case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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Discuss my case with your colleagues tooo... And tell me some procedures to accelerate my healing process... Find more details about PShot and Shockwave therapy
They are monitoring you. They give the same advice to me to provide to you. Since they don't live close to you, they can't provide more concrete advices without seeing your past information. We don't like to look at personal information, but when it comes to your health, we have to take that one step forward to go against personal beliefs of prying into a person's life. We will always ask consents.
Does it completely heea

Does it completely heals ??? Or what percentage it heals..

And What are chances of getting it damaged again when start having sex or stretching it after heal process ??
Yes that have been my experience
Did you suffered nerve damage too while PE??? Or you have seen other people suffering and recover
Did I? Yes. Not once, not twice, but multiple times. It's the nature of making your penis grow beyond its intended length and girth. However, I didn't go to the extreme levels. I took the safe routes. Rather than forcing my penis to grow 1in length and 1in girth in 3 months, I slowed down and allow things to grow over the entire year. The faster you force the penis to grow, the faster you can damage it. So, there's a trade off. Slow and steady, or fast and furious. You do the math on what's best for you.
while im not really getting any where,and am realizing any chance of having a normal life is all in the past, im noticing a discharge occasionally last few days. milked it out when i got up and there was more. not much volume at all, but its there . just 2-3 drops of what id normally call precum. but this is different. this isnt any semen like my body has ever produced. this is much whiter, and not sticky like semen always has been, watery almost.
while im not really getting any where,and am realizing any chance of having a normal life is all in the past, im noticing a discharge occasionally last few days. milked it out when i got up and there was more. not much volume at all, but its there . just 2-3 drops of what id normally call precum. but this is different. this isnt any semen like my body has ever produced. this is much whiter, and not sticky like semen always has been, watery almost.
Possibly a mix of urine and and leftover precum. When your body generates over any amount during night time stimulation, it'll come out eventually with a bit of urine.

However, UTI, or urinary tract infection, can also be a hint if it comes out throughout the day as well, especially with a scent.
normally id agree. but this is way whiter like a puss color. and not sticky like semen. that and the fact that i havent had precum since the day this happened a year ago. very odd thing to me. but its never came back
normally id agree. but this is way whiter like a puss color. and not sticky like semen. that and the fact that i havent had precum since the day this happened a year ago. very odd thing to me. but its never came back
As you heal all systems help together. So as you heal expect thing to come back. I believe you are healing just continue with a hopeful eye on the future
oh ive been expecting things to come for a year now. it aint. ive been pretending its improving, but its getting to the point, i may as well realize this really is all there is. its hard to grasp, , but whats the point , i just dont even want to feel it any more
oh ive been expecting things to come for a year now. it aint. ive been pretending its improving, but its getting to the point, i may as well realize this really is all there is. its hard to grasp, , but whats the point , i just dont even want to feel it any more
When you went to your Doctor what was their prognosis?
ok. so i get that im lacking a little feeling. im dealing with that for now. what i cant get over is where my penis goes most of the day, and even night. its rediculous how much it lacks from my old usual. theres zero definiton to it when its like this, and takes on a whole different state. head and shaft very puny and short. doesnt respon to kegel. when its like this its even more sensitive in clothes. my glans doesnt feel right at all like this.
yet this morn when i wake, i decide to have sex for a few min. i use lube, and it takes almost no effort to get hard and looks normal size. sex was good. firm erection the whole time. glans still oversestive, not terrible. i get up ,head out the door, and its gone rest of the day. feel the tip tingle in clothes here and there. tonight, same thing. hard to even feel it in clothes. still feel shooting sensation during kegel, also tightness deep in rectum at same time. once in a random while, it will open up, and my full size is here again. very rare though. any ever experiece any similar things?
ok. so i get that im lacking a little feeling. im dealing with that for now. what i cant get over is where my penis goes most of the day, and even night. its rediculous how much it lacks from my old usual. theres zero definiton to it when its like this, and takes on a whole different state. head and shaft very puny and short. doesnt respon to kegel. when its like this its even more sensitive in clothes. my glans doesnt feel right at all like this.
yet this morn when i wake, i decide to have sex for a few min. i use lube, and it takes almost no effort to get hard and looks normal size. sex was good. firm erection the whole time. glans still oversestive, not terrible. i get up ,head out the door, and its gone rest of the day. feel the tip tingle in clothes here and there. tonight, same thing. hard to even feel it in clothes. still feel shooting sensation during kegel, also tightness deep in rectum at same time. once in a random while, it will open up, and my full size is here again. very rare though. any ever experiece any similar things?
Yes, this happened sporadically during my days of mountain cycling injuries. Wife suffered the same thing from snowboard sport injuries. Yes, it does happen to women as well when they injured their pelvic floor. Mine was direct traumas to the pelvic floor region, between the anal and scrotum from heavy shocks. My wife's was due to multiple falling traumas and landing flat on her butt from fast velocity during attempt to do emergency stops.

