base girth

  1. N

    In his almighty image!

    I came across this and this is the ideal model of how I would like to build my cock to. thick and massive shaft and have the thickness taper into my head. Right now I am focusing on the length aspect of PE, my girth is to be worked on once I hit the marker for my short term goal. I currently...
  2. T

    Is It Possible?

    To put it bluntly, I'm sick and tired of 5"! So, I've finally decided to take this matter into my own hands (pun), and make an account here. My goal is about 7" (My lucky number). But, I don't want to even start anything unless I know whether my goal is attainable or not. If the answer to the...
  3. H

    Long time lurker brings a treat :)

    Hi everyone! Long time lurker and PE practitioner here. 10 years and counting ;) I wanted to share something with those of you struggling to get girth from midshaft and upward. You can incorporate this into your existing girth routine if you like. Warning! This exersise should obly be...
  4. L

    The habit

    I originally did pe about ten years ago as I was just about completely average, at about 5.6 bpel and a little under 5 in girth. My first go at pe took me all the way up to sslammers, which honestly just became too draining and ceased to be fun. I quit out hitting 7.75 bpel and a smidge above 5...
  5. S

    do you have to give up blowjobs at 7inch girth

    i wonder cuz thats the girth ima stop at i truly dont care if i give up bjs just wondering
  6. V

    Permanent gains?

    Hi all, just to give some figures about penis pumping and permanent gains. It is true that the size one has in the tube is not the same than when you come out, and in several hours you "lose" most of the expansion, but there are small, cumulative gains that cement by themselves over time. I...
  7. J

    24 hours a day of PE

    I've been doing this for the last couple weeks and it going well. I'll go through a typical day of what I do. 430am wake up and do 1 round of manual stretches and hang for 20 minutes. 5 am Put on divo suit and hit the gym for 1.5 hours. Come home take a shower and do a round of manual stretches...
  8. S

    Wife Vetoed PE

    I was about to get back into PE, but the wife just vetoed it. It already hurts her too much, she says. I'm still allowed to use an ADS to make it bigger while soft, but she won't let me do anything to make it bigger while hard because it already hurts her too much. ACE and SizeGenetics with...
  9. G

    Bathmate is not working?

    I have tried pumping for about a week now and I have not seen any results. I believe I'm using it correctly. I do not even see temp results right after use. Is it possible that blood circulation could be cut off with pressure against my pelvic bone?
  10. L

    MoS All Day Stretcher / All Night Stretcher! Feedback & Beta-Testers Needed!

    That is right DLD and I have decided to manufacture an All Day Stretcher (ADS) / All Night Stretcher (ANS). We want to add something to compliment the power of the LengthMaster for those looking for long periods of stretching during sleep and at work. We need your feedback on what attachment...
  11. T

    Questions about the bathmate. New to MOS here.

    Hey guys, long time lurker around these forums. I'm having some problems with the bathmate, any help is greatly appreciated. Some details are that I have the bathmate extremex40 and I've been doing PE for about 8 months consistently with maybe an eigth of an inch in length. Also, not the first...
  12. S

    Is it Realistic to Gain 2 inches in 3 months?

    If I did the newbie stretches twice a day, followed by a jelq session then 2 sets of a 10 minute bathmate session, followed by another jelq session. Would it be realistic to put on two inches to length in 3 months?
  13. H

    My Journey to 9 inches length and 7 inches Girth

    First and foremost, permit my poor english. For the very first time, I've decided to create a progress thread for myself because I've come to realize that it boost my zeal and love for PE. I've been doing PE off and on since 2008 with some little gains. I've bought an SG for the third time (I...
  14. I

    New finding.

    Hello All. As you all know I have been trying to break my Lenght Plateau for many months now since i needed 2 things: 1- my Length to catch up with my girlth 2- cementing my Flacid gain to get erect gain So, I have been experimenting for last 8 weeks and here is my finding. 1- Masturbation...
  15. D

    girth gain is equals to length gain??? really???

    hello....i read somewhere in the forum that girth gain means length gain coz the penis expands like a balloon. if its true then why some guys gain girth but not length and vice versa? i hope that the experienced pe practitioners will chime in this topic. thanks in advance.
  16. P

    semi new to pe

    Hello I been doing bathmate for half a year now and want to start getting decidated to doing it. I was wondering if starting off with dld stretches fallowed by jelqing and finishing it off with bathmate 6/6 sessions too much. Or what does to do all 3 or days to do 2/3 if anyone can give advice...
  17. K

    Kingsnake back in the game with the DP-4000 DIGITAL MAXIMIZER pump

    Hey what’s up fellas. The snakeman is in the building. It’s been a long time. As most already now, I’m married with a kid now. My son is 8 months old now and is growing fast. He’s like my light skinned mini clone. LOL. Anyway though. I haven’t done any serious PE in a long time except for some...
  18. L

    Why does every man have an 8" cock?

    It seems like every time I meet someone new and they find out about what I do and did in the past, they have to let me know they have an 8" cock. Why is 8" the magic number for most men? I'm pretty sure 95% of the men on this forum never seen an 8" cock in person.
  19. C

    x30 or x40?

    Hi guys, I would like to ask which is the recommended bathmate to use? My NBPEL is 5.25 in. and EG on the middle is 4.2 in. Based on the website, I should get an x30 but I was thinking of getting x40 for more room to grow? And also, when measuring girth, should I measure on the middle or on...
  20. J

    Pumping over 20 minutes

    Doe anyone pump for over 20 min? I know the recommendation on here is sets with jelqs to reduce water retention. However i love how fat my dick is after pumping for 25 min straight and the water retention is just temporary and it's usable in the short term being that you can use the extra girth...
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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