Discoloration since 8 Months still not going away

That is part of the anal, vaginal, arm pits, and dark regions females like to lightened. My wife use it on her bikini lines when the sun causes odd hyperpigmentation because she has light skin. Shaving too much for her arm pits also cause darkened skin. She uses niacinamide mixtures as well for summer days when she overly exposed to the sun from outdoor activities in her skimpy clothing. Looks like I'll be grabbing a few more tubes of the niacinamide compounds at the local beauty stores later this week as we are venturing to intense sun exposures later. She likes to show off her glossy pink parts. SMH. Yeah, I'm in charge of determining chemical products since my knowledge of them is greater than my wife.
Would you say that Niacinamide might be better for my case as a first attempt? Or should I start with the Salicylic Acid? Maybe it works better?

Yes, I can also see salicylic acid do not work on some. This is why the market is flooded with various compounds that work for the groups that salicylic acid doesn't work.
But in your case it worked well, as you said, maybe I'll be lucky and it will work too.
Would you say that Niacinamide might be better for my case as a first attempt? Or should I start with the Salicylic Acid? Maybe it works better?
Try the one to see if it works. It doesn't matter which one. It's a toss of a coin since each person's skin reacts differently. While using salicylic acid, have the other one on order just in case. 6 weeks go by very fast.

But in your case it worked well, as you said, maybe I'll be lucky and it will work too.
Since you already started, stay with it. It may work just as well for you. If you don't see anything within 6 weeks, switch. Normally, I go longer, but why waste time when the other might work better.
I read this post of yours where you mentioned L-Critrulline malate. You can also order that here in Germany. Would it possibly help with the discoloration through the blood flow effect? Even if you don't practice PE? Or does it have no effect if you don't actually have an erection in the penis?

Does Citrulline actually work better than L-Arginine when it comes to erections and pump?
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I read this post of yours where you mentioned L-Critrulline malate. You can also order that here in Germany. Would it possibly help with the discoloration through the blood flow effect?
No. Unfortunately, it's to stimulate blood flow and cellular rebuilding. You can think of it as a forced method to migrate the iron and broken components out of the penis faster. Do, it indirectly plays the role of restoring the penis.

Even if you don't practice PE?
Yep. Time heals and restoring all things. Or not. Sometimes, you just have to help it along with pharma grade materials.

Or does it have no effect if you don't actually have an erection in the penis?
Yes, you need to get some form of erection, be flaccid, 3/4 erected, or just plain old hard as wood erection. Blood needs to enter the penis.

Does Citrulline actually work better than L-Arginine when it comes to erections and pump?
It's more effective than l-arginine during conversion process. L-citrulline is a faster or one step closer to converting to bioavailable arginine for the body to use. Think of it as gasoline ready to be converted to rocket fuel at certain grades where as l-arginine is like crude oil.
You can use the MOSRED to deal with your issues. Just need to find your happy place. The penis will become darker without proactive ways to lighten.
Mine is dark too from the pumping. Does not bother me or any girl I stick it into. One girl told me that I am a white man with a BBC
It depends on the case. So if the penis was in generally a bit darker everywhere, it wouldn't bother me. But as in my case, in certain spots and a longer line on the shaft, that bothers me personally
No. Unfortunately, it's to stimulate blood flow and cellular rebuilding. You can think of it as a forced method to migrate the iron and broken components out of the penis faster. Do, it indirectly plays the role of restoring the penis.

Yep. Time heals and restoring all things. Or not. Sometimes, you just have to help it along with pharma grade materials.

Yes, you need to get some form of erection, be flaccid, 3/4 erected, or just plain old hard as wood erection. Blood needs to enter the penis.

It's more effective than l-arginine during conversion process. L-citrulline is a faster or one step closer to converting to bioavailable arginine for the body to use. Think of it as gasoline ready to be converted to rocket fuel at certain grades where as l-arginine is like crude oil.
Can you take it as a dietary supplement every day? Even without training? I think anything that promotes blood circulation is generally not bad for taking for the overall gealth . Do you take citrulline? If so, how often?
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Can you take it as a dietary supplement every day? Even without training? I think anything that promotes blood circulation is generally not bad for taking for the overall gealth . Do you take citrulline? If so, how often?
Yes you can. I do it for my exercises to promote blood flow and recovery.

I take 3g on days I don't kill myself cycling for endurance and strength building. 6g a day (3g in the morning and 3g at night 2 hours before PE routines). It helps to keep my blood flowing all day and restore the stressed cells to recover slightly faster.
Yes you can. I do it for my exercises to promote blood flow and recovery.

I take 3g on days I don't kill myself cycling for endurance and strength building. 6g a day (3g in the morning and 3g at night 2 hours before PE routines). It helps to keep my blood flowing all day and restore the stressed cells to recover slightly faster.
How is your growth going?
How is your growth going?
Gained 0.75in in 7 months, with 0.5in girth. Had to take a few weeks off in between because of blisters and tissue tug back. Got a bit too greedy with tissues being malleable.
Gained 0.75in in 7 months, with 0.5in girth. Had to take a few weeks off in between because of blisters and tissue tug back. Got a bit too greedy with tissues being malleable.
👌 that is amazing 👏
Yes you can. I do it for my exercises to promote blood flow and recovery.

