Hello! New Joiner, 6 months of PE

Thanks for keeping in touch!
Have not come across any new growths but will give you an update on my current routine:

So I made some tweaks to my current wrapping method as I found that there have been some instances of slippage, which usually occurs as I'm pulling my LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging in a downward direction. Have noticed even more slippage when I pull in an upward direction, even while the plates & bolts are screwed on firmly. While my foreskin is fully retracted, I notice my frenulum slowly pushes itself out at first, then eventually smaller surrounding parts at the top of my foreskin. At times I even notice the top of my wrap pushing into the base of my glands nearing the end of some sets which doesnt sound ideal.
So now I've used shorter pieces of THERABAND by cutting into two long pieces which I wrap around the top & bottom halves of my shaft (made a small difference by reducing the amount of folds/creases in the Theraband), also used a short length of bandage and then used a longer piece of the black tape so it wraps around my entire shaft (trying to reduce friction across all parts of my shaft). This has made a slightly positive difference in the quality of grip in the Lengthmaster.

Lengthmaster routine:
Firstly, I've decided to attach the lengthmaster closer to the base of the shaft so there's more focus on lig stretches, as opposed to attaching close to the glands (being mindful about clamping etc.). When pulling straight down (seated) I feel a noticeable difference in my ligs as I'm able to feel a deep inner soreness (dull stretch), may feel uncomfortable but I try to let this feeling sit in this position for each rep.
More recently, I came across another user's post regarding their current routine with suggestions to aim for 5min holds, rotating left to right, in a BTC position (think this may have been shared by SIM). So I've been experimenting with this routine for a few days now to see if I notice any new changes or sensations.
Routine consisted of 2x downward stretches + 2x BTC stretches lasting close to 5mins each, gripping at the shaft base, and then immediately jumping into a 10min MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY session after my 2nd workout of the day. As I'm attaching at the base, I can only fit in less rotations but can gradually rotate as far as 1.5 bundles (there might be a BTC video demonstrating this). Felt sore on my first day of the updated routine but not so much on my 2nd or 3rd day. Similarly, my penis was more noticeably elongated after my first attempt, (while unwrapping and sitting in front of my MOSRED) but back to normal on the following days (idk if this is due to a lack of technique or just something new that my penis is getting used to). So yes the routine sounds promising but I feel like I'll need to feel a constant lig/inner penis soreness before I can feel 100% confident in my routine. Also making sure to remove penis from the chamber in between sets.

Still using my Phallosan Plus during my weekdays or on days where I'm resting from Lengthmaster, with a focus on increasing the bar length after the 1st hour of usage. I also aim to put my Phallosan Plus on after a Lengthmaster routine to keep my penis in a fatigued state with microtears. However, it's hard for me to tell if this device is actually making a real contribution to my gains or if my penis has outgrown Phallosan Plus. I don't think I've felt any direct soreness from this extender alone as of recent. So I'm not sure if I should stick with this device or opt for a different model? (e.g SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger). Wonder if there's a major difference in models with a rod system or ones using a belt (like phallosan forte) as I'm able to get away with using a rod system during WFH.

Once again, thanking you all for reaching out and keen to hear your thoughts on my routine and for any other suggestions to gain length asap :)
Thanks for keeping in touch!
Have not come across any new growths but will give you an update on my current routine:
Looks like the routines needed to be revised to break the initial needs. Don't stay in a routine too long. You need to constantly change your routines every 4 to 6 weeks to keep the body break out of the static adaptation rate. If you need more help and info, let us know.

So I made some tweaks to my current wrapping method as I found that there have been some instances of slippage, which usually occurs as I'm pulling my Lengthmaster in a downward direction. Have noticed even more slippage when I pull in an upward direction, even while the plates & bolts are screwed on firmly. While my foreskin is fully retracted, I notice my frenulum slowly pushes itself out at first, then eventually smaller surrounding parts at the top of my foreskin. At times I even notice the top of my wrap pushing into the base of my glands nearing the end of some sets which doesnt sound ideal.
So now I've used shorter pieces of Theraband by cutting into two long pieces which I wrap around the top & bottom halves of my shaft (made a small difference by reducing the amount of folds/creases in the Theraband), also used a short length of bandage and then used a longer piece of the black tape so it wraps around my entire shaft (trying to reduce friction across all parts of my shaft). This has made a slightly positive difference in the quality of grip in the Lengthmaster.
Sounds like you're working out the kinds to the wrapping. We have methods of all kind. If you're not gaining any success on the wrap, we'll all help. By the way, make sure to wrap a bit more "bulky". The bulkiness is the key to create traction compression to hold the penile shaft in place, especially near the base of the glans. Let us know if you need more visual tips. I've recently posted the methods to help the brothers.