Just like yours, my penis shrunk to the mushroom size and practically hid inside my body. During period of healing, I do city roadway cycling to keep up with my stamina and endurance training. And yes, my penis sudden came out after sufficient amount of stimulation of the pelvic floor and good blood flow. During that time, I was doing reverse kegel while cycling. The pressure and blood flow release whatever kink that reduce the blood flow into my penis.

For my wife, her would complain her vaginal lips (large-majora and small-minora) were cold. When we had sex, her vaginal wall felt cold and very dry. Normally, she leaked like a faucet. After healing period, warm and wetness returned.
im just out of stretches. i used to get some response at times, but wow, this is horrible. if i could get it to stay normal some of the day and have any kind of kegel response /feeling, i really could deal with this pretty well for now i think. i still dont know whats up with my glans, cause i can feel during sex. its just a tiny amount skewed. its hard to explain,but when stroking it, the tissue just feels "new" i guess is the best i can come up with. after stroking, it slowly regresses back to hell, and im left with this usless nub until the night comes again and awakens it for awhile. and even those are not as strong as a few months ago. and sometimes, the glans doest seem to respond. sometimes it does.
im still trying to get out of this hell. i just cant seem to shake it . i get a little decent time, then it all seems to start over again. past week has been rough. i got into a soft drink or 5 , and i wast aware there was caffeine in it. got really sensitive and had off and on stinging again. little better now after tthat.
it also just still feels like the pelvic floor has me tied down here as well. i cant figure out what stretch or position i need to shake it though. couple weeks ago i was feeling somewhat decent. flowing and feeling was decent. even had some libido. it just doesnt stay around long. always that knot deep in my rectum and a very restricted tight feeling right through my penis wheni kegel. and penis never moves whatsoever during this. erections at night have seemed subpar, but consistent. somewhat numb occasionally. other times, i have really good feeling of them. very confusing. still zero daytime size or arousal whatsoever on a normal day now.. (unless i have a lucky day)

but after i get up out of bed, i seem to never get away from that disconnected, num ,shrunken feeling if im walking around. i cant help think pelvic floor is effecting this also, but its so , so horrible of a feeling(missing penis), i cant get my mind to decide what is causing it. this is absolutely stupid, and really hard to take, and not crawl in a hole and die. every time i kegel to try and try to get flow into my junk, it jsut feels like a wall of resistance. i just know that on the rare events that i was able to get it to hang normally with some girth, it felt so so much more right than it does like this. i just dont seem to have many more direction to go except down. right at a year now. still hoping /praying for a miracle. doesnt feel that great of chances though.

