case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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i wish you could too. theres just not much hope. today has been very rough. nothing but aggravating burning while driving. i guess everything is inflamed from the sex this week. i dont know anymore. this is more stress than a person should ever have to deal with,and its not going anywhere
Know I am praying for you every day.
im still trying to come through this and understand what has even happened. my junk is still in there somewhere and functional even. it just gets clamped off it seems all hours of the day now , unless my wife gets around it. i cant release it no matter what i try. its like it has to come out on its own or its not happy about it. it is the worst when im up moving and active. which is destroying me as a person entirely. if i could just get the life into it, the feeling is really not that wrong. im just a little fuzzy on feel with light touch on top of the glans it seems. but if its normal size, and my insides dont feel like theyre clamped off, it really doesnt effect me all that much. it just doesnt ever happen anymore.

after i took a crap this morning , there are wrinkles and veins ive never ever seen in my life it was so constricted. and when its like this,its just impossible to feel aroused whatsoever. (all day usually). and that makes it all that much more sensitive and heightened awareness of it being absent in my pants. i tried some things on it this morning to see if i could feel it on glans. sheets i can feel . towels i can feel. boxers i could feel. a super light feather duster i "could" feel, although it was a little hard to make out. and the boxers might have been a little on the soft side. but i could feel it.

through this whole year, ive seemed to progressively lose my healthy plump package into this shrunken worthless, hard flaccid crap. and sometimes, it is hard like hard flaccid, but mostly just limp. like really limp , where i only feel kegels deep in my rectum. early on,it would seem fine sometimes even during the day, although i had couldnt feel correctly. it didnt bother me much though. then after that stopped happening ,id only regain my penis at night when i lay down, and was fine when i got up in morning till i hit my feet.. then that started slowly changing. thats when i started stretching, and i could actually feel stuff inside flowing into my penis. it would even bring arousal again,kegels would work, and nocturnal erections would return very strong(that night even) as time went on though, it just kept fading away. stretches did nothing . so, now , i generally sleep all night with the limpest of things ive ever seen. and nocturnals either dont happen, or arent strong and sometimes num.

but....if i get a stretch like last week, where i do have sex, and dont cum, ill seem to do ok at night, and even wake up aroused some. then its like i seem to overdo it , and it puts me right where im at now, crashed with nothing again. i dont get it. with arousal, and healthy feeling flaccid size, i could deal with the off feelings i have all day long. but without that, it just destroys me . all i feel like this when i hold a kegel is a tight sensation right up through my penis like it just cant get through or something. and when i do have sex, my whoel erection seems tight as well. really weird.
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im just rambling here for my own records,or any helpful idea. i took another viagra sat at lunch to try to ease pain. it didnt do anything at all. i was in pretty good pain that day which drained me mentally. that night i had strong erections. evenwoke up in morning horny, and plump like i should, and it felt good even. its the only time i really felt like a kegel had a good feeling at the other end like its supposed to. sunday was kinda meh, didnt really have any pain though. sun night i had good erection again. woke up horny as night earlier. seems the pill does "something" although very delayed? again though, oncei get up moving , my glans just feels destroyed and numb. with zero kegel response.shrunk and cold. so then i go sit down awhile, and i get a little relief inside. i feel the flow/burn sensation inside my penis from kegeling. it just doesnt ever open up enough. i get up and work, and i usually lose that sensation, andreverts to feeling disconnected,and cold again. other notes, last night i had a hard walk through a thick field. anytime i do anything strenuous, i completely lose my penis. i dont mean the normal way i always have. i mean extreme. very cold, lose all feeling, zero flow. my glans has issues feeling in clothing. i feel things when actually touching it, although a little skewed, and sensitive in spots. it feels actually ok to live if i have a normal plump day. i just dont anymore.
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looking back, i should have let it be the first month, but i panicked. then after hard flaccid did resolve itself, it was looking up i thought. i had sex. then that night got a good erection while sleeping and finished that off. then at daylight woke up again really hard, and thought this must be a good sign and did it again. next few days put it in a coma. and ive not really had a good day since.that was late october.

i dont have any drive unless i intentionally get physical. i still get morning erections generally. some good, some not so good. but there is no fullness or length there when flaccid anymore, and the life just seems gone. i thought after going 30 days of nothing, sex would be ok . and it was. but now im back to square one again with not much arousement if any all day. and the dissapearing act is very hard to deal with in my head.

