I've been using constricters for girth and have had lots of success with it, but I was wondering if wearing an ace wrap or tensor band wrapped around the penis would hinder girth already achieved or pevent girth growth from happening.
I've tried this method a few times now, what it seems...
I decided to try the hanging thing for the first time. I got a cable cuff, wrapped it heavily with thick medical tape. The real cushy kind. When I close it, it fits perfectly without slippage. I drilled 3 holes in it to hang thin rope. Then I attached a 5 lb dumbbell, and bingo! I'm hanging...
This is my first real thread, or I should say that since I am not on anything other than natural chemicals that help me sleep since I am a terrible insomniac. I medicate with tetrahydracannibinol in moderate doses to sleep, not really ashamed of it not really proud I just accept that I am...
I built a Captains Wench yesterday for lazy manual skin stretching. I had to move the 'middle' gripper 2" to the right instead of 1 1/2" like the instructions say to be able to get the grippers on the sides of the shaft. I used a 60" nylon cord so that I can put my foot through the loop and tug...
Ive been waiting to post this for some time, partly due to the fact that I want to see if it would hold and not fall off and then I lost my digital cam(still havent found that bastard). This pic is taken with my phone, so Im hoping the quality is good enough.
Most ADS devices go on the...
I'm new here, but have been Penis Enlargementing for well over 10 years. Great site, love the info. I am also a member of another board, but like the content of both sites. I'm not going to reveal my "alter-ego," but I notice many old friends from long ago. Hope I can offer something of...
Does anyone not follow a specific routine but just constantly work out in whatever way they feel? I think I'm going to do this, 2 hours minumum a day of hardcore pe. Pumping, stretching, of course all I can think of.
One thing though, you would have to have a sense of direction, you couldnt...
Hello all. Now that girth attack soldiers has pretty much died off, I decided to start a fresh log.
For length: I will be using the Penismaster which arrived today. I have done about two hours so far, and I plan to get in at least 3 hours per day.
For girth: I usually do a 30-45 minute...
This is a post by tbirdy who has a great way to fix uneven chambers if you find you have them or have developed them.
I found out why I now have them, I have semi recently developed uneven chambers. It was coming from my cable clamp...
I am wondering what with all the new methods of Penis Enlargement are working the best right now.
For girth, I keep hearing slow squash jelq is the shit right? Ill count that as one, what are some other definite dos? Is the regular wet jelq becoming obsolete with all of these new ideas? Or...
I had heard originally that they could be found at Home Depot, so I went there and aked a worker and he told me they would be in the Electric section. I went over but could not find what has been used on this site by many of its members. So if someone could provide me with a link online or give...
I had absolutley no gains until that one day my bib hanger came. Since that late September day I have gained nearly an inch (almost at 8.25) so I am stoked as hell. I hang straight out, over the shoulder and side to side and after every session I clamp on 1 1/2 pounds for all day hanging. Gains...
I am headed to HOME DEPOT tonight and I am going to get a box of clamps (2 sizes) So many guys can't get them so I figured this would be helpful. Let me know if you need some.
A bag of rubber bands caught my eye on the local store. They were only ~0,5€ or so, so I just had to buy em.
Applied two of them(one just under the glans, other on the very base of shaft) in the office toilet. So far so good, gives a subtle pressure addition. Going to experiment with...
...it does so for me :)
First part is a little background info on how I got the curve and the different sized chambers in my Penis Enlargement History . Skip it if you just want to see what I came up with.
Part 1 (I'll...
Are they any good and where can I get them? I'm worried about the standard cause I am thinking that if I eat some viagra and put a ring on and then start pumping and then my erection don't go down it will fuck me up. I just want something I can remove.
Slow Squash Jelq with Soft Wrap
My development of this version of the SSJ was inspired by RED, Crayzed and Dash - True Penis Enlargement Pioneers
The original instructions for the Slow Squash Jelq are below. The biggest difference with this version is a soft wrap that accomplishes a few things...
So I took my first good measurement today:
BPenis EnlargementL: 6"
EG: 4.5"
I'm going to be doing 300 wet jelq at a slow pace plus 200 more at a fast pace each day 5-7 days per week. Also, once I either get enough money or the promo discount is worked out with Vimax I plan to purchase one of...
Its getting a joke, get the threads in the correct bloody sections.
It aint rocket science, if its say a cable clamp related thread it goes into the alternative section, if its pumping than the same.
Hanging in the hanging section, if your new here and are stuck than the newbie section is...
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