What is it with so many fatties fucking jailbait these days??


Nov 4, 2004
I've been operating under a "no fatties" policy for my entire life. Had I been "approached" by one, even when I was 13, ain't no way I woulda done anything. I don't know how these kids do it. Oh and by the way, that's one horny mufugga! lol


Underage Outrage

Cops: Teacher had sex with 13-year-old student 28 times in one week :!:

APRIL 4--Meet Rachel Holt. The 34-year-old Delaware teacher is facing rape charges for allegedly having sex with a 13-year-old student 28 times during a one-week period last month. Holt, a science teacher at Claymont Elementary School, allegedly had sex with the boy, a student in her class, at her Wilmington home. According to a probable cause affidavit filed today in Justice of the Peace Court, the boy's father contacted cops yesterday afternoon and told them his child was having "inappropriate contact" with Holt. Last night, in an interview at New Castle County police headquarters, Holt admitted she had intercourse with the boy 27 times and performed oral sex once during the last week of March. She also revealed that another student, 12, had watched her having sex with the boy and that she had provided both boys with beer. Holt is being held in a local lockup in lieu of $560,450 bail.
thats enough to gag a magget.

I can't belive these woman teachers...the men...i would expect this type of shit from, but woman....come on whats goin on here
Well you can bet that case will be a different tune than the one with the hot blonde that's been on fox news so much.

This stuff doesn't make my blood boil as much as it would if it were a male teach and young girl. Double standard I know.

The current event that gets me is that 9/11 film coming out. I can't believe for one minute that Hollywood is using that medium for "entertainment" and families of the fallen people have agreed to it as well. Very sad.
against_odds21 said:
The current event that gets me is that 9/11 film coming out. I can't believe for one minute that Hollywood is using that medium for "entertainment" and families of the fallen people have agreed to it as well. Very sad.

What's even more sad is the fact that America for the most part has bought the whole Bin Laden/ arab terrorist scenario as the evil behind 9/11. Our society seems to buy whatever the government tells them without question.
nobody said:
What's even more sad is the fact that America for the most part has bought the whole Bin Laden/ arab terrorist scenario as the evil behind 9/11. Our society seems to buy whatever the government tells them without question.

It's a lot easier to just nod your head and pretend to know what's going on and furrow your brow and act mad at someone who questions something that everyone should in the first place. I mean we all know that history depends on who is telling the story, what information is made available first and most abundantly, and the degree of the "truth's" impact. Why would anyone go along with the things that have happened in African countries, Nazi Germany, the atrocities done to the natives of this land the U.S. calls its home today? Why is it that the more people that are around the less likely someone will step up and help someone in trouble? We all tend to just go along with "it." The official story of 9/11 is sitting on my side table next to my bed. Inside, the committee insists that these findings are only supposed to be the beginning and it slowly seems like the story will be changed gradually, but in no way, what with how sensitive the subject is, do I think that the gradual changes to the official story will actually change what most people believe.
Man, how did we go from fatties fucking underagers to 9/11? ?:(;):p
nobody said:
What's even more sad is the fact that America for the most part has bought the whole Bin Laden/ arab terrorist scenario as the evil behind 9/11. Our society seems to buy whatever the government tells them without question.
Baraka said:
Man, how did we go from fatties fucking underagers to 9/11? ?:(;):p

Sorry man, didn't mean to hijack your thread. Like an unplanned pregnacy it just kind of happened.:O
Yes, yes, a time and place for almost everything! I haven't talked any 9/11 truth shit online in a while, like the whole "plane hitting the Pentagon" scam--AHHH dammit, no more! I agree it is a double standard, but it's also a different dynamic. I have danced *ahem* for women before, and they put their hands all over you, grab your shit, smack your ass...try that shit at a titty bar. BUT, I have practically zero chance of being beat up and raped, whereas a female stripper can't generally throw a man across the room. Nobody can force you to get it up. But on the other hand, coercion and trickery can make up for more than their share of brute force, and that fact needs to be recognized in cases such as this.
Baraka said:
Man, how did we go from fatties fucking underagers to 9/11? ?:(;):p
Yeah my fault too, um...yeah! I say no to fucking fatties damn it. What's the world coming to anymore?
Yes, 5'0" and 165 lbs. is indeed a fatty and I have no idea what is behind this social phenomenon.
Baraka said:
I've been operating under a "no fatties" policy for my entire life. Had I been "approached" by one, even when I was 13, ain't no way I woulda done anything. I don't know how these kids do it. Oh and by the way, that's one horny mufugga! lol


Underage Outrage

Cops: Teacher had sex with 13-year-old student 28 times in one week :!:

APRIL 4--Meet Rachel Holt. The 34-year-old Delaware teacher is facing rape charges for allegedly having sex with a 13-year-old student 28 times during a one-week period last month. Holt, a science teacher at Claymont Elementary School, allegedly had sex with the boy, a student in her class, at her Wilmington home. According to a probable cause affidavit filed today in Justice of the Peace Court, the boy's father contacted cops yesterday afternoon and told them his child was having "inappropriate contact" with Holt. Last night, in an interview at New Castle County police headquarters, Holt admitted she had intercourse with the boy 27 times and performed oral sex once during the last week of March. She also revealed that another student, 12, had watched her having sex with the boy and that she had provided both boys with beer. Holt is being held in a local lockup in lieu of $560,450 bail.

Hey mate, I only wish that my teacher would have given me a blow job when I was at school. Times where different then, the women wore long nickers and body armour.
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