im totally lost here. i just want my life back. all i want to do is be asleep now. i avoid showers and using the bathroom cause i dont even want to look at it anymore. what i had was just fine, and for some reason i believed this would give me a little boost. and it did....until it didnt
I know it’s been awhile since you posted this. This info makes me think so many ejaculations in a short time made an excess amount of Prolactin kicked in. Which will crush your drive among other things too.
I know it’s been awhile since you posted this. This info makes me think so many ejaculations in a short time made an excess amount of Prolactin kicked in. Which will crush your drive among other things too.
i understand that for sure. that was a long time ago though. im not sure thats improved much though at this point.
@notmeanymore you might have multiple things going on. Some other posts I read of yours also makes me think of low Testosterone. …Dr.’s will say it is in range, nothing to worry about. But that “in range” might be too low for you. Get it tested and let us know what your numbers are/were.
@notmeanymore you might have multiple things going on. Some other posts I read of yours also makes me think of low Testosterone. …Dr.’s will say it is in range, nothing to worry about. But that “in range” might be too low for you. Get it tested and let us know what your numbers are/were.
i had around 550 . that was in april or may.
Total is a bit low. My total was 875ng/dL 2 months ago. Free level was 267pg/ml. This is the level for the healthy late 20s or early 30s males. Those who are in their 40s and 50s doing weight lifting and chiseled or athletes are the same.
well id hate to see what it is now after ive dealt with this. sex is actually the last thing i want to regain. its rediculous what i am. i try to do any simple thing outside, even walking, an i draw up like a pencil and get even number. if i could just kegel and feel anything, that would help a lot. yetthis morning i wake up aroused, and the feelign is there. holy crap this is so frustrating. if my nerves could heal a tad more,
this would all go away id think, yet so much time has passed....
i had around 550 . that was in april or may.
Bottom is 300 before they offer TRT on average. Mine was 400, found a TRT/men’s heath dr. Now I’m around 1,000. Get yours higher, your libido and some other symptoms should go away. (Don’t know about the weird sensations you describe though)

You can raise it naturally with herbs too, just slower.
Bottom is 300 before they offer TRT on average. Mine was 400, found a TRT/men’s heath dr. Now I’m around 1,000. Get yours higher, your libido and some other symptoms should go away. (Don’t know about the weird sensations you describe though)

You can raise it naturally with herbs too, just slower.
these sensations and lack of them, are the worst thing on the planet. the only time i get away from it is when im aroused. i never lost feeling or size anything close to this at first. i thought hurting nerves would show up upon injury. not show up later on, and then slowly go in the toilet.
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The weird feeling of the numbness is just that, an odd kinking, pinching, or severed nerve ending like we've discussed in the past. It happens all throughout the body, be the fingers, toes, part of the limbs, with penis included. Peyronie's also recorded to have similar symptoms. When we do PE, thrombosis, deep veins thrombosis, kinks, accelerated nerve growth or improper tissue tears without proper healing, and even accidental compression of any nerve branches can cause this numbness to manifest. The closest to describe this phenomenon is a comparative sciatica, influenced by an injury to a nerve branch.
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yeah. my whole glans feels it. most times in my pants it feels distant or even gone. in my hand it feels everything. although "brightened" at times. so confusing.
That's the strange thing. None of us could figure out the directive of this. We noticed this discussion in the past too, and even to the elite of the medical professionals in the pathology departments, they all came up with the "?!!"

If the nerve branch is damaged, the main two senses cannot be felt. That means pressure (touch) and temperature. Of course, the two senses are really 14, where as the 5 main senses are more than 34 inter-related senses. If the penile shaft and glans can feel "everything", the discussions were thermal, touch, pressure, and sensitivity are all active and optimal on the outside. When blood filled the cavernosa and spongiosum, that's internal triggering to cover the remainder. Both internal and external are optimal. However, when there's no thermal influence, while there's sensivity and pressure, optimal conditions are not reached. This is why we suggested wrapping up to keep the temperature constant to reach optimal point.