I take 3g on days I don't kill myself cycling for endurance and strength building. 6g a day (3g in the morning and 3g at night 2 hours before PE routines). It helps to keep my blood flowing all day and restore the stressed cells to recover slightly faster.
Good to know about the Citrulline. Thanks again for your tips. A little update, as I've had a lot to do and not so much time. I really started applying the 2% BHA today. Surprisingly, I didn't feel anything when I applied it, nothing burned or tingled. Absolutely nothing. You were right here again that the skin on the shaft can tolerate it. 👍🏻 But now I'm wondering whether it even works as a peeling if you don't feel anything? Of course nothing changed immediately, that would be too good to be true. So I'll keep doing it now and see if anything happens in 2 weeks.

What I also noticed is that the discoloration gets much darker when the penis is supplied with blood. Is that a sign that the discoloration is deeper in the skin or more superficial?

What someone mentioned also here in the forum was Arnica cream, which is normally used for sprains and bruises. I can't imagine that it helps in my case.
Good to know about the Citrulline. Thanks again for your tips. A little update, as I've had a lot to do and not so much time. I really started applying the 2% BHA today. Surprisingly, I didn't feel anything when I applied it, nothing burned or tingled. Absolutely nothing. You were right here again that the skin on the shaft can tolerate it. 👍🏻 But now I'm wondering whether it even works as a peeling if you don't feel anything?
No, 2% is not enough to cause peeling. 5% will.

Of course nothing changed immediately, that would be too good to be true. So I'll keep doing it now and see if anything happens in 2 weeks.
Keep us all posted.

What I also noticed is that the discoloration gets much darker when the penis is supplied with blood. Is that a sign that the discoloration is deeper in the skin or more superficial?
Darker color when blood flows in is a shadow of blood in combo with superficial colored layer. Is like adding a light brown layer with a dark red layer. Dual layers of dark color causes darker overall color.

What someone mentioned also here in the forum was Arnica cream, which is normally used for sprains and bruises. I can't imagine that it helps in my case.
Nope. That is to move bruises out of the way from fresh blood accumulation under the skin. Your case is the leftover that got embedded under the skin for many weeks to months, or even years. You will need more drastic measures.
Hello brother @oldandlively, a little update on the current situation. So far not much has changed with the dark spot even though I used the solution BHA 2% every evening. However, I now have a new small problem and that is I had an irritation on the skin of skin my testicles. So I used the 1% hydro cortisone just really once, not more. I put it on in the morning and really just only on the skin of my testicles.

Then Suddenly in the evening I had a really light spot on the top of my penis where I hadn't put the Cortisone Cream at all. I don't know if there's a connection between the cortisone and the light spot in that area.

I really didn’t put any cream there. So how can this happen? Will this light spot go away? I didn't have it in the morning so it can only be from the Cream but I didn't put any cream on that spot. What could it be? Can you give me some advice?
Hello brother @oldandlively, a little update on the current situation. So far not much has changed with the dark spot even though I used the solution BHA 2% every evening. However, I now have a new small problem and that is I had an irritation on the skin of skin my testicles. So I used the 1% hydro cortisone just really once, not more. I put it on in the morning and really just only on the skin of my testicles.

Then Suddenly in the evening I had a really light spot on the top of my penis where I hadn't put the Cortisone Cream at all. I don't know if there's a connection between the cortisone and the light spot in that area.

I really didn’t put any cream there. So how can this happen? Will this light spot go away? I didn't have it in the morning so it can only be from the Cream but I didn't put any cream on that spot. What could it be? Can you give me some advice?
Can you provide a photo?

I suspecting you many have a residual compound interaction through the heated and moist alkaline environment (sweaty balls as we put it).

While you take a chance for the photo, go ahead and do gentle washing using mild soap (like Castile extracted from natural plant oil) with warm water. Allow the area to damp dry using a nice wicking towel, and go commando (not underwear) as much as you can. Let's monitor for the next 3 days.
I suspecting you many have a residual compound interaction through the heated and moist alkaline environment (sweaty balls as we put it).
Absolutely right. I can only say again and again how impressed I am @oldandlively. 👍🏻

That is also what I found out on the Internet at least what the reason could be, namely that it was due to the heat and moisture that had built up in my underwear and that this reaction may have occurred because of it.

Because I had already tried the cortisone cream for the dark spots on the shaft and my skin didn't lighten, only this time unfortunately and especially on the upper part. Where it should not be! I tried as best I could to take a photo where you can see it clearly, unfortunately you can't see it very well in the picture but I have marked it and hope that you can see it clearly.

I also did a bit of research and there are a few cases of people who have used cortisone cream, for example on their face, and also had light spots. Some of them said they went away on their own in 2-3 days, for some not. I hope that won't be the case for me. So now I've just showered and put Aloe vera gel on it. I really didn't need that 😞. I'm trying to get rid of my dark infection and now I'm getting a light one instead! Do you think it will normalize on its own?

That happend on Wednesday. The Foto that I took was from today (Sunday).

By the way, my skin irritation on my Skin testicles came about because I had the stupid idea of rubbing Retinal Cream on the shaft in extreme hot weather where you are sweating the whole day wearing a underwear, and some of the cream came also on my testicles where the skin is definitely more sensitive then on the shaft. Plus the heat in my underwear, which irritated everything even more. which gave me the next stupid idea of using cortisone cream in the heat and then wearing underpants. 😔


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