one thing that bothers me. if this is nerve issues. why would a doctor not advise staying off sugar/caffeine etc?i doused my sorrows in those for months till i figured that out on my own. they literally said nothing . here's the question that eats at me. Did that prolong the time to start healing or did it just destroy it period ?
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im still trying to get out of this hell. i just cant seem to shake it . i get a little decent time, then it all seems to start over again. past week has been rough. i got into a soft drink or 5 , and i wast aware there was caffeine in it. got really sensitive and had off and on stinging again. little better now after tthat.
it also just still feels like the pelvic floor has me tied down here as well. i cant figure out what stretch or position i need to shake it though. couple weeks ago i was feeling somewhat decent. flowing and feeling was decent. even had some libido. it just doesnt stay around long. always that knot deep in my rectum and a very restricted tight feeling right through my penis wheni kegel. and penis never moves whatsoever during this. erections at night have seemed subpar, but consistent. somewhat numb occasionally. other times, i have really good feeling of them. very confusing. still zero daytime size or arousal whatsoever on a normal day now.. (unless i have a lucky day)

but after i get up out of bed, i seem to never get away from that disconnected, num ,shrunken feeling if im walking around. i cant help think pelvic floor is effecting this also, but its so , so horrible of a feeling(missing penis), i cant get my mind to decide what is causing it. this is absolutely stupid, and really hard to take, and not crawl in a hole and die. every time i kegel to try and try to get flow into my junk, it jsut feels like a wall of resistance. i just know that on the rare events that i was able to get it to hang normally with some girth, it felt so so much more right than it does like this. i just dont seem to have many more direction to go except down. right at a year now. still hoping /praying for a miracle. doesnt feel that great of chances though.

one thing that bothers me. if this is nerve issues. why would a doctor not advise staying off sugar/caffeine etc?i doused my sorrows in those for months till i figured that out on my own. they literally said nothing . here's the question that eats at me. Did that prolong the time to start healing or did it just destroy it period ?
The doctor will most likely give you gabapen which deals with issue
The doctor will most likely give you gabapen which deals with issue
thats not what i said.. im talking about many months ago when i went and he never mentioned anything on what to avoid to heal things. would have been nice to know and not find out the hard way later, and possibly even prevent further healing. kinda late now
thats not what i said.. im talking about many months ago when i went and he never mentioned anything on what to avoid to heal things. would have been nice to know and not find out the hard way later, and possibly even prevent further healing. kinda late now
Are you using the MOSRED?
i have no other choice in this hell. not sure ill ever get any farther. my nerves are all kinds of weird still. feels like a ghost penis in clothes. i can feel everything and sometimes too much during sex. feels 90-95% right. always has. and i can feel a light tissue ran across glans(although a touch off).

yet, i have zero kegel flow response when trying to arouse myself. which is highly confusing how i even have sex when i do. and still cant feel right or get aroused at all during the day. thats what i miss most
It could be a long shot, but try to get a consult with a low intensity soundwave therapy (LIST), using focused method over the normal broad method. It's only available at clinics. It's a long shot, but it's a very viable shot.
im just not sure of that stuff working from what ive read. could i guess. im currently just staying really healthy with zero sugar/caffeine and medicating ,trying to keep excercising. if somehow i could get my original libido and that mental arousal feeling with that kegel spark, id be in good shape. ive only had it a handful of times in this past year. lately, i cant seem to make it happen. and that keeps me pretty wilted and it totally sucks to make it through a day like that every day . and it seems the more flaccid and shriveled it is, the less feeling and more pain /cold there is
Don't starve your body from sugar. Limit it, but don't starve it. Don't use sugar free and sweeteners either. Those things are toxic. Caffeine is fine, but none will be fine as well. Try a variety of supplements to keep your body in good health. Men mega vitamins are good. Combo with libido type supplements are great. See brother @Haursen posts on his usages on the supplements.
well. i get natural sugar from fruit mostly. caffeine is not fine to me lol. my feeling loss/ indifference is for sure there, but i could absolutely be ok if i could have my chubby penis again. it never returns ever now, and i dont know why. unless i have sex. then gone again. night erections have also wained firmness alot. unless i wake up, then i can sometimes make them fuller. lifeless little unit that i cant kegel anything into period all day. or night now. its really confusing where it went. i used to hang really thick at times. its just absolutely embarrasing to feel and look at now.

