MityVac comparison to Bathmate


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Super Moderator
Feb 8, 2024
It's been putting back burner for too long. While doing my routines, I'll provide the comparison. This is not an exhausted comparison for the two unit, but it's a starter. Add more info into the discussion if you like.

Let's do side-by-side comparison first according to main issues we've been discussing.

Water vs Air:
Both units can use water and air. The subject of water vs air is discussed in another discussion. There are plenty of prior discussion about the benefits water over air, air over water, and combinations there of. The search function will provide you many prior discussions.

Cylinder size: +1 to the MityVac
Both units cover all needed length, going from 5-inch (~13cm) all the way to 11-inch (~28cm). Anything beyond 11-inch, Bathmate fails to accommodate, where as MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System can extend its custom cylinder size further based on demands. Bathmate does not go beyond the limit of 11-inch.

Now, the problem with this is the base size. I may be wrong on this, but Bathmate current 11-inch supporting cylinder base inner diameter maxed out at 2.75-inch (~7cm) without the comfort insert. That means the maximum girth circumference it can support 8.6-inch (or ~22cm). If you don't have a large pelvic base to accommodate the large base, your scrotum will be sucked into the cylinder. You can't go up one smaller base at a time according to your needs. The MityVac has a base from 1.5-inch (3.8cm) to 3.5-inch (8.9cm) with incrementation of 0.25-inch (0.64cm) at a time to ensure proper fitment for effective pumping.

This is where Mityvac has a +1 point under its score.

Penile influence uniformity: +1 to the MityVac
Look carefully at the cylinder of the Bathmate and the MityVac. Bathmate has a unique shape of wide base and 2/3 wideness at tip. This is to provide optimal blood flow, good pumping structural support, and strength design through lighter, thinner but strengthen plexiglass. Replacement of the valve can be a hassle for Bathmate. MityVac has a straight and uniform cylinder from the base to the tip, providing the same structural strength through toughen plexiglass, a bit heavier, and exchangeable parts with ease without any tightening tool.

However, there's a major difference when it come to uniformity of the penile shape. When pumping, we don't want our penis to be larger at one end and smaller at the other end. Some like the pyramid or inverted baseball bat shape. Most don't. Most like to enjoy a uniform looking penis, especially the glans, where the glans diameter should be equal to or larger than shaft. Using Bathmate, a pumper will be far removed from this uniformity due to the shape design. Using the MityVac, if you base, your mid shaft, or even your shaft segment towards the glans is mishapened (a penis having a rugby shape, an inverted baseball bat, a baseball bat, or unique oblong shape), the cylinder provides the penis the chance to expand the areas needed to expand, and restrict the areas that are not meant to expand just yet.

This is where Mityvac has a +1 point under its score.

Compactness for on-the-go:
When it comes to a pump compacted enough for on-the-go, Bathmate is it. It's just a cylinder for either air or water to maintain your pumping size on demands. MityVac needs both the cylinder and the pumping pistol. One more added part not needed for the suitcase.

However, Bathmate is not getting the half or full point for this. Why? Here's why.

Using Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ), you can maintain the same pressure loading as the default version of the Bathmate. SSJ can actually work better providing internal pressure up to 6inHg if you have strong hands, which is much higher than the Bathmate pump without the hand pump. If you use the Bathmate with the hand pump, it's no better than carrying the MityVac with the pistol pump. The only extra part is the 4 oz water trap.

Safety: +1 to the MityVac
Bathmate does not have a gauge. The manufacturer tells you to pump X amount of time. Pumpers in the support forums tell you to go by "feel". This is the most dangerous thing you can ever do. Going by "feel" can get you into hot water very fast as you may exceed the proper pressure and hurt yourself. Pumping pressure safety requires you to follow a strict incrementation of pressure one inHg at a time, through "feel", observation, measurement, and pre-conditioning. There are many discussions on this, and a link will be provided when the collective discussion is created. MityVac comes standard with the gauge for measurement. It's vital to have this gauge for safety measure. Bathmate does have a gauge aftermarket mod:

When using the pump, some brothers like to use lubricant like Vaseline to enhance the pumping experience. The water trap the MityVac has prevent these viscous lubricant from gumming up the valves and pump. If any of the lubricant goes into the Bathmate components, it's a nightmare in removing and clean the parts properly.

This is where Mityvac has a +1 point under its score.

Part coverage guarantee: +1 to the MityVac
Bathmate supposedly has a part replacement policy. I even paid for it. The only problem is, the costs for shipment is much higher than the costs of the parts themselves. I even paid for pre-shipment cost ahead of time as a one-time payment. That is not the case. When I asked for a replacement of the hand pump, the post-cost for the processing and shipment already exceeded the cost of the pump itself. I fear when the cylinder actually gives up, such as the baffle gaiter breaks or the cylinder cracks. I will have to paid extra for the replacement.

