6 inch male searching for the best way to increase size, but not too much. Just want something better to bring to the table.
New to the forum so I'm clueless. Definitely need some sort of direction. LooKing to reach 7 or 8 inches. Girlfriend would love it.
Sorry new member, hope I don't...
Congratulations to cladre60 for winning the March top quality poster of the month!
cladre60 please pm me your full name, mailing address, email address and prize of choice!
Here are all the winners of 2017 so far…
January - huge-girth
February - Big Schwanz Acht
March - cladre60
OK Brothers...
Brothers in the coolest brotherhood.... I have a question... I am sorry I am asking to many since few days... Just too curious....
Does it make a difference gaining when guys are slim or medium or heavy sized.... which ones easily gain?
What's your favorite PE exercise, the one you feel you can't go without? Is it a certain stretch, specific girth work, work using any of the available tools (LengthMaster, Bathmate, hangers, etc)?
I'm too new to have a favorite, simply haven't explored enough yet but I'm trying to get there so...
Hello guys! Just joined some days ago and made a serious commitment to the DLD routine! My main problem is that I need stronger erections and I'm too ''soft'' but I think the program will help solve all of penile issues generally.
3rd day I've been doing the exercises and I have some questions...
Hello everybody
I am still rather new at this having started less than a week ago (1+year of reading the forum). When doing the basic stretches i have a hard time feeling any kind of stretch, other then down or behind the cheeks. There is a point on the top of my shaft that with light pressure...
Congratulations to Big Schwanz Acht for winning the February top quality poster of the month!
Big Schwanz Acht please pm me your full name, mailing address, email address and prize of choice!
OK Brothers for the March 2017 posting contest, here is what we are looking for:
• Members that get...
So I've always had EQ of 8-9 all my life but I've always been a notch below what I get with a CR.
I'm guessing that I'm not the first one thinking about this so I'd like to throw the question out there: are there any exercises to get a natural erection matching one with a CR? (no pills, and no...
Hi guys,
I need to have two operations in June and because of that my arms are pretty much useless for 1 or even 1,5 months, so that means no PE for me <:(
What can I do to keep my status quo and minimize the losses I could face during that downtime?
Hi guys . anyone got girth gains by using tunica tugs ??? in how long time ??? does it enlarge the glans too ??
or just the shaft ?? how many reps should do to maximize the gains ??? is it advanced exercise or newbie ???
Here is my virtual everyday and most days twice per day routine...I'm just wondering if it's too much(not in time but too much as in am I risking I jury by overdoing it)
-Warm up...(shower, warm towel, hot tub, etc) for 6 min with light stretching all angles.
(All stretching done below with a...
newbie routine
First post here, been lurking for a little while and thought I'd ask for some clarification from this helpful community.
So, I'm five inches and looking to gain two inches. I'm willing to invest time, effort and money. Gona start jelqing and manual stretching soon, was thinking of buying some...
Congratulations to huge-girth for winning the January top quality poster of the month!
huge-girth please pm me your full name, mailing address, email address and prize of choice!
Here are all the winners of 2017 so far…
January - huge-girth
OK Brothers for the February 2017 posting contest...
Hi all,
So i just bought my PF and what I am doing right now is 10 hours a day, 1 day off 60 hours a week.
Is this a good routine to see gains in the coming future? I have seen some people say to include manual work but I really don't have time for that hence why I bought a PF.
Also should I...
hi friends
Am new to this site and forum..I am reading success stories of of penis enlargments from many. I also have been practicing jelq for nearly 2 years..i gained good gain in my girth and I stays permanent even after 2 years
My major interest previously was to increase my girth. I...
Hi everyone!
I’ve decided to do PE for at least a 6 month period so I’m keep progress log. Depending on the results after 6 months I’ll decide if I’ll continue 1-2 more years.
I’ve always felt way below average and been kinda shy being naked amongst others. Also being cut where the majority of...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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