and shrunkeness is what started this whole mess. i felt fine otherwise at first for a month or more. i took total beets pills occasionally. those really made a huge difference. they do nothing now. i took same viagra dose i did 6 months ago the other day. only thing i noticed was a slight edge of pain relief for an hour. may or may not have even been from that. 6 months ago i did it , and i was walking around with full wood within 30 min. and i wasnt even aroused. cialis is the same way. i just dont get what seems to block normal flow 24 hrs a day, but yet i can stil get hard somehow sometimes and have sex. laying down at night used to help. then it was sleeping on my back for awhile. then sometimes stretching made it come around. now nothing seems to revive it, an i just have to walk around like this. and if i jog a mile, good lord, its horrible. i mean horrible. i started running when this started, and i had ungodly more size during it then. its so deprived when i run now, it sticks straight out and i cant feel a thing.
i guess im just too hopeful that its not nerves causing this. its just quite hard to deal with. im just never gonna feel anythig during the day. which is weird, cause today for awhile it was quite terrible with a light distant burn. then a couple hours later i had a little while where it felt pretty ok. and i could feel my package again,even feeling was mostly there.. the back and forth is super hard to process. after that, it just felt overstimulated and almost arousing driving down the road. and that generally makes me haev to pee again. which is hard to finish ,cause i cant seem to kegel the lastof it out, just like always. im so screwed up. im so active, then i gotta lay down and rest it awhile or ill have a panic attack from the feelings
well. it would appear as much as i have waited and tried, i may as well throw in the towel. this has ruined me as a person, and i just gotta move on knowing that merely screwing around with a stupid thought has killed me. ive went on the only way i can, but i died a year ago .

no matter how much i think ive improved, i just cant get rid of the glans stinging when it feels like it. i cant get aroused or even feel like i have a package unless im physically with my wife. i kegel and i feel nothing, unless im already hard. then it works fine. my glans is still over sensitive, yet most times if im walking i dont feel a thing. i shrink up to unreal sizes throughout the day. then ill sit for awhile, and i kind of feel some relief. until i get up again.

i cant masturbate, or it seems my glans feels over stimulated and num the next few days . sex is a tad better, but it effects me as well. ive actually lately felt decently comfortable, but no arousal at all. night is the same. i feel ok at night, not aroused though. and i stay ultra limp and small all night until i have an erection. and those are hit or miss in strength now as well.