MoS Shop covers your replacement out the door with its lifetime guarantee. Something to look forward to.

This is where Mityvac has a +1 point under its score.

Product supports and assistance: +1 to the MityVac
Bathmate has its support forum. The question is, how extensive is the knowledge on that support forum? So many questions, but not a whole lot of answers. MityVac has its own videos, the entire brotherhood to support the product, and many users far exceeded Bathmate pumping populus. MityVac system is based on an evolution of systems since the 1960s. Bathmate hasn't been around that long and it's struggling to challenge the existing MityVac system.

The community here has enough mods and field tested the MityVac system more than Bathmate can ever hope to achieve. Bathmate even has support coming from this brotherhood on mods and field testing. I haven't see any modding coming from other communities yet. This brotherhood strive on safety and support on many products beside its own.

Okay, I'm done with my routines. Time to get ready for bed. Have fun tearing this discussion apart gents.
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Excellent break down! All men pumping needs to read this and take to heart
Excellent break down! All men pumping needs to read this and take to heart
I had 4 different Bathmate pumps I used for some time to get my first and initial girth gains, I got rid of them all because when I had been using MityVac (with water) for some time, Bathmate felt unsafe for me now.

No pressure/vacuum gauge on Bathmate and I had no idea what vacuum pressure I was at. I even had implemented VacuVin modification (Modifications to Bathmate® HydroXtreme models), and this made my pumps even more unsafe, because I could drive up the vacuum pressure to an insane level without knowing it (no gauge).

Some have injured their penis this way. Maybe I should have kept all my Bathmate but I have limited space at home, and I do not want to risk my penis getting injured. I could never give them away either, becouse the knowledge of having another man's penis inside an equipment where I have previusely had my penis inside, would not be good for me on a psychological level. If you have MityVac you don't need Bathmate.

MityVac is better and much more cost effective. Just change out the Acrylic cylinder to a bigger one when you have outgrown it.

You can use Bathmate to grow but it's not it's main purpose. Bathmat's main purpose is to help with erectile dysfunction and it's not optimize for growth, even when you can grow a lot with it.

Here is the proof of that:

Q: Are the results long lasting?

A: This is a question that I often get asked and it is one with no definitive answer. I prefer to look at it from this angle, after use, the results are noticeable for many hours, when either flaccid or erect, but the effect could well disappear if you stop using the Bathmate. It’s very much like going to the gym and weight training, you personally don’t notice your increased strength and size over a few months period.

This is due to the gradual gains over this period and it’s possibly only when someone comments on your bigger build or better performance in the gym do you take notice. This is just like using the hydropump. Each time you use it there are fractional gains in erection hardness and the size of the erection, which like the gym give you the foundation to become stronger and larger, but if you stop going to the Gym your muscle tone and development will fade. This is why I use Bathmate almost daily to maintain my optimum size and hardness.

You will find this information (quote above) on Bathmat's webside. There are for sure benefits with Bathmate. The compactness in one, and you don't need an external water trap in order to operate the pump. But if you want fast gains I would highly recommend MityVac HydroVac penis pump kit instead. The ability to go up and down in vaccum pressure within one set without the need to remove all the vaccum pressure (restart) is a game changer. Becouse with Bathmate you can only go up in vaccum pressure or relese all the vaccum pressure all at once.

5 minute sets x 3 (Girth program (SRT 5x5x3)), during each set you go up to your high level in vaccum pressure during 2 minutes, and then you go down to your base level again. You will tug harder on your tunica albigunea, and this way also promote faster growth.

The thing that bugs me a lot is after all these years Bathmate, have not manage to implement a gauge, or made the "gator" any more comfortable. They have the "comfort insert", but if you use that you will not produce maximum growth. It doesn't matter if you do not max out the comfort insert. If you use it the suction and expansion of your penis/tissue will be highly limited, and you will instead be working on length instead of girth/width and thickness.

Also why are the "gator" (rubber bellows) for the HydroXtream models so big, it do not have to be as big as the bellows on the standard models (Hydromax). You have an external pump to create vaccum pressure, so why are the rubber bellows to gigantic? The reason is probably becouse of manufacturer reasons (they only need one mold instead of 2). But I really wish Bathmate would further develop their pump, or otherwise they will be left in the dust by other companies.

I will stick with MityVac HydroVac penis pump kit.
I had 4 different Bathmate pumps I used for some time to get my first and initial girth gains, I got rid of them all because when I had been using MityVac (with water) for some time, Bathmate felt unsafe for me now.

No pressure/vacuum gauge on Bathmate and I had no idea what vacuum pressure I was at. I even had implemented VacuVin modification (Modifications to Bathmate® HydroXtreme models), and this made my pumps even more unsafe, because I could drive up the vacuum pressure to an insane level without knowing it (no gauge).

