I have tried to clamp for a day at a time...obviously I need to loosen the clamp somewhat...every so often...but the results have been awesome. I start in the morning by taking some Bayer aspirin and arnica...and put the clamp on after getting an erection. I then will periodically loosen the...
I have been all around every DIY store where i live B&Q, Wilks, B&Q Warehouse and i can not find a cable clamp ANYWHERE...im in the UK. Ive tried ebay and nothing!!! all shit plastic ones.
Does anyone know where i can purchase the proper cable clamps over the internet that delivery to the UK...
just to let vac hangers know, MonkeyBar is releasing a green sleeve within a week. it is proclaimed to be twice the strength of the exsisting sleeve.
keep pushing
Hi There!
I'd like to buy some clamps but here in GERMANY they are very expensive.
they sell them in sets with 4 small (useless) ones and 1 in the right size for about 10$ !!
so I have to pay 10$ for 1 clamp.
could someone give me a link of a cheap store for buying clamps in the right size...
Hey y'all,
As I sit in the city of sex (Paris), I'm pondering -Financially Friendly- Penis Enlargement techniques before I go the Autoextender.com etc. route.
So here's what I've concocted (my apologies if it's already an established idea).
A while back sombody stated in a Large Dicked...
ive been doing a clamping routine for a few weeks now, and after training on monday my erections are really bad. i didnt do anything particuarly stressfull, just had 2 days rest before that session. well i tested my erection last night by taking viagra and it was very weak say 70% is this a...
I have been reading the threads for a while now and I don't think I have read about a technique like this. I cam across it quite by accident about a year ago. my newgirfriend likes it on top and so for months and months that is all we would do and after a while she said "you have grown" and I...
Hey every body,
I jelqed for about 3 years but not regularly, I get bored of oils and the hole idea, i tried another exercise but it didn't suit me specially every thing related with stretching.
I finally tried clamping and I did remarkable results, maybe not in the measuring but on the look...
I want to start clamping but I cannot find one for shit. I bought some hose clamps... but that was a bust. Im just looking for a little help. I need a real cable clamp, one that resembles a set of pliers? (Did I spell that rite?)
Hi Guys, about 1-2 years ago I read on here about some alternative to a cable clamp that you could find in the automotive section of a store. I was just wondering what the name of it is. I have a cable clamp but was just curious to know what the alternative that people were using. It kind of...
my girl is 5'7 140 lbs and I have a mere 4.3 inch girth! AWWW FUCK! Why did I have to be born? I am so damn idealistic too that I have this mental state that I'd never satisfy her unless I was a big as shane diesel. an I think it may be impossible. I mean if a 5'3 girl can take him I'm gonna...
Hey Guys,
Well i been one of the unfortunate people who cannot get access to cable clamps, vimax extenders, and yadidaz !! as i live in a stupid asian country and it took me AGES TO EVEN FIND A DAMN CABLE clamp !! >:(
Can Any One be Kind enuff to device some method for me to keep my...
arlight guys. im interested in buying these
what is the size of them small med and large.
this guy is only selling small and medium. will one of thes fit on my dick im 5.0 inches erect...
I was clamping a couple nights ago, usually the farthest I go is three clicks, the intensity was up and i must of lost count because i went that one extra click and pop....the clamp was gone. Anyone else ever done this??
I've been pe'ing for a couple years now and have seen a great improvement in flaccid length, but not much in erect length. I know that flaccid gains are supposed to turn into erect gains if your consistant but this hasn't been the case for me. I stretch the hell out of the little guy too, for...
This is just to show how much expansion clamping can provide so you can see what kind of an increse you are getting when clamping. Mind you I had just put the clamp on for maby a minute when these measurments took place. And I must say that after I do my routine in the clamp I am even bigger...
Well, hi guys, been a while.
I started my own clamping/constrictors a while ago, and as i felt I am an experienced pe'er I thought i could work it quite hard. Well I know I have damaged myself.
After my session a had a feeling i can only describe as "itchy, tingly" inside and around my urethra...
Don't you just love the days where you know your cock isn't any bigger but for some reason you look at it in a more confident light? This random occurance of confidence helps me with my workouts because for some reason it is easier to maintain a good blood flow for jelqing and other exercises...
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