i have a hard time looking at my family every day now, cause ive failed them over an idiotic idea . im only still alive cause of them and God. all i can do is keep working and praying, causei ve nothing else to live for with this pain everyday. im out of ideas, and theres not much else to do other than stay alive and try not to cry any more. . i may try some fasting, but short of a miracle, lets face it. its bee 13 months and im still not all.
thanks for that. ... got MRI yesterday. not that it matters. ive gotten worse as time goes on it seems. nothing i do gets my normal size to happen anymore. i go all day, all night, and wake up in the deadest limp uselessness there is. zero arousal all day . i dont feel much of anythiing all day. except that its way small/lifeless, and the irritation i never could get rid of. i reckon the nerves are done. i have no physical desire or connection to it .
yet, every night i still get erections. i dont have sex or mast anymore much at all cause it causes too much regression. i still cant fathom having no feeling, yet its over sensitive if i have sex. pretty much, i have destroyed every single part of sex and life, yet it still somehow will get hard. if i wrap it up all day, i feel zero all day. cant even tell where it is or what state its in. if i go normal, i feel num, yet i feel everything i shouldnt feel. im so screwed up, an implant wont even do me any good now. all cause i read this could help with erection strength. then when i seemed to feel improvment it led me down a rabbit hole i cant get out of. reading stuff like ,if it starts to hurt, youre doing it to hard. seemed simple enough. if it hurts, just stop. simple. it was so simple, i didnt even realize what hit me for a month. and even then i didnt understand. I had zero pain or discomfort whatsoever. had no idea i had done anything and its taken over a year to fully deplete my system totally.
i keep praying for miracles, but im pretty much a sexless man now. i didnt even need PE then. now i need everything. this is as low as you can ever be as a person.
thanks for that. ... got MRI yesterday. not that it matters. ive gotten worse as time goes on it seems. nothing i do gets my normal size to happen anymore. i go all day, all night, and wake up in the deadest limp uselessness there is. zero arousal all day . i dont feel much of anythiing all day. except that its way small/lifeless, and the irritation i never could get rid of. i reckon the nerves are done. i have no physical desire or connection to it .
yet, every night i still get erections. i dont have sex or mast anymore much at all cause it causes too much regression. i still cant fathom having no feeling, yet its over sensitive if i have sex. pretty much, i have destroyed every single part of sex and life, yet it still somehow will get hard. if i wrap it up all day, i feel zero all day. cant even tell where it is or what state its in. if i go normal, i feel num, yet i feel everything i shouldnt feel. im so screwed up, an implant wont even do me any good now. all cause i read this could help with erection strength. then when i seemed to feel improvment it led me down a rabbit hole i cant get out of. reading stuff like ,if it starts to hurt, youre doing it to hard. seemed simple enough. if it hurts, just stop. simple. it was so simple, i didnt even realize what hit me for a month. and even then i didnt understand. I had zero pain or discomfort whatsoever. had no idea i had done anything and its taken over a year to fully deplete my system totally.
i keep praying for miracles, but im pretty much a sexless man now. i didnt even need PE then. now i need everything. this is as low as you can ever be as a person.
Good to hear that you got approved of the MRI and went through with scan. It actually matters. Now, we can find out what's going on. If you have good radiologists on hand, they can spot things right away. If your radiologists are male, it will flag them even more to search for probable issues using the full scan. MRIs are expensive, and so are the times being looked over. Brothers knowing the pain of not having a full mast, they will look.
i dont have high hopes. ive not read a single story of an MRI showing a single problem in this situation. i hope so, it just seems so far gone at this point. the only time i can somewhat feel decent is those few hours i get decent sleep while im not aware of it.
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i dont have high hopes. ive not read a single story of an MRI showing a single problem in this situation. i hope so, it just seems so far gone at this point. the only time i can somewhat feel decent is those few hours i get decent sleep while im not aware of it.
Praying for you ❤️
i need it. ive pray constantly every day. its so depressing to know ive shortened my life , and completely destroyed everything i ever had and ruined my family.
i need it. ive pray constantly every day. its so depressing to know ive shortened my life , and completely destroyed everything i ever had and ruined my family.
How have you ruined your family?
well. its taken a lot of time/experimenting to figure out my new crap life. but it kinda repeats like this. i stay sort of ok some days, no arousal though. i get erections nightly ,although not fiery strong as i used to. ill wake up ,decide to have sex, and i can /feels great. i dont get off though. most of the day after i feel fairly plump. occasional mild arousal. day or two later, i do it again. it seems to help my libido/feeling for a while. so, next day, ill sometimes do it again. it starts to really get to me. glans is overstimulated. ive taken 25mg viagra during day some. it plumps up occasionally ,takes the edge off, and the shrinkage . after that wears off, it feels raw again and tucks its tail . gets cold spots. goes fairly num. all kinds of damaged feeling . but i can feel really well during sex. sucks to be here like this. not sure i can ever recover my feelings without this overstimulated nerve issue. i wa nt to have sex, except it just seems to inflame my glans every time. i just cant seem to keep anything going. if i do nt touch it at all, it seems to just shrivel and die. all night long as well. i feel like i should heal this, but the inflamation just wont let me go. any ideas at all?
well. its taken a lot of time/experimenting to figure out my new crap life. but it kinda repeats like this. i stay sort of ok some days, no arousal though. i get erections nightly ,although not fiery strong as i used to. ill wake up ,decide to have sex, and i can /feels great. i dont get off though. most of the day after i feel fairly plump. occasional mild arousal. day or two later, i do it again. it seems to help my libido/feeling for a while. so, next day, ill sometimes do it again. it starts to really get to me. glans is overstimulated. ive taken 25mg viagra during day some. it plumps up occasionally ,takes the edge off, and the shrinkage . after that wears off, it feels raw again and tucks its tail . gets cold spots. goes fairly num. all kinds of damaged feeling . but i can feel really well during sex. sucks to be here like this. not sure i can ever recover my feelings without this overstimulated nerve issue. i wa nt to have sex, except it just seems to inflame my glans every time. i just cant seem to keep anything going. if i do nt touch it at all, it seems to just shrivel and die. all night long as well. i feel like i should heal this, but the inflamation just wont let me go. any ideas at all?
The question is, "Is it inflammation or irritation?"

