base girth

  1. H

    Blood circulation and SG usage

    I want to find out from you guys if I can lose my dick due to lack of blood circulation mainly from using the SG. I wear the SG at max tension using the noose strap for 40 minutes. When it gets to the 30th minute, I lose blood circulation and sensation of my glans but I still leave the SG on for...
  2. M

    Girth or length which has the higher edge and why ?

    According to me girth has the higher edge. Why my views later.
  3. G

    Extending semi-erect for gains??

    I have a few questions. Is it bad to extend semi-erect? Could there be more potential extending semi-erect then flaccid? I have a homemade extending and sometimes extend sem-erect. I'm thinking this could speed my length gains. Are there any extenders that I can use with 6.5 to 7 inch erect base...
  4. M

    avoid to much length work for better girth gains

    whassup yall, right now i want to make huge girth gains but i dont know much about girth cause these 2 almost 3 years i wanted only length my problem is this i have a lot of time to pe and i want to make major girth gains but i dont know if i should drop the length work for better eq this first...
  5. H

    SG base too tight for me

    So I have received my SG this morning and I used it but the base is just too tight for me and I cannot feel comfortable because it keeps shocking the life out of my penis. I'm very angry and disappointed once again. Now I'm telling myself one thing, I am already 8 inches Bone pressed and I still...
  6. A

    has anyone made major gains from just wrapping and/or cockring only?

    I'm starting to wonder if high intensity PE is what really causes growth or if frequent low intensity throughout the day can create more blood flow and overall more growth. The reason I ask is throughout my noob gains I had great EQ, and as my growth slowed and we add intensity the EQ must...
  7. G

    need advice guys

    Hey brothers. I'm making this thread about my progress and insecurities about me growing and my size. Every once in awhile I get down and insecure about my penis and growth. Like I feel like sometimes PE isn't working for me. But I have made gains. I just feel like I'm going through a Plateau...
  8. D

    Fast gains.

    Currently with the penilizer im gaining half an inch a month. Im at 9.25 inches bone pressed erect length already. My question is what would you do if you could gain half an inch in length a month?
  9. J

    Jake's Progress Thread (SiliStretcher, Pumping, and Red Light)

    Well... I am back! I missed a few weeks as I had a nasty battle with bronchitis/pneumonia followed by 2 trips across the country for work. So I have been off my normal PE schedule. The good news is, in this off time I ordered and received my Bathmate X40, and I tried it out for the first time...

    Bathmate(no water)

    Im starting to love the bathmate hehe but i was wondering if i could use the device whit no water that wont be everyday, but sometimes i wouldnt be water friendly..thanks
  11. J

    Uneven penis girth

    Hey Guys, How's it going.. I am hoping that anyone can help me out with my question but specifically DLD. I measured my erect penis girth and it turns out that my upper shaft which is closer to the head is thicker than my lowe shaft and the base of my penis. My uppershaft near my head is 5.5...
  12. C

    Ways to increase Base Girth

    Hello guys! I am an old PEer and i am back in these forums nowadays. DLD and a couple of other members have asked me to provide some information and views on increasing the base girth. As an introduction i have to say that base girth probably has been the most useful part of my cock because it...
  13. L

    What size condoms you using?

    I'll be honest and say that me using a condom rarely happens. But due to some recent dryness from vac extender there's been some discomfort so I figured I'd see if maybe rubbers could give some relief. I used to be 6.5x5 and found regular condoms worked fine. Then I was at 7.5x5 for 10 years or...
  14. L

    To 8x6, AND BEYOND!!!

    Pages 1-10 are previous experience up until a point where I needed a break. Pages 10-now are current experience with a daily log entry for my latest routine Because Buzz Light Year I figured it's due for me to post how I finally got here. Long time ago, maybe 11 years now, I was upper...

    Bathmate (gains)

    I have this bathmate x40 and im gonna start a routine(5x5x3) kind of thing,im gonna start in february the first and im gonna measure march 31st,i was just curious about the gains i could get...Any ideas Thanks
  16. A

    Average penis length- question

    Hello guys, I had a question about the average penis length. This is quite confusing, because some studies measure in BPEL, and others measure in NBPEL. Most studies put the average length somewhere between 5 and 6 inches, but again some measure in BPEL, and others measure in NBPEL (which can...
  17. A

    aimingforthe top at it again. now with srt and a whole lot of tools to play with

    Pe is one of those things where real life gets in the way alot. i see myself as a veteran of these forums even though i am not the most active player here. in the past i had a thing with starting up heavy and then falling off too fast. simply because life got in the way. these days things don't...
  18. Z

    I found the exact size and penis I want to get.

    I found this dick on tumblr and it's EXACTLY what I want my dick to look like. Exact size and everything. Any guesses on size? I'm thinking 8.5inches long and 7inches of girth with huge width.
  19. L

    I have to praise you

    If I hadn't found this place forever ago and joined up I wouldn't have even made the massive gains I've had in girth or learned any of the tricks I use before sex. My base girth is over 6. With a ring and bathmate it's over 6.5. Then wearing the ring during sex beefs it up to closer to 7. Now...
  20. P

    Question about Bathmate x30

    This is simple question, please be honest in replies. Would Bathmate x30 gonna be too big for my penis? My current size is 6.8 in length and 5.3 in girth