erectile dysfunction

  1. B


    I'm having trouble reaching full erection. I think I may be desensitized from watching too much adult entertainment.(too much bangbros, lol) I can't get aroused no more from adult entertainment. What are some other effective ways of stimulation?
  2. R

    Harder erections .. try this!!!

    This shit WORKS ... I wont kid you. Okay it isnt like Viagra or anything like that but it WILL get your cock fuller and more erect more freq ... does for me and sometimes at work I have to dash to the toilet as I worj with so many woman, it can get alittle uncomfortable :) The poison is...
  3. S

    Priapism . . . Not So Much

    A while ago on these boards, many enthusiatic Penis Enlargement "researchers" were frequently discussing artificially creating the condition known as priapism as a secret avenue to huge Penis Enlargement gains. I came across this article accidently while browsing through an archive on...
  4. M

    Vimax Pills

    Ordered a 6 month supply. Do they really work?
  5. B

    Increase in Cum after quitting coffee!

    Whats up guys, been a while since I've logged in. Been taking a break from p.e. Anyways, I noticed that my cum shots were really pathetic. I started wondering if this had to do with me drinking 3 cups of coffee a day. So I quit, my balls literally feel heavier and bigger and my cum shots...
  6. V

    And Finally After Two Years>>> Vkay Gains!!!

    Hey everyone. I haven't had too much of a presence at MoS over the past several weeks. As you know, in I tried a 7 day on, zero day off routine for 5 weeks with no gains and I got lured into the whole IPR protocol. I decided to take an extended break from Penis Enlargement and it served me...
  7. S

    Freaked out about Erection hardness

    Hey Guys, I am a little bit freaked out today. I just started Penis Enlargementing and have been Penis Enlargementing for 4 days now (3 straight, 1 off and then yesterday). Typically my sessions take close to two hours BUT this is because i take a long time to jelq because i keep trying to...
  8. C

    The MoS Titan Pills

    Im thinking about ordering some of these, but would appreciate some feedback before I do.
  9. C

    What would be the best girth exercise

    I have made wonderful gains over the past couple of years in length, but my girth hasn't changed. Mostly because I have had problems with ED. I am getting better but I find it very difficult to do girth exercises. adult entertainment is out for a stimulant [causes problems between me and the wife], Viagra and...
  10. O

    PE may permanently damage penis! Be careful!

    It seems to me that many Penis Enlargement'ers will not accept the possibility that Penis Enlargement damages penises permanently. I've come to believe that Penis Enlargement is not a good practice for at least some people, perhaps for many, and I have suspicions that erectile dysfunction is...
  11. V

    Results of 5 weeks of Clamping Everyday with minimal Rest

    Hey Everyone As many of you know, 5 weeks ago, I decided to try for one month, to Clamp everyday, AM and PM, and take rests minimally. The routine: I averaged 65 minutes in the clamp, meaning some days more, some days less, but usually had 2-3 clamp sets in the morning, and 5-6 sets at...
  12. M


    I know that you've all seen the commercial about "Bob" who gained a little well earned respect from the neighbors. The thing is, I have never seen it discussed on here. And being the fact that it is the only natural male enhancement drug I see being commercialized on TV how come? Is this just...
  13. R

    The object of PE

    When I started with Penis Enlargement I was in a dark place and I mostly did the Penis Enlargement because I thought that I was small. I kept trying to convince myself that I did for my gf so she could enjoy sex more. But all the while it was just my own insecurity that was at fault. At a point...
  14. P

    wtf I dont get this!!!

    I dont understand how all of these people on this forum are like "yeah my dick is 8 inches long and I'm going to start using Penis Enlargement for a while." Hello your dick is already almost twice the average size!!! It's rediculous. If your dick is the size of a kielbasa then there is no reason...