If it's inflammation, you can deal with it using Meloxicam, 15mg daily. It should not interfere with any other medication you are using at the moment.

If it's for irritation, that's a different approach all together.

You indicated a plump using nitric oxide. Rather than using Cialis/Viagra to stimulate nitric oxide loading, how about forcing a normal and more natural nitric oxide loading without the blue/green/yellow pills that tend to last a bit longer throughout the day. We all discussed about l-citrulline. I use it in a form of l-citrulline malate (citrus excite the faster and more effective absorption, but you may not like the sourness). If you use mega-vitamins, it goes very well with it. During this period, try to wear a comfortable penis ring that restrict the blood flow down to 40%, which is 70% restrictive. Youc an still perform standard kegel exercises to get the blood to flow, follows by an alternate reverse kegel to inflate the pelvic blood pressure to relax the pelvic floor. Kegel & reverse kegel alternative to pump blood into the restrictive penile shaft throughout the day to keep the penis plumpness.

Never give up on finding a solution brother.
I didn't want to bring it up earlier, but brother @9.5inchpro brought up a subject that I hesitate in introducing as it's still experimental. My colleagues from various part of the world are testing clinical application of DMSO and direct injections of CBD on various level to stimulate cellular regenerative effects for their ED patients. I haven't got any solid data yet because they haven't been testing for too long. I can't provide more concrete info for your needs, but something to think and research about. 99% DSMO + purified CBD without the nasty chemical compounds left behind by dirty growth methods that exist in floral cannabis for smoking from unknown sources.
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The question is, "Is it inflammation or irritation?"

If it's inflammation, you can deal with it using Meloxicam, 15mg daily. It should not interfere with any other medication you are using at the moment.

If it's for irritation, that's a different approach all together.

You indicated a plump using nitric oxide. Rather than using Cialis/Viagra to stimulate nitric oxide loading, how about forcing a normal and more natural nitric oxide loading without the blue/green/yellow pills that tend to last a bit longer throughout the day. We all discussed about l-citrulline. I use it in a form of l-citrulline malate (citrus excite the faster and more effective absorption, but you may not like the sourness). If you use mega-vitamins, it goes very well with it. During this period, try to wear a comfortable penis ring that restrict the blood flow down to 40%, which is 70% restrictive. Youc an still perform standard kegel exercises to get the blood to flow, follows by an alternate reverse kegel to inflate the pelvic blood pressure to relax the pelvic floor. Kegel & reverse kegel alternative to pump blood into the restrictive penile shaft throughout the day to keep the penis plumpness.