But then, we're all scratching our heads about whether or not the nerve endings are too close to approximation to one another, and worst yet, the healing nodes where the kink occurs didn't misfires to one another, causing that weird hot/cold numbness and tingling.
That's the strange thing. None of us could figure out the directive of this. We noticed this discussion in the past too, and even to the elite of the medical professionals in the pathology departments, they all came up with the "?!!"

If the nerve branch is damaged, the main two senses cannot be felt. That means pressure (touch) and temperature. Of course, the two senses are really 14, where as the 5 main senses are more than 34 inter-related senses. If the penile shaft and glans can feel "everything", the discussions were thermal, touch, pressure, and sensitivity are all active and optimal on the outside. When blood filled the cavernosa and spongiosum, that's internal triggering to cover the remainder. Both internal and external are optimal. However, when there's no thermal influence, while there's sensivity and pressure, optimal conditions are not reached. This is why we suggested wrapping up to keep the temperature constant to reach optimal point.

But then, we're all scratching our heads about whether or not the nerve endings are too close to approximation to one another, and worst yet, the healing nodes where the kink occurs didn't misfires to one another, causing that weird hot/cold numbness and tingling.
Is this something a doctor could test for? I agree with keeping warm via wrap, very smart. Is it possible for this to heal on its own?
Is this something a doctor could test for? I agree with keeping warm via wrap, very smart. Is it possible for this to heal on its own?
This is where pathology comes in. Testing method was a combo of CAT, MRI, and Doppler/ultrasound for discontinuity of blood vessels and branches. An MRI was taken but we didn't get the update on the results.

Even they were stumped, but suggested many approaches. I provided in the earlier discussions. A new one that just came in was an experimental injection of tracer chemical and stem cells, with stimulation of NIR+ using red light therapy. So far, 60 or so patients received interesting results and clinical around the world are testing the methods.
This is where pathology comes in. Testing method was a combo of CAT, MRI, and Doppler/ultrasound for discontinuity of blood vessels and branches. An MRI was taken but we didn't get the update on the results.

Even they were stumped, but suggested many approaches. I provided in the earlier discussions. A new one that just came in was an experimental injection of tracer chemical and stem cells, with stimulation of NIR+ using red light therapy. So far, 60 or so patients received interesting results and clinical around the world are testing the methods.
Thanks. The MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY would be a good option especially if used multiple times a day. I also agree with getting all those tests done. At this point that is my best advice.
my shaft feels as it always has. frenulum feels good also. glans not so much.
That's the strange thing. None of us could figure out the directive of this. We noticed this discussion in the past too, and even to the elite of the medical professionals in the pathology departments, they all came up with the "?!!"

If the nerve branch is damaged, the main two senses cannot be felt. That means pressure (touch) and temperature. Of course, the two senses are really 14, where as the 5 main senses are more than 34 inter-related senses. If the penile shaft and glans can feel "everything", the discussions were thermal, touch, pressure, and sensitivity are all active and optimal on the outside. When blood filled the cavernosa and spongiosum, that's internal triggering to cover the remainder. Both internal and external are optimal. However, when there's no thermal influence, while there's sensivity and pressure, optimal conditions are not reached. This is why we suggested wrapping up to keep the temperature constant to reach optimal point.

But then, we're all scratching our heads about whether or not the nerve endings are too close to approximation to one another, and worst yet, the healing nodes where the kink occurs didn't misfires to one another, causing that weird hot/cold numbness and tingling.
hmm. i feel cold fingers just fine. i feel cold ice very well too. if i held it on awhile, it got downright cold and painful,. i feel hot in the shower, although not as prevalent. i dont think warm water has ever seemed as intense as cold though . feels normal with hot, as does shaft. i can also feel the sprayer on glans. it does feel a tad different though. although i had my eyes closed, i can feel it all. just feels a little tender perhaps. theres a couple spots right at the tip that touch my underwear that gives me unhappy feelings that i dont feel when touching. and not always. i go to see what MRI says wed. figure itll say nothing
Thanks. The MOSRED would be a good option especially if used multiple times a day. I also agree with getting all those tests done. At this point that is my best advice.
ive used the crap out of that , with no help. it just felt good cause it was warm really.
ive used the crap out of that , with no help. it just felt good cause it was warm really.
I would remain consistent with the MOSRED as it can take time to heal. I hope the MRI gives us some answers
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