Until now, "spiders and penises are two things most people want to keep far, far apart," says Patrick Morgan at Discover Blog. But scientists at the Medical College of Georgia have found that poison from an aggressive Brazilian arachnid can help men achieve a lasting erection, even men who don't...
I just ordered a trial sample off of amazon of this, and was wondering if anyone had any success from it? Im not looking to gain massive size or anything, just want a little extra edge in the bedroom.
Hey guys,
The last few days have realy got me worried and I was hoping some of you can give me some advice based on experience or knowledge.
For the past 3 months, I've been taking finasteride 1 mg daily for hair loss/thinning. My doctor said I had nothign to worry about and that it was...
My girlfriend who lives in another state came to visit me for about 2 weeks.. I havent seen her since october (Ive been Penis Enlargementing since Nov).. By the 3rd day, she started bringing up how "good Ive been hitting it"... She said the first few days were amazing but she thought "maybe it...
I'm back and going strong at penis enlargement.
This is video #1 of the Superdick Video Saga
Hardcore Bathmate Stretches & Rotary Cranks
Hardcore Bathmate Stretches...Using the Suction
I am...
Hi Guys,
my name is Tobi and I am a german man of 20 years (so sorry for my bad english :s). I’m into the Penis Enlargement scene for a long time (maybe a year or so), but haven’t posted here yet.
I started my routine with the Jelqs and slowly incorporated Clamps, using a long, thin gasket...
I am a guy in his early 20s. My penis is size is I guess an average ranging from 6.6 to 7.1 Inches, depending on the arousal level.
I deeply believe that a larger penis would give me the confidence I am looking for, as average is never enough in any fields of my life.
Unfortunately, I am very...
Erectile dysfunction is an important warning sign of heart attack and stroke. Heart disease is the number 1 killer of men over 35. Until the recent studies on ED, sudden death was the first symptom in 33 percent of people with heart disease. Erectile dysfunction is a serious sign of blood vessel...
Hi guys
i remember pre Penis Enlargement days, when all i knew about Penis Enlargement was that they had pumps that gave temporary gains and gave you back your foreskin. I really thought surgery was the only way to increase your penis size, this was due to online articles from doctors who would...
fast results
Hello, I found this site and became quite interested (ofcourse, who wouldn't be). I heard about natural Penis Enlargement before but never tried it, I started doing jelqs 3 days from now.
so what I wanted to ask is.. You see I have ED, (for a year or so I think, with some times in between...
This is the first stage of animal testing, and really, if you read the document carefully, it's just an experiment to see how one might even monitor efficacy of stem-cell injection. If that made sense to you, you're a geek. But so am I. ;)...
hey everyone ive had a real problem with girth loss recently. i just started jelqing again 2 weeks ago after stopping for a long time to regain some gains. im at 7.5 inches and want to reach a maximum of 8.5. id say my girth is 5.5 at most, im real wide like 2 inches but ive noticed over the...
Just did a great session today 20 minutes with about 5 30 second hard core stretches. My dick looks so dam big in that tube, but im thinking its water that is magnifying it lol but anyways i marked exactly the tip of my dick were it reached on the Bathmate at full pump, then i measured and it...
Here's my concern:
I never feel like I'm at a full erection, even when I'm as hard as I can get, and even if there is some gorgeous girl in front of me. I've read a few testimonials about people being able to get it rock solid, with all the veins sticking out and the head and shaft fully...
Hey all,
A interesting email came in today basically asking if anyone wants to go on record on a radio show (over Skype) regarding the Bathmate.
They are looking for two types of users:
1. Medical professionals
2. Erectile Dysfunction OR people who see the benefits of using Bathmate to...
Hello mates!
Yeah, the title says everything. I am really upset now because there is simply no normal way I can get these cable clamps. I ordered over a month ago (on 14th March it is 2 months ago) a pack of cableclamps from CableClamps.com and stil am waiting for it. I payed 20 bucks + 6.76$...
How naive was i, damn it, for really going through with these exercises and now i can't even get an erection anymore without some pills helping me and even after that the the problem still persist because i can't hold it. It's a nightmare and it's been going for years. I've seen many doctors and...
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