Never give up on finding a solution brother.
im notgiving up. but im severely saddened and broken down. ive had to forgo my pride and try to continue on as normal and its the most depressing thing to give up ever. but for now at minimum , its all gone. i have to start over with nothing. nothing ive ever felt is here anymore. i will try l citruline and see. i just want my old drive/feelings again.
ive resorted to viagra this week, cause ive tried to stay off all of it thus far, but the shrinkage(which starts the burn) has taken me down. i need something some days to kill the pain, even if only a couple hours. i guess im not exactly sure if its irritation or inflamation. i just know its redder than normal and alters everything afterwards. and viagra seems to giev me a little flow for a couple hours at least. 6 months ago when i tried it, it made me rock hard without effort. now sometimes, all it does is kill the burn.
so, in a nutshell. if i dont use it,or at least make it hard , it exits life all day every day and is unbearable at times. but if i try to use it, it wont handle a lot, or it irritates the crap out of things , and the n i get a dead unit that has zero life and feels like vicks vapor rub and i lose all pleasurable feeling for the day . sometimes, more.
i guess im not exactly sure if its irritation or inflamation. i just know its redder than normal and alters everything afterwards. and viagra seems to giev me a little flow for a couple hours at least.

Interesting. Redder where? Glans? shaft? All over? Be specific. This can be a great clue.
on the glans mostly....also. i used to take Beet pills some when this started, cause i didnt realize i was even hurt at the time. i just started losing my flaccid size/girth only during the day at first. it used to help fantastically ,an i thought i was gonna get through it. sheesh, now they do nothing whatsoever at all.
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i just dont feel anything right in the glans anymore. it just feels like a nerologic nightmare. it doesnt feel like anything is going anywhere but down...sigh.
Do some research on Kurkuma and how to take it. They showed in studies that nerves are able to heal. Give it a try. Be blessed!
ill look into it. this is so weird, and it just wants to work, i just cant shake it yet. last night i was on zero pills or anything. erection happend without touching it. had great sex for around 20-30 min. never allowed myself to finish. it was amazing. rest of the night was really decent,. sleeping was good, had erections again that felt pretty normal for me at this point . all day today, i was, somewhat ok feeling wise, . around sundown, im gettin that weird disconnected feeling again from over stimulation. kegels feel restricted, glans feels tender and small again. touching it feels overstimulating and exaggerated/excited. tomorrow will most likely shrivel up again and not respond for awhile id say. i can have good sex and feel everything. i just have no feeling or kegel response(and feels tight)/ arousal unless im right in a sex situation.

You just landed a jackpot there with your observation and your willingness to stop before ejaculation.

This is a typical case of a mix bag. It's not just the pelvic floor issue, but also hormonal issues. I know you did a testosterone level test in the past, but what the clinic didn't do is the medial/constant evaluation of free level of testosterone. When you had sex and abstain from blowing your load, you are hanging on the remaining sliver of the free testosterone in your body to keep the nitric oxide level from dropping Dopping on Viagra/Cialis will not help as either will supercharge you, and then the nitric oxide level will drop like a ton of bricks. What keeps it constantly going is your free testosterone level, and whatever excess endorphins you may have to keep the nitric oxide level constant for a little longer until your body uses it all up.

It's no longer your nerves. It's no longer your blood vessels. It's now surrounding your hormonal levels and emotional issues to keep your hormonal levels balanced.

You just landed a jackpot there with your observation and your willingness to stop before ejaculation.

This is a typical case of a mix bag. It's not just the pelvic floor issue, but also hormonal issues. I know you did a testosterone level test in the past, but what the clinic didn't do is the medial/constant evaluation of free level of testosterone. When you had sex and abstain from blowing your load, you are hanging on the remaining sliver of the free testosterone in your body to keep the nitric oxide level from dropping Dopping on Viagra/Cialis will not help as either will supercharge you, and then the nitric oxide level will drop like a ton of bricks. What keeps it constantly going is your free testosterone level, and whatever excess endorphins you may have to keep the nitric oxide level constant for a little longer until your body uses it all up.

It's no longer your nerves. It's no longer your blood vessels. It's now surrounding your hormonal levels and emotional issues to keep your hormonal levels balanced.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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