Some have injured their penis this way. Maybe I should have kept all my Bathmate but I have limited space at home, and I do not want to risk my penis getting injured. I could never give them away either, becouse the knowledge of having another man's penis inside an equipment where I have previusely had my penis inside, would not be good for me on a psychological level. If you have MityVac you don't need Bathmate.

MityVac is better and much more cost effective. Just change out the Acrylic cylinder to a bigger one when you have outgrown it.

You can use Bathmate to grow but it's not it's main purpose. Bathmat's main purpose is to help with erectile dysfunction and it's not optimize for growth, even when you can grow a lot with it.

Here is the proof of that:

You will find this information (quote above) on Bathmat's webside. There are for sure benefits with Bathmate. The compactness in one, and you don't need an external water trap in order to operate the pump. But if you want fast gains I would highly recommend MityVac HydroVac penis pump kit instead. The ability to go up and down in vaccum pressure within one set without the need to remove all the vaccum pressure (restart) is a game changer. Becouse with Bathmate you can only go up in vaccum pressure or relese all the vaccum pressure all at once.

5 minute sets x 3 (5x5x3), during each set you go up to your high level in vaccum pressure during 2 minutes, and then you go down to your base level again. You will tug harder on your tunica albigunea, and this way also promote faster growth.

The thing that bugs me a lot is after all these years Bathmate, have not manage to implement a gauge, or made the "gator" any more comfortable. They have the "comfort insert", but if you use that you will not produce maximum growth. It doesn't matter if you do not max out the comfort insert. If you use it the suction and expansion of your penis/tissue will be highly limited, and you will instead be working on length instead of girth/width and thickness.

Also why are the "gator" (rubber bellows) for the HydroXtream models so big, it do not have to be as big as the bellows on the standard models (Hydromax). You have an external pump to create vaccum pressure, so why are the rubber bellows to gigantic? The reason is probably becouse of manufacturer reasons (they only need one mold instead of 2). But I really wish Bathmate would further develop their pump, or otherwise they will be left in the dust by other companies.

I will stick with MityVac HydroVac penis pump kit.
Endorsed 💯
I doubt if i should replace the Bathmate which i use for the 2nd and 3rd set with wider mityvac cylinder. If it would benefit me more and why.

I read a lot of reviews of users that gain a lot from BM. I believe you are one of them.
The best thing about the MityVac is as you grow larger all you need to do is buy a bigger tube. When you buy a Bathmate you will need to buy another model. Bathmate is much easier than the MityVac but once you master the MITYVAC nothing is better
The best thing about the MityVac is as you grow larger all you need to do is buy a bigger tube. When you buy a Bathmate you will need to buy another model. Bathmate is much easier than the MityVac but once you master the MITYVAC nothing is better
Already ordered 2" cylinder for mity today. I will try to work with that as the second wider cylinder. And will examine the difference in results.
MityVac is much, much safer to use as anything above 15hg is where the danger of injuries occur.
The HydroXtreme 9 I was using went up to 16,5hg and that simply is too much pressure in the long run.

According to Hink on YouTube the sweet spot for growth while pumping is between 9-11.9 hg. Hence the Bathmate is just too much pressure especially the HydroXtreme.

Was considering buying the Bathmate HydroXtreme 8(I already have the 9)as that size would fit me better until I realized I can just by a wider tube for my MityVac. Sure it’s a bit of a hassle with the lube and all but that’s easy to wash off afterwards.
MityVac is much, much safer to use as anything above 15hg is where the danger of injuries occur.
The HydroXtreme 9 I was using went up to 16,5hg and that simply is too much pressure in the long run.

According to Hink on YouTube the sweet spot for growth while pumping is between 9-11.9 hg. Hence the Bathmate is just too much pressure especially the HydroXtreme.

Was considering buying the Bathmate HydroXtreme 8(I already have the 9)as that size would fit me better until I realized I can just by a wider tube for my MityVac. Sure it’s a bit of a hassle with the lube and all but that’s easy to wash off afterwards.
I know the feeling of having to use the lube to pull the penis out. After that expansion in the smaller tube, it can be quite a chore to pull out. The trick it not to go crazy with too much lube. Just enough. Wife thought I was using the lube to masterbate in the tube. Sheesh.
I know the feeling of having to use the lube to pull the penis out. After that expansion in the smaller tube, it can be quite a chore to pull out. The trick it not to go crazy with too much lube. Just enough. Wife thought I was using the lube to masterbate in the tube. Sheesh.
I know what you mean, been trial and error finding the sweet spot amount of lube though now I’ve got it figured out.

Typical women, always thinking we’re jerking off all the time. Sure some do but not the majority of us men need to jerk off ALL the time I like to believe.

The diameter of the tube I use now is 2 inches, will buy another 2.25 inch tube soon as well to get more focus on girth going.
Try 1 day on and one day off. This may help you focus plus giving you more time to focus on other training
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