Lengthmaster routine:
Firstly, I've decided to attach the lengthmaster closer to the base of the shaft so there's more focus on lig stretches, as opposed to attaching close to the glands (being mindful about clamping etc.). When pulling straight down (seated) I feel a noticeable difference in my ligs as I'm able to feel a deep inner soreness (dull stretch), may feel uncomfortable but I try to let this feeling sit in this position for each rep.
More recently, I came across another user's post regarding their current routine with suggestions to aim for 5min holds, rotating left to right, in a BTC position (think this may have been shared by SIM). So I've been experimenting with this routine for a few days now to see if I notice any new changes or sensations.
Routine consisted of 2x downward stretches + 2x BTC stretches lasting close to 5mins each, gripping at the shaft base, and then immediately jumping into a 10min MOSRED session after my 2nd workout of the day. As I'm attaching at the base, I can only fit in less rotations but can gradually rotate as far as 1.5 bundles (there might be a BTC video demonstrating this). Felt sore on my first day of the updated routine but not so much on my 2nd or 3rd day. Similarly, my penis was more noticeably elongated after my first attempt, (while unwrapping and sitting in front of my MOSRED) but back to normal on the following days (idk if this is due to a lack of technique or just something new that my penis is getting used to). So yes the routine sounds promising but I feel like I'll need to feel a constant lig/inner penis soreness before I can feel 100% confident in my routine. Also making sure to remove penis from the chamber in between sets.
Looks like you got your routines for the attack. but don't just focus so much on the ligs that you fail to push for the tunica as well. 85% to 90% is your tunica and shaft lengthening, while only 10% to 15% is your ligs. I would say dedicate one set of the aggressive routines for the ligs, and the rest of the sets for the tunica.

Still using my Phallosan Plus during my weekdays or on days where I'm resting from Lengthmaster, with a focus on increasing the bar length after the 1st hour of usage. I also aim to put my Phallosan Plus on after a Lengthmaster routine to keep my penis in a fatigued state with microtears. However, it's hard for me to tell if this device is actually making a real contribution to my gains or if my penis has outgrown Phallosan Plus. I don't think I've felt any direct soreness from this extender alone as of recent. So I'm not sure if I should stick with this device or opt for a different model? (e.g silistretcher). Wonder if there's a major difference in models with a rod system or ones using a belt (like phallosan forte) as I'm able to get away with using a rod system during WFH.
After an aggressive LengthMaster routine, as long as you can use 800g to 1100g of traction force for the next 4 hours, optimally at 10 hours, you'll see the growth faster. Your extender will act as an elongation device to keep the cellular gaps for adaptive repairs. That means your cells are working hard to fill in the missing gaps during the elongation state. Same for smaller cells combining to make larger cells. But, the trick is to constantly keep the traction pressure at 800g to 1100g. Even with the SiliStretcher, I have to constantly adjusting it to ensure it's under proper tension. After a while, you can feel the proper tension simply by tugging on the penis and the sensation of tension will tell you immediately. For now, you just have to look at the springs under tension indicator.

Once again, thanking you all for reaching out and keen to hear your thoughts on my routine and for any other suggestions to gain length asap :)
Always know we are here for you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and never stop asking. Inform us more of your progress as well.
Always know we are here for you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and never stop asking. Inform us more of your progress as well.
All brothers need to take advantage of the information and knowledge we offer. Never fear asking questions
Ok this probably came around too soon but I think I might have to take a rest from lengthmaster for the next few days (at least 3-4). I've had a small cut on the top of my shaft which I've tried to push through during my last few workouts but the cut doesn't seem to go away. So while I'm resting up I'm gonna spend this time into researching PE and gather more info that I could apply to my daily routines.

For the time being, I'll continue using my Phallosan Plus (aiming for more than the standard minimum of 4 hours) in addition to elongated wrapping during my healing. Will also continue to use 2x daily MOSRED sessions for 10mins each.

As for my cut, I'll be using Vitamin E oil on a daily basis. I normally use this when I come across any cuts, bruising, funny veins etc. or anything that should help repair the skin. Otherwise, open to learning about other treatment alternatives for these types of injuries or similar.

Should also mention I'm currently taking Citrulline Malate, HMB Powder and Vitamin D3 as previously recommended, as well as a Maca Root supplement in tablet form. Have also read that D3+K2 supplements are especially effective when it comes to nutrient absorption but curious to hear if you have any thoughts on this?

Now while I'm resting up, I'm reading into a few different topics, one of them being the concept of reverse kegels. It's something I haven't really understood or looked into during PE but it's been said that it's a vital part of length gains. From a novice point of view, I've read that it's just a motion of internally controlling certain muscles in your pelvic floor, and that it's something you would naturally do while going to the toilet. So if I were to incorporate this into my PE routines, should I be doing a reverse kegel during a stretch (whether it's manual or with a device)? How often should I be performing reverse kegels? And how soon would I expect to see any kind of benefits? I've read that it's also beneficial for improving EQ so I'm curious to see how this will effect my penis. EQ is still something I'm lacking in but overall the only significant times where I've noticed an improvement in my erections was when I've made each perm gain in length/girth. It almost feels like I'm putting together the building blocks of a perfect erection upon gaining size, so yes this is something I'm trying to work towards as well.

I'll probably have more questions/ideas along the way but yeah hoping I can recover pretty quick. I know it's always a bummer having to pause your routine and potentially miss out on gains after losing consistency. I remember there was one time months ago when I was only doing manual bundles and had to take a week off to heal a thrombosed vein, but after starting manual bundles again I noticed one spurt in girth gains assuming my penis had a shock after resting. Hopefully another miracle like this happens this time around before I resume lengthmastering (xd)
Looks like you got this brother. Even if you allow the penis to rest for the cut, which I actually am resting now for the same reason because of an idiotic mistake from not paying attention, wrap the penis up to keep it partially elongated in low traction tension to get the blood to occupy the penis. Not too tight though.
Wrapping is an art, practice and trying different style to perfect your method. Do not fear trying different styles or even coming up with your own style as this will allow you to have the perfect wrap.

With your cut, alow it to heal completely heal. You can continue kegels but nothing else.
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