow just with devices like phollosan, BM or SG, and without Jelq and streching with LM and manual? i have problem to do streching. my flaccid is really small is 2.5inches and all the skin is based near the glans, when i try to pull it , it really hurt in the skin, will baby...
  11. 7

    Pe didnt seem to work for me

    whats up guys! first time poster here but im no newbie to pe. ive trying manual pe ( stretch and jelq), for many years but only now im doing it consistenly (5 times a week for almost 10 months). I havent been able to made a single gain in lenght or in girth... My eq was never very bad, but...
  12. K

    Krest Journey (Finally) goal to a 9 inch

    hi.. Guys.. I have to say i have been on this site reading for Quite some times now matter of fact Years, might be since 2011 or earlier i can't recall I did some igf-1 lr3- few years ago like 2010 ( the guy i bought it from said i did not need to do a Cleanse(for lack of better word) PCT i...
  13. C

    When I look down I see...

    I don't see my growth when I look at my penis. I know it's longer and thicker but my eyes don't see it all the time. When flaccid my eyes go right to the scar that used to be the base of my penis and I look forward from there. For some reason I haven't trained them to include the new penis...
  14. S

    Best exercises for girth and length?

    I know there are 100's of exercises out there but i wanna know the exercises which are the ABSOLUTE BEST! What do you think are the best exercises for girth? AND What do you think are the best exercises for length? Cheers mates! Also feel free to include any devices!!
  15. B

    Bathmate Disassembly

    Just curious if anyone here has completely taken-apart their BM? I'm not talking about the valve/pip, but the whole enchilada...internal spring mechanism, valve housing, etc. The reason I ask is the fact that the VacuVin stopper looks to be an exact fit for the opening (visually speaking) and...
  16. A

    Help!Cant keep my hands off

    I have just restarted my PE journey and to tell you the truth i am enjoying it, probably way too much.keep in mind that My penis is stubborn and can take a lot of beating. Now the issue is that i cant keep my hands of PE.i do one session in the morning and do multiple short sessions during the...
  17. A

    Pushing to limits?

    Hi, Ive been doing PE for some years, but never consistantly. Now i am back to it and doing great , feeling great :). I always got this feeling that my penis can take a lot of beating. Somehow my penis perfoms better and take more stressful PE. Probably because when i started some years ago i...
  18. jekyllnhyde360

    This article should prove- Why you're lucky you found MOS

    In case you've ever been with a girl and wondered, ''hhhmmm, has she ever talked about our sex life or my dick to her friends,'' the answer is she has. If you have a big dick, her friends know, if you have a small dick, her friends and every broad you guys know, knows...
  19. D

    Should I start hanging? Or do I need to condition more?

    Hi MOS, I was wondering if I should start to hang for a few sets per week/ or day. I'm now busting my ass off with the Length Master. Is there such a thing as a plateau? And should I ramp up the intensity with the LM? Or start hanging? If I do both, will this cause me to hit a plateau very...
  20. S

    How hard do you pull?

    Hi all, Just wondering how hard you guys pull with the length master. I've had a hard time wrapping as my pens has the ability/tendency to become EXTREMELY soft and so invariably would slip out. Now I use the phallosan bell to keep the head and glans from slipping and it works, but if I try and...
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
      oldandlively @ oldandlively: More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and...