uncontrollable sweat


Jan 22, 2008
as title says i cant stop the sweating. i go to school and before i know it i have sweat spots in my shirts under my pits. when i go to the gym i notice when i stand up my ass leaves sweat marks. i also have sweaty palms. ive tried counter product deodorants but none seem to help.
it always bugs me and it kinda leaves me in embarrassment hoping that no one can see. anyone else have the same problem? any actions you have taken to help this, all advice welcome ive tried to live with it but its just to much.
ive had this problem for years myself. i think people like you and me that have this problem, is because we have more active sweat glans than the average person. i saw a doctor once and thats what he told me. he also said that my body was just that way and that it wasnt any bad health wise. but if you are worried (that will make you sweat more, if you are j/k) about this then you should see a doctor, because your problem might be different from mine.
Google "STOP SWEAT NATURALLY" I just got 2.6 MILLION hits.
Gotta be somethin' there for ya bro'.
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