What are these spotty discolorarion along my penile shaft?


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Feb 8, 2024
Some call it discoloration, some called it spotting, other called it blemishes, but they are all actually correlate with one another. Before we go on, let's identify what it is with this photo from Men's Health website. Other brothers posted their penis having similar conditions like this, or worst based on how much higher pressure they went above and beyond their tissue limit.


The purpura, or red-ish and purple-ish pumps popping up all over your penis after higher pressure zone pumping when your penis is not ready for, and at times, after overly harsh your penis from stretching, hanging, jelqing, and best of all, clamping. Clamping is famous for it.

Discoloration or hyperpigmentation can happen, both men and women alike. Observe the patches of discoloration that can be darker and more dense that this. Notice the size matches with the prior purpura that had been broken down over time.
(Photo from Wiki)

Darken raphe, the line that is below your penis which runs from the base of your penile body to the base of your glans.
(Photo from Wiki)

Let's break down what causes discoloration and purpura (red-purple blemishes). Our brother @REDZULU2003 discribed this very well when the brotherhood started to show concern for the color changes because of the extremes we went through to develop our routines. The post can be found here:

To further break it down, let's focus on two stages. Why did it form, and what happens afterwards.

The why do purpura form?

Let's bring forward a good cross section of the penis:
(Image from Research Gate)

During pumping, before our penis can condition properly, the high pressure causes the blood from the corpa cavernosa and spongiosum, including the blood vessels, to be pulled out. This happens quite often when the penis is not at full erection during pump and the vacuum pressure is too high, or better yet, when the penis is at full erection and the pump pressure went further than the penis is conditioned for. Look at the three layers: the deep fascia (the first layer of insulation layer), the aereolar tissue (the middle tissue layer), the superfiscial fascia (the upper tissue layer, all three layers before the skin layer.

When your pumping, or even stretching, causes the three tissue layers to weaken, you create gaps. Between these gaps, the blood can be pulled from your corpa cavernosa and spongiosum, as well as the near by capillaries, veins, and arteries to the skin layer. Each of the spot represents the temporary tears that your penis is suffering from. This is also true for your glans. If you see bloddy blisters and bumps, the same thing is occuring like it is along the entire penile shaft. It's not bad, nor good. It's just a sign that your penis is being subjected to conditions far beyond its current capacity to handle.

At times, small capilaries also break under intense traction force or from pumping. Hyper expansion and hyper elongation of the penis during PE forces the penis to go into the extreme states. This is why we go up slowly and not into the extreme to prevent this kind of things from happening.

What is discoloration/hyperpigmentation?

I'll recap brother's RedZulu's explanation. It's an "accumulation of hemoglobin and colored degradation products (biliverdin, bilirubin (formerly referred to as hematoidin) and iron) in the dermis and epidermis." In due time, the broken components oxidize with the new presented oxygen in the blood.

In the past, our brother RedZulu provided the insight to an ingredient called N-Hydroxysuccinimide that makes the iron soluble. It helps with siphon and mobilize the soluble iron into the veins and drains back out into the kidneys for elimination, or use it by the cells and blood. the market of today also has various other ingredients to lighten the skin as well. For example:
  • Topical salicylic acid between 1% to 5% in a serum (not mix with anything else) to apply directly onto the skin for 15 minutes or even over night. Once it's absorbed and delivery medium dries, you can just wash and dry it off.
  • Niacinamide, hydroquinone, azelaic acid, kojic acids (the list goes on), which is a common bleaching agent used for dark regions of the pubic and arm pit areas. There are many other version of natural bleaching ingredients as well. Just look for skin bleaching for private parts. You'll get at least hundreds of products with various combination of ingredients that best suits you.
There is no one compound that will magically bleach or fade your discoloration/hyperpigmentation away. Your skin and body chemistry will react to certain compounds to provide effective lightening, or simply rejects it. You have to find one that best fits you. Just a warning, the compound may work one year and will not the following. Your body changes due to ages and the surround conditions, so will your ability to use the compounds effectively.

How long does it take to make the discoloration to go away using treatments?

It can be as short as 3 weeks if you have the right compounds. It can take average of 12 to 16 weeks to notice the big difference. It can take even as long as 6 months to completely make it all goes away. If you allow it to go away naturally, it may take 6 months minimum to a few years. Sometimes, it doesn't go away at all based on your skin tone and how much oxidized deposits you have.

In my case, it naturally went away in 2 years after I stop my intense PE routines. I also forced it to go away using salicylic acid in less than 2 months. There are many products the ladies use that you can research on. They are ahead of the game when it comes to make their private areas more presentable to men. It's very strange that they believe the lighter the vagina area, the more appealing they can hook their men in. Most of the time, the ladies don't care about how "pinkish" your penis look. They just want the nice, juicy, plumb, long and hard penis to suck and stick inside them to reach the BIG "Os" (orgasms) or "Cs" (climaxes). Color is secondary.
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